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  • 台中市大肚區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1. 具個案銷售企劃執行經驗10年以上。 2. 具領導產品定位、規劃檢討、銷售策略執行經驗。 3. 與銷售公司接洽、討論,確認產品定位、銷售定價、廣告計劃執行。 4.企劃與媒體預算掌控及執行。 5.具企業品牌包裝之構想與能力。 6.具備良好跨部門溝通之能力。 7.熟悉客戶驗屋交屋、管委會成立、公設點交流程。 8.能配合公司制度政策者。



  • 台中市大肚區
  • 10年以上
  • 大學

1. 能獨當一面帶領協力廠商如質、如期、如預算完成建案。 2.工程施工進度管理、工程品質稽核及驗收、執行預算管控。 3.負責分項工程現場指揮、分包商施工之監督與評估。 4.規劃人力需求與現場派工,並指揮、監督。 5.具備圖面檢討、審查能力,前期規劃作業及施工圖說審查、施工細部圖面檢討、圖面整合 能力等工程計畫能力。 6.各項施工計畫書編製及執行。 7.有大樓集合住宅(B3~12F以上)二建案以上完整資歷尤佳。


6/02 居家照顧服務員 (平均時薪 220元 ~ 330元)

  • 台北市大安區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

服務區域:台北市大安區、中山區、信義區、松山區、大同區、中正區、文山區 服務內容為居家失能者、失智者、有照顧需求者提供以下服務: 1.身體照顧:身體清潔、翻身拍背、肢體關節活動等 2.日常生活照顧:餐食照顧(備餐/餵食/灌食)、安全看視、陪伴服務等 3.外出服務:陪同外出、陪伴就醫等 4.經醫事專業人員指導執行之照顧輔助性服務 5.服務需求觀察與資源連結 薪資福利: 1.薪資:交通補助、全勤獎、考核獎金、節日禮金(端午、中秋及生日)、年終獎金 2.福利:勞健保、勞退金、法定特休、雇主意外責任險、照顧責任險、提供服務耗材(口罩/手套/酒精)、防疫物資(面罩/防護衣等)、工作裝備(圍裙/拖鞋/血壓計/工作包/護腰等) 3.其他:教育訓練、員工旅遊、國際論壇講座

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6/02 3-6歲蒙特梭利教師

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. 有3-6歲蒙特梭利證書 2.協助幼兒學習自理生活。 3. 提供幼兒日常生活的照顧。 4. 維護幼兒在園所之安全。 5. 配合幼兒園與家長的需求,給幼兒開放、獨立思考的學習環境。 5. 配合幼兒發展狀況,設計、撰寫課程教案。

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6/02 大班幼教師

  • 台北市信義區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

1. 協助幼兒學習自理生活。 2. 提供幼兒日常生活的照顧。 3. 維護幼兒在園所之安全。 4. 配合幼教班與家長的需要,教授幼兒特殊課程,如:美語、繪畫、注音符號正音等。 5. 配合幼兒發展狀況,設計、撰寫課程教案。

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6/02 幼兒園教保員

  • 台北市信義區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

1. 設計及安排說話、唱遊、舞蹈、繪畫及手工等學習活動,以促進幼童身心的成長。 2. 教導幼童良好的基本生活習慣,並保護其安全。 3. 鼓舞幼童自我表現及參與團體生活,以促進其社會行為之正常發展。 4. 安排戶外學習活動,增進幼童對大自然及社會環境的認識,引發其對周遭事物的關注與興趣。

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6/01 五分埔 BF蝶戀花服飾 正職人員

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

店內客服人員 Line線上客服人員 零售客 批發客 直播客接洽 廠播樣衣庫存清點整理 進貨 銷貨 理貨 出貨 人員 一般門市人員清潔項目 需要條件 不怕生 認真且負責 積極 細心肯學習 如果你(妳)還有尋找自己努力的方向 想要愉快開心的環境~~也做好充實工作的準備 歡迎加入我們嘍!

