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5/06 【電子商務部】Web Backend Developer 網頁後端開發工程師

  • 新北市汐止區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

★★我們歡迎您★★ 電子商務部主要負責各大電商平台的經營 只要你有心、積極想學習,歡迎你加入團隊 但我們必須事先向你說明清楚,公司一向追求進步與負責。在公司持續擴大的過程中,會不斷的經歷進步與變革,這絕對會是一項具有挑戰性的工作。我們不管是對自己還是對你也都會是相對的嚴格,所以要是你抗壓性不佳,很可能過不了我們這一關。 我們的願景是成為能夠帶領臺灣稱霸全球電商領域的公司,我們相信未來能夠以電商平台的角度讓全世界向臺灣的網站下單;以供應商的角度將商品發向全世界;以倉儲物流的角度成為世界的中轉站! 如果你願意你將可以在這份工作中獲得 ❀瞭解電商平台的經營與管理的運作細節 ❀與一群對自己有要求的老闆、主管和員工一起成長 ❀與優秀的夥伴一起工作,近距離學習高手的思考高度與做事細節 ❀精彩的履歷內容 ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ 【工作內容】 1. 開發與維護公司系統 2. 系統模組化設計、開發、自動化、測試程式 3. 爬蟲機器人程式開發 4. 系統流程規劃,資料庫規劃,API開發/維護/文件撰寫 【加分項目】 1. Python 相關專案經驗 2. 熟悉爬蟲程式基礎/經驗/知識 3. Django系統架構熟悉 4. 熟悉使用JavaScript/jQuery 網頁元件 【工作態度與原則】 ▲對於軟體開發及新技術學習有濃厚興趣 ▲強大的邏輯分析和獨立解決問題能力 ▲擁有強烈的求知欲,優秀的學習和溝通能力 【最重要的是】 我們希望你是個有理念的人,如果你想要在電商領域發光發熱,歡迎你帶著熱情一起來。 目前公司處於大幅成長的階段,所以各個崗位都在面臨進步突破,只要你有能力,這裡絕對有你可以發揮的領域。我們希望在公司成為行業內的頂尖時,你也是其中一份子!! 公司網站:https://jayterweb.weebly.com/ 【交通位置】 1.火車:「汐科站」下車3分鐘 2.公車:「遠東世界中心」下車步行3分鐘 3.大樓樓下有室內機車、汽車停車位

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5/06 113年研發替代役-【Innovation Development】圖學工程師 Graphics Engineer

  • 新北市新店區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

想成為最頂尖的程式高手嗎? 我們不作曇花一現只求免費下載量的 App,也不作代工設計的程式碼生產線, 我們只作符合使用者需求的動畫編輯工具。 與精通 Pipeline 的技術視覺專家, 美學涵養豐富的 Art,以及國內外 Power User 切磋琢磨,RD 不只是 RD,你是視覺團隊的理性實踐者! 1. 加入產品開發團隊,開發2D/3D動畫相關軟體產品或共用模組。 2. 進行新技術研究,並將研究成果實踐至各創新產品中。 3. 透過持續優化的產品開發循環,與不同屬性的團隊共同進行研發,持續交付穩定而優質的產品。 4. 進行軟體品質改善及控管之相關活動及測試: Code review / Code refactoring 及 Integration Test / Unit Test

待遇面議 員工200人
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5/06 (VIVE S/W)Software Engineer(電腦視覺追蹤定位/深度學習)-J01209

  • 新北市新店區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

團隊介紹: HTC Vive 是一個專注於 VR/AR 產品開發與研究團隊,整個VIVE團隊成立於2014年,至今已推出多款產品,於VR領域享有相當市占率跟技術領先。 團隊專注於電腦視覺、演算法、深度學習與Edge Computing方向的研究與開發,目前主要研究方向有品質高於自駕車的SLAM 的定位追蹤、遙控器與周邊裝置的物件定位追蹤、手部臉部與全身姿態的追蹤、環境 3D 建構與理解。 除了以上方向,團隊內也有多位獨立研究人員,分別負責一些前瞻性的研究。團隊的日常作息與一般研究室相似,多數時間皆用於論文研讀與討論、實驗與分析及演算法的創新。內部的團隊管理使用Scrum模型,採低度管理,所有工程人員的職稱都是平行的。團隊使用的程式語言以 C++ 跟Python為主,使用的環境都是Ubuntu Linux,產品演算法皆移植於 Edge computing硬體上,如Neon, OpenCL/GL, 或HVX。 目前團隊已經運行 10 年時間 • 2020 年在 Vive Cosmos,團隊經過4年的基礎開發,創造第一代自主研發的頭盔追蹤定位SLAM演算法及遙控器追蹤演算法 • 2021 年再推出 Vive Focus 3為HTC在VR領域的里程碑,團隊將頭盔追蹤SLAM及遙控器追蹤效能推到世界一級水平,同時推出第一代的手勢追蹤演算法 • 2022 年初推出 Wrist Tracker為全世界第一個VR支持周邊裝置的追蹤產品 團隊重視技術的長期投資及人才的深耕培育,從基礎研究扎穩馬步,結合台灣優秀人才來達到世界一流水平技術研究與開發。或許可以想像加入團隊好比進修博士學位或博士後研究 (但年收遠遠高過學校博士收入)。 過程中團隊會有人指導你研究、與你共同研究,也有很多大神可以交互激盪創意想法或辯證數學模型的理解方式。 工作內容: • VR頭盔,AR 眼鏡的電腦視覺追蹤定位與環境建構理解 • 遙控器與周邊裝置的電腦視覺追蹤定位 • 手勢偵測,臉部與全身姿態的追蹤 • 前期硬體設計評估,模擬與建模,量產流程設計與優化 • 演算法的硬體平台移植與優化

