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  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

1.需要熟電腦windows,MAC最佳 2.照片檔案歸檔、排檔、牙科資料整理、病歷資料整理 3.櫃檯掛號及行政作業 4.與患者有良好溝通 5.健保申報及協助健保抽查作業 6.勤奮具上進心人員佳 7.可以與同事相處融洽 8.誠信很重要勿失約

【北區】東森REGAL SPA美容師/芳療師(台北市)

  • 台北市中正區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

原「東森自然生技美學中心」已於2023年4月起全面進行品牌升級為「東森REGAL CLUB & SPA」 將結合「一站式尊寵保養服務+奢華藝術沙龍空間」,提供更專業、更優質的美容SPA療程及服務,歡迎業界夥伴一同來共襄盛舉,創造更美好的未來 ●在Regal遇見最好的自己 ●以自然與科技之力來守護健康 ●品牌理念:Unique is perfect 獨一無二是完美的 ●品牌使命:致力發展精緻無壓的健康生活 ●全國9家直營門市,集團強力開展直營旗艦店,鎖定精耕高端VVIP族群 ●薪資+獎金與福利制度優於業界,導客資源豐沛,客源多且穩定度高,年度績效優者獎勵國外旅遊 ●多元教育訓練制度,透明的升遷制度,個人職涯規劃願景廣闊,歡迎加入幸福企業 官網:https://www.regalclubspa.com.tw/ 【美容師/芳療師 責任任務】 ※工作內容 1.負責顧客肌膚檢測與分析,提供專業建議與保養服務 2.負責提供顧客各項美容、美體、精油芳療及儀器技術服務 3.負責提供美容保養、精油芳療、壓力舒壓及養生保健等知識傳達 ※公司制度 1.無經驗可,不需簽約,公司提供專業按摩手技與產品知識培訓班 2.公司提供免費定期專業技能培訓,含知識科學、技術操作、店務管理,輔導考取美容各類證照 3.工作環境單純,新客源多,既有會員數多,無須擔心客源問題


6/07 文書作業人員 (晚班14:00-23:00)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

負責文件分類整理、檢核、掃描、建檔、裝箱等文書作業處理。 此職位是印刷產業運作的重要一環,細心負責也是這份職務所需的特質,若可接受單一且重覆性質高的工作,歡迎符合條件的申請者提交簡歷並表示對此職位的興趣。

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6/07 薪優~韓文小天才在哪!!【智鈦星】國際金融平台整合_韓文客服(한) | 超完整教育訓練 | 累積金融知識_KW

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

歡迎想活用韓文聽說讀寫的人才,薪優福利佳! ✦無經驗可,有超完整的國際金融專業知識培訓。 ✦優於業界的服務考核獎金及績效獎金,透明的升遷制度。 ✦無需加班,排班休假彈性,視當月假日天數而定,可適當自行安排。 ▶公司資訊: 提供全球化的金融平台整合型服務,專注領域從平台軟體開發、客戶專業諮詢、功能優化到市場推廣....等;合作夥伴分佈中港台三地,針對全球不同地域性市場(歐美、中、日、韓...等),在文化與工作交流上進行團隊與專案配合。 ▶工作說明: 1. 以文字或電話關懷客戶在平台之使用狀況。 2. 主動介紹並推廣平台優惠訊息及參加辦法說明,以增加客戶的平台使用意向及頻率,進而發展潛在客戶。 3. 服務南韓地區用戶,透過(電話/文字)回應諮詢問題,並維繫顧客關係。 ▶專業知識及技能培訓: 為期3個月的完整專業在職訓練,包含國際金融專業、服務及對談技巧、平台系統相關操作。 ✦培訓津貼首月2000、次月3000、末月5000(需出勤正常+評測合格) ✦培訓期間上班時間固定為09:00-18:00。 ✦正式上線後本薪+績效月均薪約為55,000~65,000元

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6/07 Quality Assurance Sr. Specialist/品質保證資深專員(台北總公司/團隊擴編)

