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  • 新北市汐止區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

職務目的: 汐止廠區勞安及總務相關庶務處理 關鍵任務: 1.職業安全衛生相關業務之執行及管理 2.消防安全管理 3.執行及維護ISO關於職安流程 4.工廠各項庶務管理,包含環境整潔修繕、代訂餐點、設備維修、座位擺放、開工、普渡等 5.庶務採購及相關費用請款 6.廠房參訪及稽核安排,包含相關資源及文件準備 7.訪客接待,包含茶水、外線電話轉接 8.主管交辦事項



  • 高雄市仁武區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

【工作內容】 1.門市現場服務 2.機台補貨、備貨、庫存陳列整理 3.基礎機台除錯、維護檯面擺設 4.店內環境整潔維護 5.完成主管交辦事項 【具備特質】 ★活潑外向主動,擅於與人互動 ★具有服務熱忱及責任感 ★熟悉社群平台操作者佳 我們需要的是一起創造快樂的工作夥伴 肯吃苦不怕累,一同為公司打造出消費者最舒適快樂的環境。 【注意事項】 *服務行業假日需排班* *上班時間段皆可面試詳談* *需長期配合排班短期勿試* *履歷請附上照片與自傳,讓主管能更快認識你* 早班:11-19區間,晚班:17-02區間,詳細時段皆可面試時詳談


6/13 Specialist, Operation Management

  • 台北市信義區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

- Support PM & sales team to manage daily BIZ operations to achieve business targets - Support PM & sales team to service CMR's request & communication of daily BIZ arrangement ( SKDL, order, stock, sample, payment ) - Support division to collect necessary management information and report, the management information including sales revenue, gross profit, DOS, stock - Maintain customer data in our SAP system - Follow all companies policies and procedures - Administrative support and ad-hoc project by assignment

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6/13 總務

  • 台北市信義區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

【工作內容】 1. 總務、行政、採購事務的規劃與管理,成本監督及控管; 2. 辦公室日常管理與修繕工程、廠商監督管理; 3. 各專案事項進度追蹤與執行; 4. 簡易資訊問題排除及管理協助; 5. 清潔人員管理與服務提升; 6. 完成主管交辦事項 【基本條件】 1.對人溫暖、喜歡與人溝通分享、表達能力佳; 2.具敏捷思維; 3.具目標導向性格,反應靈敏; 4.須輪週六上班(每月1~2次) 【加分條件】 1.具3年以上工務經驗; 2.醫療院所 3.具大公司總務工作經驗 行政事務處理 總務管理制度與實施總務工作計畫

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6/13 Senior Marketing Specialist

  • 台北市信義區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

• Mall Marketing: Develop and implement innovative marketing strategies for mall campaigns/ mall advertising units/ mall exposure that attract a significant increase in foot traffic and engagement. • In-Store Marketing: Oversee the creation of in-store promotions and marketing materials that align with our brand’s message and sales objectives. • Social Media Marketing: Manage our social media platforms(Facebook/Instagram/LINE) by planning and executing content that enhances audience interaction and brand loyalty. • Partnership with CRM team: Work closely with the CRM team to align marketing strategies that maximize customer retention and acquisition. Foster strategic partnerships and collaborations that bolster our marketing objectives. • Analysis and Reporting: Track and analyze the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and strategies, adjusting as needed based on performance metrics and market trends

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6/13 【兩餐-信義ATT店】餐廳外場服務人員(正職)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1. 負責替客人帶位、倒水 2. 接待客人,介紹餐廳特色及料理方法 3. 補自助吧食材 4. 維護環境清潔安全 5. 工作區域、大廳的環境整理與清潔 6. 開店前相關預備事項 7. 月休8-10天(依一例一休)

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6/13 Manager, Business Risk Governance & Internal Control Management

