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MUJI無印良品【月薪社員】-大台北地區(大安、天母、內湖、信義、南港區)聯合面試_北區06/18 (二) 下午 聯合面試 面試地點:台北總公司

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

2024年年度徵才!!! 擴大展店人才招募中! MUJI 無印良品為來自日本的全方位生活提案店。 2004年正式進駐台灣,展店遍及全台,持續因應生活及在地所需開展各種不同店型的店鋪,積極招募對MUJI 無印良品有高度熱誠之夥伴加入我們!!! 一起為台灣社會及地球創造有所貢獻的未來!!! 【在無印良品的工作與學習】 ■ 完整的學習發展規劃,初到職1年就有4次的升遷調薪機會! ■ 包括服裝色彩學、家居空間配置及肌膚保養等專業銷售領域等你來學習! ■ 夥伴享有員工購物、衣料及餐飲優惠,無負擔貫徹體驗MUJI無印良品生活態度! [工作內容] 1.顧客服務:商品諮詢介紹、查詢庫存調貨、收銀結帳包裝等。 2.商品管理:商品進貨搬貨、補貨、商品排面整理、倉儲管理等。 3.商店形象維護:門市清潔、陳列佈置等。 4.行銷活動企劃與執行 : 依照在地需求企劃提案,參與及執行。 [排班方式] 1.配合百貨商場營業時間,須輪早、中、晚、假日班(開店前/閉店後整理工作) 。 2.四周排班,月平均休假8天,見紅國定假日亦為可休假天數。 [薪資/獎金/福利] 1.薪資:2023/9/1~雙北、桃園、新竹地區門市月全薪33,700元起;公司提供完整教育訓練,每季依通過測驗等級進行調薪。 2.獎金:季達成紅利獎金、活動激勵獎金。 3.福利:三節禮金、生日禮金、生日假、志工假、門市聚餐。 [面試地點/時間] 1.通過第一階段履歷審核通過後通知,未收到面試通知者請勿自行前往門市。 [職缺門市] ***面試通過後會再依居住縣市地區附近分發*** (欲跨域至其他縣市就業者,可於面試前至各地方就業服務站申請勞動部_跨欲補助津貼_https://www.wda.gov.tw/cp.aspx?n=A25A31DE8D66F1C6&s=7169BDFE5385FB1E) 詳細店鋪資訊請參照官網說明或下載MUJI PASSPORT APP https://www.muji.com/tw/zh_tw/shop [工作性質] 1.服務顧客故須長時間走動及久站。 2.商品整理時須搬運貨品。 3.自備交通工具尤佳。 [履歷投遞說明] 1.履歷請填寫完整,包括自傳。 2.初步須審查履歷,若未合格者恕無另行通知。 3.在學中請投遞時薪制職缺。 4.依法晉用身心障礙者。


6/13 #4-6專案助理(短期6個月,有機會轉正)

  • 台北市中正區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

工作內容: 1.專案文件製作、撰寫、修改。 2.網站頁面雛型繪製。 3.協助處理庶務性行政、文書工作 4.其他主管交辦事項。 ➢工作期間:本職缺為短期約聘性質,聘用期間6個月(預計至今年12月底), 上班時間9:00-18:00。 ➢工作地點:需至客戶端作業,工作地點距離昆陽捷運站路程5分鐘內。 (視專案需要,可配合出差至南投,差旅費用實報實銷) ➢約聘期間表現良好,有機會轉正職。 ➢有保勞健保

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6/13 演出行政(華山Legacy、北流)

  • 台北市中正區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

若股份有限公司經營臺灣最具規模的 「Legacy 傳 音樂展演空間」品牌,以「推動音樂人在產業發光發熱」爲宗旨。爲了深入服務音樂人,Legacy在尋找能依公司需求進行企劃案的發想、提案,擅長執行專案與管理、對其效益進行分析與建議,並對音樂產業有熱情的夥伴加入團隊。 工作內容: 1.負責演出內容安排、通告、彩排及演出 2.負責演出硬體規劃安排、協調及發包 3.客戶協調與專案業務開發 4.負責演出相關企劃的撰寫、規劃、籌備及執行 5.整合現場演出創新科技運用 6.行政支援及執行 7.其他主管交辦事項

