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Hang Ten 採購(商控)助理/專員

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

1.Pricing and discount plan, maintenance and system set up / 價格和折扣計劃, 維護及系統設定 2.Store products allocation / 店鋪貨品分配 3.Store replenishments and transfer / 店鋪庫存補貨及調貨 4.Routine report maintenance for goods receiving, sales, inventory / 進銷退存日常分析報表 5.Product campaign planning, and execution / 商品活動案計劃構想及執行 6.Coordinate with warehouse team / 倉庫物流溝通窗口 7.Coordinate with Ecommerce teams to ensure product launches delivery schedules. / E-Commerce溝通窗口, 確保商品上市及交貨時間 8.Matters assigned by the supervisor and others buying administrative work / 主管交辦事項及其它採購部門行政工作


5/14 和洋食事 百貨餐飲 正職早晚班人員/儲備幹部(板橋環球店)

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

對餐飲有興趣的你,從門市基礎營運開始學習起,享有健全之教育訓練體制,暢通之升遷管道,歡迎有服務熱忱與學習精神者加入我們的行列~ 【工作內容】 1.基本開店/閉店作業(餐期前/後的基本作業及環境整理清潔) 2.完成備餐、出餐之sop流程,進行簡易餐飲之料理 3.於客人用餐完畢後,負責收拾碗盤與清理,保持工作環境整潔 4.提供良好服務及親切態度之結帳、收銀工作 5.完成主管交辦之工作事項(環境清潔、點貨叫貨…等) 6.可配合輪班 【工作時間】 月休8天,且可休假日(四週變形,符合勞基法一例一休規定) 早班:09:00-18:00 (休1小時) 晚班:13:00-22:00(休1小時) 需輪班,但不會晚接早! 【福利制度】 我們是一間幸福企業 1.勞健退保障 2.全勤獎金 3.每日業績達標獎金 4.生日禮金 5.三節禮金 6.員工專屬8折優惠 7.上班提供員工餐 8.每年一次尾牙聚餐 9.不定時教育訓練研習 10.每半年~一年通過考核即加薪(調薪幅度視能力、態度調整) 【企業願景】 無經驗可,只要態度正確、願意學習、有責任感、企圖心, 我們會有階段性訓練,讓你成為我們的潛力夥伴! 並且我們正在找積極/活潑/有願景的年輕人, 期許在三年內展店數間,現在正在組核心團隊,急需數名正職人員/儲備幹部,是一間正在發展的公司,若想學習更多不同面向(經營管理/人資內勤),歡迎加入我們的行列! 未來將會實施「 內部創業機制 」!你還在等什麼呢~?快加入我們吧!

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5/14 和洋食事 百貨餐飲 正職早晚班人員/儲備幹部(板橋環球店)

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

對餐飲有興趣的你,從門市基礎營運開始學習起,享有健全之教育訓練體制,暢通之升遷管道,歡迎有服務熱忱與學習精神者加入我們的行列~ 【工作內容】 1.基本開店/閉店作業(餐期前/後的基本作業及環境整理清潔) 2.完成備餐、出餐之sop流程,進行簡易餐飲之料理 3.於客人用餐完畢後,負責收拾碗盤與清理,保持工作環境整潔 4.提供良好服務及親切態度之結帳、收銀工作 5.完成主管交辦之工作事項(環境清潔、點貨叫貨…等) 6.可配合輪班 【工作時間】 月休8天,且可休假日(四週變形,符合勞基法一例一休規定) 早班:09:00-18:00 (休1小時) 晚班:13:00-22:00(休1小時) 需輪班,但不會晚接早! 【福利制度】 我們是一間幸福企業 1.勞健退保障 2.全勤獎金 3.每日業績達標獎金 4.生日禮金 5.三節禮金 6.員工專屬8折優惠 7.上班提供員工餐 8.每年一次尾牙聚餐 9.不定時教育訓練研習 10.每半年~一年通過考核即加薪(調薪幅度視能力、態度調整) 【企業願景】 無經驗可,只要態度正確、願意學習、有責任感、企圖心, 我們會有階段性訓練,讓你成為我們的潛力夥伴! 並且我們正在找積極/活潑/有願景的年輕人, 期許在三年內展店數間,現在正在組核心團隊,急需數名正職人員/儲備幹部,是一間正在發展的公司,若想學習更多不同面向(經營管理/人資內勤),歡迎加入我們的行列! 未來將會實施「 內部創業機制 」!你還在等什麼呢~?快加入我們吧!

