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  • 台北市文山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

★工作內容: 1.執行便利商店、超市及大型量販等門店的商品陳列、價格卡、促銷卡(POSM)及清潔維護。 2.依照公司要求前各通路門店執行商品鋪貨狀況調查。 3.新品推廣及上架、商品訂貨建議溝通及客情建立維護等。 4.協助執行落地陳列維護。 ★此職位為外勤型態職務,負責零售通路客戶,身負提升品牌形象的使命。 ★歡迎有活力、熱愛生活與工作、個性外向、勇於接受挑戰、樂於接觸不同環境與人群的您加入。 ★此外勤型態工作不同於辦公室,需大量時間在外拜訪客戶,請確定能接受再應徵。 ★福利:(依據當年度公告之福利項目為準) 1.生日禮金。 2.年終獎金。 ★工作時間: 1基本工作時段:日班09:00~18:00 ★工作地點: 1北區之特定合作賣場專櫃與門市 2需因每件專案需求地點不同而配合地點更動。 ★首阜企管_商化團隊簡介: 專業的商化團隊,能幫助品牌企業去整合「消費者」、「產品」與「銷售現場」,透過商化去執行產品想要創造給顧客的購物體驗與服務,從產品陳列美化/排面維護/產品貼標/庫存補貨調度/pop廣告輔銷/產品特色訓練/通路客情維護/試樣試用/獎勵促訂/行銷活動執行/競業資訊收集/市場調查……等等,最重要是幫助業者掌握第一手市場資訊,掌握產品銷售先機。 首阜商化團隊完整報導,請至連結:https://www.cs-consult.com.tw/service/commercialization 商化人員的價值:https://www.cs-consult.com.tw/articles/info?id=176


Manager, Brand Operations Excellence

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Summary: The Brand Operations Excellence Manager is an individual contributor role. The role is responsible in mainly 4 areas: (A) 40% quantitative modeling and advanced commercial data analytics, (B) 30% primary market research, (C) 20% new products planning launch excellence and (D) 10% ad-hoc projects management. Key Responsibilities: A. Quantitative model and advanced commercial data analytics (40% of workload) 1. Perform statistical analyses, data mining and predictive modelling to uncover trends and correlations. 2. Build and design patient models/patient trackers across with marketing/finance by using innovative analytics, assist with establishing core analytical and data capabilities, standards, processes, and methodologies for the team. 3. Business Intelligence: Proactively assess the relevant marketplace and its dynamics, customers and competitors through market research and secondary data. Provide an unbiased point of view on the performance of markets/brands, supported by facts and evidence. 4. Actively connect with Asia/Global BI&A teams on advanced analytics like KDA (key decision analytics), and omnichannel analytics to understand the methodology and interpret results to local stakeholders. 5. Work closely with SFE (sales force effectiveness), sales & marketing, finance and omnichannel teams to create Tableau 360-degree commercial dashboards to leadership key stakeholders. 6. Collaborate with IT teams to develop & enhance data infrastructure, data pipelines & analytical tools for efficient data collection, processing and analysis 7. Stay up-to-date with industry trends, best practices and emerging technologies 8. English presenting & writing commercial insights results to Taiwan, Regional and Global key stakeholders. B. Primary Market Research (30% of workload) 1. Lead primary market research, ensuring quality deliverables and that processes align with SOP. 2. Closely connect with Commercial and Leadership teams and provide strategic recommendations based on market research insights, including integration with other data sources where possible. 3. Project management of vendor assessment & due diligence activities for all market research consulting agencies. 4. Support the standardization of vendor oversight requirements and reporting. C. New Products Planning Launch Excellence (20% of workload) 1. Coordinate the engagement of the marketing, medical, market access and regulatory teams to ensure new products planning and launch deliverables are done on time. D. Ad-hoc Projects Management (10% of workload) 1. Executive Communication: Collaborate with cross-functional team to prepare the budget plan and ad hoc analytics requests from senior management. 2. Act as the Project Management Officer (PMO) role and be the contact person with global New Commercialization Model (NCM) team for future NCM rollout in Taiwan. Leadership Responsibilities: - Lead cross-functional team discussions, exploring the insights and solutions. - Have the flexibility and willingness to be stretched and take on ad-hoc analyses and projects. - Perform in-depth analyses on complex data and actual results; identify critical variance and communicate them to management with value-added suggestions. - Seek opportunities and bring innovative ideas to further improve commercial operation. - Manage remote vendors supporting data analytics and market research work. - Eager to learn and have growth mindset. - Always challenge for status quo