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6/01 女裝服飾批發正職42000

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

位於五分埔服裝批發商圈,產品為女裝批發服飾, 工作內容: 推銷產品 和 整理產品 沈先生 手機0989264064 (連絡時間下午1點-12點) 其他福利 員工旅遊 (一年兩次國內和國外) 員工購物優惠 交通便利 (近捷運松山站或後山埤站) 員工聚餐 定期考核調薪 年終獎金 加班費 生育補助

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6/01 服飾批發人員

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1.負責店內環境整潔及維持營業地點美觀。 2. 提供顧客詢問及主動提供諮商建議給顧客。 3. 負責向顧客介紹商品特徵、品質與價格及示範操作方法,以協助顧客選擇。 4.負責在顧客成交後之包裝、收款、交付商品、開發票或收據。 5.負責當天結束營業前,統計銷售情況、貨品庫存及業務報表。

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6/01 服飾批發人員

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1.負責店內環境整潔及維持營業地點美觀。 2. 提供顧客詢問及主動提供諮商建議給顧客。 3. 負責向顧客介紹商品特徵、品質與價格及示範操作方法,以協助顧客選擇。 4.負責在顧客成交後之包裝、收款、交付商品、開發票或收據。 5.負責當天結束營業前,統計銷售情況、貨品庫存及業務報表。

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6/01 服飾批發人員

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1.負責店內環境整潔及維持營業地點美觀。 2. 提供顧客詢問及主動提供諮商建議給顧客。 3. 負責向顧客介紹商品特徵、品質與價格及示範操作方法,以協助顧客選擇。 4.負責在顧客成交後之包裝、收款、交付商品、開發票或收據。 5.負責當天結束營業前,統計銷售情況、貨品庫存及業務報表。

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6/01 【週休三日】鑫營-正職餐館服務員

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

工作內容 ▫️製作餐點與出餐,整理店面環境保持整潔。餐點製作簡單,工作環境單純明確易上手。 休假制度 ▫️班表部分為月排班制,每週可排定3天休假!(平均每月至少12天休假)。 ▫️平日、假日皆可排假,無禁休假日之規定。 ▫️任職滿勞基法規定年資,即享有對應特休天數,半年三天,一年七天…以此類推。 福利制度 ▫️勞保、健保、勞退。 ▫️免費員工餐。 ▫️健康檢查費用補助(需至合作單位檢驗)。 ▫️不定期員工餐敘。 ▫️全勤獎金、績效獎金、生日禮金、三節禮金、年終獎金、開工紅包、人才推薦獎金。 ▫️任職滿三個月享有廚師鞋補助金2000元(同仁的工作安全是我們所重視的) ▫️元旦店休(讓你可以放心安排跨年活動) ▫️過年店休(打破餐飲人過年加班的慣例) ▫️投票店休(鼓勵同仁善盡國民義務) ▫️年度尾牙(吃得開心玩得盡興還有現金等你來抽) 未來願景 ▫️管理職享有店內分潤抽成獎金,讓你的辛苦付出有相對的回報。 歡迎對餐飲有興趣的你加入我們!

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5/31 五分埔SOLO女裝服飾批發門市人員-銷售人員

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

1.負責介紹及銷售門市商品 2.提供客戶之接待與需求服務 (例如:更換退換貨、來電諮詢、商品修改、包裝等事宜) 3.門市人型模特穿搭設計、個人展示商品概念 4.負責商品進貨入庫、銷售管理及庫存管理 5.負責商品包裝、陳列展示、以及換季促銷活動等 6.日常店內環境整潔維持

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5/31 Quality Assurance Sr. Specialist/品質保證資深專員(台北總公司/團隊擴編)

