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  • 台北市大同區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

1.資訊系統規劃、建置、管理、異常排除。 2.國內外大學(含)以上學校資訊、理工相關科系畢業,且已取學位證書。 3.具有兩年以上程式開發經驗。 4.需具備有良好的學習能力和溝通能力,能夠主動快速學習新技術,良好的系統設計能力及問題解決能力。


5/01 MySQL/PostgreSQL資料庫管理師

  • 台北市大安區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

本公司有一專責負責提供多種資料庫顧問諮詢技術部門,其以專精於資料庫相關技術範圍為主,並有自己獨家代理資料庫相關應用軟體,進而期望及尋找喜歡挑戰學習新技能且立志成為IT服務業專業顧問的你。 如果您對MySQL或PostgreSQL資料庫有高度的熱情與自信,想進一步提昇資料庫技能者。本公司現正高薪召募DB專業顧問,我們提供自由的環境,有志轉型成為DB顧問者,歡迎您來應徵,以下是我們的工作內容: 《職務說明》 1. 提供資料庫技術支援及諮詢 2. 資料庫相關架構規劃與建置 3. 資料庫系統故障排除,問題分析及解決 4. 資料庫系統管理監控,效能調校 5. 提供專業技術報告及建議書 6. 協助業務進行產品銷售 7. 協助客戶進行產品POC 《職務需求》 1. 熟悉MySQL/PostgreSQL 並具實際DBA經驗者 2. 對高可用性規劃與建置有經驗者佳 3. 對資料庫故障判斷及問題處理有經驗者佳 4. 對MySQL/PostgreSQL效能調校有經驗者佳 具備相關證照及建置佈署及管理設定維護等實務經驗尤佳並優先錄用 公司提供相關在職培訓及認證資源

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5/01 Linux (Redhat) 系統工程師

  • 台北市大安區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

- General:  1. OK for English read and write  2. RHCE for RHEL6+ - Characteristics:  1. Eager to study new technology  2. Passion in communication and troubleshooting - Skill:  1. Familiar with RHEL6 and HA architecture  2. Shell Script: Bash, Python or any other 協助公司內部或客戶: 規劃 測試 建置 維運管理 產品介紹 技術轉移 與UNIX/Linux Base及x86等軟硬體設備及服務。 依專案需求,撰寫相關測試或維運文件。

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5/01 MS SQL(SQL Server)資料庫管理師

  • 台北市大安區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

本公司有一專責負責提供多種資料庫顧問諮詢技術部門,其以專精於資料庫相關技術範圍為主,並有自己獨家代理資料庫相關應用軟體,進而期望及尋找喜歡挑戰學習新技能且立志成為IT服務業專業顧問的你。 如果您對MS SQL SERVER資料庫有高度的熱情與自信,想進一步提昇資料庫技能者。本公司現正高薪召募DB專業顧問,我們提供自由的環境,有志轉型成為DB顧問者,歡迎您來應徵,以下是我們的工作內容: 《職務說明》 1. 提供資料庫技術支援及諮詢 2. 資料庫相關架構規劃與建置 3. 資料庫系統故障排除,問題分析及解決 4. 資料庫系統管理監控,效能調校 5. 提供專業技術報告及建議書 6. 協助業務進行產品銷售 7. 協助客戶進行產品POC 《職務需求》 1. 熟悉SQL SERVER 並具實際DBA經驗者 2. 熟悉T-SQL語法與procedure,trigger,function等編寫 3. 對高可用性規劃與建置有經驗者佳 4. 對資料庫故障判斷及問題處理有經驗者佳 5. 對SQL SERVER效能調校有經驗者佳

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5/01 備份系統維運管理師

  • 台北市大安區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

具有Commvault或其他備份軟體(ex. NBU, Veeam, BackEXEC, Acronis......)實際操作之經驗者佳 1. 日常備份的檢視及作業追蹤 2. 了解不同平台Agent的安裝 3. 各系統平台基礎操作經驗 4. 備份架構的維護及調整 (backup policy、Disk/Tape Library及效能調校) 5. 具備份事件追蹤及除錯 6. 還原演練的事前規劃及施行作業 7. 磁帶機的操作 8. 配合Azure雲架構備份 9. 依據資安建議進行Service Pack / Hotfix更新作業 10. 配合原廠進行問題處理 具備相關證照及建置佈署及管理設定維護等實務經驗尤佳並優先錄用 公司提供相關在職培訓及認證資源