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6/13 分析師研究助理

  • 台北市中正區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1、要有專業的財經知識,有投顧相關經驗者尤佳。 2、對於股票有熱情。 3、熟悉Word、Excel、PowerPoint,並擅長撰寫報告及報表製作之能力。 4、主管交代事項辦理。 5、需細心、負責任、高抗壓性、思路清晰、有耐心,具良好溝通能力及情緒管理能力。 ☆☆☆ 麻煩請附上對於股市市場的分析、投資建議之研究報告。 ☆☆☆ 麻煩請附上個人自傳。

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6/13 服務工程師(台北市)

  • 台北市大同區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

#無經驗可 #年薪14個月 #穩定升遷管道 #完整培訓 #另有技能獎金最高月領5000 #遠道者提供宿舍 1.系統維護 2.客戶現場異常狀況處理(獨立作業) 3.須外出執行工作 ★多元獎酬★ 員工分紅/三節禮金或禮品/結婚禮金/教育獎助學金等  ★全面應援★ 健康檢查/ /團體醫療保險/員工宿舍等 ★享受生活★ 多元有趣的社團活動/年度親子活動/體適能中心等 應徵服務分公司如下,錄取後依居住地分發 :(星號代表僅需機車駕照,其餘仍須同時具備汽機車駕照) *大同分公司 台北市大同區鄭州路139號2樓 (02)2559-3250 *城中分公司 台北市大同區鄭州路139號8樓(02)2553-6701 士林分公司 台北市士林區中山北路5段693號4樓(02)2836-6791 *大安分公司 台北市信義區基隆路2段115號6樓(02)2518-5369 *中山分公司 台北市中山區建國北路2段85號1樓(02)2501-5501 內湖分公司 台北市內湖區堤頂大道1段9號2樓(02)2792-5860

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6/13 抖音/IG剪輯師

  • 台北市中正區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

1. 獨立完成影片後期製作; 2. 拍攝影片及攝影專案工作; 3. 影片檔案整理及分類; 4. 應用剪映,或其他方式剪輯 5. 創造性地發揮自己的想法,提高影片質量。 本職位需要具備專業的剪輯技能,能夠獨立完成各種類型的影片後期製作工作。剪輯師在當今的視頻行業中扮演著至關重要的角色,有著良好的發展前景。 如果您符合要求並對該職位感興趣,請盡快申請,我們期待與您合作!

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6/13 【早班職缺】 Japoli新生店 外場主任/外場正職 38K起 ,外場兼職實薪185起 依能力調整

  • 台北市大安區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

讓全世界的餐桌上充滿歡笑, 是我們的心願。] 位於和苑三井花園飯店一樓 本店首創結合日、義、中風格呈現的豐富自助早餐餐酒館 讓客人在繁華的忠孝東路上享有靜謐的早晨 堅持提供美味的餐點及專業的服務 即便忙碌也致力於提供顧客舒適且愉快的用餐體驗 [工作環境] 完善的教育訓練與加薪制度 讓工作即便再忙碌卻有價值 給予同仁們專業培訓及良好的發展空間 [工作內容] 1.接待客人、帶位及介紹消費方式。 2.介紹餐檯菜色及加點粥、麵介紹。 3.簡單送餐、及桌面整理清潔。 4.自助餐檯整理及整潔維護。 5.吧檯沖泡茶、牛奶及切水果備料。 6.補充餐點、維持餐檯完整及食物的供應。 7.自助餐檯的撤場及午晚餐模式的轉場(須搬重物)。 8.午晚餐的部份工作。 [如何排班] ✭兼職人員自由排班,彈性時數(半個月排一次班) ✭正職人員月休9-10天 一天工時8小時(中間會休息1H,兩頭班) 班別有 5:00~14:00開早 6:30~15:30 7:00~16:00 配合輪休輪班(半個月排一次班) [公司福利] 勞保/ 健保/ 勞退 不定期聚餐 美味員工餐 員工餐飲優惠 三節禮金 語言加給 正職全勤獎金 兼職轉正職機會 [未來發展] 海外及台灣國內擴點持續進行中 擁有更多升遷機會及學習空間 歡迎有志、優秀的你加入japoli一同成長、提升自我價值

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6/13 室內設計師助理(中山店)