  • 台北市信義區
  • 8年以上
  • 大學

Key Responsibilities: a) Framework, Governance and Integrated Risk Management - Work proactively with controlling team to partner with ELC to establish local IRM framework and governance, act as a subject matter expert in risk management assessment mechanism, in an agile and proactive way - Play a key role to support the development of Integrated Risk Management framework - Identifies, assesses, and prioritizes risks in processes with local team, propose and works on mitigation actions with local & regional stakeholders - Support risk owners on risk identification, assessment, and monitoring - Closely monitors processes and controls to ensure that the market is fully prepared to deal with any potential threats - Stays abreast of regulatory changes, constantly reviews the IRM and policies for compliance with laws and market requirements b) Policies and Procedures - Develop policy update/development plan with line manager and business owners - Follow up on execution of policy update/development plan with policy owners to ensure timely development/update of policies and procedures according to plan - Provide assistance to policy owners on policy update/development, training and communication - Conduct quality check of policy draft to ensure draft is up to quality standard - Organize release of policies and keep record of company’s policies and procedures c) Process Review, governance & compliance: - Support the controlling team, ELC, and business/domain leads to establish clear review of processes and controls, develop effective processes where appropriate, ensure their implementation, and monitor compliance to mitigate risks - Support business management in risk assessment activities, provide methodologies, expertise and recommendation to close internal control weaknesses/gaps - Recommend changes in processes, policies or procedures that will improve financial, environmental and social performance and in compliance with latest regulatory and the House standards - Design and conduct regular control activities and reviews to assess compliance and test controls efficiency; identify internal control issues/improvement opportunities and solutions - Review the responses to internal and external audit management letter queries to ensure that recommendations are implemented and all action items are resolved timely d) Company Initiatives/Corporate Finance Partnership/Projects Management - Proactively involved as a key role in company’s initiatives/projects to ensure process excellence, effective internal control and process environment to support driving business growth - Coordinate projects and initiatives for those with transversal (cross divisions) and internal controls implications - Ensure key global/regional/local projects are implemented with proper control points in place at local market - Support ad-hoc tasks, corporate finance activities and initiatives based on local market specificities; and projects that are beyond finance business services’ areas - Drive other projects/assignments that enhance financial health and operational/process efficiency; or strengthen internal controls and compliance - Contribute inputs on tax, transfer pricing, intercompany recharges, etc performed by T&T, work closely with the CoEs to ensure compliance of the financial, regulatory, statutory and the House requirements/policies e) Internal Control Activities and regular check-ups - Plan/coordinate/conduct internal control testing and self-assessment - Propose/align action plans with process owners to address issues identified in the testing and follow up on action plan and drive timely execution f) Group Internal Audit - Support in coordination and other assistances on Chanel internal audit projects - Support business process owners to review and confirm the audit risk and action plans - Follow up on internal audit reports and ensure timely closure of issues

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6/13 【梨谷ATT信義店】 外場資深專員(一頭班) - 38K~43K

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

● 免上討人厭的兩頭班, 綁死一整天! ● 起薪比同行優, 讓你贏在起跑線 ● 升遷制度通暢, 只要你有實力老闆很敢給! 歡迎二度就業及新住民加入, 外籍員工可申請工作證. 外縣市員工提供3000-6000元租屋補貼 工作內容: 1. 用溫暖的服務來招呼客人,具有服務熱誠、肯學習之態度。 2. 負責客人帶位、介紹餐點、點餐、桌邊服務、送餐等工作。 3. 進行吧台工作站簡易餐飲之料理,如:調配飲料、甜點製作等。 4. 負責客人結帳、收銀之現金盤點等工作。 5. 於客人用餐完畢後,負責收拾碗盤與清理環境。 6.上班時間: 早班:11 :00-20:00/12:00-12:00 中班:14:00-23:00 7. 需外場餐飲服務經驗2年以上 福利制度: 1. 月休8-10天(一頭班/上班9小時中間休息1小時) 2. 月薪37000~43000(有經驗者薪資可談) 3. 每年兩次考核調薪制度,通過考核調薪1500~2000元 4. 伙食津貼、全勤獎金 5. 升遷管道透明, 表現良好優先培訓儲備幹部 6. 勞保、健保、勞退提撥 、團保 7. 定期員工聚餐 8. 年終獎金 9. 工作滿半年即有3天年假

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6/13 人才資源中心 - 人資專員 Talent Resources Specialist

  • 台北市信義區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

「人」是奧美最重要的資產,我們持續打造一個多元共融、自由、且充滿創意氛圍的學習性組織,一同發展客戶品牌所需要的專業能力,提升對客戶銷售生意的影響及貢獻。 ▌你所在的 Talent Resources Center 團隊 奧美重視人才、擁抱趨勢,鼓勵多元發展與學習,希望讓所有人在充滿創意的奧美遊樂場不斷成長且玩得開心。而 Talent Resources Center 人才資源中心是奧美同事最重要的夥伴。你/妳就是這個自由國度的重要推手、吃喝玩樂活動的先行者、以及各部門夥伴的最佳 Business Partner。你/妳將發揮最大的影響力,在這個自由、自律的文化中發光發熱! ▌你將在團隊中負責這些任務 ◆ 負責部門招募及 Business Partner,包含面談、員工關係、留才策略 ◆ 執行與規劃好玩的專案,如新鮮人計畫、校園招募、企業參訪、福委活動 ◆ 固定工作事項,如新人訓練、資料整理建檔、人事系統維護 ◆ 其他主管交辦事項 ▌誠摯歡迎這樣的你加入奧美 ◆ 1-2 年招募經驗,或想以招募為職涯發展目標者 ◆ 有意願想轉換為 inhouse 的 Headhunter ◆ 有代理商經驗或數位人才招募經驗者尤佳 ◆ 基本 Excel, Word, PPT 能力 ◆ 有英語口說能力者尤佳 ▌這些會是你的加分亮點! ◆ 對人充滿熱情 ◆ 對事情具獨特的判斷與見解 ◆ 優秀的邏輯思考與規劃執行力