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5/01 MIS資訊工程師

  • 台北市松山區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1. 基金會暨相關組織之管理資訊系統MIS/IT服務的運作/維護。 2. 管理與維護基金會網路和資料,並進行備份工作及防毒。 3. 網頁維護及功能增修,熟悉 Net C# 、ASP.Net、JavaScript及SQL等程式設計者尤佳。 4. 擔任各項資訊系統整合與維護、及測試工作。 5. 資訊產品採購、資訊設備盤點及處理同仁電腦軟硬體的故障問題。 6. 主管交辦事項。

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5/01 雲端工程師 (GCP / Azure) (Cloud Engineer)

  • 台北市大安區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

布魯科技 專注於為客戶提供端到端的解決方案,包括設備的增設、維護保養、以及專業顧問服務。 我們的客戶群不僅涵蓋了中小企業、上市櫃公司、政府機關,更擴展至科技、金融、醫療、零售等多個不同的產業領域,充份展現我們在各行業中的技術實力和創新能力。 近年越來越多企業開始嘗試將服務從地端,移到雲端或者改以混合方式部署,布魯科技 為協助企業上雲,開始提供系統建置前評估、架構設計、執行、維護等,為企業提供可靠的解決方案。 【工作內容】 ● 協助客戶解決雲端服務操作疑難 ● 管理及監察客戶於 GCP 上的服務運作 ● 為客戶需求提供解決方案,或提出建議 ● 整理客戶情況,向公司或主管說明及討論 ● 作為客戶及其他 GCP 等雲端工程師之間的溝通橋樑 ● 依客戶及專案所需,到客戶公司註點及處理問題 【條件要求】 ● 具備 良好的溝通能力,能與團隊互相溝通及討論。 ● 具備 一年以上 雲端相關產業、開發、或維運經驗。 ● 能夠在雲端上設計及建立高可用性架構 ● 對網絡、儲存、雲端等各方面技術有一定認知 ● 喜歡學習新的技能,追求新技術研究 【具備者尤佳】 ● 具備 Google Cloud 認證 (Associate 以上) ● 具備雲端使用及維運經驗 (GCP 更佳)。 ● 具備核心服務使用經驗,如 Compute Engine、Load Balancing、CDN、Cloud Storage ● 針對地端系統進行設計、部署、遷移至 GCP 架構 ● 對 Docker / K8s / Serverless 等服務營運有經驗 ======== 近年科技發展迅速,每一天都是新的挑戰和機遇,布魯科技 邀請您與我們一起,在科技的前沿探索、創新、成長!我們重視團隊合作、創新思維和對科技的熱情,致力於為員工提供一個支持和鼓勵個人成長的環境。 布魯科技 不僅提供培訓和認證考試支持,還鼓勵員工設定並追求個人職涯發展目標,定期進行職涯發展對話,確保您的成長與公司目標同步。在工作期間,透過解決複雜的技術難題,您將持續提升自己的問題解決能力和專業知識。 ========

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5/01 購物車PHP+Laravel 工程師

  • 台北市中山區
  • 2年以上
  • 高中

一年以上 PHP 開發經驗,具備專案分析與部門溝通能力為優先考量 1. 使用過任一種 PHP Framework(Laravel or CodeIgniter)者佳 2. 具備Yii開發經驗者佳 3. 須熟悉MVC 、Vue.js、AngularJS、C#至少1-2項。 4. 其他功能開發(電子發票加值中心、金流介接方式)。 以下為加分經歷 1. 串接信託與銀行刷卡金流經驗者 2.曾經部署過AWS、GCP等雲端服務與監控 3.曾經維護或開發過大型的系統、做過權限與財務管理系統

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5/01 數位資訊處 資料庫管理師(台北/新竹)

  • 台北市中山區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

【工作內容】 1.負責MS-SQL資料庫管理,維護、備份、備援、同步、監控、災難復原、異常排除..等。 2.監控資料庫效能、參數調教、SQL語法優化。 3.針對資料庫問題進行診斷、評估,提出建議和實施計畫。 4.熟悉資料庫系統與集群架構,規劃相關高可用解決方案。 5.協助完成專案事項目標,提供諮詢並協助處理資料庫的相關問題。 6.其他主管交辦事項 【加分技能】 1.具網路管理基礎 2.具資訊稽核相關經驗