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5/06 Algorithm Engineer – 演算法工程師

  • 新北市新店區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

【一同打造世界級的「元宇宙」關鍵技術】 見臻科技是一家從國立臺灣大學spin-off的新創公司,我們以提供元宇宙所需要的關鍵技術「視線追蹤模組 (eye tracking module)」為產品,並將技術應用在AR/VR/醫療等相關產業上;歡迎各界菁英發揮專長,一同踏上元宇宙的浪潮。 [工作說明] The eye-tracking technology will be indispensable in AR/VR/MR. Here is your opportunity to get involved with a cool and fantastic technology. We are hiring talented algorithm developer to join our algorithm team, located in Taipei. Your main responsibilities as a biometric algorithm developer include algorithm analysis, design and implementation. Key metrics guiding your work will be biometric performance, implementation complexity and architecture flexibility. You will work in close collaboration with hardware and software teams. As part of our team, you will join a significant R&D effort and play a key role in the development of biometric algorithms for eye tracking, iris recognition and facial emotion recognition. The algorithm team is a part of R&D and is characterized by a high level of professional competence, as well as an open, friendly and innovative work environment. Furthermore, through collaboration with worldwide customers, you will have the opportunity to work with leading AR/VR/MR customers together to open up the future of eye-tracking applications. [條件要求] *Fluent in Python, C++ *Experience working with OpenCV *Expert in Computer Vision, Digital Imaging Processing, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning *You are a team player with a positive problem-solving attitude. *You are open to learn new things and are driven by a deep technical interest. *You can drive assignments independently and self-manage priorities. #元宇宙 #metaverse #演算法工程師 #新創公司 #台大 #WFH #遠端工作 #彈性上班

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5/06 【2024暑期實習】(SI-21) Computer Vision & Deep Learning Engineer

  • 新北市新店區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. Design and implement novel computer vision and deep learning methods. 2. Develop, fine-tune, optimize and customize VIA's DNN solutions to meet product needs 3. Help study the latest research and innovations in deep learning, and experiment with new ideas to improve VIA's solution. 【威盛2024暑期實習】開始招募囉!! 歡迎加入VIA Summer Internship!! 您可以體驗職場、累積專業外,更可與來自國內外知名大學的實習生一起學習、互動和交流喔! 實習表現優良者,畢業後還有機會優先成為正職人選!! 【暑期實習&招募說明】 招募對象:升大三以上大學生,或碩士在學學生為主 招募方式:可直接透過104人力銀行投遞履歷 (履歷內請務必提供自傳,如有專題/研究/論文/實習/成績單/相關修課資料/與威盛產品相關的技術專業等,也歡迎您一起提供) 招募流程:請給我們一些時間仔細閱讀您的履歷,如通過初審我們會盡快邀約您參加面談(視訊面談為主) 收件、面試期間:即日起~2024/05 或額滿 實習期間:2024/07/01~2024/08/30 實習時間:週一~週五,每日8小時 實習地點:新北市新店區(威盛總公司) 【暑期實習介紹和影片】 https://www.viatech.com/en/careers/internships/ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4ULSYv3X6BvTqHdDHYjyd_7C0msfwE_t https://www.viatech.com/en/careers/via-internship-program/

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5/06 微生物體研究中心 生物資訊工程師

  • 新北市汐止區
  • 2年以上
  • 碩士

MAKE RESEARCH HAPPEN《陪科學家不斷前進,為科學研究提供最佳解決方案,為科學創造無限價值》 ✔生物資訊工程師工作內容 1. Experience in NGS or 3rd Generation Sequencing data analysis 2. 2+ years bioinformatics experience 3. RNA-seq/scRNA/Microbiome analysis is preferred 4. Familiar with R or any script language 5. Familiar with statistical concepts 6. Responsible for internal training and technical support ★ 其他條件 1. Fast learner and willing to take up challenges 2. Familiar with Linux environment and any programming language 3. Experience in version control tools is a plus