待遇面議 外商公司 員工120人

4/25 【板橋 樹林 土城】♡ 睡飽飽才上班♡ ✦月休10天可輪休假日✦~無經驗可. 遠傳&台灣大哥大電信門市.新人均薪35k↑

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

優質企業⭐台灣大哥大&遠傳門市人員⭐ ❤️錄取就是企業正職員工 ❤️ 員工勞保、職災、健保 、6%勞退提撥 ❤️順暢升遷管道➜銷售服務專員、店長、督導 ❤️多區門市招募➜錄取後依居住區就近分配 ⭐工作內容⭐ (1) 負責接待顧客與提供需求服務 (2) 各項電信相關產品介紹與銷售 (3) 協助店務作業(商品、現金、庫存…等) ⭐薪資待遇⭐ ➜月薪32000 元(保障不倒扣) ➜保障業績獎金3000 UP↑無上限 ⭐只要你敢挑戰,獎金讓你拿到手軟⭐ ➜ 不定時有激勵獎金小確幸 ➜員購手機折價優惠 ⭐工作時間/休假制度⭐ ➜依門市營運時間時段11:00~21:00(含休息時間2小時) ➜ 彈性排休制度,月休10天可以排休假日

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4/25 3C周邊/手機配件/手機周邊銷售人員 薪38000-43000 月休6-8天 i平方時尚3C館(士林.饒河.東區.台北車站站前.中山.淡水.通化.松山)

  • 台北市士林區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

工作環境與大綱: 我們是一群很正面積極且富有熱情的團隊,相處起來就像個大家庭,很重視員工的各方面狀況與福利,也是一個很好的學習平台,主要銷售3C配件,保護貼、手機殼、行動電源、耳機、喇叭等,是個有趣又前衛的工作,而且可以學習到很多東西,希望有機會可以加入我們i平方喔。 若有意願應徵,可直接撥打以下各店面店長電話又或者是加LINE進行聯繫預約面試時間。 目前各門市地點與聯絡資訊 (電話若沒有接到,請直接加LINE聯繫確認是否尚有職缺,謝謝!) 饒河夜市。(近捷運松山站) 鐘店長:0921788516 LINE ID:a7243496 平日15:00-24:00 假日14:30-24:30 通化夜市。(近捷運信義安和站) 黃店長:0987798481 LINE ID:superlinewars 平日15:00-24:00 假日15:00-01:00 士林夜市大南店。(近捷運劍潭站) 鄭店長:0910273383 LINE ID:0910273383 平日15:30-24:30 假日15:00-01:00 東區商圈。(近捷運忠孝敦化站) 吳店長:0981212624 LINE ID:minicrazy 平日11:00-20:00 假日11:00-21:00 台北車站站前店。(近捷運台北車站) 楊店長:0936358831 LINE ID: ken00096718 平日12:00-21:00 假日11:00-21:00 中山店。(近捷運中山站) 楊店長:0936358831 LINE ID: ken00096718 平日12:00-21:00 假日11:00-21:00 士林夜市大東店。(近捷運劍潭站) 鄭店長:0910273383 LINE ID:0910273383 平日15:00-24:00 假日14:30-24:30 淡水老街。(近捷運淡水站) 朱店長:0981929181 LINE ID:08009527 平日11:00-20:00 假日11:00-21:00 松山地下街。(近松山火車站/捷運站) 劉店長:0971005194 LINE ID: jerry80839 平日12:00-21:00 假日11:00-21:00 需求條件: 不遲到早退、臨時請假、正面積極的工作態度,無經驗可喔。 休假 每月可彈性自選休假日期 (自選6-8天、自己排班) 薪資 月薪依休假天數保障38000-43000 福利: 1.優質的工作環境(拒絕勾心鬥角、小團體) 2.豐富的獎金制度 ▼每月皆有的獎金▼ ◆個人獎金 ◆團體競賽獎金 實際每月會有的獎金約莫有七至八項哦!面試時會詳細解說! ▼特殊獎金▼ ◆BMI管理獎金(每季)(為夥伴把關身體健康) ◆員工生日禮金超大現金紅包(年資滿一年者往後每年度都可以領到) ◆春節開工大紅包 (獎金項目極多~目前不曾有夥伴領過底薪,等您來挑戰唷~) 3.每月員工聚餐 (如疫情嚴重嚴禁內用,則公司會直接將餐費轉換成現金補貼給大家!) 4.超高頻率員工旅遊,每年度六次,且是有支薪的額外假期哦! 員工旅遊時的所有費用包含午餐、晚餐、遊樂園門票、遊覽車資、保險等費用皆由公司全額支付。 5.員工、眷屬購物優惠(享超優惠員工價) 6.明確且快速的調薪制度 (除固定於到職第一天起計每六個月審核一次, 審核通過率90% up外,特殊表現另有額外調薪) 7.年度定期免費健康檢查 (每年十一月為公司年度健康檢測月份,提供夥伴們免費且完善的健康檢查。) 8.勞保、健保、勞退提撥及團保 9.每月可彈性自選休假日期(想排連休出去玩也不是問題!) 10.加班費(超時10分鐘即計半小時加班費) 11.完整的在職教育訓練(無銷售或相關經驗也沒關係哦!) 12.完善順暢之升遷管道 13.聖誕節餐會及抽交換禮物活動(主管群精心準備各式大獎等你來抽~) 14.春酒/尾牙餐會及抽獎活動(超多現金獎項) 15.除夕固定公休(好好休息,陪伴家人) 16.可加入店鋪的 YouTube 帳號享無廣告 YouTube 免費看到飽並可支援背景播放、離線下載。 17.免費更換玻璃防爆貼、鏡頭貼、全機包膜、手機殼一次(後續視使用情況由主管評估)

