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5/03 (特約)留學代辦顧問(可線上進行)

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

具留學代辦經驗,可彈性承接案件,可遠距視訊工作 1. 提供顧客留學諮詢,給予適合的留學建議 2. 整理修改留學相關文件的申請作業 3. 申請表格製作 4. 規劃安排留學相關考試 5. 申請追蹤 6. 學生簽證I 20 申請 7. 學生大學宿舍申請, 體檢, 保險 有在國外完成學位與生活或工作經驗者為佳!

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5/03 留學顧問

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

*具留學代辦經驗者為佳 1. 提供顧客諮詢,給予適合的留學建議 2. 整理修改留學相關文件的申請作業 3. 申請表格製作 4. 規劃安排留學相關考試 5. 申請追蹤 6. 學生簽證I 20 申請 7. 學生大學宿舍申請, 體檢, 保險 有在國外完成學位與生活或工作經驗者為佳!

待遇面議 員工10人
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5/02 5/30國際企業人才媒合會(新竹場)-英文工作人員

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

活動名稱:5/30國際企業人才媒合會(新竹場)-英文工作人員 活動時間:5/30 10:00-18:00 (30分鐘不計薪供餐;活動時間及崗位依照現場為主) 工作內容:會議室確認視訊連線設備狀況排除、確認廠商是否到場及買主是否上線、提醒廠商洽談時程、協助call out及報到、紀錄洽談狀況等 活動地點:華麗風采宴會館(新竹市中正路245號) 活動服裝:黑色正式服裝(白色襯衫+黑褲/裙+黑西裝外套+黑皮鞋/黑娃娃鞋) 活動薪資:NT200/HR 活動人數:約16人 匯款日期:活動結束隔月15號,遇例假日順延(6/17匯款,郵局6/18入帳) 須具備良好英文溝通能力,檢附相關英文檢定為佳! 意者,請寄簡歷及數張照片至[email protected],或和 黃小姐聯繫02-27201610 分機201 0913-192-394 LINE ID:2bfhrs5b32 / angelh1107

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5/02 【身心障礙專區】在校生實習/工讀人才招募

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1.不限身障類別、程度,需持有身障手冊 2.限大專院校在學學生 3.負責校園企業形象推廣、產學雙方溝通橋樑(工作內容依個人專長/科系安排) 4.具備外語能力尤佳 5.工作地點:可於各校內執行任務,無須固定進公司 只要您有興趣,歡迎您投遞履歷,我們將根據您專長為您媒合適合職缺 「依身心障礙權益保護法晉用」

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4/30 【新竹地區】技術主任(翻譯・口譯)|日商半導體相關產品製造 748005

  • 新竹縣竹東鎮
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

【工作內容】 於工廠組織約4~5位員工。 1. 負責工廠內的翻譯事項 2. 參加與日本總公司的線上會議 3. 負責翻譯說明書 4. 提交報告(英文) ※工廠產品是從日本引進的,因此技術相關內容及說明書都需與日本總公司聯繫 【薪資及福利】 ◆ 月薪40,000元~50,000元 ◆ 提供員工制服、年度健康檢查、教育訓、國內外員工旅遊 ◆ 端午節獎金,中秋節獎金,年終獎金,紅利獎金 【職務需求】 ◆ 具備 3 年以上半導體產業相關工作經驗 ◆ 日文具備商業程度(N2)以上 ◆ 英文具備日常會話程度 ◆ 具管理經驗者尤佳

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4/29 【新竹院】海外中心管理師-英語

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1. 無經驗者可從助理開始培訓,透過一對一師徒制、院內教材了解專業知識。 2. 協助國外客戶了解療程內容、規劃療程安排。 3. 2024預計開設新加坡/馬來西亞辦事處、2025開設美國辦事處,可參與短期外派(享外派津貼)。 4.TOEIC 800分以上(或同等檢定)。 5.外籍人士工作證代辦。(需依法扣繳6% / 18%所得稅) 【加分項目】 1.具備第二外語能力(日語/粵語) 2.服務業/客戶管理經驗

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4/29 營業助理(精通日文.英文) / 新竹

  • 新竹市
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1. 日文/英文/中文文件翻譯 2. 海內外市場業務文件(報價單、規格書等)之彙整製作 3. 向客戶提供提案文件 4. 協助與日本總部及其他海外分支機構之聯繫 5. 主管工作行程之規劃、安排及提醒 6. 處理與主管相關的行政事務 7. 整理簽核文件及發送 8. 其他主管交辦事項

待遇面議 員工450人
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4/29 【新竹院】海外中心管理師-馬來語(歡迎馬來西亞人士!)