待遇面議 員工80人
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5/06 生醫演算法工程師

  • 新北市三重區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

工作內容 (1) 開發生醫訊號演算法與生理訊號處理, ECG, SP02, Blood Pressure, R/R...etc (2) 預測模型設計與開發 (3) 演算法API設計與開發 (4) 協助臨床研究與醫療器材技術文件撰寫 工作說明 : 1. 開發新演算法或改進現有演算法,用於血壓及血氧及其他生理訊號。 2. 分析臨床數據庫或生物傳感器收集的(通常是連續動態的)數據。 3. 生醫訊號演算法與生理訊號處理 4. 雜訊抑制 (noise reduction) 及萃取 (extraction)演算法 5. 熟悉開發工具熟悉開發工具C/C++, Python, MATLABC/C++, Python, MATLAB等專業模擬軟體等專業模擬軟體

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5/06 Machine Learning Engineer

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

【Job Content】 1. Work closely with internal teams to inspire, discover, convert, and integrate existing data into customer-facing applications. 2. Survey and track state-of-the-art NLP/RAG algorithms from top conference or journal papers. 3. Have the ability to implement, experiment, and analyze new algorithms independently. 4. Automate, analyze, and visualize experiment results to improve the quality of current products. 【Qualifications】 1. Proficiency in Python. 2. Solid background in natural language processing (NLP) and large language models (LLM) such as Transformer, LORA, QLORA, RLHF, and DPO. 3. Ability to read and implement the latest algorithms from top conference papers. 4. Strong self-motivation and good communication skills to work with colleagues. 5. Bonus: Having publications in well-known NLP/ML conferences, including but not limited to ACL, EMNLP, KDD, ICML, ICLR, NeurIPS, AAAI, IJCAI. Note: You DO NOT need to have cybersecurity knowledge or backgrounds (it's a plus if you do)

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5/06 【學期實習】Software Engineer - Deep Learning and Computer Vision (4~6個月)

  • 新北市新店區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. Explore new exciting applications of 3D reconstruction and 3D perception for Robotics with DNNs, in a unique opportunity for engineering and research technology transfer. 2. Research implement and apply Deep Learning/AI techniques as well as traditional methods to solve some of the Video, Image Processing and ADAS embedded automotive system related. 實習期間:可配合學生學期期間,建議4~6個月 實習時間:每週實習時間可搭配學生的時間做調整 實習地點:威盛總公司 (新北市新店區中正路),不接受遠距 實習對象:以北部學校大三大四、碩士、博士的"在學學生"優先

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5/06 U-Medical Imaging AI Engineer

  • 新北市汐止區
  • 2年以上
  • 碩士

【About the Opportunity】 Our client is a 50+ year old company that delivers industry leading clinical trial endpoint technology solutions. The future of clinical trials is vibrant, with new technologies revolutionizing what’s possible. From new trial modes to faster and integrated evidence and findings, our innovative clinical trial solutions mean we can unlock better evidence. The AI engineer will be responsible for developing predictive systems, creating efficient algorithms and improving data quality in the context of clinical trials. This individual will work closely with the algorithm imaging team to identify, evaluate, and design tools/algorithms suitable for use in the web-based applications. This individual will have the opportunity to contribute directly to the features and capabilities deployed in our applications. 【What You'll Be Doing】 • Understand requirements, implement and troubleshoot algorithms, and make sure they fulfill scientific requirements • Design medical image processing algorithms and systems • Design and implement AI models for medical imaging • Work with imaging scientists to define requirements and identify suitable algorithms and libraries • Read the scientific literature • Help automate our workflows • Help design and improve our cloud-based computation environments

待遇面議 員工10000人
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5/06 113年度研發替代役-軟體工程師 Software Engineer

  • 新北市新店區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

想成為最頂尖的程式高手嗎? 我們不作曇花一現只求免費下載量的 App,也不作代工設計的程式碼生產線, 我們只作符合使用者需求的動畫編輯工具。 與精通 Pipeline 的技術視覺專家, 美學涵養豐富的 Art,以及國內外 Power User 切磋琢磨,RD 不只是 RD,你是視覺團隊的理性實踐者! 1. 進行新技術研究,並將研究成果投入各項創新產品。 2. 於軟體開發流程中,完成設計、評估、執行、測試各階段任務。 3. 隨時學習新技術,發揮創意並解決問題,完成各項創新研發工作。 4. 透過各項個人及團隊活動,持續提升寫作品質及效能。

待遇面議 員工200人
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5/06 U-Lead Data Scientist

