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4/29 公關管理師

  • 新竹市
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

1. 維繫媒體公共關係,新聞稿撰寫、發佈。 2. 策畫、執行公益專案活動,發揮企業影響力。 3. 企業參獎專案統籌與撰寫,爭取公司榮譽。 4. 蒐集市場資訊與分析,定期更新資料彙整。 5. 緊急狀況應變處置與後續追蹤。 6. 主管交辦之相關業務。

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4/29 【擴大徵才】KOL 企劃專員

  • 新竹市
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

▍About this role KOL對品牌的塑造與養成非常關鍵,我們相信好的KOL合作關係不應只停留在買賣合作,更應該像是朋友般維繫、共同創造互利、達到彼此加乘的效果。在集團裡面,我們期待你能代表不同階段與風格的品牌來和KOL交朋友,透過KOL合作創造更多品牌價值並達成行銷目的。 你將有機會擔任串連品牌與 KOL 的角色,期待你能延續以往工作經驗,依據品牌行銷策略方向找到合適的關鍵意見領袖;並與品牌傳播部、設計部夥伴協作,規劃線上或線下的 KOL 行銷專案,帶動社群話題性、提升品牌好感度並提升產品銷售業績。 ▍Responsibilities 1. 根據品牌目標規劃 KOL/KOC 傳播方案,包含人選提名、開發聯繫、溝通創作內容方向、客製化禮物寄送、追蹤成效、優化迭代至下次合作。 2. 開發與接洽之網紅平台包含:台港澳Facebook、Instagram、TikTok、Podcast、Youtube等。 3. 管理集團KOL/KOC資料庫,並規劃執行⻑期維繫關係的提案。 4. 與數位廣告夥伴協作,與KOL洽談素材再運用與授權內容。 5. 其他主管交辦事項。 ▍Minimum qualifications 1. 大學學歷 2. 符合任一經驗者:KOL相關行銷工作經驗 1 年以上/自營社群媒體經驗 1 年以上 ▍Capabilities 1. 強專案協作能力,擅長處理跨部門專案與強溝通能力 2. 善於溝通應對,能在交流時感受親切、正向。 3. 社群黏著度高、對於社群熱門議題敏感度高 4. 有創新精神,能多工處理並優化、主動提案解決問題 ▍Preferred qualifications 1. 熟悉寵物產業、有飼養寵物者 2. 具備曾經跟粉絲數超過 10 萬的 KOL 合作經驗。 3. 公關或電商/成效型行銷工作經驗 4. 港澳相關的留學或家庭背景 ▍Career path 您將有機會在KOL專業領域持續發展(KOL專家),或橫跨更多面向,走向品牌行銷傳播或企業公關。 ▍Others 1. 上班地點為新竹辦公室 2. 上班時間 09:30-18:30 / 09:00-18:00 3. 週休二日,需偶爾配合周末寵物展或品牌活動出勤 4. 可接受毛孩圍繞的辦公環境 歡迎登陸汪喵星球! 如果你有信心能夠勝任這份工作,歡迎把履歷寄到 [email protected],主旨開頭請加上 『 工作應徵【KOL 企劃專員】 -(你的名字)』 ,也歡迎附上作品集,讓我們能更好的認識你! 月薪30K-40K,薪資依能力調整,若能力超過,歡迎面議 。 本職缺為長期招募,我們會通知合適者約面試,若不符合資格,將不另行通知,謝謝大家。

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4/29 採購助理(Log_005)

  • 新竹縣湖口鄉
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

1,(集團)跨部門及區庶務協調溝通事宜。 2.(集團)採購資料整合整理、核對、及輸入輸出, 資料整合分析 。 3.(集團)採購供應商季度折讓單建立與追蹤。 4.學習採購詢價、比價、議價。 5.年度季度稽核等等及支援事務。 6.其他一般文書作業。 7.主管交辦事宜。

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4/29 工研院行政處_採購(助理/副)管理師

  • 新竹縣竹東鎮
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

1.辦理採購購案及相關業務,包含採購先期參與、招標文件製作、評選會議安排、購案履約管理、工程發包、完工驗收...等。 2.承辦驗收及報銷業務。 3.規劃與辦理採購資訊系統之提昇。 4.採購法令規章、作業程序之修訂。 5.供應商/協力廠商之供應鏈開發與評估。 6.服務品質、客戶經營、客戶訴願妥善處理。 ※小提醒:為讓我們快速媒合及了解履歷合適度,敬請具體條列工作內容及自傳請多著墨,以幫助我們更認識您!

