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4/30 (新竹全區)遊戲主播-遊戲實況主

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

※與各大直播軟體合作,業界抽成獎金最高 傳說對決、絕地求生....等 如果你是擁有固定觀眾的實況主或是其他平台的實況主 想要擁有平台方的資源,更高的曝光度,找我們! 工作內容: 1電腦遊戲直播,線上與粉絲遊戲互動 2.高抽成獎金另加達標獎金 3.工作內容簡單 4.月休15天 5.兼職可 6.在家打電腦遊戲就可以上班囉!! 免學歷!!只要你願意,高薪不是夢 ※欲面試流程: 1.請加入line ID : @493npomw 先發送含照片之履歷 2.本公司收到履歷後會進行初步審核 3.初審核合格者由公司電話或人力銀行信件通知,安排面試。 4.面試合格者由公司電話通知結果。

待遇面議 員工13人
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4/30 ITRI_BDL_AI and Language Model Engineer

  • 新竹縣竹東鎮
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

We are looking for a skilled AI and Language Model Engineer to join our team at the Industrial Technology Research Institute's Biomedical Data and Artificial Intelligence Technology Division. In this role, you will be responsible for researching and applying AI and large language models to support intelligent healthcare and new drug development. You will also design and develop these models to address challenges in healthcare data analysis and natural language processing. Collaborating with relevant teams, you will integrate these models into intelligent healthcare and new drug development fields, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of healthcare professionals' work. Furthermore, you will be responsible for keeping up-to-date with domestic and international AI and language model technology trends, enhancing the team's technological innovation and application capabilities. Responsibilities: 1. Research and apply AI and large language models to support intelligent healthcare and new drug development. 2. Design and develop AI and large language models to address challenges in healthcare data analysis and natural language processing. 3. Collaborate with relevant teams to integrate AI and large language models into intelligent healthcare and new drug development fields, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of healthcare professionals' work. 4. Keep up-to-date with domestic and international AI and language model technology trends, enhancing the team's technological innovation and application capabilities. Requirements: 1. Master's degree in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, or a related field. 2. Proficient in programming languages such as Python, R, and C++. 3. Strong background in deep learning, natural language processing, and machine learning. 4. Experience with designing and developing AI and large language models. 5. Excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to work independently and in a team environment. If you are passionate about AI and language models and want to make a significant contribution to the development of intelligent healthcare and new drug development, we encourage you to apply for this exciting opportunity.

待遇面議 員工6000人
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4/30 【新竹全區招募】國際版抖音TikTok主播

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

※與國際版抖音TikTok合作,業界抽成獎金最高 合作平台 : TikTok 可參考平台網站 TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/foryou 工作內容: 1.手機直播,線上與粉絲互動,唱歌等才藝表演。 2.月薪面談另加高抽成獎金。 3.工作內容簡單,無經驗可,自備麥克風設備者優先審核 4.時間自由 5.兼職可 6.在家用手機就可以上班囉!! 7.嚴禁任何裸表演,違反者立即封停帳號 如果你對短視頻有熱愛、好奇、熱忱,想要再自媒體讓更多人看到你。 歡迎來加入我們。 我們擁有完善資源協助網紅行銷、品牌代言、媒體曝光、主持人接案、舞蹈表演接案。經由我們專業團隊精心規劃後,將妳推展到世界的舞台。 ※欲面試流程: 1.請加入line ID : @493npomw先發送含照片之履歷 2.本公司收到履歷後會進行初步審核 3.初審核合格者由公司電話或人力銀行信件通知,安排面試。 4.面試合格者由公司電話通知結果。

待遇面議 員工13人 遠端工作
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4/29 Nab 女裝-【電商視覺正職】

  • 新竹市
  • 1年以上
  • 高中

特點: 1.) 喜愛> 愛拍照 , 愛美的事物 , 愛流行 , 愛搭配。 2.) 軟體> PS、AI、Illustrator、網頁HTML。 3.) 擅長> 擅長排版、修圖、去背製作經驗。 4.) 加分> 愛使用相機。 5.) 表現> 分享Nab的好物給粉絲們,能喜愛直播趨勢,走上鏡頭前 6.) 投遞履歷時請提供個人IG或穿搭照 福利: 1. 月達標出貨獎金提撥(每月發) 2. 年終獎金或紅包(到職滿一年) 3. 考核調薪(到職滿一年) 內心悄悄話: 高興您能看到這裡 需要對工作態度擁有百分百熱忱,本公司相當重視積極的工作態度,如任意請假、遲到早退習慣請勿應徵!細心抗壓性高、勤快、自我要求及工作效率高者優先錄用。