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4/25 Customer Success Management Specialist

  • 新北市汐止區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

** 此處不收履歷,意者請連結至官網 https://gfk.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/Corporate_Careers/job/Taipei/XMLNAME--Senior--CSM-Specialist_R00022414-1 進行履歷投遞。 Our Market Intelligence CSMs: • Act as strategic partners to our clients • Being an innovation agent. Drive changes for a faster reaction to changing market dynamics • Become an expert in your market (industry, products, channels etc.) = External = • Develop fact-based consultations to complex key business questions • Become a market expert in one or more industry domains • Deliver insightful presentations and actionable recommendations to our clients • Coordinate client services cross countries and categories (whenever relevant) • Work closely with clients to develop use cases demonstrating value being provided • Ensure effective and efficient client training and onboarding of new customers. • Inspire customers with the most relevant features/functionalities for their specific business needs • Drive adoption (i.e. activation, reactivation and engagement) of gfknewron within client organization by demonstrating clear ROI to client • Drive gfknewron usage with senior stakeholders in the client organization (wherever relevant) • Identify and builds, new user base for GfK offerings • Identify leads for cross sell and upsell opportunities with the client • Help improve renewal rate by demonstrating clear business outcome and value = Internal = • Ensure being updated on relevant knowledge and have a deep understanding of platform offerings; • Collect and provide feedback to product teams on functionality, features etc. of gfknewron platform as well as to OPS and other teams on non-platform issues to drive a better client experience • Collaborate with account management at the pre-sales and renewal stages • Collaborate with other business unit teams to identify opportunities for strategic assignments • Coordinate internal client services nationally (for all) and internationally (optional) • Run final quality checks for the GfK seal of quality (wherever relevant) • Validate/conduct QC to guarantee GfK seal of quality (wherever relevant)

待遇面議 外商公司 員工60人 遠端工作
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4/25 【電商部】官網企劃專員

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

【官網經營】 1.每月官網活動規劃 2.每日追蹤官網流量 3.廣告文案撰寫 【LINE 深度經營】 1.熟悉LINE OA官方推播 2.有操作第三方後台的經驗 3.每月主題規劃與文案發想 4.每日追蹤推播轉換成效 【必要條件】 1. 具電商操作經驗 2. 頭腦邏輯思路清晰、具責任感、有心學習 3. 具有達成業績之規劃能力,活動成效檢視及數字分析

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4/25 【台北】外銷產品經理 #未來願意派駐美國者優先面試#