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5/14 北區業務專員

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1. 居家上班待命負責新竹以北業務,配合高雄總公司交辦事項 2. 定期拜訪客戶,維繫穩定客戶關係。 3. 提供售後諮詢服務,處理客戶端之問題,給予完善的處理。 4. 察覺客戶交易之異常狀況,回報公司處理。 5. 協助業務人員處理銷售業務相關作業。 6. 公家機關開標及交貨驗收事項 7.台塑關係企業之交貨驗收或是教育訓練相關事宜。 8.若對業務工作有野心者,可接受總公司教育訓練,執行業務洽談工作

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5/14 M【新北市板橋區】商辦機電工程師,薪36,000~38,000元

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 1年以上
  • 高中

機電員 (三班輪) 到職後通過輪班考核,可正式輪班者,調薪為38,000, 丙級以上機電證照(含丙級), 一年以上機電相關經驗, 休假為排休制, 大月固定10天, 小月固定9天, 年休=115天 丙級證照 丙級冷凍空調裝修技術士 丙級工業配線技術士 丙級自來水管配管技術士 乙級證照 乙級室內配線技術士 乙級冷凍空調裝修技術士 一、工作內容 .機電設備操作管理及故障設備維修更換。 .月底抄錄公共電度表、統計用電量。 .巡檢及記錄各項機電設備運轉情形。 .協助執行消防訓練及防災演練。 .執行颱風季節防颱準備措施、防颱物資準備。 .每月清點、申購各項耗材及工具。 .配合外包保養及各項修繕工程執行。 .處理機電設備各種突發狀況。 .其他交辦事項。 二、上班時間:(輪班制) 08:00~16:00 (早班) 09:00~18:00(平日班) 16:00~24:00 (中班) 24:00~ 08:00 (晚班) 三、休假 : 月排休9-10天 四、薪水:36,000~38,000元/月 五、公司福利 .勞保、健保(依法投保) .年節獎金或禮券 .結婚補助金與結婚禮金 .生育補助金 .年終獎金 .公司負擔6﹪退休金(依實際薪資級距提撥) .健康檢查 .提供制服、不押保證金 .提供專業教育訓練及核發證照 . 完整的人事管理與升遷制度 .提供宿舍(設籍-外縣市者)

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5/14 室內設計師

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

1.藉由室內設計專業規劃,協助業主落實未來居家空間的想像與感覺,並評估其可行性。 2.配合業主需求或提出更完善建議,檢討及規劃室內空間機能,使其發揮最高坪效或滿足業主個性化需求。 3.協助業主選擇裝修材料、窗簾、家具及飾品佈置,以統合室內整體風格設計,營造更舒適的居家感覺。 4.規劃相關機電與消防系統,使業主居住更便利、安全且合法。 5.繪製裝修施工圖,作為施工人員之施工準則及驗收標準。

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5/14 和洋食事 百貨餐飲 兼職早晚班人員(板橋環球店)

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

對餐飲有興趣的你,從門市基礎營運開始學習起,享有健全之教育訓練體制,暢通之升遷管道,歡迎有服務熱忱與學習精神者加入我們的行列~ 【工作內容】 1.基本開店/閉店作業(餐期前/後的基本作業及環境整理清潔) 2.完成備餐、出餐之sop流程,進行簡易餐飲之料理 3.於客人用餐完畢後,負責收拾碗盤與清理,保持工作環境整潔 4.提供良好服務及親切態度之結帳、收銀工作 5.完成主管交辦之工作事項(環境清潔、點貨叫貨…等) 【福利制度】 我們是一間幸福企業 1.勞健退保障 2.員工專屬8折優惠 3.上班提供員工餐 4.每年一次尾牙聚餐 5.每半年~一年通過考核即加薪(調薪幅度視能力、態度調整) 【企業願景】 無經驗可,只要態度正確、願意學習、有責任感、企圖心, 我們會有階段性訓練,讓你成為我們的潛力夥伴!