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

✨團隊中已有多位馬來西亞夥伴等你加入!✨ 1.無經驗者可從助理開始培訓,透過一對一師徒制、院內教材了解專業知識。 2.協助國外客戶了解療程內容、規劃療程安排。 3.通馬來語,不限科系。 4.2024預計開設新加坡/馬來西亞辦事處、2025開設美國辦事處,可參與短期外派(享外派津貼)。 5.外籍人士工作證代辦。(需依法扣繳6% / 18%所得稅) 【加分項目】 1.具備第二外語能力(英語/粵語/日語) 2.服務業/客戶管理經驗

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4/29 英檢、TOEIC、英文菁英班老師

  • 新竹縣竹北市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1.全民英檢初級、中級、TOEIC、英文菁英班課程授課。 2.負責教學活動規劃與執行。 3.訂定教學目標、課程範圍、授課內容。 4.準備課程教材、課程資料以及課後作業等。 5.依據教學目標授課,並評估學生學習狀況以調整授課進度。 6.批改作業及測驗輔導。

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4/26 (全遠端兼職機會)Internet Safety Evaluator(work from home).

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

想要在下班後增加收入嗎? 這份工作很適合你! 只有你有電腦,任何時間你都可以自由安排工作,每小時8美金起 趕快到我們的招募網站投遞履歷吧! 此處不收履歷,請直接至官方招募網站投遞申請,步驟如下: 1.先搜尋下列網址 https://telusinternational.headway.ai/ 2.在search job的欄位搜尋 Taiwan 3.選擇Internet Safety Evaluator,並點選Apply申請,後續請依指示進行即可 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELUS International AI-Data Solutions partners with a diverse and vibrant community to help our customers enhance their AI and machine learning models. The work of our AI Community contributes to improving technology and the digital experiences of many people around the world. Our AI Community works in our proprietary AI training platform handling all data types (text, images, audio, video and geo) across 500+ languages and dialects. We offer flexible work-from-home opportunities for people with passion for languages. The jobs are part-time, and there is no fixed schedule. Whoever you are, wherever you come from, come join our global AI community Job description We're searching for individuals who are passionate about social media and regular users of Gmail. This remote position requires ownership and daily use of a smartphone and familiarity with various social media platforms and Google products. Your reliability, adaptability, and adherence to guidelines are key. In this role you will have the opportunity to contribute to safer internet browsing by reviewing and filtering potentially sensitive and adult material. Through this work you will be making a valuable contribution by expressing your opinion on the quality and content of what is currently out there on the web and protecting users from viewing unsuitable material. This role offers the freedom to work remotely, allowing you to set your hours based on task availability. Requirements Proficiency in both written and verbal English & Chinese Traditional Residency in Taiwan for the past three consecutive years Ownership and regular use of a Smartphone (Android V4.2 or higher or iPhone running iOS version 14.0 or higher), internet connection, and associated computer/software at your expense. Familiarity with a desktop/laptop and a Smartphone for most task types Gmail must be your primary email account Knowledge of current and historical local business, media, sports, news, social media, and cultural affairs Experience navigating web browsers and smartphone apps for content interaction. Understanding of various social media environments, including memes, virality, and trends Successful applicants will undergo a standard recruitment process, including a Chinese Traditional language test and an open book assessment. The role involves occasional quality assurance checks and offers long-term employment opportunities. 此處不收履歷,請直接至官方招募網站投遞申請: https://jobs.telusinternational.com/en_US/careers/PipelineDetail/Internet-Safety-Evaluator-Taiwan-Traditional-Chinese-Language/31394 TELUS International AI-Data Solutions 與一個多元而充滿活力的社群合作,以幫助我們的客戶增強其人工智慧和機器學習模型。我們的AI社群的工作有助於改進全球許多人的技術和數位體驗。我們的AI社群在我們的專有AI培訓平台上工作,處理所有類型的數據(文本、圖像、音頻、視頻和地理位置)涵蓋 500 多種語言和方言。我們為熱愛語言的人提供靈活的在家工作機會。這些工作是兼職的,並且沒有固定的時間表。無論您是誰,來自哪裡,都歡迎加入我們的全球AI社群。 職位描述 我們正在尋找對社交媒體充滿熱情並經常使用 Gmail 的個人。這個遠程職位需要擁有並每天使用智能手機,並熟悉各種社交媒體平台和 Google 產品。您的可靠性、適應性和對準則的遵循至關重要。 在這個角色中,您將有機會通過審查和過濾潛在敏感和成人資訊,為更安全的網路瀏覽做出貢獻。 通過這項工作,您將通過表達對網絡上當前內容的品質和內容的意見,保護用戶免受觀看不適當資料的影響,做出寶貴的貢獻。 這項角色提供在家工作的自由,允許您根據任務的可用性設定您的工作時間。 成功的申請人將經歷標準的招聘流程,包括繁體中文語言測試和開放書面評估。該角色涉及定期的工作能力檢查,並提供長期的就業機會。 所有符合條件的申請人都將獲得平等的就業機會,不論種族、膚色、宗教、性別、性取向、性別認同、國籍、殘疾或受保護的退伍軍人身份如何。 重要通知:TELUS International 永遠不會要求在公司的任何角色或項目中支付金錢存款,我們的招募和甄選團隊僅在發送電子郵件給候選人時使用 @telusinternational.com 或 @telusinternational.ai 地址。如果您對工作提供是否合法感到不確定,請聯繫我們以獲得確認,電子郵件地址為 [email protected]

