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4/30 Cell Associate Scientist (細胞副研究員)

  • 新北市五股區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

1. Cell culture 2. Membrane-based and Cell-based functional assays 3. Radio-labeled assays and animal tissue extraction 4. New project or assay development, data analysis, literature review and search 5. Assay troubleshooting, optimization and validation 6. Equipment maintenance and SOP document system management 7. Brainstorming for innovative ideas on new assay method or new testing platform setup 8. Team support and other task assigned by supervisor

待遇面議 員工130人
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4/30 Pharmacology Director

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 10年以上
  • 碩士

1.Supervise or leads the set-up assay, analysis, interpretation and reporting of pharmacology data 2.Work closely with the other scientists, applying your expertise and leadership skills to contribute to the strategy of the preclinical or clinical program. 3.Influence key decisions in early and late phases of clinical development, ensuring expert data integration, analysis, interpretation, and reporting of preclinical or clinical pharmacology results. 4.Excellent communication and presentation skills to efficiently relay information to project teams and other key stakeholders 5.Contribute to regulatory documents and interactions, present pharmacology results within and outside of TaiGen. 6.Recruit, guide and train junior staff

待遇面議 員工60人
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4/30 Applications Support Engineer

  • 台北市中山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

▌Position Description: The Applications Support Engineer is a specialized role in the field of clinical research. This role is responsible for providing technical support and expertise for electronic data capture (EDC) systems and related applications utilized in clinical research studies. The Applications Support Engineer plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficient functioning of EDC systems and the accurate collection and management of clinical trial data. ▌Key Responsibilities: 1. Collaboration with Study Teams: ▪ Work closely with study teams, including clinical investigators, project managers, and statisticians, to gain a deep understanding of data collection requirements and study protocols. ▪ Collaborate with stakeholders to define data standards and ensure alignment with study objectives. 2. Design and Configure eCRFs: ▪ Utilize expertise in data management and EDC systems to design and configure electronic case report forms (eCRFs). ▪ Ensure that eCRFs are tailored to specific study requirements, capturing all essential data points necessary for analysis. ▪ Collaborate with study teams to customize eCRFs according to study protocols and objectives. 3. User-Friendly eCRFs: ▪ Pay special attention to user-friendliness when designing eCRFs to facilitate ease of use for clinical site personnel and data entry personnel. ▪ Implement user-friendly features such as clear instructions, data validation checks, and logical data entry flows. ▪ Continuously gather feedback from end-users to improve eCRF design and usability. 4. Utilize Programming Languages and EDC-Specific Tools: ▪ Proficiently use programming languages such as SQL, SAS, R, and EDC-specific tools to develop custom functionalities and edit checks. ▪ Implement these custom functionalities to ensure data accuracy, consistency, and compliance with data standards. 5. Testing and Issue Resolution: ▪ Conduct thorough testing of eCRFs, edit checks, and data capture processes to identify and promptly resolve any issues or discrepancies. ▪ Collaborate with the study team to ensure the reliability and integrity of collected data. 6. Data Collection and Entry: ▪ Develop data collection tools and electronic data capture (EDC) systems. ▪ Oversee and ensure the accurate and timely entry of clinical trial data. ▪ Monitor data collection processes to identify and address discrepancies and issues. 7. Data Validation and Cleaning: ▪ Implement data validation checks and edit checks to identify errors and inconsistencies in collected data. ▪ Collaborate with clinical site personnel to resolve data queries and discrepancies. ▪ Maintain data integrity and quality throughout the trial. ▌Qualificaions: ▪ Bachelor’s degree in biological science or a related field. ▪ Ability to plan, multitask and work in a dynamic team environment. ▪ Strong verbal and written communication skills. ▪ Excellent computer skills, including proficiency in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Office, Project). ▪ Ability to manage and prioritize workload effectively.