  • 台北市大安區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1. 制定與執行現有產品的年度計畫與商業模式修訂,包括但不限於市場分析與競品研究。 2. 新產品的機會探詢、新品概念提案與消費者測試、新品開發與上市計劃與商業模式規劃。 3. 競品與潛在對手的動態警報與對策。 4. 定期啟動消費者研究,製作研究大綱、調查執行、分析與產品對策。 5. 國外展覽規劃相關作業。 6. 其他交辦事項。 **需具商品企劃作品、行銷活動作品或網站經營作品

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4/25 瑪莎拉蒂產品行銷經理/副理Maserati Product Marketing Manager/ Assistant Product Marketing Manager

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 10年以上
  • 大學

OBJECTIVES 1. Developing effective product marketing strategies and plans, also focusing on Maserati BEV models’ facility and service development . 2. To translate Maserati innovated design and technical details into benefits for the user. 3. To track and analyze market trends to position new models and setting the product pricing strategy. 4. Craft compelling messages across marketing channels (landing pages, ad campaigns). 5. Enhancing the efficiency of marketing campaigns through data analysis, bringing added value to the current marketing programs and to increase ROI.

待遇面議 員工200人
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4/25 Porsche 永業台北-營業專員

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

1. 製作各項銷售報表,協助主管追蹤銷售狀況並提出策略想法。 2. 製作銷售顧問業績報表,協助營業人員優化銷售流程增進工作效率。 3. 整合銷售顧問各項KPI指標,並製作分析圖表作為管理工具,協助主管提升管理效率。 4. 協助主管訂定每月及每季銷售策略,完成每月及年度銷售目標。 5. 協助銷售管理獎懲辦法執行,確保銷售流程之品質。 6. 整合各項原廠資料,提供業務顧問即時資訊。 7. 其他主管交辦事項及行政庶務。

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4/25 Channel Marketing Expert

  • 新北市中和區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

【Responsibilities】 1. Define client segmentation and prioritize key targets with sales teams. 2. Coordinate various online/offline marketing activities or projects (events, campaign…) to ensure the overall growth and branding strategy. 3. Press release for channel event and new products. 4. Communicate with product managers, R&D and Sales for the optimal MKT material release. 5. Coordinating the design of promotional material and distributing in online and offline channels. 6. Creating marketing plans and managing Marketing Budget. 7. Return on investment reporting on major channel activations: analytics of program efficiency and improvement plans.

待遇面議 員工360人
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4/25 行銷企劃專員(公司福利優, 工作氣氛佳,點子王優先錄取喔!)

  • 新北市三重區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

【誠摯邀請優秀人才加入 行銷企劃團隊】 您是否為: 創意十足、思維敏捷,擁有卓越的行銷企劃能力? 洞察市場趨勢、精準分析數據,能夠提出創新的行銷策略? 文字功力深厚、溝通表達能力佳,能夠撰寫引人入勝的行銷文案? 如果您具備以上特質, 威禹科技 熱忱邀請您加入我們的團隊,攜手共創行銷新篇章! -我們提供: 極具競爭力的薪資及福利待遇 多元化的職涯發展機會 充滿活力、學習成長、環境舒適的工作環境 持續自我學習發展專業機會 主要工作重點: 1. 善於品牌行銷創意提案及快速行動力 2. 可獨立執行專案 (含企劃提案/活動規劃/合作洽談/文宣品規劃/活動推廣等) 3. 傳統通路及數位媒體網路應用規劃及執行 4. 異業合作規劃、會員經營 5. 協助主管行銷業務及主管交辦事項 優先錄取條件: 1. 富有工作熱忱、創意發想 2. 曾有行銷企劃或廣告代理商經驗佳 3. 熟悉3C產品 or 咖啡廳餐飲業為佳 4. 細心、抗壓性高、EQ良好 5. 擅長於溝通協調 * 實際薪資將依據個人學經歷面議 * 面試時需附作品集

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4/25 業務助理

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1. 零件管理、規劃、推廣及開發協調。 2. 進行商品市場資料分析與商品定位,發展產品行銷策略。 3. 協助業務人員完成銷售流程,並執行業務相關任務的行政、後勤等工作。 4. 其他主管交辦事項。 ※.語文條件英文或日文擇一即可,日文尤佳。 ※有SAP/ ERP操作系統經驗尤佳

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4/25 洋酒進口公司 /北區業務人員

  • 台北市中正區
  • 2年以上
  • 高中

1.定期拜訪客戶,維繫穩定客戶關係 2.開發新客戶拓展市場,以達成業績目標。 3.每月業績目標達成並且持續銷售的成長 4.店家陳列活動執行 5.機動性配合公司相關實體活動到場支援。 6. 節日旺季期間、酒展以及品酒會均要配合公司加班。 7.其他主管交辦事項。 8.短期勿試、無誠勿擾!