  • 新北市汐止區
  • 5年以上
  • 碩士

【About the Opportunity】 We are seeking a passionate and experienced Lead Data Scientist to join our team and play a pivotal role in developing a next-generation generative AI-powered chatbot application specifically focused on the medical field. You will leverage your expertise in Natural Language Processing (NLP), machine learning, and experience with cutting-edge LLM solutions to design, build, and deploy this intelligent chatbot solution. 【Responsibilities】 • Lead the design and development of NLP models for the medical chatbot, including tasks like intent classification, dialogue act recognition, and response generation, ensuring adherence to relevant medical guidelines and regulations. • Work closely with engineers, product managers, and medical professionals to define chatbot functionalities, user experience, and data security protocols. • Utilize industry-leading NLP services and leverage cutting-edge LLM solutions from providers like OpenAI, Gemini, and potentially Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) techniques to implement robust NLP functionalities within the medical domain. • Train and fine-tune NLP models on labeled medical data, ensuring high accuracy, performance, and adherence to ethical considerations in handling sensitive health information. • Integrate the chatbot with medical knowledge bases and relevant information sources to enable access to accurate and up-to-date medical information for responses. • Develop and implement robust quality assurance processes to ensure the chatbot's responses are medically accurate, unbiased, and reliable. • Monitor and evaluate the chatbot's performance within the medical context, identify areas for improvement, and iterate on the models to maintain accuracy and address potential biases. • Stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in NLP, generative AI research, and specifically with applications in the medical field. • Champion the adoption of Git for codebase version control and a CI/CD framework to ensure efficient development, collaboration, and maintainability of the project. • Lead the development and implementation of an end-to-end machine learning pipeline, encompassing data pre-processing, model training, deployment, and monitoring for the chatbot solution. • Collaborate with cross-functional teams (engineering, product, design, medical professionals) to ensure successful integration and deployment of the medical chatbot application. • Provide technical leadership and mentorship to junior data scientists within the team.

待遇面議 員工10000人
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5/06 113年度研發替代役-【Innovation Development】智能動畫技術研究員 Intelligent Animation Technology Researcher

  • 新北市新店區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

[Job Description] Developing an AI for animation software is challenging and intriguing. As an Intelligent Animation Technology Researcher, you will be conduct research in the field of 2D/3D animation for AI development in collaboration with different departments in the company as well as academics and industries. And also, you will need to participate in software development in order to make a real product for the market. [What will you do] 1. Do topic research and benchmark on demand. 2. Analysis papers and verification of the algorithms. 3. Design a methodology and develop a prototype. 4. Software engineering. 5. Optimize design. 6. Handover the contribution to the Product Team and help the team to develop it into the product. [Qualifications] 1. Expert in Deep Learning/Machine Learning. 2. Experience in 2D/3D Computer Graphic/Computer Vision software development. 3. Strong in C++ and Python programming. 4. Familiar with Deep Learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, Caffe, ..., etc. 5. Familiar with Deep Learning experiences like CNN, RNN, LSTM, GAN, ..., etc. 6. Familiar with Unreal/Unity engine. [About Innovation Department] We are a passionate team dedicated to animation technology and software development. Simplifying animation production, making the ideas happen and process fun is the coolest thing we can think of. This is not only our daily job, but also our goal. We are working hard to unleash the imagination of users and empower them with easy-to-use but powerful tools.

待遇面議 員工200人
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5/06 【Innovation Development】智能動畫技術研究員 Intelligent Animation Technology Researcher

  • 新北市新店區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

[Job Description] Developing an AI for animation software is challenging and intriguing. As an Intelligent Animation Technology Researcher, you will be conduct research in the field of 2D/3D animation for AI development in collaboration with different departments in the company as well as academics and industries. And also, you will need to participate in software development in order to make a real product for the market. [What will you do] 1. Do topic research and benchmark on demand. 2. Analysis papers and verification of the algorithms. 3. Design a methodology and develop a prototype. 4. Software engineering. 5. Optimize design. 6. Handover the contribution to the Product Team and help the team to develop it into the product. [Qualifications] 1. Expert in Deep Learning/Machine Learning. 2. Experience in 2D/3D Computer Graphic/Computer Vision software development. 3. Strong in C++ and Python programming. 4. Familiar with Deep Learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, Caffe, ..., etc. 5. Familiar with Deep Learning experiences like CNN, RNN, LSTM, GAN, Diffusion Model, Transformer..., etc. 6. Familiar with Unreal/Unity engine. [About Innovation Department] We are a passionate team dedicated to animation technology and software development. Simplifying animation production, making the ideas happen and process fun is the coolest thing we can think of. This is not only our daily job, but also our goal. We are working hard to unleash the imagination of users and empower them with easy-to-use but powerful tools.

待遇面議 員工200人
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