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5/16 華立集團_太陽能系統/工程人員(有相關經驗,薪資可議)_台北辦公室

  • 台北市松山區
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

太陽能系統、新能源工作內容如下: 1.參與接案、監督(或監工)與完成太陽能或新能源系統工程,包括但不限於接案、設計、監督(或監工)到完成工程驗收的所有相關業務。 2.協助案場業務開發與評估分析。 3.協助執行主管所交代之專案,專案分析規劃、溝通、整合、成本控管。 4.協助專案進度追蹤、文件撰寫、圖片歸檔、溝通協調及問題追蹤。 5.協助對內團隊協調,對外客戶溝通,並定期進行專案報告。 6.協助執行各項相關流程與運作。 7.其他主管交辦事項。 (註):此為新能源事業單位職缺,工作地點為台北松山辦公室。

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5/16 Senior Consultant (Automotive Process, Safety & Security)

  • 台北市北投區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

相關產業資料: 1. https://www.ul.com/industries/automotive-and-mobility 2. https://www.ul.com/news/ul-solutions-advances-automotive-safety-and-security-new-approach-integrated-functional-safety * Serves as a recognized expert within UL and requires in-depth and/or breadth of expertise in own job discipline and broad knowledge of other job disciplines within the Business Unit or Function. * Employs in-depth specialized conceptual and practical expertise regarding relevant theory, practice, and procedures relevant to consulting disciplines. Uses this knowledge to lead customer programs and broaden capabilities of the organization. Capable to address unique problems facing the business and/or the client from a position of expertise. * Relevant consulting disciplines according to this job description include, but are not limited to: ▓ Automotive Spice ▓ CMMI ▓ Functional Safety ▓ Agile/Safe frameworks ▓ Cybersecurity ▓ Related topics in the field of mobility and critical systems development * Contributes to development of strategy for the business or function. * Play a program leadership role including leadership of large and complex programs and/or program teams, including accountability for on-going activities or objectives. * Acts as a resource and source of guidance, counsel and expertise for colleagues with less experience * Acts as a source of authoritative presentation including active delivery of client training events. Presents findings and summaries in the field of relevant consulting disciplines to both internal/UL teams and external client teams. Capable to lead the development and preparation of materials and presentation of materials to target audiences. * Serve in thought-leadership roles in the technical community, as contributor to engineering organizations such as technical standards committees, organizing committees, engineering societies and related chapters or regional organizations, technical conferences, and related positions * Represents UL in technical and industry events by taking a lead role in the publication of articles, presentation of findings, and dissemination of knowledge to the technical community. * Manages the communication of difficult or sensitive information to clients, peers, managers and other stakeholders. * Works collaboratively to change points of view and sway stakeholders, including senior experts within UL and within the client organization, to achieve positive outcomes in complex and challenging situations. * Serves as a mentor to more junior colleagues. * Lead projects and/or projects with a notable importance, size, risk and/or complexity; develops the strategy for project execution * Leads business development efforts by leading and authorizing the definition of Statements of Work (SOWs) and providing budgetary estimates and full proposals for client-funded projects. * Leverage industry experience and network to win projects and build the business. * Contribute to the strategic direction of the business by providing technical and market expertise to management planning and report-out activities. * Contribute to client programs by interacting regularly with clients in technical program meetings and project reviews. * Address client concerns and to resolve client issues. Provide technical assistance to clients in reference to Consulting and related technical fields. Projects may include regular travel to client sites and to other UL locations. * Contribute to verification reviews or other technical review activities as directed. May represent the company at industry related functions such as seminars and trade shows. * Communicate project status and results to clients through frequent contact and by preparing reports. Comfortable working in a dynamic, fast-paced team environment. * Integrate continuous improvement and safety culture in all aspects of the job. * Read and follow the Underwriters Lab.

