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CASETiFY 品牌銷售顧問—台中

  • 台中市北區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

CASETiFY是國際知名的時尚電子配件品牌,我們總是領先業界趨勢並以前衛設計及優質材料提供多樣客製化、防摔兼具環保的頂級產品,使消費者能展現創意、完美表達自我風格。我們正在擴展CASETiFY台灣團隊,歡迎你的加入,持續為品牌傳達理念並提供市場上最好的產品! CASETiFY台灣正在尋找能夠在步調快速的環境中積極成長的品牌顧問加入我們的團隊,你將在第一線代表品牌,並負責為消費者提供最佳的店內體驗。 工作內容 •為顧客提供良好的購物體驗並積極實踐銷售目標 •有自信地傳達專業產品知識,致力提升顧客忠誠度同時盡可能提高銷售業績 •了解顧客需求,結合最新趨勢及促銷活動以引導並提供相關建議 •執行有效率且合乎標準的商品管理及店務流程,包含進貨整理、庫存收納、盤點、產品陳列、促銷活動、環境清潔、顧客關懷及售後服務等 其他要求 •積極主動、樂於分享、正向思考、善於溝通 •良好的協作能力並具備團隊合作精神 •具備在快節奏且有時效性的工作流程中同時處理多項業務的能力 •流利中文,另具有基礎英語能力尤佳

待遇面議 外商公司

6/01 E-Commerce Specialist 電商營運專員

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

- 規劃所負責平台之年度計畫及業績達成 - 對所屬客戶之品牌營運管理 *平台對口溝通事項(商品上架/活動安排/產品曝光/資源管理等) *品牌活動計畫、廣告規劃、進度控管等 *偕同行銷部門溝通品牌曝光、導流、版位安排等事項 *提供數據、業績追蹤及分析 *跨部門溝通以爭取更多成本及資源優化機會 - 競品與市場動態觀察 - 客服、物流問題處理 - 主管交辦事項及行政事務處理 - * 約聘一年,2024/06月開始上班 - Regulate annual business plan and present to line manager. - Manage sales performance of assigned brands on assigned EC platforms *Daily sales operation and negotiation with buyer (new listing/promotion/budget control) *Distribution/Merchandizing/Promotion/Pricing plan on EC platform *Co-Op with Digital Marketing team via SEM, social media and other digital initiatives to maximize brand exposure. *Data analysis to dig out the root cause and drive business excellence *Co-work with cross function team and drive constant cost saving - Identifies, manages, and evaluates on-going web alliances and partnerships - Customer value creation by delivering customer strategy & insight to drive sustainable growth in business - Work closely with Marketing and Trade Marketing team for promotional activities

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6/01 北區業務專員(日系玩具/用品/生活雜貨等)

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

1.日本進口玩具、母嬰用品、生活雜貨等銷售推廣。 2.業務開發涵跨藥局/婦嬰用品店/百貨/玩具店/...等等 3.開發潛在客戶,拓展市場,以達成業績目標。 4.定期拜訪現有客戶,維繫穩定客戶關係及業績。 5.獨立負責國內業務接洽及訂單處理。 6.負責業務推展,傳達及說明公司各項業務重大訊息、活動及產品。 7.通路商品陳列及輔銷物維護。 8.應收帳款相關事宜。 9.基本的文書處理能力(World、Excel) 10.備汽機車駕照,自備小客車 11.負責業務範圍: 新竹以北(台北/新北/桃園/新竹等區域) 12.此職缺為駐區業務,每月需配合回台中總公司開會。

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6/01 Brand Manager, Pet International BDT