待遇面議 員工6000人
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4/29 採購/進出口管理師

  • 新竹市
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

1. 國內外產品採購、議價。 2. 貨品交期進度追蹤。 3. 處理貨品品質不良問題。 4. 定期進行請款作業,並整理相關表單。 5. 建立、更新供應商資料。 6. 庫存管理。 7. ERP資料導入。 8. 進出口、三角貿易出貨之作業,並匯整製作報關文件。 9. 進出口報單核對、通關流程掌控、進出口保稅帳務相關之工作。 10. 主管交辦事項

待遇面議 員工30人
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4/29 Sr. Sourcing Engineer/Manager Engineering Sourcing - 新竹辦公室

  • 新竹市
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

Molex possesses a rich heritage in the optical industry. We provide the highest performing and field-proven optical communication solutions from optical components, passive and active optical modules to integrated line-cards. Our team is dedicated to continuous innovation in optical component function integration, miniaturization, and manufacturing automation. We provide cutting edge technology with a comprehensive optical, mechanical, electrical and software integration capabilities enable us to serve the needs of high-density, high-bandwidth, and flexible optical networks. This position will work closely with our R&D and PLM team to develop technology partnerships in the optical component market to enable technology and product advancement and sustainable growth with cost effective solutions for Optical Transceiver product families within OSBU. This is an opportunity for an individual to develop, evaluate optical and electrical components and technology partners and support and recommend components for new product development and mass production. What You Will Do In Your Role •You will focus on Opto-E product lines, explore and identify technologies and optical components suitable for existing and next gen inter- and intra- hyperscale datacenter and telecommunication market. •A major function of this position will be program management with heavy interaction and liaison with engineering and product management to align with existing programs and product roadmap. •Drive and managing component qual cycles through direct interaction with vendor's engineering, quality, PLM and Sales and marketing team. •As a technical and commercial window for NPD projects between vendor and Molex Engineering/PLM teams on technology assessment, spec, schedule, capacity, price and commercial terms and agreement with the support of global category team and BU SCM team. •Manage schedules of NPI introduction of new/alternate parts and collaborate with Molex Global Commodity team to leverage Molex global purchasing power and influence on electronics parts and ICs) •Work closely with Global and Guadalajara purchasing teams and OSBU SCM team to coordinate component supply for sample, small volume built to ensure project on time delivery to end customer. •Monitor BOM cost for NPD project and Drive BOM cost reduction through collaboration with engineering and PLM team on existing and new products and Conduct BOM cost analysis and track BOM cost for key product lines. •Provide guidance to engineering team on Molex preferred vendor and PNs and don't use list. •Negotiate supply contracts, pricing, supplier terms. •Organize and lead supplier audit. •Manage vendor PCN •Ensure guaranteed continuity of supply for NPI, scaling & volume-manufacture of complex optical products and conduct periodic supply risk assessment for supported product lines. •Collect and analyze optical components supply chain market information. •Manage vendor relationships and align product roadmaps between Molex and vendors. The Experience You Will Bring Minimal Requirements: •Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering •5+ years of combined professional work experience in optical engineering (quality, testing, design, process development, application, and reliability), technical marketing, engineering sourcing, product line management. •Minimal 5+ years of experience with optical, electro-optical products and Semi-conductors •Experience understanding the product development lifecycle •Experience interfacing with vendors or customers

待遇面議 外商公司 員工530人
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4/29 採購工程師

  • 新竹縣湖口鄉
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1.請購作業詢比議價及年度合約簽訂 2.供應商開發與管理作業 3.國內外訂單跟催及進度掌握 4.電腦文書處理及資料分析能力 5.良好的溝通與協調能力 6.配合公司作業改善/年度策略目標/專案執行 7.主管交辦任務