  • 台北市南港區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

【認識我們公司】 台田藥品股份有限公司成立於1987年,與台灣田邊製藥股份有限公司同為隸屬三菱化學集團的大家庭,是國內知名的日系藥廠,秉持著不斷努力、不斷進步的精神於2023年突破25億營業額,期望為面對疾病的所有人帶來希冀之選,為每一個人提供最適醫療方案的醫療管理企業。 主要產品包含但不限於生物製劑、心臟血管用藥、皮膚科用藥。 如果想瞭解更多關於公司資訊及產品介紹,歡迎至官網www.tanabe.com.tw瀏覽。 【工作主要內容】 1. 品質管理系統、方針、體制之策定、執行、改善與提升等業務 2. 品質保證相關業務之執行、改善與管理 3. 有關品質保證、優良藥品運銷規範(GDP)文件之制定、修改、保管、管理、記錄等之相關業務 4. 與品質保證相關之治理和風險因應對策之計畫擬定、實施、檢討、改善等相關業務 5. 定期執行內部查核、接受外部查核,並依查核結果執行矯正及預防措施 6. 主管交辦事項 【建議具備的五大特質】 ✔ 良好的細節管理及分析能力 ✔ 良好的人際溝通能力 ✔ 良好的英文溝通能力 ✔ 具團隊合作精神,能跨部門完成共同專案 ✔ 願意接受挑戰和改變,以因應市場競爭及快速變動 【加分條件】 1. QA相關職務經驗1年以上 2. 曾有醫藥產業QA、GDP等相關經驗佳 【福利制度】 1.優於法令規定之休假制度 2.中秋/年終獎金及盈餘分紅 3.獎勵資深員工之久任獎金 4.健全的教育訓練制度 5.各項福利補助及措施 6.年度健康檢查及流感疫苗施打 7.守護員工健康之特約醫護諮詢 【面試方式】 二階段面試 第一階段將安排直接向共事主管進行面談,瞭解雙方需求,建議多提一些關於你想知道的問題,若初步有共事的想法,將安排第二階段深度面談。 如果對本公司經營理念、主要產品/服務項目、福利制度等,歡迎可到「公司介紹」頁面瀏覽。 如果看到這裡,希望加入我們一同努力,歡迎投遞履歷,並簡要說明想應徵的原因。

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6/07 Supervisor, Regulatory Affairs - APAC

  • 台北市南港區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

THE ROLE: • Take ownership of product compliances and regulatory affairs for Taiwan. Works within a multidisciplinary team to obtain and maintain product registrations and/or authorizations necessary for commercialization of nutritional and cosmetics products. • Responsible for reviewing new product SKU’s, development of printed components and assisting management with responses to local regulatory issues or challenges. • Support and advise the global, regional & local team for launching a new product in Taiwan based on TW regulations. • Interacts with various individuals and departments including: Global Regulatory Affairs & Product Compliance, Public Affairs, Manufacturing, R&D, Quality Control, Marketing, Operations, Legal, Product Science, Supply Chain Management, Creative Services, Members Services, contract manufacturers, TW FDA, outside consultants and outside attorneys. Responsibilities: HOW YOU WOULD CONTRIBUTE: • Responsible for the review of concept, preliminary and other countries’ formulas to determine ingredient acceptability and appropriate product classification in Taiwan. • Ensure new printed components with label & artwork are compliant to Taiwan regulations. • Prepares technical dossiers and compiles product information files (PIFs) for individual products to be reviewed and evaluated by country officials for product approval. Requests and prepares supporting technical and non-technical data from manufacturers, internet search engines, technical library and various departmental sources as and when required. • Initiates and drives changes for items (raw materials, formulas, printed components, SKU’s) through the database system. Responsible for confirming formula and label acceptability, as well as the receipt of necessary licenses, prior to requesting the release of product. • Prepares concise reports of all varieties through the database system. Responsible for adding and updating product & regulatory data in the database system. Assists with the validation of data for Taiwan, for use in all reports and queries. • Maintains and renews existing licenses for all products in Taiwan. Ensure execution of food and cosmetic traceability system stipulated by law. • Keeps abreast of latest developing regulatory updates and changes affecting Herbalife products, communicates those changes to management and relevant stakeholders, and implement changes as necessary. Also keeps abreast of issues affecting existing in-country products and properly informs management and proposes solutions. Qualifications: Skills/Education/Experience: • Bachelor’s degree in nutrition, biology, chemistry, food science, pharmacy or related field. • At least 5 years related working experience in imported food/food supplement/pharmaceutical/cosmetics industry. • Qualified safety assessor for cosmetics is preferable, but not a must. • Thorough understanding of regulatory environment and registration requirements for Food and/or Cosmetics • Good command of both written and spoken Chinese and English. • Detail-oriented with the ability to analyze complex technical data and develop recommendations and solutions. • Excellent organizational skills and ability to multitask • Ability to interact effectively at all levels and across diverse cultures. • Ability to be an effective team member and to handle project leadership responsibly. • Ability to adapt to a fast paced setting and evolving goals and objectives • PC skills (email, word-processing, spreadsheets, etc.)