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 6年以上
  • 大學

OVERVIEW In Blue Buffalo, our mission is to Feed and Treat More Pets Like Family. Blue Buffalo is the #1 most loved brand and the #1 most trusted brand amongst pet parents in the U.S. And now, we are working to bring Blue Buffalo to more pet parents across the globe. Growth in International markets is a key component of accelerating Pet and International Segment growth at GMI! The opportunity is highly attractive: in General Mills core markets outside of the U.S., Pet food is a $31B category growing at ~8% over 5 years. Asia provides for the biggest opportunity and our priority focus within International. Our goal is to win by delivering remarkable products, investing across the 4Ps, and actively building relationships with pet parents. We are looking for a strong Brand Manager to join the Pet International Brand Development Team (BDT) to help lead our growth acceleration. The Pet BDT is a cross-functional team that is responsible for the execution of the brand strategy (aligned with International Leadership and the Pet BDT leader) in international markets, product pipeline development (innovation, renovation, HMM, PPA), along with brand-building strategy and creative toolkit development. You will be part of the Pet International cross-functional team of ITQ, Supply Chain, Finance, and CMI to develop our product portfolio to launch and compete in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea. You will partner very closely with our team(s) on the ground in China, and in other International markets, to deeply understand the local pet parent and category dynamics in order to define the right strategy and portfolio. You will also work closely with key Pet Segment brand leaders to capture/apply learnings to international product portfolio development. We are looking for a leader that embraces the BLUE culture. “Love them like family, Feed them like Family” isn’t just a slogan, it’s the purpose that shapes everything we do. We are by pet parents, for pet parents. We aim to raise the game in pet food and deliver high quality natural ingredients to more pets than ever. Buffs operate with a can-do attitude, strong work ethic, common sense, and belief in BLUE. If that sounds like you, join us! KEY Responsibilities • Strategy Take the Pet International brand strategies approved by International Leadership and the Pet BDT leader and bring to life for your product portfolio in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea. • Build Deep Knowledge of the Local Pet Parent: develop strong industry and pet parent empathy and use that knowledge to inform business strategies. Partner with CMI on relevant in-market testing to support product development and launch planning. • Portfolio Development: deeply understand the local consumer to identify and develop the right portfolio to compete and win across markets. Collaborate with the international cross-functional team on the development process. Lead custom packaging design where relevant. • Lead Projects through the Launch to Win Process: Lead development of gate materials at each stage of development. Partner with cross-functional BDT and market leaders to prepare for decisions at the U.S.-led PMR. • Develop Product Launch Plan Recommendation & Materials: Provide guidance on price positioning strategy, key claims and attributes, and develop selling story to engage distributors and customers. Partner with local market teams to ensure relevancy and impact in market. • Team Leadership: Lead a cross-functional team to foster a collaborative and accountable culture across a broad team and stakeholders.

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6/01 會計稅務人員(板橋)

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

中小型企業財務、稅務、會計、審計人員 事務所內部有完整的教育訓練: 1、 各類稅務申報 2、 會計、審計、財務、稅務工作 3、 領組、財務、人事、經理各級主管工作培訓 *** 歡迎具有這些特質的人員加入本事務所的服務行列: 1、 對「數字及報表」有興趣 2、 喜歡了解「行業特性、產業概況」 3、 希望培養「專業知識」、持續「學習成長」 4、 想要加強思維的清晰度、層次、條理及整合的能力 5、 樂在工作、具有服務社會大眾「熱忱」 6、 願意在「身、心、靈」各層面均衡成長與合一 7、 正面積極、拓展視野、朝向真善美目標邁進的人 8、 無不良嗜好 無經驗可,本所提供新進及在職人員教育訓練 *工作地點: 距離捷運府中站7分鐘路程,交通便利。 工作待遇: 固定月薪 30,000〜45,000元 【結算、簽證獎金另計】 依筆試、面試成績、專業能力及服務客戶收入貢獻數決定薪資。

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6/01 【板橋區】居家照顧服務員

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中以下

為長照需求者提供居家照顧服務,包括: 身:協助沐浴及洗頭、基本的身體清潔、被動式肢體關節運動 食:煮飯備餐、送餐服務、協助餵食或用餐 衣:換穿衣服、衣物洗滌 住:簡易家務打掃、代購生活用品 行:翻身及移位、協助上下樓梯 育:協助復能運動、站立練習 樂:外出散步、陪伴聊天 醫:陪同就醫、定期復健、洗腎陪伴

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6/01 【新北地區】哈根達斯Haagen-Dazs店襄理 (工作地點:板橋區/新店區/中和區)