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5/14 和洋食事 兼職早晚班餐飲人員(板橋環球店)

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

對餐飲有興趣的你,從門市基礎營運開始學習起,享有健全之教育訓練體制,暢通之升遷管道,歡迎有服務熱忱與學習精神者加入我們的行列~ 【工作內容】 1.基本開店/閉店作業(餐期前/後的基本作業及環境整理清潔) 2.完成備餐、出餐之sop流程,進行簡易餐飲之料理 3.於客人用餐完畢後,負責收拾碗盤與清理,保持工作環境整潔 4.提供良好服務及親切態度之結帳、收銀工作 5.完成主管交辦之工作事項(環境清潔、點貨叫貨…等) 【福利制度】 我們是一間幸福企業 1.勞健退保障 2.員工專屬8折優惠 3.上班提供員工餐 4.每年一次尾牙聚餐 5.每半年~一年通過考核即加薪(調薪幅度視能力、態度調整) 【企業願景】 無經驗可,只要態度正確、願意學習、有責任感、企圖心, 我們會有階段性訓練,讓你成為我們的潛力夥伴!

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5/14 Product Manager, Google Nest

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience. • 4 years of experience in product management, consulting, co-founder or related technical role. • 2 years of experience building and shipping technical products. • Experience shipping consumer electronics products with a software service component. Preferred qualifications: • Master’s degree or PhD in a technology or business related field. • 3 years of experience in a business function or role (e.g., strategic marketing, business operations, consulting). • 3 years of experience in a role preparing and delivering technical presentations to senior leadership. • 2 years of experience working cross-functionally with engineering, UX/UI, sales finance, and other stakeholders. • 1 year of experience in technical leadership, and with owning software and hardware for a consumer electronic device. • Experience with camera and audio solutions. About the job The Google Nest team focuses on hardware, software, and services for the home, ranging from Nest thermostats to Nest smart displays. The Google Nest team develops, designs, and develops new technologies and hardware to make users’ homes more helpful. Our mission is the helpful home: to create a home that cares for the people inside it and the world around it. Responsibilities • Understand home security camera markets, competition, and user requirements. • Launch new products and features, test performance, and iterate. • Work with Engineering, Marketing, Legal, UX, and other teams on technologies. • Develop solutions to problems by collaborating as needed across regions, product areas, and functions.

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5/14 Firmware Engineer, Pixel System Power (Early Career)

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or equivalent practical experience. • Experience with embedded programming. Preferred qualifications: • Master's degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, or a related field. • Experience with embedded Linux and device drivers. • Understanding of operating systems and computer organization. About the job Google's software engineers develop the next-generation technologies that change how billions of users connect, explore, and interact with information and one another. Our products need to handle information at massive scale, and extend well beyond web search. We're looking for engineers who bring fresh ideas from all areas, including information retrieval, distributed computing, large-scale system design, networking and data storage, security, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, UI design and mobile; the list goes on and is growing every day. As a software engineer, you will work on a specific project critical to Google’s needs with opportunities to switch teams and projects as you and our fast-paced business grow and evolve. We need our engineers to be versatile, display leadership qualities and be enthusiastic to take on new problems across the full-stack as we continue to push technology forward. With your technical expertise you will manage project priorities, deadlines, and deliverables. You will design, develop, test, deploy, maintain, and enhance software solutions. The Pixel System Power team focuses on providing the best battery life experience of Pixel devices. The team works on optimizing the battery life of the latest pixel devices which includes: system level power analysis and find optimization direction, understand user's feedback and find the pain point, evaluate the new feature power impact, and provide accurate data for leadership to make decisions.The Google Pixel team focuses on designing and delivering the world's most helpful mobile experience. The team works on shaping the future of Pixel devices and services through some of the most advanced designs, techniques, products, and experiences in consumer electronics. This includes bringing together the best of Google’s artificial intelligence, software, and hardware to build global smartphones and create transformative experiences for users across the world. Responsibilities • Work with cross-functional hardware, software, and chip teams to debug and optimize power issues for a wide variety of use-cases. • Work on user battery life problem feedback, understand the pain point, and find the root cause or possible solution to improve user battery life experience. • Develop new tools or new methods to improve the power analysis flow. • Be responsible to the assigned job under result-driven circumstances.