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4/26 (全遠端兼職機會)Internet Safety Evaluator(work from home).

  • 新竹縣竹北市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

想要在下班後增加收入嗎? 這份工作很適合你! 只有你有電腦,任何時間你都可以自由安排工作,每小時8美金起 趕快到我們的招募網站投遞履歷吧! 此處不收履歷,請直接至官方招募網站投遞申請,步驟如下: 1.先搜尋下列網址 https://telusinternational.headway.ai/ 2.在search job的欄位搜尋 Taiwan 3.選擇Internet Safety Evaluator,並點選Apply申請,後續請依指示進行即可 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELUS International AI-Data Solutions partners with a diverse and vibrant community to help our customers enhance their AI and machine learning models. The work of our AI Community contributes to improving technology and the digital experiences of many people around the world. Our AI Community works in our proprietary AI training platform handling all data types (text, images, audio, video and geo) across 500+ languages and dialects. We offer flexible work-from-home opportunities for people with passion for languages. The jobs are part-time, and there is no fixed schedule. Whoever you are, wherever you come from, come join our global AI community Job description We're searching for individuals who are passionate about social media and regular users of Gmail. This remote position requires ownership and daily use of a smartphone and familiarity with various social media platforms and Google products. Your reliability, adaptability, and adherence to guidelines are key. In this role you will have the opportunity to contribute to safer internet browsing by reviewing and filtering potentially sensitive and adult material. Through this work you will be making a valuable contribution by expressing your opinion on the quality and content of what is currently out there on the web and protecting users from viewing unsuitable material. This role offers the freedom to work remotely, allowing you to set your hours based on task availability. Requirements Proficiency in both written and verbal English & Chinese Traditional Residency in Taiwan for the past three consecutive years Ownership and regular use of a Smartphone (Android V4.2 or higher or iPhone running iOS version 14.0 or higher), internet connection, and associated computer/software at your expense. Familiarity with a desktop/laptop and a Smartphone for most task types Gmail must be your primary email account Knowledge of current and historical local business, media, sports, news, social media, and cultural affairs Experience navigating web browsers and smartphone apps for content interaction. Understanding of various social media environments, including memes, virality, and trends Successful applicants will undergo a standard recruitment process, including a Chinese Traditional language test and an open book assessment. The role involves occasional quality assurance checks and offers long-term employment opportunities. 此處不收履歷,請直接至官方招募網站投遞申請: https://jobs.telusinternational.com/en_US/careers/PipelineDetail/Internet-Safety-Evaluator-Taiwan-Traditional-Chinese-Language/31394 TELUS International AI-Data Solutions 與一個多元而充滿活力的社群合作,以幫助我們的客戶增強其人工智慧和機器學習模型。我們的AI社群的工作有助於改進全球許多人的技術和數位體驗。我們的AI社群在我們的專有AI培訓平台上工作,處理所有類型的數據(文本、圖像、音頻、視頻和地理位置)涵蓋 500 多種語言和方言。我們為熱愛語言的人提供靈活的在家工作機會。這些工作是兼職的,並且沒有固定的時間表。無論您是誰,來自哪裡,都歡迎加入我們的全球AI社群。 職位描述 我們正在尋找對社交媒體充滿熱情並經常使用 Gmail 的個人。這個遠程職位需要擁有並每天使用智能手機,並熟悉各種社交媒體平台和 Google 產品。您的可靠性、適應性和對準則的遵循至關重要。 在這個角色中,您將有機會通過審查和過濾潛在敏感和成人資訊,為更安全的網路瀏覽做出貢獻。 通過這項工作,您將通過表達對網絡上當前內容的品質和內容的意見,保護用戶免受觀看不適當資料的影響,做出寶貴的貢獻。 這項角色提供在家工作的自由,允許您根據任務的可用性設定您的工作時間。 成功的申請人將經歷標準的招聘流程,包括繁體中文語言測試和開放書面評估。該角色涉及定期的工作能力檢查,並提供長期的就業機會。 所有符合條件的申請人都將獲得平等的就業機會,不論種族、膚色、宗教、性別、性取向、性別認同、國籍、殘疾或受保護的退伍軍人身份如何。 重要通知:TELUS International 永遠不會要求在公司的任何角色或項目中支付金錢存款,我們的招募和甄選團隊僅在發送電子郵件給候選人時使用 @telusinternational.com 或 @telusinternational.ai 地址。如果您對工作提供是否合法感到不確定,請聯繫我們以獲得確認,電子郵件地址為 [email protected]

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4/26 (全遠端兼職機會)Internet Safety Evaluator(work from home).