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4/25 『斑鳩的窩』行銷企劃、美編

  • 高雄市左營區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1.具網路行銷經驗,熟悉社群操作及管理社群:LINE@,FB 2.須具備基礎美編能力:圖稿設計、簡易修圖、撰寫文案、私訊回覆、影片簡易剪輯、圖文整合、廣告投放等。 3.具基本相機拍攝能力(菜單產品拍攝)。 4.能獨立作業。 5.具基本文書處理能力。 6.產品行銷活動創意發想、規劃及執行、維護。 7.完成主管交辦事項。 8.對餐廳設計充滿興趣者。 *如有經營FB 、 IG 、抖音、小紅書等社群相關經驗佳。 *如有餐飲行銷企劃/美編相關經驗佳。 ~有經驗者優先錄取~

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4/25 Vtuber營運企劃專員- 知名日系網路娛樂公司-TW05244-032-894

  • 台北市南港區
  • 1年以上
  • 學歷不拘

主要負責內部娛樂事業部門簽約之 Vtuber 專案企劃執行: 1. 外部合作提案企劃、聯絡與執行(含藝人外部連動、異業合作與工商聯絡)。 2. 數位廣告操作、成效追蹤與分析優化(YouTube、X、FB、IG等)。 3. 頻道直播及行銷活動企劃與執行。 4. 免費及付費社群經營與文案發想。 5. 粉絲付費內容規劃。

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4/25 AI行銷經理

  • 台北市中正區
  • 5年以上
  • 學歷不拘

維曙智能為創新AI應用開發商,具有全球市場商業化能力。公司有完整的創新孵化管線,包含從想法到技術與市場開發的完整配套流程,讓您將知識落實在各種實際場域中。如果您對以創新解決現實世界問題充滿熱忱,希望了解AI在產業的實務運作以及現實應用有興趣,這裡會是您大展身手的地方。歡迎加入我們。 目前我們希望有豐富業界經驗,並對於AI賦能Martech的行銷經理加入我們團隊,除協助我們全通路行銷產品線開發與全球市場開拓外,也應用這些新技術為公司經營品牌。 身為AI行銷經理,需要對新技術所賦能的行銷與品牌經營方法保有高度熱誠,能夠掌握市場脈動與行銷工具趨勢,並從中萃取出潛在需求與尚未被察覺的新產品機會。我們目前有多個利用生成式與因果AI平台衍生的精準行銷產品管線,準備進一步深化至產品-市場契合(product-market fit)階段,包含: 1. 從全通路行銷組合效益 (omnichannel lift assessment),歷程歸因分析(pathway attribution),Next Best Actions (最佳下一動), 到預算配置優化 2. 利用顧客與銷售資料建構數位雙生模型,以生成AI方法做情境模擬與前瞻式A/B測試,預先優化行銷活動 3. 以NLP/LLM做社群聆聽(Social Listening),探詢即時市場需求作產品與行銷規劃 【工作內容】 1. 透過市場調查和競品分析,以洞悉市場趨勢和目標受眾品牌的需求。 2. 與技術和產品團隊協作,提供領域知識與反饋,參與產品管線定位和設計。 3. 定期報告市場研究結果和相關趨勢,並提出產品策略建議和規劃。 4. 協助制定公司的行銷計劃與執行,並藉以實際測試公司產品。 5. 協助市場拓展以及客戶導入公司產品。 6. 其他能協助新創公司前進的任務。 這份工作將讓你參與許多有趣的AI專案,並有機會與跨部門的同事進行合作,一同打造新世代的行銷平台。 如果您對AI賦能的品牌行銷趨勢及產品敏銳度高, 善團隊配合具跨部門溝通協調之能力,而且抗壓性高且具備相關工作經驗,歡迎加入我們團隊! 維曙產品服務請參閱: www.vizuro.com

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4/25 Product Executive/Sr. Executive - Hospital Care