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

《公司簡介》 通用磨坊是全球前十大的食品製造商,在全球化的經營策略下,我們以人為本. 重視在哈根達斯中的每一位夥伴的職涯發展,並有計畫的進行培育,透過【專業訓練】/【領導力訓練】/【個人發展】三大領域,全方位打造專業傑出的零售服務人才。 《工作說明》 - 門市基本工作:外場顧客服務、各站清潔工作、飲品餐點的製作、開店閉店執行。 - 學習成本控管、品保衛生、財務稽核、庫存訂貨管理、業績銷售企劃 - 訓練、徵才並負責教導與培訓工作夥伴 每年一月固定發放一個月月薪年終獎金! 也歡迎社會新鮮人投遞,若有帶店經驗人選,薪資將往上調整~

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6/01 【板橋】居家照顧服務員

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

★居家服務員工作內容包含: 一.長者身體照顧服務:提供長照2.0所規範之居家服務項目 1.日常生活照顧 2.餐食照顧 3.陪伴外出/就醫 4.陪伴服務 5.喘息服務 二.配合單位主責督導排班 1.可依居住地選擇服務區域(板橋、三重) 2.確實填寫服務報表 3.回報個案服務狀況 ★薪資待遇 1.拆帳制:居服員60% (AA、BA、GA碼全拆) 2.(加薪)職務表現加給、留任加給:1% ~ 4% (BA、GA碼) ★福利制度 1.勞健保、勞退、團保、居服員責任險 2.三節禮金、特休(未休)補償金、農曆年節服務加給 3.推薦夥伴獎勵金、特殊資格獎勵金、證照津貼 4.留任補助:積分課補助、體檢補助 5.輔導申請缺工奬金(共計10萬8千元) 6.定期口罩、手套配給 公司督導夥伴皆為社工、護理專業,不用擔心沒人回應問題! 接案前會說明個案情況,初次服務督導皆會帶您進場說明服務流程! 我們致力於給您安心、安全的工作環境!

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6/01 Program Manager, NPI Operations, Pixel

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience. • 1 year of program management experience. • Experience in NPI Operations management or supply chain management/manufacturing operations/development or operations engineering/CM or OEM management. • Ability to travel up to 30% of the time as needed. Preferred qualifications: • Master’s degree or MBA. • 5 years of experience in NPI Operations management or supply chain management/manufacturing operations/development or operations engineering/CM or OEM management experience. • Experience in mobile phone program management with factory background. • Experience with data analysis. • Ability to drive solutions across multiple cross-functional teams, and supply chain management team. • Strong written and verbal communication skills, and with ability to present to the leadership team. About the job Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Our Devices & Services team combines the best of Google AI, Software, and Hardware to create radically helpful experiences for users. We research, design, and develop new technologies and hardware to make our user's interaction with computing faster, seamless, and more powerful. Whether finding new ways to capture and sense the world around us, advancing form factors, or improving interaction methods, the Devices & Services team is making people's lives better through technology. Responsibilities • Drive overall ramp readiness with engineering, operations and Contract Manufacturer teams, i.e. material availability, capacity readiness, transition plans. • Lead CM operations team in planning and executing development builds and new product ramps and follow through all engineering development builds and influence product manufacturability, testability, and supply chain responsiveness in pursuit of high quality, low cost and maximum flexibility. • Drive cross-functional teams to optimize supply chain, while providing strategic plans to balance risks, changes in schedule or demand. • Manage all operations-related communications, upward and downward, throughout the organization; escalate key issues and present options for resolution to the cross-functional executive teams. • Oversee and prioritize risk mitigation strategies, i.e.  tech assessment, new tech application, cost variance, supply chain review. etc, and manage equipment budget at the factory and provide support for products in a sustaining environment.