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6/07 Ultrasound 產品副理

  • 台北市信義區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

In this role, you have the opportunity to Join Philips Health System team while advancing your career in a dynamic, fast paced and multinational environment of Philips Taiwan. Act as Senior Product Sales of ultrasound to provide professional support to the customers and capture the business opportunity of ultrasound in Taiwan. You are responsible for • Developing and implementing Taiwan ultrasound business strategy and plan; • Providing professional expertise and support to achieve business and market share target. • Developing and executing strategic and tactical sales plans. • Identifying new business opportunities. • Analyzing and developing insights in market structure and applications of the assigned products. • Initiates the required internal actions, monitor the progress and push for the deliverables • Give presentations on local management level, including presentations of technical information • Developing professional expertise, applies company policies and procedures to resolve a variety of issues You are part of Key talent of Health System aims to deliver qualified service to customers in order to fulfill the business needs and Company standard. You will base in Taipei office and direct report to the Product Sales leader of Health System. To succeed in this role, you should have the following skills and experience • Bachelor degree or above majoring in Radiology, Clinical Scientist, Medical Physicist, Biomedical engineering or related field is plus • Minimum 5 years relevant experience in medical device/ healthcare / clinical laboratory industry • With business development experiences is an advantage • Excellent communication and customer interaction skills • Flexible mindset within a fast-growing organization • Good command of both spoken and written English and Chinese

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6/07 Senior Sales Specialist, Enterprise Informatics

  • 台北市信義區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

In this role, you have the opportunity to Responsible for driving Taiwan EI OIT and sales, building strong customer relationships and driving excellence at the point of sale. Source new sales opportunities and close sales to achieve quotas. You are responsible for - Sells EI portfolio of products through direct and channels, cultivate and define customer pain points and needs, generating leads, qualifying prospects, presenting proposal, and managing sales of products and services. - Driving overall business and deal strategy through partnering with product sales, channel sales, delivery, and service team members. - Act as single point of contact for our Philips EI solutions for targeted accounts and develop relationships with identified stakeholders. - Developing professional expertise, applies company policies and procedures to resolve a variety of issues. Has working knowledge of EI products and services. - Work with and manage dealers to achieve assigned business target. To succeed in this role, you should have the following skills and experience o Bachelor degree or above majoring in Medical IT, Bio-medical Engineering, or related field. o 3+ years’ experience in hospital or healthcare industry, especially in informatics business. o Have expert knowledge of industry products and services o Understanding on market trend and customer needs o Excellent communication and customer interaction skills o With business development experiences is an advantage o Ability to gain cooperation of others o Developing professional expertise, applies company policies and procedures to resolve a variety of issues In return, we offer you A path towards your most rewarding career. Philips is one of the best in-class organization which offers you big exposure and long-term career development such as internal transfer and international mobility opportunities.

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6/07 【時段06:30-15:30】餐飲人員【190up】

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

1.內場餐點(洗、剝、削、切)各種食材,備料、製作餐點、飲品製作、餐具清潔。 2.外場服務(環境清潔維護)、協助顧客及服務、收銀工作、點餐。 3.必要需協助外送 4.學習能力強,具親和力,熱情大方,對餐飲有熱情。 擴大徵才,需要您的一起加入

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6/07 會計人員

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1.審核有關各項支付費用發票、單據及帳務處理。 2.日常會計作業及每月結帳報表。 3.審核其他一般會計帳務。 4.申報營業稅等各項稅務。 5.配合簽證會計師事務所查帳工作。 6.主管交辦事項。