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5/14 CPU Architecture and Performance Architect, Silicon

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Master's degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or Computer Science, emphasizing on computer architecture, or equivalent practical experience. • 3 years of experience in high-performance microprocessor architecture, microarchitecture, performance, or advanced CPU design. • Experience in high-performance CPU architecture, performance modeling, analysis, correlation, and workload characterization. • Experience with C/C++ and scripting languages (e.g., Python). Preferred qualifications: • PhD in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or Computer Science, emphasizing on computer architecture or machine learning. • Experience in CPU/ML microarchitecture exploration, performance model development, performance analysis, performance correlation, or workload characterization. • Knowledge of microprocessor instruction set architecture (e.g., ARM, RISC-V, x86). • Familiarity with system software components, such as Linux, drivers, and runtime. About the job As a CPU architecture and performance architect, you'll be the key contributor to improve processor instruction set architecture, to develop innovative microarchitecture features, and deliver Google’s advanced SoC products. You will collaborate cross-functionally with Android Applications and AI teams to conduct applications and benchmark performance analysis and to project their performance at various design phases. You will be guided by architects and working with engineers in power, thermal, security, and physical design teams to determine the CPU subsystem configuration and features. Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Our team combines the best of Google AI, Software, and Hardware to create radically helpful experiences. We research, design, and develop new technologies and hardware to make computing faster, seamless, and more powerful. We aim to make people's lives better through technology. Responsibilities • Develop and modify a performance model for performance analysis and microarchitecture study. Evaluate ARM’s architecture features from both architecture and performance angles. • Define and write CPU subsystem architecture specifications. • Collaborate with RTL, design verification, and physical design teams to develop a high-performance and efficient CPU implementation. • Manage performance correlation between the performance model and RTL implementation, including micro-benchmark development and pre-silicon and post-silicon performance bug triage.

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5/14 Staff Silicon System Architect, Silicon

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, a related field, or equivalent practical experience. • 8 years of experience working with mobile or embedded SoCs. • 5 years of experience in one or more areas in ARM CPU, memory management, system coherency, or hardware acceleration. Preferred qualifications: • Master's degree or PhD in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or Computer Science, with an emphasis on computer architecture. • Experience in writing low level system code or device drivers to program hardware. • Experience in Gem5 or similar simulation of SoC and hardware architecture analysis. • Knowledge of interactions between hardware and software for different types of standard hardware blocks, including ARM CPU, memory management, coherency and accelerators. About the job Our computational challenges are so big, complex and unique we can't just purchase off-the-shelf hardware, we've got to make it ourselves. Your team designs and builds the hardware, software and networking technologies that power all of Google's services. As a Hardware Engineer, you design and build the systems that are the heart of the world's largest and most powerful computing infrastructure. You develop from the lowest levels of circuit design to large system design and see those systems all the way through to high volume manufacturing. Your work has the potential to shape the machinery that goes into our cutting-edge data centers affecting millions of Google users. With your technical expertise, you lead projects in multiple areas of expertise (i.e., engineering domains or systems) within a data center facility, including construction and equipment installation/troubleshooting/debugging with vendors. Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Our team combines the best of Google AI, Software, and Hardware to create radically helpful experiences. We research, design, and develop new technologies and hardware to make computing faster, seamless, and more powerful. We aim to make people's lives better through technology. Responsibilities • Collaborate with stakeholders such as product management, architecture, silicon architecture, silicon implementation, silicon software, and product software engineering, to identify user experiences characteristics and how they can be mapped into hardware. • Understand interactions between hardware components and work towards the definition of architecture and block’s interactions design, providing options and/or trade-offs, identifying issues and driving them to resolution. • Design architecture and software interfaces that enable a software programming model that can delight our application developers, and allow them to use hardware accelerators seamlessly and timely. • Design architecture that assures security and privacy of the data for applications that are sensitive to it. • Adopt and/or develop the software architecture modeling platform to model features requests, and support their inclusion in the hardware using a data-driven approach about their benefits.