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5/01 高級網路工程師(整合服務部-台北office)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

1.具備專案建置、管理及維護經驗 2.執行內/外部教育訓練及內部技術傳承 3.提供產品與解決方案規劃 4.協助產出施工設定文件(MOP) 5.網路障礙排除及root cause 分析 6.資料中心 Data Center 機房建置, 維運網路設備 大型網路維運及資訊安全領域,如:Cisco Router/Switch/Firewall/Wireless,Palo Alto、Fortinet、Checkpoint等相關產品,負責安裝, 建置, 維護及使用改善。 1. Palo Alto或Fortinet或Checkpoint firewall 因應 business需求, 進行設定, 架構調整或問題排除 2. Cisco Router、Switch設備規劃、設定、安裝、故障排除。 3. Cisco IP phone 設定,架構調整, 故障排除。 4. WAN Load Balance, WAN accelerator 設定,安裝、故障排除。 5. 網路環境管理諮詢,專案管理與文件報告製作 6. 有 Cisco IPT 相關實務經驗者佳。 7. 客戶溝通與自我學習力強尤佳。 8. 對團隊進行各種型態的培訓,提升團隊的能力與能量。

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5/01 Oracle DB資料庫維運駐點管理師 ( 台北信義區、新竹竹科園區)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

本公司有一專責負責提供多種資料庫顧問諮詢技術部門,專精於資料庫相關技術範圍,同時並有獨家代理資料庫監控應用軟體,期望及尋找喜歡挑戰學習新技能且立志成為IT服務業專業顧問的你。 如果您對Oracle資料庫有高度的熱情與自信,想進一步提昇資料庫技能者。本公司現正高薪召募DB專業顧問,我們提供自由的環境,有志轉型成為DB顧問者,歡迎您來應徵,以下是我們的工作內容: 《職務說明》 1.依據客戶需求,參與資料庫架構的設計,並提供建議,以創建最佳資料庫架構。 2.規劃、執行資料庫資料備援及回覆計畫。 3.管理各項資料庫資源使用,包含使用數量、權限管理、使用空間、系統資源(CPU、Memory、IO)等日常維運。 4.監控資料庫效能,並適時針對相關參數及SQL進行調校。 5.提供諮詢並協助處理資料庫的相關事項。 6.依客戶及專案需求至客戶端駐點。

待遇面議 員工25人
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5/01 Oracle DB資深資料庫顧問管理師

  • 台北市大安區
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

本公司有一專責負責提供多種資料庫顧問諮詢服務技術部門,專精於資料庫相關技術範圍,同時並有獨家代理資料庫監控應用軟體,期望及尋找喜歡挑戰學習新技能且立志成為IT服務業專業顧問的你。 如果您對Oracle資料庫有高度的熱情與自信,想進一步提昇資料庫技能者並期許學習或有帶人經驗。本公司現正高薪召募Oracle DB資深專業顧問兼主管職缺,我們提供自由的環境,有志轉型成為DB顧問者,歡迎您來應徵,以下是我們的工作內容: 《職務說明》 1. 提供資料庫技術支援及諮詢 2. 資料庫相關架構規劃與建置 3. 資料庫系統故障排除,問題分析及解決 4. 資料庫系統管理監控,效能調校 5. 提供專業技術報告及建議書 6. 協助業務進行產品銷售 7. 協助客戶進行產品POC 《職務需求》 1. 熟悉Oracle Database 及 options 應用 2. 熟悉Unix與Linux 3. 熟悉shell script撰寫 4. 熟悉SQL語法與procedure編寫 5. 熟悉或曾經有建置 Oracle Golden Gate技術尤佳 具備相關證照及建置佈署及管理設定維護等實務經驗尤佳並優先錄用 公司提供相關在職培訓及認證資源。 該職位另有部門儲備主管職務,若對管理職有興趣,經內部考核通過即可接(擔)任。

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5/01 網路工程師

  • 台北市大安區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1. 設定、檢修網路設備。 2. 規劃網路管理機制。 3. 控管、備份網路伺服器內的檔案,並設定用戶端權限,以確保檔案安全。 4. 監控系統運作,並建立危機處理的標準流程。 5. 分析、解決用戶端通訊問題。 6. 負責資訊安全的管制。 7. 設定電腦周邊硬體系統的網絡連線(如:印表機)。 8. 提供用戶端人員網路系統操作的教育訓練。 9. 依照企業需求,規劃、架設及管理各種伺服器。 ********************************************************* 會CISCO,Juniper等其他品牌設備為佳