  • 新竹縣新豐鄉
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

想要在下班後增加收入嗎? 這份工作很適合你! 只有你有電腦,任何時間你都可以自由安排工作,每小時8美金起 趕快到我們的招募網站投遞履歷吧! 此處不收履歷,請直接至官方招募網站投遞申請,步驟如下: 1.先搜尋下列網址 https://telusinternational.headway.ai/ 2.在search job的欄位搜尋 Taiwan 3.選擇Internet Safety Evaluator,並點選Apply申請,後續請依指示進行即可 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELUS International AI-Data Solutions partners with a diverse and vibrant community to help our customers enhance their AI and machine learning models. The work of our AI Community contributes to improving technology and the digital experiences of many people around the world. Our AI Community works in our proprietary AI training platform handling all data types (text, images, audio, video and geo) across 500+ languages and dialects. We offer flexible work-from-home opportunities for people with passion for languages. The jobs are part-time, and there is no fixed schedule. Whoever you are, wherever you come from, come join our global AI community Job description We're searching for individuals who are passionate about social media and regular users of Gmail. This remote position requires ownership and daily use of a smartphone and familiarity with various social media platforms and Google products. Your reliability, adaptability, and adherence to guidelines are key. In this role you will have the opportunity to contribute to safer internet browsing by reviewing and filtering potentially sensitive and adult material. Through this work you will be making a valuable contribution by expressing your opinion on the quality and content of what is currently out there on the web and protecting users from viewing unsuitable material. This role offers the freedom to work remotely, allowing you to set your hours based on task availability. Requirements Proficiency in both written and verbal English & Chinese Traditional Residency in Taiwan for the past three consecutive years Ownership and regular use of a Smartphone (Android V4.2 or higher or iPhone running iOS version 14.0 or higher), internet connection, and associated computer/software at your expense. Familiarity with a desktop/laptop and a Smartphone for most task types Gmail must be your primary email account Knowledge of current and historical local business, media, sports, news, social media, and cultural affairs Experience navigating web browsers and smartphone apps for content interaction. Understanding of various social media environments, including memes, virality, and trends Successful applicants will undergo a standard recruitment process, including a Chinese Traditional language test and an open book assessment. The role involves occasional quality assurance checks and offers long-term employment opportunities. 此處不收履歷,請直接至官方招募網站投遞申請: https://jobs.telusinternational.com/en_US/careers/PipelineDetail/Internet-Safety-Evaluator-Taiwan-Traditional-Chinese-Language/31394 TELUS International AI-Data Solutions 與一個多元而充滿活力的社群合作,以幫助我們的客戶增強其人工智慧和機器學習模型。我們的AI社群的工作有助於改進全球許多人的技術和數位體驗。我們的AI社群在我們的專有AI培訓平台上工作,處理所有類型的數據(文本、圖像、音頻、視頻和地理位置)涵蓋 500 多種語言和方言。我們為熱愛語言的人提供靈活的在家工作機會。這些工作是兼職的,並且沒有固定的時間表。無論您是誰,來自哪裡,都歡迎加入我們的全球AI社群。 職位描述 我們正在尋找對社交媒體充滿熱情並經常使用 Gmail 的個人。這個遠程職位需要擁有並每天使用智能手機,並熟悉各種社交媒體平台和 Google 產品。您的可靠性、適應性和對準則的遵循至關重要。 在這個角色中,您將有機會通過審查和過濾潛在敏感和成人資訊,為更安全的網路瀏覽做出貢獻。 通過這項工作,您將通過表達對網絡上當前內容的品質和內容的意見,保護用戶免受觀看不適當資料的影響,做出寶貴的貢獻。 這項角色提供在家工作的自由,允許您根據任務的可用性設定您的工作時間。 成功的申請人將經歷標準的招聘流程,包括繁體中文語言測試和開放書面評估。該角色涉及定期的工作能力檢查,並提供長期的就業機會。 所有符合條件的申請人都將獲得平等的就業機會,不論種族、膚色、宗教、性別、性取向、性別認同、國籍、殘疾或受保護的退伍軍人身份如何。 重要通知:TELUS International 永遠不會要求在公司的任何角色或項目中支付金錢存款,我們的招募和甄選團隊僅在發送電子郵件給候選人時使用 @telusinternational.com 或 @telusinternational.ai 地址。如果您對工作提供是否合法感到不確定,請聯繫我們以獲得確認,電子郵件地址為 [email protected]

  • 不想看到這個公司
  • 不想看到這個產業

4/26 (全遠端兼職機會)Internet Safety Evaluator(work from home).