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6/07 官網營運助理

  • 台北市南港區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

1.官網內容主題企畫、內文撰寫(ex:小雜誌、流行話題服飾穿搭)。 2.將文章上稿至官網&根據用戶體驗調整文章編排方式,且結合創意發想及文筆流暢。 3.協助社群貼文撰寫與上稿 。 4.其他主管交辦事項 。 ※ 請附上文案企劃作品。

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6/07 Sr. Coordinator - Business Development (Taiwan)

  • 台北市南港區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

POSITION SUMMARY 1. Initiate member promotion planning, execution, analysis to grow the sales for Taiwan market. 2. Observe Sales trend and provide business insight to support and stimulate sales momentum by customized promotion for Taiwan market. 3. Conduct business data pre and post-analysis and present the findings and recommendations. ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS (internally & externally) Internally interacts with the country Regional Sales team, Event team, Marketing team, MS team and Regional SS&A (Sales Strategy and Analysis) at all levels throughout the organization; Externally interact with members and vendors. DETAILED RESPONSIBILITIES/DUTIES: 1. Analyze business data and alert management team on business trends and segmental customer behavioral changes to facilitate the business decision making process. 2. Promotion development and analysis: plan and execute regular and special promotions to drive sales and optimize promotions by data analysis, such as premium selection, promotion result preview and review. 3. Work closely with internal parties on business operations and initiate on-going process improvement for performance tracking. 4. Provide promotion pre-analysis reports on estimate qualifiers and post-analysis reports to review results and seek the improvement areas. 5. Become the in-country subject matter expert on the Business Intelligence (BI) system, dashboards and other automated customized member & customer metric reports. QUALIFICATIONS: 1. Bachelor’s Degree 2. Major in 數理統計相關、一般商業學類、市場行銷相關 is a plus 3. Fluent in English speaking/reading/writing/listening 4. Proficient with Microsoft Office environment (Word, Excel, Power Point) and email. (Excel: Excel formulas & Pivot Table & Charts) 5. 3+ years of business analysis experience. 6. Proficient in any of data analysis tools such as BI, Power BI, SAS, SPSS, Python or R is a plus. 7. Team player with proactive and positive attitude & team collaboration skills.

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6/07 業務助理 /國貿助理/ 國貿人員

  • 台北市南港區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

*熟悉鼎新SmartERP系統操作 *工作經驗約2年以上 1.協助業務協調業務支援事宜。 2.提供客戶服務的相關事宜。 3.熟悉銷貨採購及進出口報關流程。 4.有電子產業經驗者佳。 5.對Excel操作熟悉

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6/07 (優品娃娃屋) 台北饒河店 門市駐點人員 晚班 17:00~2:00

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

•需求人員類型: 台北饒河街133號 娃娃機店面工作人員/門市駐點人員 需具備活潑且有耐心跟客人應對的個性 •工作時間:17:00~2:00 •工作內容如下: 一、協助店鋪日常營運及機台換貨、機台陳列商品。 二、維護店鋪之整潔。 三、協助並彙整店鋪內各機台物品販售之數量及營收等資料。 四、處理店鋪內客戶於遊玩機台過程中遇到的問題。 五、協助並配合公司行銷人員進行影片、照片等拍攝。 六、協助進貨/理貨/整理倉庫/盤點庫存。 七、協助收店之各項事項。 •薪資結構/公司福利: 一、總薪資新台幣45000-55000元(含全勤) 。 二、享 季/月 分紅獎金 且有完整升遷管道 。 三、享勞保/健保。 四、足年員工有年終。 •公司理念: 公司門市會有駐店業務輔助該店作業及基本教學 不需要多厲害的經驗,只需要一個肯學習並且積極的心 若您覺得有符合我們的人員需求, 並且工作內容您可以接受, 非常歡迎加入我們。 我們這裡老闆跟員工都不難搞, 有什麼就講什麼, 彼此答應的事情肯定都會做到, 真的有想做長期工作的再投遞履歷, 這裡沒有學長/學弟/學姐/學妹制度, 只看做事能力跟事情的對錯。