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4/24 網路影集-找新人演員

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

網路影集-找新人演員(需台北面試) 各類網路戲劇/偶像劇/八點檔/電影/微電影/廣告/宣導影片/形象影片/業配文商品拍攝/動態拍攝模特兒/MV拍攝/平面/臉書/IG/ You Tube/LINE/購物台拍攝 無經驗可(可兼職/可提前告知通告時間) 不是單一案子,通告多元化. 對於鏡頭前工作有興趣的新人請預約面試時間,熱烈歡迎喜愛演藝工作者,加入我們的行列! 臉書粉專: https://www.facebook.com/bingfu1060/photos_stream 如果你有興趣在 休 假 時增 加 打 工 機會.接接兼職的戲劇/廣告/平面工作.請跟我們連絡 外縣市也可面試,工作地點以雙北,桃園,基隆,新竹,宜蘭居多、必接受在台北公司面試(工作地點以拍攝地點而定) 須提前預約面試時間.請耐心等候我們連絡你哦~

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4/24 【實習】Intern-Spice Model Intern (Hsinchu)(3060447)

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

Job Description This opening is for an intern, who will be working with a Spice Model Group located in San Diego USA & Taiwan, utilizing Spice Models for state-of-the art CMOS to RFA Circuit interaction for device KPI vs. circuit performance, working with leading edge semiconductor foundries, to meet Qualcomm's advanced product roadmap requirements in Digital, RF, PMIC, Mobile, Connectivity, Automotive, IOT, and Artificial Intelligence, etc. Candidate will be working with the San Diego & Taiwan Spice Modeling, Process/Device, DevLab Teams on simple circuit design simulation for technology benchmark evaluation, Investigation on simulation correlation study between device/transistor characteristic and RFA circuit performance. Test structure layout design for Si characterization from benchmark circuit across foundries. Goals: • Working with circuit design team / Spice model team / process device team to design simple analog/rf circuits in deep sub-micron CMOS technologies for technology assessment. • Running complete set of design verification tools on analog/rf circuit and correlation analysis to transistor device characteristics. • Utilizing CAD layout tool and interpreting LVS, DRC reports to find the fastest way for test-chip layout design work. Internship requirement: • M.S. or Ph.D. candidate (final year preferred), majoring in Electrical engineering or Physics. A good understanding of semiconductor device physics and basic circuit design operation is a plus. • Hands-on fundamental building block design experience. • Solid understanding of CMOS process and device characteristics, and scaling-related impact to circuit design. • Familiar with one of the following programming/scripting languages: Python, C or Perl, familiar with html is a plus. • Self-motivated, fast learner, hard-working and good teamwork skills. • Good English speaking, and written communication skills

待遇面議 外商公司
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4/19 招募『新竹』正規兼職 綠色平台直播主/培訓網紅

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

『正規直播主 兼職招募』 公司目前正在招募正規直播主/培訓藝人,線上試播入取後公司會給予完善的教育訓練,讓您可以在短時間內成為專業的主播,同時也能擁有豐厚的薪酬。 ◆只要你 - 互動能力強,有強烈企圖心,在最賺錢的正規行業拓展收入 - 工作性質:有手機純聊天,有電腦放音樂。歡迎任何才藝:唱歌舞蹈樂器占卜魔術 ◆我們提供 - 專業培訓:每天免費一對一窗口即時解惑教學,直播技巧指導 - 多元職涯發展:微電影電台綜藝節目媒體包裝資源 - 福利好:業績普通的也能達到台幣6-10萬一個月。定時外境拍攝,出海聚餐 - 綠色平台:無押金無費用,手機隨時開播時間地點彈性, 配合平臺:17、浪live、MeMe、貓播、映客、初樂、花椒...等 濬司網紅行銷提供最完善的培訓及演出機會,讓不論是素人、網紅,只要是喜愛表演、熱愛表演的夥伴,都能夠在短時間內上手及達成目標,秉持著只有更好的理念,帶領旗下藝人發光發熱,也能將最完美的演出帶給粉絲及觀眾。 有意願者請填寫表單:https://forms.gle/uKEQNKMmDJNQGWjM8

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