  • 新竹縣新埔鎮
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

想要在下班後增加收入嗎? 這份工作很適合你! 只有你有電腦,任何時間你都可以自由安排工作,每小時8美金起 趕快到我們的招募網站投遞履歷吧! 此處不收履歷,請直接至官方招募網站投遞申請,步驟如下: 1.先搜尋下列網址 https://telusinternational.headway.ai/ 2.在search job的欄位搜尋 Taiwan 3.選擇Internet Safety Evaluator,並點選Apply申請,後續請依指示進行即可 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELUS International AI-Data Solutions partners with a diverse and vibrant community to help our customers enhance their AI and machine learning models. The work of our AI Community contributes to improving technology and the digital experiences of many people around the world. Our AI Community works in our proprietary AI training platform handling all data types (text, images, audio, video and geo) across 500+ languages and dialects. We offer flexible work-from-home opportunities for people with passion for languages. The jobs are part-time, and there is no fixed schedule. Whoever you are, wherever you come from, come join our global AI community Job description We're searching for individuals who are passionate about social media and regular users of Gmail. This remote position requires ownership and daily use of a smartphone and familiarity with various social media platforms and Google products. Your reliability, adaptability, and adherence to guidelines are key. In this role you will have the opportunity to contribute to safer internet browsing by reviewing and filtering potentially sensitive and adult material. Through this work you will be making a valuable contribution by expressing your opinion on the quality and content of what is currently out there on the web and protecting users from viewing unsuitable material. This role offers the freedom to work remotely, allowing you to set your hours based on task availability. Requirements Proficiency in both written and verbal English & Chinese Traditional Residency in Taiwan for the past three consecutive years Ownership and regular use of a Smartphone (Android V4.2 or higher or iPhone running iOS version 14.0 or higher), internet connection, and associated computer/software at your expense. Familiarity with a desktop/laptop and a Smartphone for most task types Gmail must be your primary email account Knowledge of current and historical local business, media, sports, news, social media, and cultural affairs Experience navigating web browsers and smartphone apps for content interaction. Understanding of various social media environments, including memes, virality, and trends Successful applicants will undergo a standard recruitment process, including a Chinese Traditional language test and an open book assessment. The role involves occasional quality assurance checks and offers long-term employment opportunities. 此處不收履歷,請直接至官方招募網站投遞申請: https://jobs.telusinternational.com/en_US/careers/PipelineDetail/Internet-Safety-Evaluator-Taiwan-Traditional-Chinese-Language/31394 TELUS International AI-Data Solutions 與一個多元而充滿活力的社群合作,以幫助我們的客戶增強其人工智慧和機器學習模型。我們的AI社群的工作有助於改進全球許多人的技術和數位體驗。我們的AI社群在我們的專有AI培訓平台上工作,處理所有類型的數據(文本、圖像、音頻、視頻和地理位置)涵蓋 500 多種語言和方言。我們為熱愛語言的人提供靈活的在家工作機會。這些工作是兼職的,並且沒有固定的時間表。無論您是誰,來自哪裡,都歡迎加入我們的全球AI社群。 職位描述 我們正在尋找對社交媒體充滿熱情並經常使用 Gmail 的個人。這個遠程職位需要擁有並每天使用智能手機,並熟悉各種社交媒體平台和 Google 產品。您的可靠性、適應性和對準則的遵循至關重要。 在這個角色中,您將有機會通過審查和過濾潛在敏感和成人資訊,為更安全的網路瀏覽做出貢獻。 通過這項工作,您將通過表達對網絡上當前內容的品質和內容的意見,保護用戶免受觀看不適當資料的影響,做出寶貴的貢獻。 這項角色提供在家工作的自由,允許您根據任務的可用性設定您的工作時間。 成功的申請人將經歷標準的招聘流程,包括繁體中文語言測試和開放書面評估。該角色涉及定期的工作能力檢查,並提供長期的就業機會。 所有符合條件的申請人都將獲得平等的就業機會,不論種族、膚色、宗教、性別、性取向、性別認同、國籍、殘疾或受保護的退伍軍人身份如何。 重要通知:TELUS International 永遠不會要求在公司的任何角色或項目中支付金錢存款,我們的招募和甄選團隊僅在發送電子郵件給候選人時使用 @telusinternational.com 或 @telusinternational.ai 地址。如果您對工作提供是否合法感到不確定,請聯繫我們以獲得確認,電子郵件地址為 [email protected]

  • 不想看到這個公司
  • 不想看到這個產業

4/26 (全遠端兼職機會)Internet Safety Evaluator(work from home).