  • 台北市中山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1.藉由室內設計專業規劃,協助業主落實未來居家空間的想像與感覺,並評估其可行性。 2.配合業主需求或提出更完善建議,檢討及規劃室內空間機能,使其發揮最高坪效或滿足業主個性化需求。 3.協助業主選擇裝修材料、窗簾、家具及飾品佈置,以統合室內整體風格設計,營造更舒適的居家感覺。 4.規劃相關機電與消防系統,使業主居住更便利、安全且合法。 5.繪製裝修施工圖,作為施工人員之施工準則及驗收標準。

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6/13 Key Account Specialist, North- Surgical

  • 台北市中正區
  • 4年以上
  • 大學

At Alcon, we are driven by the meaningful work we do to help people see brilliantly. We innovate boldly, champion progress, and act with speed as the global leader in eye care. Here, you’ll be recognized for your commitment and contributions and see your career like never before. Together, we go above and beyond to make an impact in the lives of our patients and customers. We foster an inclusive culture and are looking for diverse, talented people to join Alcon. As Key Account Specialist, you are required to strives to achieve assigned sales goals for the teaching hospitals through the effective management of time and routing. The position is expected to call on all surgeons within responsible area, and execute sales and promotional tactics, in accordance with brand and marketing strategies. In this role, a typical day will include: *Achievement of sales objectives, Units and Value within the assigned accounts * Implement daily brand and marketing tactics, incl. RTDs, aligned with personal and district objectives and POA grid * Efficient management and tracking of time and resources (incl. samples) allocated * Improve on selling skills (GPS) and product knowledge, together with DSM and trainer of the company * Establish strong and effective business relationships with all surgeons and key decision makers within the assign accounts , by calling on all surgeons at adequate frequency * Keep up with administration tasks and support (Sales executions/SALSA, OR observation form, PAF, EFA Compliance, sales forecasts, Follow-up with marketing activities, PMP), and provide timely reporting * Report on competitive activities and follow-up commercial strategies, in a timely manner * Ensure compliance of company SOPs, vigilance reporting, code of conduct and local regulations in daily operation. * Complete any other business task assigned by supervisor What you’ll bring to Alcon: * Bachelor degree. Preferred medical related fields * At least 4 years’ sales experience of sales. Preferred sales experience in Healthcare industry * Good command of English and Chinese * PC knowledge (Word, PowerPoint, Excel ) * Negotiating and problem solving skills * Excellent interpersonal and communication skills * Team Player Why join Alcon? * Join a global leader with a rich history of innovation and excellence in eye care. * Be part of a collaborative and supportive team culture that values diversity and inclusion. * Enjoy a competitive compensation package and opportunities for career advancement. * Make a meaningful difference in the lives of patients worldwide by contributing to cutting-edge advancements in eye health. If you're ready to take the next step in your career and lead a dynamic team towards success, we want to hear from you! Apply now and join us in shaping the future of eye care at Alcon. Alcon Careers See your impact at alcon.com/careers

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6/13 Sr. Accountant

  • 台北市中正區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

At Alcon, we are driven by the meaningful work we do to help people see brilliantly. We innovate boldly, champion progress, and act with speed as the global leader in eye care. Here, you’ll be recognized for your commitment and contributions and see your career like never before. Together, we go above and beyond to make an impact in the lives of our patients and customers. We foster an inclusive culture and are looking for diverse, talented people to join Alcon. As Senior Accountant, you are required to provide expert advice to superiors for Financial Reporting & Accounting and manage the reporting and accounting requirements for the general ledger and tax; to ensure compliance with external and internal accounting reporting requirements in a timely and accurate manner. In this role, a typical day will include: * Work with direct managers to support financial activities, decision making and general projects. * Provide timely, proactive support on the tax and general ledger. * Support all processes in VAT and related reporting according to corporate and statutory and tax filing requirements. * Prepare analysis or reporting with particular emphasis on accuracy, compliance and timeliness of data provided. * Provide all data needed for internal (Financial Consolidation and Reporting System) and external reporting (including statutory accounts, national statistics and tax information) in a timely and accurate manner. * Contribute to FRA assignment or projects. What you’ll bring to Alcon: * Bachelor degree in Accounting\Finance related. * 3 years of experience in VAT and accounting from MNC * Familiar with SAP ERP * Responsible and careful in work. * Have team spirit and good cross-function coordination and cooperation skills. * Ability to work independently and effectively deliver high quality results. * Fluently read, write, understand and communicate in English Why join Alcon? * Join a global leader with a rich history of innovation and excellence in eye care. * Be part of a collaborative and supportive team culture that values diversity and inclusion. * Enjoy a competitive compensation package and opportunities for career advancement. * Make a meaningful difference in the lives of patients worldwide by contributing to cutting-edge advancements in eye health. If you're ready to take the next step in your career and lead a dynamic team towards success, we want to hear from you! Apply now and join us in shaping the future of eye care at Alcon. Alcon Careers See your impact at alcon.com/careers