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6/07 網頁開發助理工程師

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

開發網站系統、進行功能測試與修改。 協助進行系統維護與問題處理。 經驗不拘,只要您對程式設計領域具有熱情與興趣,我們提供良好的工作環境,讓經驗尚未熟練的新夥伴,可以透過資深人員的帶領與指導,快速熟練程式設計及網站開發,一起創造您與公司的成就。 【職位條件】 1. 具 HTML/CSS/JavaScript/JQuery 等技術使用經驗。 2. 重視團隊合作。 3. 對於系統規劃設計勇於提出建議及改進方法。 4. 樂於追求新技術新知識並與團隊互相分享經驗。 5. 歡迎對程式設計有熱忱的社會新鮮人加入。

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6/07 商品採購-副理(Skin Care)

  • 台北市松山區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1.Driving on buying KPIs-Salse, Margin, NPD, Stock, Market share monitoring the result. 2.Key Result Area *Total Margin and Total sales achievement *NPD and new brand development *Stock week and slow moving items controlling *Market data analysis and result 3. Suppliers management. 4. Promotion, space planning and execution. 5. Trading terms negotiation. 6. Internal cross-department communication.

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6/07 Growth Marketing Manager (OptimO Asia)

  • 台北市松山區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

• Product and Brand Performance Analysis: Analyze product and brand performance data to identify • strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Use data-driven insights to develop strategies • and tactics to optimize marketing campaigns and maximize ROI. • Opportunities Proposal: Proactively identify new opportunities for online and offline media • campaigns based on market trends, consumer insights, and competitive analysis. Present proposals • and recommendations to senior management for consideration. • Media Strategy: Develop and implement comprehensive media strategies to increase brand • awareness, drive B2B customer acquisition, and enhance customer engagement. This includes both • online and offline channels. • Media Landscape Knowledge: Stay up-to-date with the media landscape for various local markets in • the region. Understand the trends, consumer behavior, and media consumption patterns to identify • the most effective channels and platforms for reaching the target audience. • Business Development: Collaborate with local marketing and sales teams to identify growth • opportunities and develop strategies to expand the company's customer base and market presence. • Collaboration: Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including marketing, sales, operations, and • finance, to ensure alignment and effective implementation of growth strategies. • Measurement and Reporting: Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of • media campaigns and growth initiatives. Provide regular reports and analysis to senior management, • highlighting performance, trends, and actionable insights. • You are required to travel on a quarterly basis to meet stakeholders in South-East Asia in 2024. You’ll • typically spend 2-3 days per location to understand the operations better and to meet people. Travel • beyond 2024 depends on business needs

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6/07 【在職培訓】數據審核員 Settlement Specialist

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

**無經驗OK,需能配合此職務所需培訓 工作內容: 1. 用戶帳務數據/資料計算審查(建立、統整、查核) 2. 每日、每週帳務數據核對,並製作工作數據報表 3. 即時對應各部門所需資訊及提供協助 4. 其他主管交辦事項 **輪/值班時間: 早班0700-1530 / 午班1430-2300/夜班2245-0715 (未來需能配合業務擴展輪值夜班,約4-5天/月)

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6/07 CAFEIN 硬咖啡松山意舍門市-長期兼職(歡迎二度就業/中壯年/學生實習求職)

  • 台北市南港區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

實現咖啡人的理想目標,學習咖啡的基本知識 咖啡香環繞的上班環境,時時保持笑容及愉悅的心情 1.依照SOP製作咖啡等飲品(使用全自動咖啡機) 2.內場餐點製作 (簡易餐點或輕食) 3.門市環境清潔維以及使用器具、杯具清潔保養 4.商品銷售服務及結帳收銀 5.商品盤點與訂貨 6.配合公司進行門市輪調支援 【JO!N US】 ◆符合政府規定的保險福利,勞健保、退休金提撥、團體保險,讓你安心上班有保障 ◆完善的教育訓練,讓您的學習路上不會獨自摸索,不怕沒經驗 ◆多元化的福利獎金年終獎金、門市業績獎金、福利現金卷,只要付出努力,整年度都在領獎金 ◆明確的職涯升遷系統,讓您清清楚楚自己的學習進度,與每個階段的成長計畫 ◆員工用餐優惠(8折),愛屋及烏讓您與家人一同享受集團咖啡及週邊商品 ◆您的健康是大事,年資滿一年享有免費年度身體健康檢 (發放規則皆以公司制定管理辦法辦理) 具有經驗者尤佳,無經驗也歡迎, 只要你願意和我們一起努力學習,使彼此的生命成長, CAFEIN 歡迎您的加入!!!

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