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4/26 資訊室人員

  • 南投縣竹山鎮
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1.資訊系統之維護與管理 2.資訊設備維護與管理 3.網路設備之維護與管理 4.網路安全防護 5.各類網頁介面維護 6.其他交辦事項 7.主管交辦事項

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4/26 [線上面試]BI Report Engineer_WfH

  • 南投縣南投市
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

Position Overview: We are seeking a BI Report Development Engineer with at least 4 years of experience. This engineer should possess relevant knowledge in the financial domain and be proficient in utilizing BI tools and technologies to support the Finance department in report generation and accounting processes. The role involves assisting in data source integration, establishing data models, and creating intuitive reports to aid the Finance team and department heads in better understanding and analyzing data. Roles and Responsibilities 1. Collaborate with the Finance team to understand financial report and information needs . 2.Develop and maintain reporting systems based on user requirements, creating intuitive financial reports to assist the Finance team in tracking business performance and trends, ensuring the accuracy of reports. 3. Collect, organize, clean, and manage financial data sources to ensure data integrity and accuracy. 4. Monitor and optimize existing financial reporting BI systems to ensure performance and stability. 5. Communicate and make relevant modifications based on user requests. 6. Provide user operation tutorials to enable users to develop and modify reports independently, accelerating report development and application efficiency. Qualifications: 1. Bachelor's degree or above in fields such as Finance, Accounting, Business Analysis, Data Science, or related fields. 2. At least 2 years of relevant work experience in BI data analysis, including experience in financial report processing. 3. Proficiency in BI tools such as Power BI, Hyperion, etc., and the ability to create highly customized financial reports. 4. Skills in data modeling and ETL, with the ability to integrate different data sources. 5. Fluent in written and spoken English, effectively communicating with finance professionals, understanding their needs, and providing support. 6. Willingness to continue learning and staying updated in the field. Job Location Nantou(南投), or WfH (come into office by request)

待遇面議 員工24000人 遠端工作
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4/26 IT SuccessFactors System Expert

  • 南投縣南投市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Responsibilities and Roles: 1. Possess experience with SAP SuccessFactors platform and system development. 2. Collaborate with the HR team, demonstrating communication and coordination skills, and implementing necessary requirement modifications. 3. Assist project managers and teams in completing tasks within projects. 4. Prepare system documentation. Requirements: 1. At least 4 years of experience with SAP SuccessFactors platform. 2. Understanding of database architecture, e.g., ORACLE, SQL SERVER. 3. Excellent communication skills and teamwork spirit. Additional Preferred Qualifications: 1. Experience in Java development. Job Location: Nantou, CN or WFH (come into office by request)

待遇面議 員工24000人
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4/25 【南投-漢來日月行館】資訊專員

  • 南投縣魚池鄉
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1.資訊設備日常維護、監控、告警處理、流量管制與異常突發狀況障礙排除。 2.網路安全與存取控制的維護。 3.資訊設備安裝、設定及設備維護。 4.網路規劃、佈建、維護與查修。 5.使用者端與各單位資訊相關事項處理。 6.協助主管交辦事項執行與建置。 7.具獨立處理問題及改善能力。 8.戶籍外縣市及車程在1小時以上,距離路程超過40公里以上提供宿舍。 工作地點:日月潭

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4/23 資訊工程師_IT

  • 南投縣竹山鎮
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1. 懂MES架構。 2. 懂COBOL資料庫。 3. 懂C語言。 4. 懂資料庫介接。 5. 熟悉資料庫概念(Oracle、SQLServer)。 6. 熟悉SQL語法。 7. FortiGate 設定維護。 8. Cisco Switch 設定維護。 9. Windows Server(AD, DC)設定維護。 10. 機房維護。 11. Toeic分數350以上尤佳。

待遇面議 員工220人
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4/23 IT Operations and Endpoint Architect

  • 南投縣南投市
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

Responsibilities: • Developing and managing a secure and efficient IT infrastructure, focusing on IT operations and endpoint security. • Developing and deploying ITSM frameworks and familiarity with BMC Helix to optimize operational efficiency. • Designing and deploying endpoint security solutions, including Microsoft Intune, MAM/MDM, Defender, or SCCM, ensures comprehensive company asset protection. • Collaborating with teams to streamline IT processes and enhance service efficiency. • Maintaining technical documentation on IT architecture and configurations. • Evaluating and incorporating new technologies for better IT operations and security. Qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or related field (or equivalent experience). • Extensive experience (3 years) in ITSM management or enterprise-level web design, with proficiency in tools like BMC Helix or SharePoint Online preferred. • Profound understanding of IT operation management domains, including incident management, change management, and service request management. • Strong expertise in Microsoft endpoint tools like Microsoft Intune, Defender, and SCCM. • Certifications in ITIL, BMC Helix, or Microsoft solutions are advantageous. • Experience in implementing and managing Network Operations Center (NOC) solutions is a plus. • Excellent problem-solving abilities and a track record of resolving complex technical issues. • Self-motivated and able to work independently with minimal supervision. • Strong interpersonal and communication skills (verbal and written). Additional Information: • The role offers the option for remote work with occasional on-site visits.

待遇面議 員工24000人 遠端工作
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4/24 居家督導員(南投、竹山、鹿谷、名間、草屯)

  • 南投縣竹山鎮
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

(一)召募、訓練照顧服務員,並確實督導照顧服務員工作狀況及工作績效。 (二)方案服務品質監控。 (三)每月至少電話訪問個案一次、每三個月至少家訪一次,並視個案需求不定期實地督導照顧服務員服務狀況,並如期填寫書面紀錄。 (四)每月定期召開團體督導會議及不定期個別督導。 (五)計畫執行期間電腦系統作業資料登打。 (六)個案管理(內含個案資料蒐集、建檔、紀錄、派案、轉介、結案)。 (七)工作人員職前及在職訓練的辦理。 (八)主管交辦之其他行政業務。


4/23 診所助理

  • 南投縣竹山鎮
  • 1年以上
  • 高中

1.櫃台接待掛號、安排就診、病歷處理及跟診。 2.協助醫事人員後勤支援診所行政業務。 3.在醫護人員指導下從事服務。 4.具診所醫療業務經驗者尤佳。


4/22 行政專員

  • 南投縣竹山鎮
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

1.負責辦公室日常行政庶務及上級交辦事項 2.各項會議紀錄(例如週會、行政與採購等)以及會議安排 3. 協助各項文件、表格、合約與施工計劃書製作及排版;跨部門支持:工程技術部、管理部、設計部等等。 4. 其他 : 電話接聽、收發傳真、接待訪客、茶水準備、收發郵差信件及包裏、辦公室清潔等工作。


4/25 竹山館-儲備幹部

  • 南投縣竹山鎮
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

人才強力招募中!歡迎有志於連鎖飯店業發展的人才加入! 在歐遊給予每位員工專業訓練課程、計畫性的職涯發展、學習專業飯店管理技能、發揮創意、展現自我潛能 只要你喜歡飯店業、充滿服務靈魂、樂於接受挑戰..歐遊精品旅館集團歡迎你!! *歐遊為每一位新進員工安排完整的培訓訓練課程 *定期考核調薪升遷 *表現優良者,可報名參加經理人員內部晉升 *我們將安排儲備人員各項與職務相關訓練課程,培養您成為能獨當一面的飯店營運管理人員 *希望您是具備從事飯店服務業的態度與高度熱情服務的靈魂、良好溝通能力、正面積極態度