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5/14 Test Engineering Manager, Google Pixel

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or equivalent practical experience. • 5 years of experience in product test automation (e.g., Python, Java), developing test strategies, test plans, test cases, and debugging tests. • 3 years of experience leading test teams through testing and automation testing for embedded products (e.g., phones, SoCs, or similar). • Experience in thermals related, charging, performance, or application testing. Preferred qualifications: • Master's or PhD degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or a related field. • 4 years of experience leading test projects for products. • Experience in designing and developing automated frameworks. • Experience in building monitoring systems, or improving testing effectiveness. About the job Pixel Test Engineering encompasses all aspects of Pixel products testing. As part of this organization, the System Test team is tasked with producing, monitoring, and maintaining quality signals in functional domains of Power, Thermals, Performance, Battery Charging, and Storage for all Pixel products. The System Test team in Pixel Test Engineering organization will be responsible for designing and developing test strategies, test plans, test cases, test automation, infrastructure, and processes in the test domains, to enable consistent, reproducible test results to serve as quality signals for product teams to evaluate and ready the products for release. In this team, you will have opportunities to drive test strategies, test automation, and impact product quality by working with various stakeholders across product, feature, and engineering development teams to deliver quality Pixel products to users. Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Our Devices & Services team combines the best of Google AI, Software, and Hardware to create radically helpful experiences for users. We research, design, and develop new technologies and hardware to make our user's interaction with computing faster, seamless, and more powerful. Whether finding new ways to capture and sense the world around us, advancing form factors, or improving interaction methods, the Devices & Services team is making people's lives better through technology. Responsibilities • Manage a team of engineers to own and drive cohesive functional and non-functional test strategies aimed at delivering a quality Pixel product to users. • Drive test plans based on Product Excellence/Test Strategies and review with cross functional stakeholders and engineers across Hardware, Software, and Platform teams. • Guide the development for test framework, test automation, test preconditions, and other test control and reporting functions to enable testing excellence. • Own opportunities and manage efforts to improve existing test infrastructure, or create new test infrastructure to increase efficiency and productivity in test case development, scheduling, or deployment. • Lead test and automation design reviews with product managers, software/hardware engineers, and other stakeholders to contribute to product design, testability, and implementation.

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5/14 Software Engineer, Pixel Quality

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, a related technical field, or equivalent practical experience. • 2 years of experience in software development with Java or C++. • Experience with data structures or algorithms in an academic or industry setting. Preferred qualifications: • Experience in developing backend service or data pipeline that handles large volume of data. • Experience in data-driven quality work and in Android development. • Experience with building automation systems or testing infrastructure. • Experience in distributed computing and parallel computing. • Ability to drive projects and learn quickly in a technically complex domain. • Ability to collaborate well both within and outside the team. About the job Google's software engineers develop the next-generation technologies that change how billions of users connect, explore, and interact with information and one another. Our products need to handle information at massive scale, and extend well beyond web search. We're looking for engineers who bring fresh ideas from all areas, including information retrieval, distributed computing, large-scale system design, networking and data storage, security, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, UI design and mobile; the list goes on and is growing every day. As a software engineer, you will work on a specific project critical to Google’s needs with opportunities to switch teams and projects as you and our fast-paced business grow and evolve. We need our engineers to be versatile, display leadership qualities and be enthusiastic to take on new problems across the full-stack as we continue to push technology forward. With your technical expertise you will manage project priorities, deadlines, and deliverables. You will design, develop, test, deploy, maintain, and enhance software solutions. As a member of the Pixel Quality team, you will play a key role in the Pixel software quality for a delightful user experience. You will work with teams across multiple regions on software development, feature tuning, infrastructure/tooling, product integration, and more. The Google Pixel team focuses on designing and delivering the world's most helpful mobile experience. The team works on shaping the future of Pixel devices and services through some of the most advanced designs, techniques, products, and experiences in consumer electronics. This includes bringing together the best of Google’s artificial intelligence, software, and hardware to build global smartphones and create transformative experiences for users across the world. Responsibilities • Create innovative software engineering efforts, drive the design, and development that solve or strategically address business objectives. • Ensure product excellence, technical excellence, and performance. • Uphold engineering best practices (functional testing, performance testing, instrumentation, experiments, etc.). • Collaborate with partner teams across Google. • Help the team push toward our strategic goals.