待遇面議 外商公司
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6/01 Senior Firmware Engineer, Modem Non-Access Stratum Protocol

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering, a related field, or equivalent practical experience. • 5 years of experience in coding with a general purpose programming language (e.g., C/C++). • Experience with LTE or 5G NR. • Experience in 3GPP NAS protocols, embedded RTOS. Preferred qualifications: • 3 years of experience working with 3GPP LTE/NR Layer 3 NAS protocol standards. • Familiarity with 3GPP TS23.167 - emergency call flow. • Familiarity with the modem development process. • Excellent communication skills, independent, and ability to clarify/debug/identify the issues. • Excellent problem-solving skills and ability to initiate workable solutions, while working on most corner cases/exceptions within a given time window. About the job As a Protocol NAS/upper-layers Firmware Engineer in Pixel Testing Engineering, you'll focus on carrier feature development/customization, integration and performance enhancement of modem NAS/upper-layers features on Android devices, working closely with Pixel Software teams and chipset vendors. You'll be the point of contact for all debugging, analyzing and fixing modem NAS issues from certification, field testing, and customers in the region. You'll also be responsible for validating the function and performance of NAS/upper-layers features for Pixel projects to guarantee the modem software quality. In this team, you'll be encouraged to propose your innovative and practical ideas to optimize engineering efficiency and software quality for the modem software.The Google Pixel team focuses on designing and delivering the world's most helpful mobile experience. The team works on shaping the future of Pixel devices and services through some of the most advanced designs, techniques, products, and experiences in consumer electronics. This includes bringing together the best of Google’s artificial intelligence, software, and hardware to build global smartphones and create transformative experiences for users across the world. Responsibilities • Develop and customize modem software to meet customer and project requirements in the NAS/upper-layer domain. Analyze and fix the modem protocol issues. • Work closely with region carriers to meet customer’s commercial product requirements. • Provide on-site support in the carrier labs/sites to resolve important issues and get certification. • Collaborate with cross-layer teams (PHY/AS/NAS/IMS) and cross-organization teams (Android Software, TPM/TAM, and Hardware) to deliver high quality Pixel modem software. • Generate ideas, develop features, build software/hardware systems, and/or improve engineering processes to help product velocity and quality.

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6/01 CPU RTL Engineer, Silicon

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, a related field, or equivalent practical experience. • 3 years of experience with digital logic design principles, RTL design concepts, and languages such as Verilog or SystemVerilog. • Experience with microprocessor architecture. • Experience with logic synthesis techniques to optimize RTL code, performance, power, and design techniques. Preferred qualifications: • Master's degree or PhD in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or Computer Science. • Experience with modern processor micro-architecture and related technologies and algorithms. • Knowledge of Programming languages such as C, C++, and Python. • Knowledge of general purpose operating systems such as Linux or Android. About the job Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Our team combines the best of Google AI, Software, and Hardware to create radically helpful experiences. We research, design, and develop new technologies and hardware to make computing faster, seamless, and more powerful. We aim to make people's lives better through technology. Responsibilities • Contribute to CPU front-end designs, micro-architecture, and RTL design for the next generation CPU. • Propose performance enhancing micro-architecture features, work with architects and performance teams for trade-off studies, and communicate pros and cons of micro-architecture enhancements. • Deliver designs that meet power, performance, and area (PPA) goals with production quality. • Interpret techniques into design constructs and languages in order to provide guidance to and participate in the performance modeling effort. • Work with the functional verification team to ensure production quality designs, and with the physical design team to meet frequency, power, and area goals.

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6/01 Technical Program Manager, Pixel, Fitbit Device Software