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6/13 [派遣至知名外商手機品牌] Data Analyst/Engineer 資料工程師 - 105SY

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Data Analyst/Engineer Contractor Responsibilities: • Help team to manage business dataset; observe data and set tangible questions, then build data models and provide valuable suggestions • Support company digitalization initiatives • Help team to grow together regarding applying data analysis • Provide technical expertise in data analysis and ML • Do experiments on predictive analysis or causal analysis • EC traffic/ CVR tracking and analysis Data Analyst/Engineer Contractor Requirements: • Master or PhD from an accredited university in Computer science, Statistics, or Data Science. • Understanding of ML different stages including objective setting, data collection & preprocessing, model building, and model evaluation • Written and verbal communication skills on English & Chinese • Understanding of various machine learning models and how/when to use. • Having determination to overcome obstacles • Ability to communicate/present complex ideas to plain language • Experience in E-Commerce preferred • Familiar with Python in ML and SQL • Familiar with Tableau

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6/13 營業主管特助 - 台北區 (需陪同巡店)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 2年以上
  • 高中

【企業願景】 與我們共同追求醫療正義,實踐「好牙,每個人都負擔得起!」的理念與願景。 【職能說明】 1. 協助主管執行門市診所管理事務,並完成交辦事項。 2. 協助主管處理門市診所突發事務。 3. 此職務日常須於各門市診所間巡店,並不固定單一診所。 【必要條件】 1. 配合度高,細心負責,能與團隊共同合作。 2. 自備機車。 【出勤規範】 直屬主管規範 一天上班9小時 (1小時休息) 【薪資配套】 NT$ 45,000 起(依個人資歷或績效而異) 其他福利與休假皆符合勞基法規定,並依公司規定進行。

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6/13 客戶關係管理 Customer Relationship Management Executive

  • 台北市信義區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

Job Responsibilities 1.Manage and conceptualize marketing campaigns via new and existing channels to create, build and maintain strong customer loyalty and relationships 2.Ensure consistent and optimum utilization of marketing channels, loyalty programs and campaigns to create, build and maintain strong customer loyalty Drive initiatives to engage customers across all communications channels Responsible for segmentation and profiling of customer database to support end-to-end campaign execution, from requirement gatherings, extractions, executions, communications and report tracking of campaign performance Responsible for the improvement and optimization of CRM transactional communications Lead an efficient and structured processes to maintain a high level data hygiene within the CRM database and communications infrastructure Create targeted content for all CRM platforms and channels Provide data support for reporting, ad-hoc analysis or studies, and projects Perform timely insights and analytical support to assess the effectiveness of the various CRM channels and develop key insights into consumer trends Transform customer data into actionable insights to drive intelligent customer engagement Work effectively to drive the continuous engagement of the CRM team with internal stakeholders to maintain and develop robust backend systems Maintain regular communication with vendors, business intelligence and other data-related teams to manage CRM tools Ensure processes are in place to maintain the relevance of CRM communications to the customer and all campaign materials complies with established standards and are designed and built according to business and technical requirements Assist in the optimization of other CRM functions to broaden the utilization of technology and data to maximize impact on the customer Develop plans for system deployment, implementation and schedule based on requirements Perform any ad-hoc duties or responsibilities assigned

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6/13 Merchandising Intern

  • 台北市信義區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

1. Assist with daily, weekly reporting and day to day operations 2. Replenish key items weekly and voice inventory concerns to the line manager 3. Running sales reports 4. Creating binders/boards for presentations 5. Archiving old reporting 6. Day-to-day functions such as copying, printing and handling product transfer requests for cross-functional team members 7. Running competitive analysis on product assortment and pricing 8. Create and maintain seasonal boards for project presentations 9. Maintain, create, and understand weekly reports and tools used by the merchant team

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6/13 Cocos 遊戲前端工程師

  • 台北市信義區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

工作内容 1.使用 Cocos Creator 開發遊戲 2. 負責遊戲模塊,邏輯和 UI 組件功能開發,有良好的編碼習慣,結構清晰,命名規範,邏輯性強 3. 能夠主導遊戲核心架構的設計,開發以及優化 4. 負責遊戲性能優化,保證遊戲在低配置手機上的體驗與兼容性 5. 負責線上問題排查 Job Description 1. Developing games using Cocos Creator 2. Responsible for developing game modules, logic, and UI component functions, with good coding habits, clear structure, standardized naming, and strong logic 3. Be able to lead the design, development, and optimization of the game's core architecture 4. Responsible for optimizing game performance, ensuring the experience and compatibility of the game on low-configuration phones 5. Responsible for online troubleshooting