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6/13 Medical Complaint Handling Specialist

  • 台北市中正區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

* Manage collection, processing, documentation, reporting and follow-up of all product complaints and adverse event reports (AEs) for all Alcon products from clinical trials, non-interventional studies, Customer Oriented Marketing Programs, literature, spontaneous reports, social media, etc. Transcribe, translate and entry of all data from source documents into global product complaint management system and/or safety database in the required quality, format in a timely manner * Input, review and approval of program proposals for language, content and establishment of necessary controls on collection and reporting of adverse event information * Perform reconciliation with other departments (e.g. Medical Information, Quality Assurance and third party contractor, if applicable) for potential AEs resulting from medical inquiries, quality related complaints and other sources * Work with other local/global Country Vigilance associates to ensure accurate evaluation of safety data * Perform local literature screening for Alcon products marketed in accordance with Alcon procedures and local health authority requirement, if applicable * Communicate with relevant parties (Medical Information, Medical Affairs, and Regulatory Affair) on the customer enquiry * If defined by local regulations act as the Device Vigilance Responsible Person and as the single point of contact * Being aware of local medical device and pharmacovigilance legislation/ guidance in the country (ies) of responsibility * Inform global/ regional of any changes of the local device and safety legislation in a timely manner * Survey monitor and document national device vigilance regulations and safety regulations, ensure that any changes are appropriately and immediately escalated to relevant stakeholders at regional and global * Working with regional and global to ensure all required Vigilance Clause/ Safety Data Exchange Agreement/ Pharmacovigilance Agreement are in place, appropriate and up-to-date * Ensure Alcon associates/ representative, 3rd party business partner, external vendors are adequately trained in product complaint and/or adverse event reporting * Track, document and archive of vigilance training activities in line with local legislation and Alcon standards * Develop and update training materials for device vigilance and ensure training of Alcon associates, representative on relevant vigilance/safety procedures for AE/complaint reporting, including field-based associates and third party contractors, if applicable * Ensure the country is inspection ready for both internal audits and inspection from health authorities * Develop, update and implement local procedures to ensure compliance with Country Vigilance procedures and local requirements * Ensure that a business continuity plan is in place which is aimed at guarantee the uninterrupted availability of key vigilance processes and activities, or mitigate the impact of an unwanted event by means of measures and procedures enabling efficient and effective business resumption and/ or recovery, exists and has been tested accordingly * Ensure support for and close out of audits, corrective action plan, investigation and health authority inspections related to vigilance * Proactive identify compliance issues and compliance gaps, follow up and closure of observations in close cooperation with regional and global * Ensure all vigilance procedures, organizational charts, curriculum vitae, training records documentation are accurate, current, and appropriately archived * Monitor vendor’s working process to ensure safety reporting meet the country regulations. * Support Regional Director in vendor performance review, reviewing the program proposal, SoW, and related documents * In collaboration with the MPO, define acceptable wordings for the survey questions or response choices to minimize potential data entry risks, if applicable * Handle customer enquiry on vision care products

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6/13 澳洲留遊學顧問(台北)

  • 台北市中正區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

[職務內容]. 1.提供澳洲留學、遊學相關諮詢與學涯規劃 2.澳洲打工度假語言進修規劃 3.辦理澳洲留學、遊學相關行政流程 4.協助申請澳洲學生簽證、打工度假簽證、觀光簽證 5.行前說明及協助安排接機、住宿、機票代訂 [職務要求] 1. 具備流暢的英文溝通能力,澳洲留學、遊學或交換學生相關背景 2.具備良好的人際溝通能力與服務態度 3.熱衷於教育產業,能夠擔任教育顧問的角色 4.具備團隊合作精神及高度的自我管理能力 5.具備澳洲留學、遊學、打工度假相關知識、經驗佳