待遇面議 員工816人 遠端工作 距捷運奇岩站約270公尺
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5/14 Senior Consultant / Lead Consultant (Automotive Process, Safety & Security)

  • 台北市北投區
  • 8年以上
  • 大學

相關產業資料: 1. https://www.ul.com/industries/automotive-and-mobility 2. https://www.ul.com/news/ul-solutions-advances-automotive-safety-and-security-new-approach-integrated-functional-safety * Serves as a recognized expert within UL and requires in-depth and/or breadth of expertise in own job discipline and broad knowledge of other job disciplines within the Business Unit or Function. * Employs in-depth specialized conceptual and practical expertise regarding relevant theory, practice, and procedures relevant to consulting disciplines. Uses this knowledge to lead customer programs and broaden capabilities of the organization. Capable to address unique problems facing the business and/or the client from a position of expertise. * Relevant consulting disciplines according to this job description include, but are not limited to: ▓ Automotive Spice ▓ CMMI ▓ Functional Safety ▓ Agile/Safe frameworks ▓ Cybersecurity ▓ Related topics in the field of mobility and critical systems development * Contributes to development of strategy for the business or function. * Play a program leadership role including leadership of large and complex programs and/or program teams, including accountability for on-going activities or objectives. * Acts as a resource and source of guidance, counsel and expertise for colleagues with less experience * Acts as a source of authoritative presentation including active delivery of client training events. Presents findings and summaries in the field of relevant consulting disciplines to both internal/UL teams and external client teams. Capable to lead the development and preparation of materials and presentation of materials to target audiences. * Serve in thought-leadership roles in the technical community, as contributor to engineering organizations such as technical standards committees, organizing committees, engineering societies and related chapters or regional organizations, technical conferences, and related positions * Represents UL in technical and industry events by taking a lead role in the publication of articles, presentation of findings, and dissemination of knowledge to the technical community. * Manages the communication of difficult or sensitive information to clients, peers, managers and other stakeholders. * Works collaboratively to change points of view and sway stakeholders, including senior experts within UL and within the client organization, to achieve positive outcomes in complex and challenging situations. * Serves as a mentor to more junior colleagues. * Lead projects and/or projects with a notable importance, size, risk and/or complexity; develops the strategy for project execution * Leads business development efforts by leading and authorizing the definition of Statements of Work (SOWs) and providing budgetary estimates and full proposals for client-funded projects. * Leverage industry experience and network to win projects and build the business. * Contribute to the strategic direction of the business by providing technical and market expertise to management planning and report-out activities. * Contribute to client programs by interacting regularly with clients in technical program meetings and project reviews. * Address client concerns and to resolve client issues. Provide technical assistance to clients in reference to Consulting and related technical fields. Projects may include regular travel to client sites and to other UL locations. * Contribute to verification reviews or other technical review activities as directed. May represent the company at industry related functions such as seminars and trade shows. * Communicate project status and results to clients through frequent contact and by preparing reports. Comfortable working in a dynamic, fast-paced team environment. * Integrate continuous improvement and safety culture in all aspects of the job. * Read and follow the Underwriters Lab.

待遇面議 員工816人 遠端工作 距捷運奇岩站約270公尺
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5/14 振動產品工程師和專家

  • 台北市中山區
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

我們正在尋找一位在時間序列資料分析、FFT 頻域分析以及相關資料顯示方面具有深厚背景的振動專家。 這位經驗豐富的人員必須能夠與小團隊合作,共同開發並繼續開發我們內部開發的振動分析儀系統。 具有振動相關分析背景,包括非接觸式 ODS、接觸式 MEMS 和基於非接觸式超音波的分析系統優先。 We are looking for a vibration specialist with a strong background in time series data analyses, frequency domain analyses via FFT, and the display of relevant data. This experienced individual must be able to work with a small team to jointly develop and continue the development of our inhouse developed vibration analyser systems. Background with vibration related analyses including non-contact ODS, contact MEMS and non-contact Ultrasound based analyzer systems preferred.

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5/13 Internship (Part-time) / 實習計畫 - Microfluidics Mechanical Engineer

  • 台北市中山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

R&D Internship program: Microfluidics Mechanical Engineer Internship (1)使用相關分析、模擬軟體協助產品開發。 (2)協助產品設計優化、開發測試。 (3)協助產品品質控管、檢驗 (4)數據整理。 (5)其他主管交辦事項。 <About You> You are not expected to know everything, but you must be passionate, inspired, and persistent about solving problems and achieving your best. If you are a team player who always goes the extra mile, finds the most efficient solution, takes ownership of your work, and wants to be a part of the most ambitious team in the life sciences, then you might be the one we are looking for!