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5/14 Hardware Engineer, Camera Calibration, Devices and Services

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Physics, a related field, or equivalent practical experience. • 2 years of experience in image processing or computer vision, or 1 year of experience with an advanced degree. • Experience in C++, Python Preferred qualifications: • Master's or PhD degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Physics, or a related field. • Experience managing contract manufacturing test/calibration engineering partners to drive DOE, and Dry Runs to prepare for NPI builds. • Experience with lens characterization methodology and calibration. • Experience developing calibration solutions (e.g., hardware, software, integration) for imaging systems. • Knowledge of MatLab, statistics, with the ability to perform functions, JMP. • Excellent mechanical, hardware, and software engineering, problem solving, and optimization skills. About the job Our computational challenges are so big, complex and unique we can't just purchase off-the-shelf hardware, we've got to make it ourselves. Your team designs and builds the hardware, software and networking technologies that power all of Google's services. As a Hardware Engineer, you design and build the systems that are the heart of the world's largest and most powerful computing infrastructure. You develop from the lowest levels of circuit design to large system design and see those systems all the way through to high volume manufacturing. Your work has the potential to shape the machinery that goes into our cutting-edge data centers affecting millions of Google users. Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Our Devices & Services team combines the best of Google AI, Software, and Hardware to create radically helpful experiences for users. We research, design, and develop new technologies and hardware to make our user's interaction with computing faster, seamless, and more powerful. Whether finding new ways to capture and sense the world around us, advancing form factors, or improving interaction methods, the Devices & Services team is making people's lives better through technology. Responsibilities • Develop calibration algorithms and software. • Build quality evaluation and reporting systems. • Analyze calibrations across factory, prototype, software, and end user experience. • Debug and report on factory calibration issues. • Innovate improvements in software and factory processes.

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5/14 甜點西點三手正職- 【Bonnie sugar 甜點板橋區前店後廠】

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 2年以上
  • 高中

需到新店廠培訓2個月 (新北市新店區寶興路45巷6弄1號3樓) 1.製造蛋糕、麵包及其他西式點心 2.所需材料之檢視與選用 3.用各種方式,如添加奶油、水果等夾心,裝飾蛋糕、麵包或西點之表面 4.支援現場工作、品質掌控及製作流程管理 5.有團隊精神及重視職場倫理道德 6.需學習領導組織工作團隊、培訓員工 7.富有責任感,並熱愛西點製作

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5/14 Hardware Integrity Engineering Lead

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, System Engineering, or equivalent practical experience. • 5 years of experience in consumer electronics/embedded system design engineering, including CPU/SoC, memory, high speed communication interfaces, low speed busses or power supplies. • Experience leading consumer electronics product development. Preferred qualifications: • Master's degree in Electrical Engineering, System Engineering, Power Engineering, or related technical field. • 8 years of experience in consumer electronics system design engineering, including CPU/SoC, memory, high speed communication interfaces, low speed busses and/or power supplies. • Experience managing OEM/ODM/JDM/CM partners and working with CPU/chipset, memory vendors. • Experience in signal/power integrity simulation or lab correlation in frequency and time domain. • Experience with software programming for test automation and validation script development. • Understanding of the product development process for mass-volume production design, with focus on design for manufacturing and design for test. About the job Our computational challenges are so big, complex and unique we can't just purchase off-the-shelf hardware, we've got to make it ourselves. Your team designs and builds the hardware, software and networking technologies that power all of Google's services. As a Hardware Engineer, you design and build the systems that are the heart of the world's largest and most powerful computing infrastructure. You develop from the lowest levels of circuit design to large system design and see those systems all the way through to high volume manufacturing. Your work has the potential to shape the machinery that goes into our cutting-edge data centers affecting millions of Google users. As a Hardware Integrity Engineering Lead, you will be responsible for consumer hardware product excellence by leading system-level design validation and performance optimization. You will contribute experience in hardware system design and verification and knowledge of the overall system architecture of consumer electronics products. Additionally, you will define hardware system quality and validation strategy for products in high-speed interfaces, signal/power integrity, system integration, user experience, etc.Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Our Devices & Services team combines the best of Google AI, Software, and Hardware to create radically helpful experiences for users. We research, design, and develop new technologies and hardware to make our user's interaction with computing faster, seamless, and more powerful. Whether finding new ways to capture and sense the world around us, advancing form factors, or improving interaction methods, the Devices & Services team is making people's lives better through technology. Responsibilities • Manage overall hardware system design integrity and quality optimization of Google product ecosystem. • Lead cross-functional collaboration in executing validation plans, troubleshooting issues, and documenting results to ensure product design quality and ecosystem performance. • Lead complete design verification, signal characterization, power delivery, and system interoperability testing. Define comprehensive system level validation plans for the ecosystem. • Lead cross-functional teams and drive issues resolution including those related to hardware architecture, system performance, production quality, and overall system integration. • Lead contract manufacturing (CM) partners and suppliers on transitioning products from concept to mass production and partners with Engineering team leaders to assess the technical feasibility of the system program schedule.