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6/13 客服專員

  • 台北市中正區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

我們承接美商硬碟品牌的售後服務,主要工作內容/需求如下: 1. 接待臨櫃及郵寄客戶更換產品 2. 接聽客服專線,提供產品保固資訊 3. 倉庫收發貨等作業 4. 需熟電腦基本文書處理軟體 5. 具備基本英文能力 6. 不需具備技術相關背景,只要你/妳善於與人溝通,積極主動且親切細心 7. 工作環境輕鬆自在,非電銷且無業績壓力 同事們都很好相處,不定期會舉辦聚餐,歡迎加入這個小家庭!

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6/13 永續行銷專員

  • 台北市大安區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. 協助公司形象與品牌經營 2. 議題規劃及活動文稿撰寫 3. iLab活動發想與執行 4. 籌備執行永續議題論壇活動 5. 數位學習平台管理 6. 籌備數位學習平台課程錄製 7. 協助籌備執行客戶永續相關服務 8. 其他主管交辦事項

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6/13 『月休9天、月薪3.5萬起』芝生食堂 忠孝新生店_外場服務人員

  • 台北市中正區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1.桌邊服務 2.佈置及清理餐桌 3.為顧客帶位或安排座位 4.與客人建立良好互動,讓客人有個愉悅的用餐經驗 5.將菜單遞交顧客,答覆有關餐飲問題,必要時提供建議 6.上菜並提供有關用餐的服務 7.遞送帳單,請顧客付款或簽字 8.送單點單 9.負責意外事件及顧客抱怨的處理,並向主管報告 10.協助制訂餐廳服務方式與作業標準流程等事宜。 11.監督食物之製作流程、份量及擺盤等事務。 12.確認餐食品質穩定。 13.協調外場點餐與內場廚師料理的順序與速度。 14.提供顧客相關事項的諮詢服務,維護客戶關係。 歡迎 所有求職者

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6/13 櫃台行政老師

  • 台北市大安區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

【教育及特質】 1. 不限科系,教育相關或管理相關尤佳。 2. 喜歡與人溝通 3. 喜歡挑戰,高績效獎金 【工作經驗】 1. 1年以上工作經驗 2. 有補習班相關或招生經驗者更佳。 【具備能力】 1. 有招聘經驗,了解招生的具體需求和挑戰。特別是在教育相關產業或電商有招聘經驗者優先。 2. 大致瞭解教育系統、教學方式和教務運作 3. 好的溝通技巧。出色的口頭和書面溝通能力,能夠與學生、教師、行政人員和家長進行有效互動。 4. 分析能力:評估學生需求並做出適當分班。 5. 具電腦操作, 熟練使用辦公軟體、資料庫和在線平台。 6. 一般行政事務處理能力 7. 人資技巧, 可以面試、新人訓練及勞資概念。 8. 領導力和團隊合作:能夠領導團隊並與內部其他部門有效協同合作。

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6/13 類暗黑遊戲 社群經營

  • 台北市中正區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

【職務內容】 (1) 經營《火炬之光》相關社群平台(Facebook、Youtube、LINE社群、Twitch) (2) 規劃社群運作方案,成效追蹤及數據分析 (3) 協助解決、回覆各社群玩家遊戲問題,與玩家保持互動 (4) 彙整玩家提報問題與建議 (5) 評價回覆及粉絲團問題回覆 (6) 具備文案撰寫能力,完整表述產品或活動資訊 (7) 發想貼合產品的社群活動 (8) 與研發單位溝通與對接賽季資訊、美術材料、社群活動規劃等等 【技能】 (1) 熟悉打寶遊戲、類暗黑遊戲 (火炬之光、POE、暗黑破壞神····) (2) 熟悉辦公軟件 (Word、PowerPoint、Excel) (3) 熟悉FB、YT、Twitch直播操作並參與直播執行 (4) 個性活潑、開朗、外向 (5) 具備良好邏輯溝通能力 (6) 高耐壓、有耐心、有想法可協助處理玩家訴求 (7) 有影片編輯、美編基本能力加分 ※ 投遞履歷可附上過去經營社群平台案例作為加分項目 ※ 可於自我推薦或履歷資訊中表述自己對「類暗黑遊戲」的熟悉度與遊玩經驗

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