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4/30 研究專員(TRC)

  • 台北市南港區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

1. 進行藥物篩選、功能驗證 2. 進行新技術之開發 3. 耗材請購 4. 負責儀器之維護管理,含維修連繫、使用規範建立及執行教育訓練 5. 執行其他公司或部門指派任務

待遇面議 員工180人
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4/30 Research Associate/Scientist/Sr. Scientist

  • 台北市南港區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

仁新醫藥股份有限公司正在尋找一位優秀的研發專員或是科學家(學士、碩士、或是博士級科學家)加入我們的研發團隊。此職缺將專注於新藥開發所需要的生化實驗以及細胞實驗等技術。此職缺需要總結實驗數據並能夠撰寫科學報告來解釋數據。此職位任職於我們在台北南港軟體園區的實驗室。 必要資格  化學、生物學、細胞生物學或相關學科的學士或碩士或博士學位  高度自我激勵和目標導向  具備靈活性的團隊合作夥伴,熱衷於溝通與內部及外部夥伴合作。  注意細節並有獨立設計實驗能力  在實驗室方面具有豐富經驗  在計劃、執行和分析實驗方面表現出卓越能力,英文能力能夠撰寫技術報告和內外溝通  能夠具有解決問題能力並改進實驗方法 ※本公司將評估該職務內容及個人學經歷從優核定給薪。

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4/30 助理研究員/副研究員(藥理研究)

  • 台北市南港區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

1. 操作細胞與動物實驗以評估藥效(熟悉動物試驗相關技術尤佳,如靜脈注射、採血、大小鼠操作…)。 2. 抗體藥物複合體新藥研發(熟悉蛋白質純化技術尤佳)。 3. 分生技術操作(熟悉SDS-PAGE、Western blot、ELISA等技術)。 4. 實驗方法開發與設計。 5. 試驗相關數據紀錄、整理與系統分析。 6. 文獻與研究資料蒐集與整理。 7. 主管交辦事項。

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4/30 助理工程師

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. 遵循GMP精神從事細胞培養及相關紀錄撰寫 2.願意長時間於無塵室中工作,並具細心及責任感特質 3.可接受依標準作業程序規範,執行有規律性及重複性高的工作 4.可執行文件撰寫及配合執行生產室內庶務工作

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4/30 【科立健】保健食品研發專員(除月薪外,另有季獎金或新品開發獎金)

  • 新北市中和區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

科林集團於醫療產業已有37年歷史,「科立健」為科林集團子公司,品牌宗旨是科學建立的健康自信。藉由團隊裡多位藥學及營養學專家致力於研究各大營養保健食品成分,以臨床科學為基礎,打造一個個黃金比例配方產品。所有產品皆經過多重嚴格第三方檢驗,確保科立健帶給消費者的除了「成效有感」,在安全與品質上也能「安心信賴」! 我們秉持著三個核心價值,即"Humanity(關懷)"、"Honesty(誠實)"和"Humbleness(謙卑)"。我們始終從關心的角度出發,關心每位消費者的需求,並致力於提供最適的解決方案。 歡迎與我們有共同理念的你加入團隊,攜手一起共同創造安心信賴且成就有感的產品! 1. 健康食品研發與開發 2. 產品臨床功效評估及產品推廣資料撰寫 3. 專業文獻資料搜尋及整合 4. 產業與市場脈動,競品分析 5. 舉辦營養品衛教說明會 6. 相關食品法規查詢與瞭解 7. 主管交辦事項 ※除固定月薪外,另有季獎金,每支全新品開發獎金$8,000

待遇面議 員工500人
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4/30 細胞實驗室技術人員

  • 台北市中山區
  • 3年以上
  • 碩士

1. 精通流式細胞儀的操作、有經驗劃gating.看螢光分析依據數據分析細胞的功能性與活力 2、依據SOP執行細胞檢測及相關細胞製程 3、製程方法確效及生產批次規劃與執行 4、協助研發人員執行研發項目 5、相關文件備製 修訂與維護 6、細胞檢測相關改良事項的執行