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5/01 Power Electronics Engineer, Platforms

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in a technical field or equivalent practical experience. • 5 years of experience with power converter design including AC/DC, DC/DC, or DC/AC converter design. • Experience with data center power delivery system design. Preferred qualifications: • Master's degree or PhD in Power Electronics, or a related field. • 10 years of experience in power converter design including DC/DC on boarding converters from power entry to Point of Load (POL), AC/DC rectifiers, UPS, etc. • Experience in data center power system design, including microgrid design. • Understanding of power electronics fundamentals and various power conversion designs for data center power delivery and power converter modeling and simulation. • Excellent communication skills, with the ability to work effectively with cross-functional project teams. • Excellent attention to detail, problem-solving, and organizational skills. About the job Our computational challenges are so big, complex and unique we can't just purchase off-the-shelf hardware, we've got to make it ourselves. Your team designs and builds the hardware, software and networking technologies that power all of Google's services. As a Hardware Engineer, you design and build the systems that are the heart of the world's largest and most powerful computing infrastructure. You develop from the lowest levels of circuit design to large system design and see those systems all the way through to high volume manufacturing. Your work has the potential to shape the machinery that goes into our cutting-edge data centers affecting millions of Google users. With your technical expertise, you lead projects in multiple areas of expertise (i.e., engineering domains or systems) within a data center facility, including construction and equipment installation/troubleshooting/debugging with vendors. As a Power Electronics Engineer, you will play a key role in the development of Google's computing infrastructures. You will work as part of a team to deliver innovative power solutions for data center computing application. You will design, analyze, optimize, and implement rack, board, substrate package, and chip level power topologies and control for large-scale point of load application including ASICs, FPGAs, and processors. Behind everything our users see online is the architecture built by the Technical Infrastructure team to keep it running. From developing and maintaining our data centers to building the next generation of Google platforms, we make Google's product portfolio possible. We're proud to be our engineers' engineers and love voiding warranties by taking things apart so we can rebuild them. We keep our networks up and running, ensuring our users have the best and fastest experience possible. Responsibilities • Innovate and design on-rack and data center power conversion specifications and solutions. Analyze performance, cost, reliability, and availability trade-offs. • Lead projects that involve new technologies or new uses of multiple existing technologies. • Partner with power industry leaders to lead the evaluation and adoption of the most compelling cutting edge technologies. • Engage cross-functionally to ensure successful roll-out, testing, and complete validation. • Provide technical leadership and direction while troubleshooting complex system level power delivery issues.

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5/01 系統工程師

  • 台北市大安區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

工作內容: 1. 資訊設備(伺服器、儲存設備...等)安裝、設定、維護及相關之叫修、詢答、修復、更換故障零組件 2. 協助業務人員至客戶端銷售相關規劃與說明 3. 產品技術諮詢與支援服務及專案教育訓練 4. 其他交辦事務 5. 可接受7x24 技術支援 6. 能接受/學習新的系統技能 工作條件: 1.具備Server(OS:Windows / Linux…) &儲存設備規劃&虛擬化VMware 之軟、硬體之安裝建置佈署、設定、操作安裝及管理設定維護等經驗,具有雲端建置經驗尤佳 2.具備相關證照及建置佈署及管理設定維護等實務經驗尤佳並優先錄用。 公司提供相關在職培訓及認證資源。

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5/01 儲存(Storage)系統工程師

  • 台北市大安區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

日常工作內容: ● 協助進行系統售前規劃、建置、管理與維護 ● 協助Infra專案建置、測試、驗收、維運 ● 週期性維護作業 (監控/系統狀態檢查/第一線障礙判斷) ● 處理客戶問題 (了解原因/解決問題/提供建議) ● POC環境建置、操作、調校及報告 ● 需有獨立作業之能力 ● 能接受/學習新的系統技能 ● 可接受7x24 技術支援 條件要求 (具備者尤佳): ● HDS、NetApp...等SAN/NAS品牌Storage規劃、建置及維護之經驗 ● 備份軟體規劃、建置及維護之工作經驗 ● SAN Switch 基本概念及操作 ● 客戶問題障礙處理 ● 可接受7x24 技術支援 具備相關證照及建置佈署及管理設定維護等實務經驗尤佳並優先錄用 公司提供相關在職培訓及認證資源