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5/14 Software Engineer, Silicon Developer Tools

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, related technical field, or equivalent practical experience. • Experience with software development in Python. Preferred qualifications: • Experience in C/C++ development for firmware applications. • Experience in Perfetto or equivalent visualization tools. • Experience in ARM CoreSight architecture and MIPI System Trace Protocols. • Experience with gdb protocols, and commercial JTAG debug solutions. • Experience with embedded operating systems (e.g., FreeRTOS, ZephyrOS, etc.). • Knowledge of on-chip trace networks and reconstruction of control flow. About the job Google's software engineers develop the next-generation technologies that change how billions of users connect, explore, and interact with information and one another. Our products need to handle information at massive scale, and extend well beyond web search. We're looking for engineers who bring fresh ideas from all areas, including information retrieval, distributed computing, large-scale system design, networking and data storage, security, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, UI design and mobile; the list goes on and is growing every day. As a software engineer, you will work on a specific project critical to Google’s needs with opportunities to switch teams and projects as you and our fast-paced business grow and evolve. We need our engineers to be versatile, display leadership qualities and be enthusiastic to take on new problems across the full-stack as we continue to push technology forward. Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Our team combines the best of Google AI, Software, and Hardware to create radically helpful experiences. We research, design, and develop new technologies and hardware to make computing faster, seamless, and more powerful. We aim to make people's lives better through technology. Responsibilities • Develop software tools and scripts to diagnose/analyze system issues of custom silicon. Develop a dongle-less debugger via USB/existing peripheral interface. • Present the analytics in command-line interface (CLI) and Graphical User Interface (GUI). Correlate data from different micro-controllers and power/performance measurements with correlated timestamps. • Apply machine learning on the analytics to pinpoint the root causes and the corresponding self-recovery methods. • Enable test automation to collect the analytics automatically in development test farms. Write micro-controller firmware for embedded on-chip solutions, write/extend Linux drivers, and engineer tooling to enable developer workflows. • Work with hardware prototypes, Field-programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), software-simulation of SoC, and subsystem designs to verify and enable functionality. Review hardware designs/engage in hardware/software co-design efforts to get the understanding of the debug/performance features.

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5/14 門市正職人員-【Bonnie Sugar 甜點新北市板橋街邊店】

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1.熱誠及態度積極 2.有在百貨銷售經驗為佳 3.賣場整潔及商品管理。 4.業績經營及銷售業績管理。 5.和顧客及門市夥伴溝通互動 6.具微笑、親切有禮服務態度 7.善與人溝通合作、重視團隊精神

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5/14 Software Engineer, Google Nest

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, a related field, or equivalent practical experience. • 3 years of experience with software development in one or more programming languages (e.g., Python, C++, Java). • Experience working with one or more of the following: Unix/Linux environments, distributed and parallel systems, service development, machine learning. • Experience with object oriented languages. Preferred qualifications: • Experience in algorithms, data pipeline, data infrastructure, data analysis, and system evaluation and testing. • Experience in driving product excellence through well-defined quality metrics and metrics-oriented optimization. • Ability to learn and grow. • Excellent ownership and problem-solving skills. • Passion for IoT and smart home technologies. About the job The Whole Home Intelligence team develops artificial intelligence and sensor algorithms, coupled with Google Home's to create a helpful smart home. In this role, you will be responsible for developing and implementing systems and infrastructure to support intelligence features for the smart home. The Google Nest team focuses on hardware, software, and services for the home, ranging from Nest thermostats to Nest smart displays. The Google Nest team develops, designs, and develops new technologies and hardware to make users’ homes more helpful. Our mission is the helpful home: to create a home that cares for the people inside it and the world around it. Responsibilities • Design and implement a system to evaluate the Large Language Model (LLM) for the home using both simulate and historical data. • Build and incorporate new tools into our mission-critical pipelines for algorithm evaluation for home automation generation. • Build evaluation datasets, metrics, and infrastructure to understand and optimize the behavior of our features and algorithms for home insights. • Develop feedback systems to retrain algorithm on user input.

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