  • 台北市松山區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

Those who begin a career at B. Braun can look forward not only to exciting and challenging work but also to long-term career development. Our goal is to help shape medical progress together. This means that we are constantly facing new challenges, which we tackle with passion and commitment. Many who embark on a career at B. Braun remain loyal to the company for decades because, in addition to knowing that their work here matters, they also receive the recognition, support, and encouragement needed for a successful career. Join us for an exciting opportunity! In This Role, You Will: ➣ Execute short and long-term product management strategies and plans for existing and new products. ➣ Together with sales team, perform a range of activities to effectively market assigned products/services, such as conducting market research; setting prices; successfully launching new products; overseeing advertising campaigns; and monitoring sales performance. ➣ Monitor, analyze, and evaluate product performance and customer feedback to generate new product ideas, screen and explore high potential products to complete Business Unit's product portfolio, identify product/service features that need to be changed to meet customer needs, and liaise with other areas of the organization to implement these changes. ➣ Management of existing product lines and continuously search for new product opportunities (both B. Braun and external) and prepare detail market opportunity analysis ➣ Prepare detail and concreate New Product Launch Plan and submit for approval according to its process. ➣ Closely collaborate and work with local, regional, global Demand Planning and other Supply Chain department personnel to ensure right inventory levels are maintained at all time depending on business situation and environment. ➣ Professionally monitor and manage Consignment, FOC, Samples, Demo sets and support annual stock count exercise initiated by Finance department. ➣ Ensure all prices of products are well maintained in system and conduct annual price review with Finance department. ➣ Ensure up to date scientific evidence / studies and documentation provided by headquarters in Asia Pacific and Germany. ➣ Conduct routine products/services training programs to strengthen the knowledge and skill of new & existing sales staff and distributors. ➣ Prepare compliance, sponsorship, educational grant and speakers agreements for all organizing events and activities which requires customers’ involvement and must fully comply with B. Braun's compliance policy. ➣ Proactively lead, organize and conduct product training/seminar/demo/sample trial activities with customers. ➣ Sustain rapport with KOLs from key accounts by making periodic visits; exploring specific needs; anticipating new opportunities. ➣ Design the concept and maintain the latest version of promotional materials including local brochures, presentation files and other important materials defined by the marketing team. ➣ Cooperate with RA and MA for new product registration and reimbursement application. ➣ Ensure frequent and effective communication with the headquarters in Asia Pacific and Germany. ➣ Protect organization's value by keeping information confidential. ➣ If Business Unit requires due to Gov't regulation, acquire and manage patient's data with our implanted devices and keep in proper database. ➣ Responsible for identifying the vigilance suspicion when receiving complaints, completing complaint reporting form in English. ➣ Responsible for reporting to vigilance team when identifying product safety concerns during regular screening of internal journal or any case study. ➣ Responsible for investment plan preparations, including feasibility study, and monitor actual sales development according to submitted investment plan. * The job function listed is not exclusive and shall also include any responsibilities as assigned by the Supervisor from time to time.

待遇面議 外商公司 員工55人
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4/25 DS-【知名外商科技業_業務助理】月薪35-45K/具備英or日文能力/新竹

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. 零件管理、規劃、推廣及開發協調。 2. 進行商品市場資料分析與商品定位,發展產品行銷策略。 3. 協助業務人員完成銷售流程,並執行業務相關任務的行政、後勤等工作。 4. 其他主管交辦事項。 ※.語文條件英文或日文擇一即可,日文尤佳。 ※有SAP/ ERP操作系統經驗尤佳

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4/25 JR202403854_Digital Marketing_Business Intelligence Specialist - Global IoTMart - 內湖