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4/30 【前瞻研究部】前瞻研究室專員

  • 台北市中正區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

1. 細胞功效試驗委託案件執行與數據分析 2. 開發台灣在地農產原料 3. 市場趨勢調查、研發提案、規劃與執行 4. 新技術新劑型之實驗室工作與功效驗證 5. 跨部門溝通、整合資源 6. 新技術內外部教育訓練 7. 其他交辦專案與工作 【工作技能】 1. 具備細胞培養操作或分生實驗經驗 2. 能獨立開發實驗方法並解決問題 3. 熟練的Office軟體應用能力 4. 具有系統邏輯能力及良好溝通技巧者 5. 勇於創新

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4/30 Researcher/Associate researcher, Preclinical Animal Study

  • 台北市南港區
  • 4年以上
  • 博士

Summary for the position: As a Researcher/Associate Researcher in Animal Pharmacology studies, you will oversee a range of cell-based and animal studies spanning drug discovery, validation, and preclinical stages. Additionally, you will contribute to pharmacology and toxicity studies essential for the IND enablement of pipeline products. Your responsibilities will include: • Establishing cell-based and animal models for pharmacological studies of developmental products. • Conducting pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic analyses, and designing experiments for animal pharmacology studies. • Participating in the development of anti-stroke and anti-cancer drug candidates. • Assisting in the management of research projects, preparing research protocols, reports, and manuscripts. • Drafting documents to support patent application(s). • Supervising junior research staff and performing assigned duties. • Collaborating with the internal R&D team. • Delivering scientific presentations at various internal and external events. • Acquiring new technologies within the scope of this position.

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4/30 RD2-1 副研究員/研究員(新藥開發)

  • 新北市汐止區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

如果您對次世代抗體藥物有高度興趣且熟悉抗體、追求卓越勇於挑戰,我們期待您的加入,一起為癌症新藥開創不一樣的未來! (1) 設計與優化抗體藥物序列(Next-generation mAb) (2) Molecular cloning實驗設計與操作 (3) 抗體結構模擬與分析 (4) Basic molecular biology/cell biology assays,如ELISA, Western blot, Flow cytometry等。 (5) 研發專案管理 (6) 其他主管交辦事項

待遇面議 員工50人
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4/30 細胞實驗室研究主管

  • 台北市中山區
  • 5年以上
  • 碩士

1、可獨立進行專案項目的計劃與執行,負責相關實驗規劃、操作與資料的紀錄,收集和大數據分析;優秀的時間管理和組織能力,能有效管理多項任務和判別優先事項。 2、協助建立SOP、實驗記錄及報告體系的撰寫及管理 3、具生物化學,免疫學、醫學檢驗、藥學相關背景,免疫學背景尤佳,有做過免疫細胞培養,流式細胞儀操作,病毒製備等實驗技術。 4、免疫診斷試劑、相關免疫細胞培養研究與開發。可支援免疫細胞、幹細胞的培養與研發 5、具體外診斷試劑專案產品開發經驗者尤佳 6、可配合數據導入Ai研究、結合產品應用 7、對螢光流式細胞儀專精者、PCR 等設備操作有經驗者 8、具 ISO17025、13485經驗者尤佳 9、負責檢測產品相關技術的諮詢回覆。 10、具有研發領導、企圖心者優先錄取

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4/30 Clinical Project Specialist (臨床專案專員)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

General Statement: Provide the overall supports for the implementation and conduct of clinical trials in accordance with prevailing laws and ICH GCP within established timelines and budgets Reports to: Chief Operating Officer Primary Duties and Responsibilities, including mental requirements of position: 1. Work closely with Clinical Project Manager 2. Understand clinical trial protocol and support the communications with clinical sites and vendors on the study conduct 3. Support study budget planning and communicate with the internal stakeholders 4. Manage the contract, purchase order process, and process the invoices of investigator sites and vendors 5. Update and maintain project tracking systems and schedules 6. Coordinate import and export for clinical trial materials 7. Manage and maintain clinical trial related documents 8. Coordinate meetings, prepare meeting slides and meeting minutes

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