  • 台北市南港區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

【認識我們公司】 台田藥品股份有限公司成立於1987年,與台灣田邊製藥股份有限公司同為隸屬三菱化學集團的大家庭,是國內知名的日系藥廠,秉持著不斷努力、不斷進步的精神於2023年突破25億營業額,期望為面對疾病的所有人帶來希冀之選,為每一個人提供最適醫療方案的醫療管理企業。 主要產品包含但不限於生物製劑、心臟血管用藥、皮膚科用藥。 如果想瞭解更多關於公司資訊及產品介紹,歡迎至官網www.tanabe.com.tw瀏覽。 【工作主要內容】 1. 品質管理系統、方針、體制之策定、執行、改善與提升等業務 2. 品質保證相關業務之執行、改善與管理 3. 有關品質保證、優良藥品運銷規範(GDP)文件之制定、修改、保管、管理、記錄等之相關業務 4. 與品質保證相關之治理和風險因應對策之計畫擬定、實施、檢討、改善等相關業務 5. 定期執行內部查核、接受外部查核,並依查核結果執行矯正及預防措施 6. 主管交辦事項 【建議具備的五大特質】 ✔ 良好的細節管理及分析能力 ✔ 良好的人際溝通能力 ✔ 良好的英文溝通能力 ✔ 具團隊合作精神,能跨部門完成共同專案 ✔ 願意接受挑戰和改變,以因應市場競爭及快速變動 【加分條件】 1. QA相關職務經驗1年以上 2. 曾有醫藥產業QA、GDP等相關經驗佳 【福利制度】 1.優於法令規定之休假制度 2.中秋/年終獎金及盈餘分紅 3.獎勵資深員工之久任獎金 4.健全的教育訓練制度 5.各項福利補助及措施 6.年度健康檢查及流感疫苗施打 7.守護員工健康之特約醫護諮詢 【面試方式】 二階段面試 第一階段將安排直接向共事主管進行面談,瞭解雙方需求,建議多提一些關於你想知道的問題,若初步有共事的想法,將安排第二階段深度面談。 如果對本公司經營理念、主要產品/服務項目、福利制度等,歡迎可到「公司介紹」頁面瀏覽。 如果看到這裡,希望加入我們一同努力,歡迎投遞履歷,並簡要說明想應徵的原因。

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5/31 Senior Product Sales, CT, MR

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

In this role, you have the opportunity to Join Philips Health System team while advancing your career in a dynamic, fast paced and multinational environment of Philips Taiwan. Act as Senior Product Sales of CT/MR to provide professional support to the customers and capture the business opportunity of MR in Taiwan. You are responsible for • Developing and implementing Taiwan CT/MR business strategy and plan; • Providing professional expertise and support to achieve business and market share target. • Developing and executing strategic and tactical sales plans. • Identifying new business opportunities. • Analyzing and developing insights in market structure and applications of the assigned products. • Initiates the required internal actions, monitor the progress and push for the deliverables • Give presentations on local management level, including presentations of technical information • Developing professional expertise, applies company policies and procedures to resolve a variety of issues You are part of Key talent of Health System aims to deliver qualified service to customers in order to fulfill the business needs and Company standard. You will base in Taipei office and direct report to the Product Sales leader of Health System. To succeed in this role, you should have the following skills and experience • Bachelor Degree or above majoring in Medical Laboratory Scientist, Radiology, Clinical Scientist, Medical Physicist, Biomedical engineering or related field • Minimum 5 years relevant experience in medical device/ healthcare / clinical laboratory industry • With business development experiences is an advantage • Excellent communication and customer interaction skills • Flexible mindset within a fast-growing organization • Good command of both spoken and written English and Chinese In return, we offer you A path towards your most rewarding career. Philips is one of the best in-class organization which offers you big exposure and long-term career development such as internal transfer and international mobility opportunities. Why should you join Philips? Working at Philips is more than a job. It’s a calling to create a healthier society through meaningful work, focused on improving 2.5 billion lives a year by delivering innovative solutions across the health continuum. Our people experience a variety of unexpected moments when their lives and careers come together in meaningful ways. Learn more by watching this video. To find out more about what it’s like working for Philips at a personal level, visit the Working at Philips page on our career website, where you can read stories from our employee blog. Once there,you can also learn about our recruitment process, or find answers to some of the frequently asked questions.