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5/01 資深系統整合工程師

  • 台北市大安區
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

工作內容: ● Infra.系統專案規劃、測試、建置、驗收、管理、維運 ● 協助業務進行需求訪談及系統規劃建議 ● 週期性維護作業 (監控/系統狀態檢查/第一線障礙判斷) ● 處理客戶問題 (了解原因/解決問題/提供建議) ● POC環境建置、操作、調校及報告 ● 需有獨立作業之能力 ● 能接受/學習新的系統技能 主要條件要求: (一) ● DELL/HP...等品牌x86 Rack及Blade規劃、建置及硬體維護經驗 ● 客戶問題障礙處理 ● 可接受7x24 技術支援 (二) ● HDS、NetApp...等品牌Storage規劃、建置及維護之經驗 ● SAN Switch 基本概念及操作 ● 客戶問題障礙處理 ● 可接受7x24 技術支援 其他條件要求 (具備者尤佳): ● HP/DELL..等 HCI 產品、環境規劃及維護 ● SDDC架構,尤SDS之架構規劃及建置 ● 虛擬化(vSphere / Hyper-V)系統規劃、建置與維護之經驗 ● 資料庫一體機(ex.ODA...)系統規劃、建置與維護之經驗 具備相關證照尤佳 公司提供相關在職培訓及認證資源。

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5/01 Senior Thermal Engineer, Google Cloud

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Thermal Engineering, Mechanical or Product Design, a related field, or equivalent practical experience. • 5 years of experience in design and analysis/development of thermal solutions (e.g., servers, storage. switches, etc.). • 5 years of experience with CFD (e.g., FloTherm/Icepak or equivalent), thermal analysis techniques, pipe flow (pressure drop) calculations, and structural modeling techniques. • Experience with heat pipes, vapor chambers, heatsinks, thermal interface materials, fans, liquid cooling, or heat exchangers. Preferred qualifications: • Master's degree, PhD, or equivalent practical experience. • Experience working with cooling strategies used for package, boards, systems, and data centers. • Experience working with ODM, cooling systems, and component suppliers. • Experience in one or more advanced cooling techniques (e.g., liquid cooling, thermal interface materials, thermo-electric devices, two-phase heat transfer, or heat exchangers). • Experience capturing temperature, pressure, velocity, power, flow rates, acceleration, displacement, sound, FloTHERM, IcePak, and CAD. About the job Our computational challenges are so big, complex and unique we can't just purchase off-the-shelf hardware, we've got to make it ourselves. Your team designs and builds the hardware, software and networking technologies that power all of Google's services. As a Hardware Engineer, you design and build the systems that are the heart of the world's largest and most powerful computing infrastructure. You develop from the lowest levels of circuit design to large system design and see those systems all the way through to high volume manufacturing. Your work has the potential to shape the machinery that goes into our cutting-edge data centers affecting millions of Google users. Behind everything our users see online is the architecture built by the Technical Infrastructure team to keep it running. From developing and maintaining our data centers to building the next generation of Google platforms, we make Google's product portfolio possible. We're proud to be our engineers' engineers and love voiding warranties by taking things apart so we can rebuild them. We keep our networks up and running, ensuring our users have the best and fastest experience possible. Responsibilities • Influence product design by providing thermal engineering insight into the technology roadmap, identify and scope innovation opportunities and technology risks, and contribute to overall system architecture. • Design thermal management hardware, material selection, heat sinks, air movers, pumps, and supporting equipment, and work with internal manufacturing teams and external fabrication vendors during the product development cycle. • Contribute to overall system architecture and make interdisciplinary tradeoffs to optimize TCO of overall compute infrastructure. • Develop specifications and test procedures to ensure desired reliability and performance of electronic equipment, collaborate, supervise, and motivate suppliers to design and develop products.