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6/13 媒體企劃副理/經理

  • 台北市信義區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

貝立德目前正在尋找具有經驗和專業的資深媒體企劃副理/經理加入我們的團隊。 工作任務 1. 市場分析/媒體接觸行為分析。 2. 獨立作業負責所屬客戶的全媒體策略、傳統及數位媒體專案規劃與執行 。 3. 客戶服務與關係維護。 4. 管理專案流程,包含進度掌握、成本控制、溝通協調、執行優化分析與結案報告 5. 第三方監測系統的運用。 6. 協助/參與新客戶比稿及公司新服務推廣

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6/13 行銷醫療公關執行

  • 台北市信義區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

TFC為不孕症家庭的生育首選,我們位於頂尖商辦,擁有權威級的醫護團隊及幕後推手行政團隊。我們正在尋找【活潑熱忱】【工作積極】【樂於團隊合作】的你,歡迎加入TFC行銷團隊,讓我們在團隊合作下共創生命的奇蹟。 職務工作內容: 【新聞稿、記者會、內容撰寫】 1.負責公關行銷企劃案的提案撰寫、活動規劃與籌備、與執行公司行銷活動與媒體活動(如:記者會、講座活動、論壇等),並分析其效益與優化建議。 2.具有撰寫新聞稿經驗與能力、能夠快速瞭解新聞與時事趨勢 3.社群經營(時事貼文、創意貼文、即時行貼文,需快速產文與發佈) 4. 產業競爭分析及市場調查分析。 5. 負責文宣製作物內容發想與撰寫 6. 具備專案管理、統籌與執行經驗,能夠有效掌握工作時程與專案成本。 7. 具線上線下活動企劃、創意發想、創新及創造力 8. 其他主管交辦事宜 【網紅合作與口碑操作】 1.依診所需求與屬性,擬定KOL、KOC合作策略合作人選名單,執行洽談與控管。 2.KOL合作執行與追蹤、成效檢視與數據分析 3. 口碑論壇內容經營 【其他】 1.產業競爭分析及市場調查分析 2.文宣製作物撰寫 3.成功案例策畫、行銷文案撰寫 4.支援行銷部活動

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6/13 社群企劃/網站經營

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

聯成娛樂專職實體活動策劃,尋找具活力及熱情的同事一起加入共事~ 我們正在尋找志同道合的夥伴一起共事 以下是聯成娛樂的公司介紹 https://www.best-onlineteam.com/ 也歡迎上網了解 (1) 社群平台發文、經營(Facebook、Instagram、等社群平台),提升社群活躍度 (2) 回覆及處理各社群平台訊息 (3) 熱愛音樂及美感,具團隊精神亦可獨立作業,擅溝通、積極負責 (4) 進行網路銷售及服務的成效追蹤(如果你可以把海報捲的很好很加分) (5) 基礎美編能力:社群各平台發文相關圖卡製作及編輯 (6) 協助主管交辦事宜 另需具備 -團隊共事的經驗 -細心且具思考力 歡迎再提出個人特色亮點 都會增加你的個人辨識度喔

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6/13 執行助理

  • 台北市信義區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

聯成娛樂專職實體活動策劃,尋找具活力及熱情的同事一起加入共事~ 我們正在尋找志同道合的夥伴一起共事 以下是聯成娛樂的公司介紹 https://www.best-onlineteam.com/ 也歡迎上網了解 主管助理的工作內容 1. 負責主管工作行程之規劃安排。 2. 整理簽核文件及發送,並負責追蹤執行狀況,隨時掌控進度。 3. 負責行政事務流程之溝通、整合及規劃。 4.協助專案推動與時程控管。 5.追蹤、監督工作進度。 6.具備跨部門溝通與協調能力。 7.需可配合國內外出差。 歡迎積極主動、善於觀察、細心仔細的夥伴,加入聯成娛樂團隊!

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6/13 Tamed Fox 信義店『暑期、假日兼職-外場服務生』(上班時段10:00-17:00)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

TAMED FOX 正在尋找理念相投的小狐狸們! 如果你也剛好熱愛美食、寵物以及喜愛接觸人群,歡迎加入我們的大家庭!! Feel wild,Get TAMED! 【外場服務生】工作內容: 1.英文能力非必須,但將優先考慮! 2.維護餐廳現場營運:送餐、清潔、接聽電話等 3.基本領檯帶位禮儀、訂位系統安排桌位等 4.優質顧客服務,協助主管維護顧客關係 5.為客人解答有關於餐點、飲品的相關問題

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  • 不想看到這個產業