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Advantech is currently looking for a talented individual to join our dynamic Global IoTMart Digital Marketing team as a Business Intelligence Specialist. This role is pivotal in transforming data into actionable insights to optimize our digital marketing strategies and drive business growth. The successful candidate will have a deep understanding of both digital marketing and business intelligence methodologies, with a proven track record of delivering impactful insights and recommendations. [Responsibilities of the role] Gather, clean, and integrate data from diverse sources including digital marketing platforms, CRM systems, sales databases, and third-party source to create a comprehensive view of customer interactions and business insights Ensure the accuracy and reliability of data through meticulous data governance practices. Utilize advanced analytics techniques to analyze customer behavior, segmentation, and lifetime value, providing insights to optimize business growth plan and marketing strategies. Develop predictive models to forecast customer trends and identify opportunities for personalized marketing initiatives. Lead Customer 360 initiatives, working closely with cross-functional teams to integrate data from multiple sources and create a unified view of the customer. Implement personalization strategies based on customer insights to enhance the customer experience and drive engagement and retention. Generate actionable insights and recommendations to optimize digital marketing campaigns, improve customer acquisition and retention, and drive revenue growth. Collaborate with marketing, sales, and product teams to align data-driven insights with business objectives and develop strategic initiatives. Develop dashboards and reports to visualize key marketing metrics and KPIs, enabling stakeholders to track performance and make data-driven decisions. Analyze sales data to identify trends, patterns, and opportunities to improve sales effectiveness and efficiency. Provide insights to sales teams to support lead generation, customer segmentation, and sales forecasting efforts. Stay abreast of emerging trends, best practices, and technologies in data analytics, digital marketing, and sales enablement. Drive innovation and continuous improvement in data analytics methodologies, tools, and processes. [What you will need] Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Data Science, or a related field. Proven experience in business intelligence, data analysis, or digital marketing analytics. Proficiency in data visualization tools such as Tableau, Power BI, or similar platforms. Strong analytical skills with the ability to interpret complex datasets and generate actionable insights. Experience with SQL, Python, R, or other programming languages for data analysis and manipulation. Understanding of digital marketing principles and metrics including SEO, SEM, social media, email marketing, and conversion optimization. Experience in managing Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) and membership management systems. Experience with sales analytics, CRM systems (e.g., Salesforce), and sales forecasting methodologies is a plus. Excellent analytical, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills, with the ability to translate data into actionable insights and strategic recommendations. Effective communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to work cross-functionally and influence stakeholders at all levels of the organization. Proven track record of driving business impact through data-driven decision-making and strategic planning. Ability to thrive in a fast-paced, dynamic environment and manage multiple projects simultaneously. Knowledge of e-commerce marketing strategies and conversion optimization techniques is a plus. Creative thinking and the ability to develop innovative marketing strategies.

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4/25 IVECO商用車業務助理-商用車事業處 (桃園大園)

  • 桃園市大園區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

【工作內容】 1、商用車業務合約管理(包含系統訂單維護、追蹤業務資料) 2、車輛資料準備(發票開立、申請原廠證、驗車資料、交車禮) 3、供應商發票請款等費用作業處理 4、外派工班接洽(洗車、驗車安排) 5、進口退貨物稅作業申請 6、國稅局稅務報帳作業 7、業務部門行政庶務處理 【專業能力及特質】 1、熟悉office文書軟體操作(Excel) 2、具ERP或SAP系統操作經驗者尤佳 3、抗壓性強、工作須細心 4、跨部門溝通協調能力 5、具備解決問題及工作管理能力

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4/25 泰嘉開發-房屋銷售業務人員(台南)

  • 台南市安南區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1、負責招待、接待客戶,執行產品介紹、個案行銷。 2、協助專案執行案前作業、廠商聯繫、詢價、發包、請款事宜。 3、處理銷售業務相關行政作業 4、具備挑戰企圖心,對房地產業具工作熱忱。 5、具有機動性,善於溝通,執行力強。 6、態度積極樂觀、自主性強,具良好EQ及溝通能力。 上班地點:台南九份子接待中心。

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4/25 品牌行銷公關

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1.品牌推廣年度企劃與執行 2.廣告文案與切入點創意發想 3.品牌社群(FB、 IG)經營 與互動關係維護 4.部落客與媒體關係開發與維護 5.跨部門溝通與追蹤進度能力 6.品牌主要客群在美國, 需要精通英文 發展遠景: 我們在尋找創造力高、高度自我管理進度的夥伴。 這份工作會需要大量對內、對外的溝通,夥伴要能快速調適切換角色,也能自我管理、掌握工作進度,歡迎願意學習任何大小事務,不會限縮自我成長空間的夥伴應徵。  工作技能 1. 對經營社群充滿興趣,工作樂觀積極負責 2. 擁有photoshop與illustrator基礎能力,可獨立製作簡易平面與banner 3. 願意嘗試新事物的高度好奇心和強烈挑戰欲望 4. 對於影片製作規劃的基礎能力 成就樂趣: 可以獲得國際品牌行銷經驗、平行化組織溝通快速沒有代溝、適才適用的工作內容,藉由廣泛接觸深耕自我強項與長才。

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