  • 新竹縣關西鎮
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

想要在下班後增加收入嗎? 這份工作很適合你! 只有你有電腦,任何時間你都可以自由安排工作,每小時8美金起 趕快到我們的招募網站投遞履歷吧! 此處不收履歷,請直接至官方招募網站投遞申請,步驟如下: 1.先搜尋下列網址 https://telusinternational.headway.ai/ 2.在search job的欄位搜尋 Taiwan 3.選擇Internet Safety Evaluator,並點選Apply申請,後續請依指示進行即可 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELUS International AI-Data Solutions partners with a diverse and vibrant community to help our customers enhance their AI and machine learning models. The work of our AI Community contributes to improving technology and the digital experiences of many people around the world. Our AI Community works in our proprietary AI training platform handling all data types (text, images, audio, video and geo) across 500+ languages and dialects. We offer flexible work-from-home opportunities for people with passion for languages. The jobs are part-time, and there is no fixed schedule. Whoever you are, wherever you come from, come join our global AI community Job description We're searching for individuals who are passionate about social media and regular users of Gmail. This remote position requires ownership and daily use of a smartphone and familiarity with various social media platforms and Google products. Your reliability, adaptability, and adherence to guidelines are key. In this role you will have the opportunity to contribute to safer internet browsing by reviewing and filtering potentially sensitive and adult material. Through this work you will be making a valuable contribution by expressing your opinion on the quality and content of what is currently out there on the web and protecting users from viewing unsuitable material. This role offers the freedom to work remotely, allowing you to set your hours based on task availability. Requirements Proficiency in both written and verbal English & Chinese Traditional Residency in Taiwan for the past three consecutive years Ownership and regular use of a Smartphone (Android V4.2 or higher or iPhone running iOS version 14.0 or higher), internet connection, and associated computer/software at your expense. Familiarity with a desktop/laptop and a Smartphone for most task types Gmail must be your primary email account Knowledge of current and historical local business, media, sports, news, social media, and cultural affairs Experience navigating web browsers and smartphone apps for content interaction. Understanding of various social media environments, including memes, virality, and trends Successful applicants will undergo a standard recruitment process, including a Chinese Traditional language test and an open book assessment. The role involves occasional quality assurance checks and offers long-term employment opportunities. 此處不收履歷,請直接至官方招募網站投遞申請: https://jobs.telusinternational.com/en_US/careers/PipelineDetail/Internet-Safety-Evaluator-Taiwan-Traditional-Chinese-Language/31394 TELUS International AI-Data Solutions 與一個多元而充滿活力的社群合作,以幫助我們的客戶增強其人工智慧和機器學習模型。我們的AI社群的工作有助於改進全球許多人的技術和數位體驗。我們的AI社群在我們的專有AI培訓平台上工作,處理所有類型的數據(文本、圖像、音頻、視頻和地理位置)涵蓋 500 多種語言和方言。我們為熱愛語言的人提供靈活的在家工作機會。這些工作是兼職的,並且沒有固定的時間表。無論您是誰,來自哪裡,都歡迎加入我們的全球AI社群。 職位描述 我們正在尋找對社交媒體充滿熱情並經常使用 Gmail 的個人。這個遠程職位需要擁有並每天使用智能手機,並熟悉各種社交媒體平台和 Google 產品。您的可靠性、適應性和對準則的遵循至關重要。 在這個角色中,您將有機會通過審查和過濾潛在敏感和成人資訊,為更安全的網路瀏覽做出貢獻。 通過這項工作,您將通過表達對網絡上當前內容的品質和內容的意見,保護用戶免受觀看不適當資料的影響,做出寶貴的貢獻。 這項角色提供在家工作的自由,允許您根據任務的可用性設定您的工作時間。 成功的申請人將經歷標準的招聘流程,包括繁體中文語言測試和開放書面評估。該角色涉及定期的工作能力檢查,並提供長期的就業機會。 所有符合條件的申請人都將獲得平等的就業機會,不論種族、膚色、宗教、性別、性取向、性別認同、國籍、殘疾或受保護的退伍軍人身份如何。 重要通知:TELUS International 永遠不會要求在公司的任何角色或項目中支付金錢存款,我們的招募和甄選團隊僅在發送電子郵件給候選人時使用 @telusinternational.com 或 @telusinternational.ai 地址。如果您對工作提供是否合法感到不確定,請聯繫我們以獲得確認,電子郵件地址為 [email protected]

  • 不想看到這個公司
  • 不想看到這個產業

4/26 (全遠端兼職機會)Internet Safety Evaluator(work from home).