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4/29 採購行政助理

  • 新竹縣湖口鄉
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

行政: 1. 負責辦公室用品採購發放。 2. 維護辦公室環境與設備之整潔。 3. 處理一般行政業務及執行主管交辦事項。 採購: 1. 處理採購文件,整理、核對、及輸入進貨帳單、調撥單。 2.熟OFFICE、電腦操作。 3.完成主管所交辦的事項及作業處理。。 4.積極主動有責任感,具團隊概念、學習意願、服務熱忱、執行力與溝通協調能力者佳

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4/29 監造或行銷企劃人員

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

即將開新案,所以徵工作夥伴! 工作項目: 1.監督工地施工進度 2.需會使用autocad與sketchup 3.廠商溝通 4.完成主管交代事項 無經驗可。 好相處 肯學 公司會從頭教起! 條件: 1.大學畢業佳 2.汽車駕照 3.個性外向 ◆ 獎金/禮品類 1.年終獎金 2.三節獎金/禮品 ◆ 保險類 1.勞保 2.健保 3.員工團保 ◆ 休閒類 1.國內旅遊 2.國外旅遊 ◆ 請 / 休假制度 1.週休二日 2.特休/年假 3.訂婚假 4.陪產假 ◆ 補助類 1.結婚禮金 2.生育津貼

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4/29 工研院服科中心_企業行銷傳播與議題策劃專員(B000)

  • 新竹縣竹東鎮
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

1. 負責企業行銷傳播、活動、議題、文案與新聞稿策劃專案工作,責任於策劃、執行、評估各項專案,確保專案目標達成。 2. 與各相關單位協調,策劃企業行銷傳播、活動與議題策劃專案的方案,並參與專案執行、評估,確保專案品質達標。 3. 負責策劃專案的活動、宣傳、推廣與文案設計撰寫,確保活動場次順利進行,宣傳效果達標。 此職位需具備企業行銷傳播、活動策劃與議題設計撰寫等相關領域相關經驗,具備專案管理、溝通協調、團隊合作等相關能力,能夠有效地策劃、執行、評估企業行銷傳播、活動與議題策劃專案,確保專案目標達成。

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4/29 SCM Manager

  • 新竹市
  • 10年以上
  • 大學

1.依公司計劃,分析與制定短中長期採購計畫之規劃與進行 2.研擬與執行降低營運成本及確保價格競爭力之採購策略 3.帶領採購/生物管/進出口團隊工作目標完成 4.監控年度採購與相關事宜以達成目標 5.建立採購管理體系,完善採購管理制度及採購夥伴經營與開拓

待遇面議 員工496人
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4/29 【工研院專案】進出口專員

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

【工作內容】 1.免稅令應於法定期限內申請/核銷並詳實登錄免稅專簿. 2.準時提貨率應符合下列時效)自班機/船集抵台工起算),空運每月平均提時效低於2.5個工作 天/件,海運月平均低於5個後天/件。 3.依工研院出口需求,於限定時效內辦理完成出口作業。 4.各項管制品應依規定落實盤點及管控。 5-1. 根據貨物、商品或食材的庫存量,執行訂購作業。 5-2. 處理貨品遺失或延遲的採購問題。 5-3. 進行驗收作業,確認貨品的品質和規格。 5-4. 定期進行請款作業,並整理相關表單(如:請款單、驗收單、訂購單)。 5-5. 建立、更新供應商資料(如:貨品價格、規格和到貨時間),以選擇最佳供應商。 【專案期間】 年終獎金1.5個月(依113年服務比例發給)

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4/29 採購 (採購主管)

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. 根據貨物、商品或原料等的庫存量,執行訂購作業。 2. 處理貨品遺失或延遲交貨等採購問題。 3. 進行驗收作業,確認貨品的品質和規格。 4. 定期進行請款作業,並整理相關表單(如:請款單、驗收單、訂購單)。 5. 建立、更新供應商資料(如:貨品價格、規格和到貨時間),以選擇最佳供應商。 6. 鼎新TIPTOP ERP 採購相關報表管理 7. 料號建立及管理 8. 有品質及價格競爭力的優質供應商開發管理 9. 制定年度採購計畫。 10. 建立優良供應商評鑑程序。 11. 建立原物料或設備採購相關驗收程序。 12. 建立原物料和設備之報廢或折讓處理程序。 13. 採購議價及年度COST DOWN計畫執行管理 14. 採購績效管理 15. 主管交辦及待辦事項管理