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in a technical field, or equivalent practical experience. • 2 years of experience in technical program management. • Experience in embedded systems, device software, and hardware releases. Preferred qualifications: • Master's degree or PhD in an Engineering or other technical field. • Experience with mobile devices, hardware/software/embedded software (Mobile, watch, TV, Tablet, on-devices), and Android software development. • Ability to be a key contributor to multiple complex projects, driving technically cross-functional projects across multiple organizations. • Ability to work through ambiguity to detailed solutions, and take a vague problem, frame the issue, identify a path forward, and drive an initiative over the finish-line. • Ability to work separately and organize teams, thoughts, and actions. • Ability to communicate in English fluently to support client relationship management in this region. About the job A problem isn’t truly solved until it’s solved for all. That’s why Googlers build products that help create opportunities for everyone, whether down the street or across the globe. As a Technical Program Manager at Google, you’ll use your technical expertise to lead complex, multi-disciplinary projects from start to finish. You’ll work with stakeholders to plan requirements, identify risks, manage project schedules, and communicate clearly with cross-functional partners across the company. You're equally comfortable explaining your team's analyses and recommendations to executives as you are discussing the technical tradeoffs in product development with engineers. Our goal is to build a Google that looks like the world around us — and we want Googlers to stay and grow when they join us. As part of our efforts to build a Google for everyone, we build diversity, equity, and inclusion into our work and we aim to cultivate a sense of belonging throughout the company. Fitbit’s wide range of innovative products, including smartwatches, trackers, and a smart scale, help people lead healthier, more active lives by empowering them with data, inspiration, and guidance to reach their health and fitness goals. Coupled with our leading software and Fitbit Premium, our immersive platform experience delivers personalized experiences, insights, and guidance to support our users’ health and wellness. Fitbit’s mission has always been to help make everyone in the world healthier and now, as part of Google we’ll be able to make health even more accessible to everyone. Responsibilities • Manage complex and large-scale software projects. Interface with engineering managers and engineers to estimate work efforts, define milestones, and manage resources. • Track progress, identify dependencies, evaluate risks, and communicate status to upper management and project stakeholders. • Remove obstacles to drive momentum and progress. Bridge communication gaps, manage issue escalations, and provide support to teams balancing engaged priorities. • Understand technical implementation at the system/architecture level and ask clarifying questions when necessary. Work closely with our leads and partners to support software and roadmap feature alignment for current and future programs. • Manage software feature projects with the firmware team to solve the technical issues from software development till the bring-up stage.

待遇面議 外商公司
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6/01 Antenna Systems Engineer, Pixel

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Physics, a related field, or equivalent practical experience. • 2 years of experience working in a antenna related field such as design, configuring and validating antenna systems controller systems or 1 year of experience with an advanced degree. • Experience of wireless communication systems (e.g., GSM/UMTS/LTE/NR, 802.11, Bluetooth, GPS, etc.). Preferred qualifications: • Experience with one or more of the following: antenna tuner configuration, antenna design, electromagnetic simulation, circuit simulation, defense mitigation, and automation of antenna measurements. • Experience or knowledge of antennas used in wireless consumer products including RF test equipment and antenna chambers. • Familiar with regulatory requirements (e.g., FCC, IC, CE, etc.) and their respective certification process. • Excellent technical communication/presentation skills and attention to detail. About the job Our computational challenges are so big, complex and unique we can't just purchase off-the-shelf hardware, we've got to make it ourselves. Your team designs and builds the hardware, software and networking technologies that power all of Google's services. As a Hardware Engineer, you design and build the systems that are the heart of the world's largest and most powerful computing infrastructure. You develop from the lowest levels of circuit design to large system design and see those systems all the way through to high volume manufacturing. Your work has the potential to shape the machinery that goes into our cutting-edge data centers affecting millions of Google users. The Google Pixel team focuses on designing and delivering the world's most helpful mobile experience. The team works on shaping the future of Pixel devices and services through some of the most advanced designs, techniques, products, and experiences in consumer electronics. This includes bringing together the best of Google’s artificial intelligence, software, and hardware to build global smartphones and create transformative experiences for users across the world. Responsibilities • Define and implement complex antenna control features including antenna selection, tuning, and power limit controllers in Google hardware devices. • Help create, employ, and train team members on the use of custom tools for the simulation, optimization, and configuration of complex antenna systems features in Google's hardware products. • Support hardware design teams for the design, data collection, and configuration of complex antenna systems features. • Create and review technical documents, including feature design, development, configuration, validation, and testing documents.

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6/01 【保障5萬x12個月】雙北直營門市業務首選職缺,不綁約,不扣薪,不爆肝-板橋區 H01

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

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6/01 Technical Program Manager, Home Devices Software (Camera)