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5/01 Storage/Network Qualification Engineer, Google Cloud

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or equivalent practical experience. • 5 years of experience in a hardware test or qualification role, and having experience with signal integrity, power, and timing Preferred qualifications: • Master's degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering. • Experience collecting and organizing details to reproduce and explain the root cause and solutions. • Experience with hardware and firmware evaluation methodologies for SSD/HDD and root cause failure analysis. • Knowledge of how to characterize CPU, memory, and peripheral devices quality using statistical analysis. • Knowledge of NIC, smart NIC, DPU, PCI-E protocol, and DDR 5, and experience running related tests with PCI-E compliance. • Excellent written and verbal communication. About the job Google's custom-designed machines make up one of the largest and most powerful computing infrastructures in the world. The Hardware Testing Engineering team ensures that this cutting-edge equipment is reliable. In the R&D lab, you design test equipment for prototypes of our machinery and develop the protocols used to scale these tests for the entire global team. Working closely with design engineers, you give input on designs to improve our hardware until you're sure it meets Google's standards of quality and reliability. Behind everything our users see online is the architecture built by the Technical Infrastructure team to keep it running. From developing and maintaining our data centers to building the next generation of Google platforms, we make Google's product portfolio possible. We're proud to be our engineers' engineers and love voiding warranties by taking things apart so we can rebuild them. We keep our networks up and running, ensuring our users have the best and fastest experience possible. Responsibilities • Create test plans and coordinate resources across test environments. • Perform electrical, functional, reliability, and performance tests to ensure hardware solutions meet Google's requirements. • Report bugs and drive corrective action where needed with external suppliers or internal development teams. • Maintain and improve the qualification process. • Work with Original Design Manufacturers/Joint Design Manufacturers to ensure testing to meet Google standards.

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5/01 Head of Industry Principal Architects

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience. • 10 years of experience as a Pre-Sales Engineer at an enterprise technology company, or in a similar customer-facing role within professional services, solutions architecture, or systems engineering. • Experience managing a quota-carrying team. Preferred qualifications: • Master's degree or MBA in Computer Science. • 15 years of experience in Business-to-Business technology organizations with emphasis on Infrastructure, Database, Analytics, Machine Learning (ML), and Applications. • Experience in solution promoting to enterprises, with experience promoting across industries (i.e. Retail, Manufacturing, and CPG). • Experience in growing and developing talent. • Knowledge of Big Data, PaaS, IaaS industry and technical concepts, web application development platforms, and related technologies. • Ability to travel up to 50% of the time as needed. About the job The Google Cloud Platform team helps customers transform and build what's next for their business — all with technology built in the cloud. Our products are engineered for security, reliability and scalability, running the full stack from infrastructure to applications to devices and hardware. Our teams are dedicated to helping our customers — developers, small and large businesses, educational institutions and government agencies — see the benefits of our technology come to life. As part of an entrepreneurial team in this rapidly growing business, you will play a key role in understanding the needs of our customers and help shape the future of businesses of all sizes use technology to connect with customers, employees and partners. In this role, you will be responsible for bringing experience and thought leadership to help set goal, mission, and strategy for the Principal Architects and Industry Solutions Specialists across Asia Pacific region. You will engage with Chief Experience Officers (CxOs), serve as a public advocate for your Industry pillar as a keynote presenter, perform in-depth searches with internal Engineering teams on the key use cases for a given customer/market, coach Sales teams through a customer engagement, and lead a cross-Google working team through a critical engagement with CxOs. Additionally, you'll coach and mentor team members and set key performance indicators. You will adopt the best practices in enterprise architecture set forth by global and regional leaders, develop new solution initiatives, and support a broad cross-functional group of stakeholders. Lastly, you will help provide feedback to the Product and Engineering teams to help shape product direction. Google Cloud accelerates every organization’s ability to digitally transform its business and industry. We deliver enterprise-grade solutions that leverage Google’s cutting-edge technology, and tools that help developers build more sustainably. Customers in more than 200 countries and territories turn to Google Cloud as their trusted partner to enable growth and solve their most critical business problems. Responsibilities • Work with Sales management to determine proper staffing levels to support annual goals, establish job requisitions, build pipeline, and lead the interview team to fill open positions. • Organize, train, and equip the Principal Architect (PA) team. Assess PA team go-to-market readiness, identify gaps in preparedness, and build plans to ensure the team is properly trained and equipped to perform in support of annual goals. • Work with the Cloud Sales team and leadership to identify, qualify, and prioritize coverage for business opportunities. Participate in periodic opportunity review meetings to provide insight into how to best secure the technical win. • Maintain customer satisfaction through working with Sales Account, Customer Support, Product Management, Customer Solutions, and Engineering to resolve product problems affecting pre and post-sales customer satisfaction. • Travel to visit customers throughout the region.

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