  • 新竹縣竹北市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

想要在下班後增加收入嗎? 這份工作很適合你! 只有你有電腦,任何時間你都可以自由安排工作,每小時8美金起 趕快到我們的招募網站投遞履歷吧! 此處不收履歷,請直接至官方招募網站投遞申請,步驟如下: 1.先搜尋下列網址 https://telusinternational.headway.ai/ 2.在search job的欄位搜尋 Taiwan 3.選擇Internet Safety Evaluator,並點選Apply申請,後續請依指示進行即可 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELUS International AI-Data Solutions partners with a diverse and vibrant community to help our customers enhance their AI and machine learning models. The work of our AI Community contributes to improving technology and the digital experiences of many people around the world. Our AI Community works in our proprietary AI training platform handling all data types (text, images, audio, video and geo) across 500+ languages and dialects. We offer flexible work-from-home opportunities for people with passion for languages. The jobs are part-time, and there is no fixed schedule. Whoever you are, wherever you come from, come join our global AI community Job description We're searching for individuals who are passionate about social media and regular users of Gmail. This remote position requires ownership and daily use of a smartphone and familiarity with various social media platforms and Google products. Your reliability, adaptability, and adherence to guidelines are key. In this role you will have the opportunity to contribute to safer internet browsing by reviewing and filtering potentially sensitive and adult material. Through this work you will be making a valuable contribution by expressing your opinion on the quality and content of what is currently out there on the web and protecting users from viewing unsuitable material. This role offers the freedom to work remotely, allowing you to set your hours based on task availability. Requirements Proficiency in both written and verbal English & Chinese Traditional Residency in Taiwan for the past three consecutive years Ownership and regular use of a Smartphone (Android V4.2 or higher or iPhone running iOS version 14.0 or higher), internet connection, and associated computer/software at your expense. Familiarity with a desktop/laptop and a Smartphone for most task types Gmail must be your primary email account Knowledge of current and historical local business, media, sports, news, social media, and cultural affairs Experience navigating web browsers and smartphone apps for content interaction. Understanding of various social media environments, including memes, virality, and trends Successful applicants will undergo a standard recruitment process, including a Chinese Traditional language test and an open book assessment. The role involves occasional quality assurance checks and offers long-term employment opportunities. 此處不收履歷,請直接至官方招募網站投遞申請: https://jobs.telusinternational.com/en_US/careers/PipelineDetail/Internet-Safety-Evaluator-Taiwan-Traditional-Chinese-Language/31394 TELUS International AI-Data Solutions 與一個多元而充滿活力的社群合作,以幫助我們的客戶增強其人工智慧和機器學習模型。我們的AI社群的工作有助於改進全球許多人的技術和數位體驗。我們的AI社群在我們的專有AI培訓平台上工作,處理所有類型的數據(文本、圖像、音頻、視頻和地理位置)涵蓋 500 多種語言和方言。我們為熱愛語言的人提供靈活的在家工作機會。這些工作是兼職的,並且沒有固定的時間表。無論您是誰,來自哪裡,都歡迎加入我們的全球AI社群。 職位描述 我們正在尋找對社交媒體充滿熱情並經常使用 Gmail 的個人。這個遠程職位需要擁有並每天使用智能手機,並熟悉各種社交媒體平台和 Google 產品。您的可靠性、適應性和對準則的遵循至關重要。 在這個角色中,您將有機會通過審查和過濾潛在敏感和成人資訊,為更安全的網路瀏覽做出貢獻。 通過這項工作,您將通過表達對網絡上當前內容的品質和內容的意見,保護用戶免受觀看不適當資料的影響,做出寶貴的貢獻。 這項角色提供在家工作的自由,允許您根據任務的可用性設定您的工作時間。 成功的申請人將經歷標準的招聘流程,包括繁體中文語言測試和開放書面評估。該角色涉及定期的工作能力檢查,並提供長期的就業機會。 所有符合條件的申請人都將獲得平等的就業機會,不論種族、膚色、宗教、性別、性取向、性別認同、國籍、殘疾或受保護的退伍軍人身份如何。 重要通知:TELUS International 永遠不會要求在公司的任何角色或項目中支付金錢存款,我們的招募和甄選團隊僅在發送電子郵件給候選人時使用 @telusinternational.com 或 @telusinternational.ai 地址。如果您對工作提供是否合法感到不確定,請聯繫我們以獲得確認,電子郵件地址為 [email protected]

  • 不想看到這個公司
  • 不想看到這個產業

4/26 (全遠端兼職機會)Internet Safety Evaluator(work from home).