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
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Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in a relevant field, or equivalent practical experience. • 5 years of experience in program management. • 5 years of experience in consumer device technologies or related technical fields. Preferred qualifications: • Master’s degree or PhD in Engineering, Computer Science, or other technical related field. • 5 years of experience managing cross-functional or cross-team projects. • Experience working across a distributed, and highly integrated team composed of both technical and non-technical members. About the job A problem isn’t truly solved until it’s solved for all. That’s why Googlers build products that help create opportunities for everyone, whether down the street or across the globe. As a Technical Program Manager at Google, you’ll use your technical expertise to lead complex, multi-disciplinary projects from start to finish. You’ll work with stakeholders to plan requirements, identify risks, manage project schedules, and communicate clearly with cross-functional partners across the company. You're equally comfortable explaining your team's analyses and recommendations to executives as you are discussing the technical tradeoffs in product development with engineers. Our goal is to build a Google that looks like the world around us — and we want Googlers to stay and grow when they join us. As part of our efforts to build a Google for everyone, we build diversity, equity, and inclusion into our work and we aim to cultivate a sense of belonging throughout the company. As a Technical Program Manager at Google, you will lead multi-disciplinary engineering projects using your engineering expertise. You plan requirements with internal customers and usher projects through the entire project lifecycle. This includes managing project schedules, identifying risks and clearly communicating them to project stakeholders. You will manage projects of various size and scope, identifying future opportunities, improving processes and driving the technical directions of your programs. Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Our Devices & Services team combines the best of Google AI, Software, and Hardware to create radically helpful experiences for users. We research, design, and develop new technologies and hardware to make our user's interaction with computing faster, seamless, and more powerful. Whether finding new ways to capture and sense the world around us, advancing form factors, or improving interaction methods, the Devices & Services team is making people's lives better through technology. Responsibilities • Drive defining, costing, planning, tracking, and executing complex programs across engineering and cross functional teams. • Collaborate with PMs, SWEs, and cross functional teams to build E2E features and manage technical dependencies across the stack. • Drive alignment across teams/organizations/product areas to reach consensus on product direction, north-star metrics, engineering feasibility, etc. • Collaborate with SWEs and exercise technical and product judgment to cost projects, manage schedules, and resolve project issues. • Manage a collection of technical projects, drive a multi-quarter roadmap, and communicate to a complex web of executive stakeholders.

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6/01 Data Analyst, Custom Silicon Sourcing and Operations

  • 新北市板橋區
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Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Data Science, Business Analytics, Operations Management, Industrial Engineering, a related field, or equivalent practical experience. • 2 years of experience in data analytics, operational analysis, and operational efficiency. • 2 years of experience in silicon or consumer hardware programs or project management. Preferred qualifications: • Master's degree in Engineering, Data Science, Business Analytics, Operations Management, Industrial Engineering, or a related field. • 5 years of experience in data analytics and operational analysis, in a semiconductor manufacturing or operations setting. • Experience in SQL, Python, data analysis tools, or data visualization tools like Tableau. • Familiarity with the consumer hardware or semiconductor industry. • Ability to solve complex problems, drive results, and automate processes for efficiency gains. • Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a fast-paced environment, with excellent communication, presentation, and people management skills. About the job A problem isn’t truly solved until it’s solved for all. That’s why Googlers build products that help create opportunities for everyone, whether down the street or across the globe. As a Program Manager at Google, you’ll lead complex, multi-disciplinary projects from start to finish — working with stakeholders to plan requirements, manage project schedules, identify risks, and communicate clearly with cross-functional partners across the company. Your projects will often span offices, time zones, and hemispheres. It's your job to coordinate the players and keep them up to date on progress and deadlines. Our goal is to build a Google that looks like the world around us — and we want Googlers to stay and grow when they join us. As part of our efforts to build a Google for everyone, we build diversity, equity, and inclusion into our work and we aim to cultivate a sense of belonging throughout the company. Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Our Devices & Services team combines the best of Google AI, Software, and Hardware to create radically helpful experiences for users. We research, design, and develop new technologies and hardware to make our user's interaction with computing faster, seamless, and more powerful. Whether finding new ways to capture and sense the world around us, advancing form factors, or improving interaction methods, the Devices & Services team is making people's lives better through technology. Responsibilities • Develop and refine metrics for customer-owned tooling (COT) silicon supply chains. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to create and enhance operational metrics for custom silicon operations. • Analyze COT supply chain, production, and other relevant data to identify trends, anomalies, and optimization opportunities. • Create user-friendly dashboards for real-time metric visibility and scenario planning for custom silicon operations, and develop tools for silicon buy/promote fulfillment process automation. • Prepare executive presentations and reports with actionable insights, and provide data-driven recommendations for decision-making. • Provide program management support for new silicon and COT ramps, ensuring timely execution and successful outcomes.