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4/29 JL -[知名美商晶片廠] - 採購Buyer&Sourcing/ Wifi Firmware Engineer/ MAC Firmware Engineer/助理工程師Support Engineer - 年薪可談

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

***Sourcing Specialist*** 50~85K (英文精通) Supplier management RFQ • Suppliers' (ODMs) management; price negotiation & cost reduction and analysis. • Support new project RFQ, new suppliers' sourcing and vendor selection. • Negotiate on the business terms with suppliers and vendors • Align the related agreements and Contract with all internal/external stakeholders • Identify and establish relationships with key suppliers and manufacturers. • Risk Management: Identify potential risks in the supply chain and liability management. • Manage payment, invoice activities with suppliers. • Collaboration: Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including project manager, engineering, buyer, and production, to meet project/production timelines and requirements 條件: • Bachelor's degree in engineering, business administration, supply chain management, or a related field. • A 1-3 years’ experience in ODMs related field • Strong negotiation, management, and decision-making skills • Problem-solving and organizational skills • Experience on production cost structure and cost model establishment is a plus. -- ***Buyer*** 60~90K (英文精通) • The Buyer will perform purchasing transactions and partial sourcing activities for PWB and some components for both new product development and manufacturing. • Review and analyze system generated demand (via Oracle ERP), generate & issue purchase orders; run and follow-up on open order reports; expedite requests to suppliers via phone/email to ensure timely receipt of material(s) to support internal demand requirements. • Working closely with Strategic Sourcing, program manager, design engineer to recommend supplier based on their capacity, delivery, quality, compliance and cost. • Daily job also includes purchase order problem resolution, including order receiving issues, A/P issues, material returns, and non-conforming materials. • Interface with multiple internal customers & support teams (including Program & Product Management, Engineering, Finance, Accounting, Receiving, Quality, Customer Service Administration, Contracts, Legal, and other Procurement disciplines.) • Provide back-up for other members on the team. • Support other procurement assignment based on supervisor’s instructions. 條件: • Prefer to have 2-3 years of PWB/component relevant experience with purchasing, procurement, and buying. • Knowledge of ERP systems is desirable (specifically, Oracle) • Familiarity with supply base management is desirable. Knowledge of Excel, including sorting, filtering, formulas, Pivot Tables, etc.; Knowledge of using Power BI to visualize the data. • Report generation, distribution, and follow up may be required. • Bachelors of Arts/Science - Business Administration, Supply Chain Management -- ***Wifi Firmware Engineer*** 薪水可談 • WiFi function develop and validation during emulation. • WiFi performance/data traffic debug and validation on silicon include chip bus traffic. • The Job content includes WiFi protocol dev/validation and infrastructure of emulation validation setup. 條件: • 2+ years experience on WiFi or networking related experience. • IEEE802.11 std protocol, embedded system, Linux familiar. C/C++ programming skill / cross compile on embedded system. • Wifi testing/issue analysis, USB/SDIO bus protocol, Python/Perl/Shell script -- ***MAC Firmware Engineer*** • The candidate needs to engage team across geos and possesses with solid knowledge of 802.11AX/BE MAC protocols, embedded system, and testing infrastructure. • The job requires to follow the timeline strictly and have capability of fast turn-around for solution of highly complex, challenging issues. • The responsibilities cover overall chip lifecycle development, including FPGA emulation for MAC mainly, involve with world-wide design team to complete the pre-silicon verification, ASIC bring up for MAC/FW/Host, as well as system performance tuning and customer support. -- ***Support Engineer*** 35~45K • 晶片焊接測試/產品組裝與搬運/配件包裝

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4/29 Buyer_新竹

  • 新竹市
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

Job Description 1. PR/PO management 2. Monitor materials/parts shipment and ensure on time delivery. 3. Follow company strategy to execute cost reduction. 4. Maintain supplier data, business contract and other tasks assigned. Degree Bachelor’s degree or above Major No limit, business related are preferred. Experience Minimum 1 year procurement experience is must. Personal skills 1. Good communication skills in English, TOEIC score is 550 above. 2. Practiced Office software: MS Excel, PowerPoint, Word, etc.

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