  • 新竹縣湖口鄉
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

想要在下班後增加收入嗎? 這份工作很適合你! 只有你有電腦,任何時間你都可以自由安排工作,每小時8美金起 趕快到我們的招募網站投遞履歷吧! 此處不收履歷,請直接至官方招募網站投遞申請,步驟如下: 1.先搜尋下列網址 https://telusinternational.headway.ai/ 2.在search job的欄位搜尋 Taiwan 3.選擇Internet Safety Evaluator,並點選Apply申請,後續請依指示進行即可 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELUS International AI-Data Solutions partners with a diverse and vibrant community to help our customers enhance their AI and machine learning models. The work of our AI Community contributes to improving technology and the digital experiences of many people around the world. Our AI Community works in our proprietary AI training platform handling all data types (text, images, audio, video and geo) across 500+ languages and dialects. We offer flexible work-from-home opportunities for people with passion for languages. The jobs are part-time, and there is no fixed schedule. Whoever you are, wherever you come from, come join our global AI community Job description We're searching for individuals who are passionate about social media and regular users of Gmail. This remote position requires ownership and daily use of a smartphone and familiarity with various social media platforms and Google products. Your reliability, adaptability, and adherence to guidelines are key. In this role you will have the opportunity to contribute to safer internet browsing by reviewing and filtering potentially sensitive and adult material. Through this work you will be making a valuable contribution by expressing your opinion on the quality and content of what is currently out there on the web and protecting users from viewing unsuitable material. This role offers the freedom to work remotely, allowing you to set your hours based on task availability. Requirements Proficiency in both written and verbal English & Chinese Traditional Residency in Taiwan for the past three consecutive years Ownership and regular use of a Smartphone (Android V4.2 or higher or iPhone running iOS version 14.0 or higher), internet connection, and associated computer/software at your expense. Familiarity with a desktop/laptop and a Smartphone for most task types Gmail must be your primary email account Knowledge of current and historical local business, media, sports, news, social media, and cultural affairs Experience navigating web browsers and smartphone apps for content interaction. Understanding of various social media environments, including memes, virality, and trends Successful applicants will undergo a standard recruitment process, including a Chinese Traditional language test and an open book assessment. The role involves occasional quality assurance checks and offers long-term employment opportunities. 此處不收履歷,請直接至官方招募網站投遞申請: https://jobs.telusinternational.com/en_US/careers/PipelineDetail/Internet-Safety-Evaluator-Taiwan-Traditional-Chinese-Language/31394 TELUS International AI-Data Solutions 與一個多元而充滿活力的社群合作,以幫助我們的客戶增強其人工智慧和機器學習模型。我們的AI社群的工作有助於改進全球許多人的技術和數位體驗。我們的AI社群在我們的專有AI培訓平台上工作,處理所有類型的數據(文本、圖像、音頻、視頻和地理位置)涵蓋 500 多種語言和方言。我們為熱愛語言的人提供靈活的在家工作機會。這些工作是兼職的,並且沒有固定的時間表。無論您是誰,來自哪裡,都歡迎加入我們的全球AI社群。 職位描述 我們正在尋找對社交媒體充滿熱情並經常使用 Gmail 的個人。這個遠程職位需要擁有並每天使用智能手機,並熟悉各種社交媒體平台和 Google 產品。您的可靠性、適應性和對準則的遵循至關重要。 在這個角色中,您將有機會通過審查和過濾潛在敏感和成人資訊,為更安全的網路瀏覽做出貢獻。 通過這項工作,您將通過表達對網絡上當前內容的品質和內容的意見,保護用戶免受觀看不適當資料的影響,做出寶貴的貢獻。 這項角色提供在家工作的自由,允許您根據任務的可用性設定您的工作時間。 成功的申請人將經歷標準的招聘流程,包括繁體中文語言測試和開放書面評估。該角色涉及定期的工作能力檢查,並提供長期的就業機會。 所有符合條件的申請人都將獲得平等的就業機會,不論種族、膚色、宗教、性別、性取向、性別認同、國籍、殘疾或受保護的退伍軍人身份如何。 重要通知:TELUS International 永遠不會要求在公司的任何角色或項目中支付金錢存款,我們的招募和甄選團隊僅在發送電子郵件給候選人時使用 @telusinternational.com 或 @telusinternational.ai 地址。如果您對工作提供是否合法感到不確定,請聯繫我們以獲得確認,電子郵件地址為 [email protected]

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