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6/01 Software Engineer, Pixel Test Automation

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
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Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, a related field, or equivalent practical experience. • Experience with software development in one or more programming languages (e.g., Python, Java, C++, etc.). • Experience with data structures and algorithms. Preferred qualifications: • Experience applying Machine Learning based solutions in the context of testing, bug, crash, and error analysis. • Experience working with microcontrollers (e.g., Raspberry Pi, Arduino, or similar). • Experience with WiFi access point firmware (e.g., OpenWrt, DD-WRT), WiFi drivers, Linux/Android Networking, and Kernel internals. • Familiarity with automating 3P hardware devices (e.g., iPhone, GoPro, smart scales etc.). • Familiarity with the Android toolchain. About the job Google's software engineers develop the next-generation technologies that change how billions of users connect, explore, and interact with information and one another. Our products need to handle information at massive scale, and extend well beyond web search. We're looking for engineers who bring fresh ideas from all areas, including information retrieval, distributed computing, large-scale system design, networking and data storage, security, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, UI design and mobile; the list goes on and is growing every day. As a software engineer, you will work on a specific project critical to Google’s needs with opportunities to switch teams and projects as you and our fast-paced business grow and evolve. We need our engineers to be versatile, display leadership qualities and be enthusiastic to take on new problems across the full-stack as we continue to push technology forward. Making the world's information universally accessible and useful doesn't stop at the desktop. The Mobile team builds tools to get you the information you need no matter where you are. Android has become the world's most popular mobile ecosystem, powering billions of devices, from smartphones to tablets, watches to TVs and everything in between. Whether adding to the core Android experience, forging new markets for digital content, creating immersive and portable versions of our products or managing relationships with a global community of developers, the Mobile team is giving you Google on the go. Responsibilities • Design, develop, and improve the integration of physical and virtual test infrastructure for Connectivity (e.g., Wi-Fi, Core Network) tests. • Leverage AI/ML techniques to improve the Wi-Fi testing process (e.g., train models to speed up the issue detection and triaging process, optimize test case selection). • Build and maintain re-usable and scalable infrastructure, test libraries, test fixtures, and reporting solutions for Connectivity features across all Pixel products. • Work with multiple project teams to understand the product specifications and feature scope and design testing solutions and tooling accordingly. • Enable Test Engineers to write efficient, highly scalable tests, and provide them with the tools to communicate actionable signals to our stakeholders.

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6/01 Test Engineer, Pixel Engineering Productivity

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, a related technical field, or equivalent practical experience. • 2 years of experience in coding, developing test methodologies, writing test plans, creating test cases, and debugging. • Experience in programming using Java, Python, C, C++, or similar programming languages. Preferred qualifications: • Master's degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or a related technical field. • Experience working with embedded consumer electronic devices and driving Software Quality Assurance processes and methodologies. • Experience in designing and developing robust and scalable automation frameworks. • Experience in mesh networking with Thread and Matter. About the job At Google, our philosophy is build it, break it and then rebuild it better. That thinking is at the core of how we approach testing at Google. Unlike roles with similar names at the other companies, Test Engineers at Google aren't manual testers -- you write scripts to automate testing and create tools so developers can test their own code. As a Test Engineer, you navigate Google's massive codebase, identify weak spots and constantly design better and creative ways to break software and identify potential problems. You'll have a huge impact on the quality of Google's growing suite of products and services. Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Our Devices & Services team combines the best of Google AI, Software, and Hardware to create radically helpful experiences for users. We research, design, and develop new technologies and hardware to make our user's interaction with computing faster, seamless, and more powerful. Whether finding new ways to capture and sense the world around us, advancing form factors, or improving interaction methods, the Devices & Services team is making people's lives better through technology. Responsibilities • Develop scalable and reliable automated tests and frameworks for testing embedded hardware devices. • Drive to improve software quality assurance (QA) processes and methodologies. • Work closely with cross-functional teams and strive to come up with optimal and creative solutions. • Design, create, modify, and execute test plans and tests for hardware and software validation at both system and user level. • Build custom dashboards to provide signals on quality trends.

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