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5/16 機電工程監造/太陽能電廠監造/土木/結構工程設計監造

  • 新北市土城區
  • 2年以上
  • 高中

1. 太陽能案場施工監督、查驗、工程發包等。 2. 定期檢討工程進度、按圖施工、品質檢驗等。 3. 專案工地工安事項、工地環境及安全維護等。 4. 專案進度表擬定管控、施工日誌、進度提報等 5. 進料檢點、計劃書擬定、案場管理溝通協調等。 6. 公司及主管交辦事項。 7. 不須外派。

待遇面議 員工22人

5/17 電廠專案工程師/維運工程師(太陽能、綠能)

  • 台北市南港區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

陽光伏特家是台灣第一個也是目前規模最大的全民電廠平台,致力於讓能源永續走入民眾日常,透過群眾募資模式應用於在再生能源,我們讓超過4萬名民眾直接參與再生能源發展,建立民眾與能源議題的直接溝通橋樑,藉此為台灣能源轉型發展帶來正向改變。 陽光伏特家擁有超過500多座全民電廠,座落於全台灣北中南各地,每一座公民電廠從誕生到開始提供源源不絕的綠色能源,背後都會交由我們專業的維運團隊守護。從走入現地,把關每一座電廠的營運品質,或是透過電腦即時監控全台電廠的發電狀態,你將能夠完整參與再生能源發展,學習到核心的電廠知識,並洞察未來綠能發展趨勢,同時,培養你的管理以及協作能力。 認識我們正在努力的願景 https://www.sunnyfounder.com/individual,共同替這塊海島,創造友善的能源選項! 認識我們的綠電交易夥伴 https://www.sunnyfounder.com/corporate,攜手發揮1+1大於2的永續影響力。 認識我們篳路藍縷的歷程 https://reurl.cc/b7A2RM,未來的路,邀請你一起加入打拼! 【工作執掌】 1.案場驗收與狀況排除-掌握公民電廠的營運狀況是維運團隊的每日基本功。 2.承包商管理-攜手全台各地的廠商夥伴協力打造電廠,發揮團隊合作的潛力。 3.不定期出差-你將可以走訪位於全台各地的全民電廠,站上再生能源發展的第一線。 4.發電監測-透過能源監控系統,協助團隊掌握全台500多座電廠的發電狀態。 5.資料分析-運用電廠營運所產生的資料,優化工作流程,開拓新的市場方案。 【基本條件】 1.需具備汽車駕照 2.了解結構力學或材料力學之基本原理 【加分條件】 1.機械等相關科系及工作經驗佳 2.會使用電子儀表工具、量測工具者佳 3.了解電學基本原理 4.具丙級職業安全衛生管理技術士或任一相關証執照者佳 5.對太陽能電廠有相關經驗者佳


5/13 太陽能工程師

  • 新北市三重區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

1.負責太陽能/儲能電廠系統規畫設計及繪製(包含設計圖、施工圖、排佈圖、放樣圖、支架圖)。 2.檢視太陽能/儲能工程設計、施工、竣工等圖面以及相關資料進行必要之修正,以符合設計要求和規範。 3.太陽能/儲能案件送審與管控進度。 4.負責與內外部單位溝通與協調。


5/13 專案管理師

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1. 案場現場勘查、量測、效能與建置作業評估。 2. 確認工程內容與施工相關文件,落實各階段工程品質、查核及簽證作業。 3. 確保案場工程各施工階段之可行性、安全無虞,與施工者協商,確認施工計畫。 4. 管理各工程專案的進度、監督、品質控管,並準時完工。 5. 協助台電、能源局、電機之文書處理,執行各公家核函的申請與取得。 6. 需配合公司出差與駐點案場。 7. 其他主管交辦事項。