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5/31 Senior Sales Specialist, Enterprise Informatics

  • 台北市信義區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

In this role, you have the opportunity to Responsible for driving Taiwan EI OIT and sales, building strong customer relationships and driving excellence at the point of sale. Source new sales opportunities and close sales to achieve quotas. You are responsible for - Sells EI portfolio of products through direct and channels, cultivate and define customer pain points and needs, generating leads, qualifying prospects, presenting proposal, and managing sales of products and services. - Driving overall business and deal strategy through partnering with product sales, channel sales, delivery, and service team members. - Act as single point of contact for our Philips EI solutions for targeted accounts and develop relationships with identified stakeholders. - Developing professional expertise, applies company policies and procedures to resolve a variety of issues. Has working knowledge of EI products and services. - Work with and manage dealers to achieve assigned business target. To succeed in this role, you should have the following skills and experience o Bachelor degree or above majoring in Medical IT, Bio-medical Engineering, or related field. o 3+ years’ experience in hospital or healthcare industry, especially in informatics business. o Have expert knowledge of industry products and services o Understanding on market trend and customer needs o Excellent communication and customer interaction skills o With business development experiences is an advantage o Ability to gain cooperation of others o Developing professional expertise, applies company policies and procedures to resolve a variety of issues In return, we offer you A path towards your most rewarding career. Philips is one of the best in-class organization which offers you big exposure and long-term career development such as internal transfer and international mobility opportunities.

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5/31 業務助理 /國貿助理/ 國貿人員

  • 台北市南港區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

*熟悉鼎新SmartERP系統操作 *工作經驗約2年以上 1.協助業務協調業務支援事宜。 2.提供客戶服務的相關事宜。 3.熟悉銷貨採購及進出口報關流程。 4.有電子產業經驗者佳。 5.對Excel操作熟悉

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5/31 Sales Manager(公司擴編)

  • 台北市松山區
  • 6年以上
  • 大學

•Responsible for meeting monthly, quarterly, and annual growth and sales targets through specific business building activities. •Work closely with the Country Manager on the development of effective sales, training, and events strategy. Recommend robust strategies to increase market penetration, grow new leaders, increase and retain distributor and customer base. •Initiate efforts for business opportunity marketability and profitability by researching, identifying and capitalizing on market openings. •Sustain rapport with key leaders and groups by making periodic visits, exploring specific needs, anticipating new opportunities and new areas for expansion. •Provide relevant information to management by collecting, analyzing, summarizing data and trends, and proposing ways to promote sales growth. •Lead and assist business builders to achieve the company’s set objectives in sales and recruitment, expanding existing markets as well as developing new markets. •Implement field connection such as coaching and mentoring calls, one-on-one/deep dive meetings or team meetings with Brand Partners. •Work closely with Events and Recognitions and Marketing teams to plan, coordinate, and implement recruitment-related activities, e.g. rallies / seminars / business builder meetings / conventions / trade fairs / special meetings and other Brand Partner activities. This will include traveling to outstations to organize events and assist in business builders’ activities. •Communicate with business builders on vital business information as well as updating Brand Partners on new company developments. •Actively participate in discussions with Country Manager and corporate leadership team to communicate updates from the field. •Manage training and workshop calendars in alignment with country KPIs and objectives. •Support active promotions and activities through creative engagement strategies with field leadership. •Collaborate with Country Manager and Regional Network Development and Training Manager to develop and conduct training programs (business and product) to Brand Partners and internal employees, ensure compliance to company direction and growth. •Oversee and monitor results on leadership development camps and trainings, incentive trips, and other promotions and initiatives. •Submit market intelligence reports to the management in a consistent and timely manner. •Manage sales budget and expenditure.

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