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4/24 Field Service Engineer (Taitung)

  • 台東縣台東市
  • 2年以上
  • 高中

Job Description 1. 採在地化的服務,針對台東部地區金融體系進行金融設備之維修與客戶服務。 2. 金融系統產品服務(機械維修、故障排除、定期保養)。 3. 各大便利商店金融服務專案(場勘、商品安裝及保養)。 4. 協助庫房及資料管理。 5. 職缺為外勤性質,服務地點為台東部地區 ,需自備交通工具(需至少有機車,小客車尤佳)。 6. 理工科系畢;經歷不拘,具電腦硬體維修相關經驗者佳。 7. 需具備基礎資訊、電子領域及基本英文能力,熟稔Windows系統及Office應用。 Position Overview Diebold Nixdorf is a leading global developer and manufacturer of retail/banking. We are currently seeking a Field Service Engineer in Taitung. You would be expected to perform intermediate installation and minor repairs on all Diebold Nixdorf products and services. This includes scheduled cleanings and other intermediate maintenance on conventional products such as locks, vaults, etc. as well as special project work, as needed. This position may require the use of basic and intermediate hand tools, limited parts and a broad understanding of PC, PC peripherals and network connectivity. Install, debug and provide technical maintenance for hardware and software of products and components within assigned area of responsibility mainly at customer´s premises. Key Responsibilities * Incident Handling: Perform trouble shooting via detailed analysis of HW and SW failures with the usage of all available diagnostic tools. This includes repair of HW on component level, cleaning and adjustment of mechanical components and configuration and installation of SW. * Preventive Maintenance: Perform routine checks according to documented preventative maintenance procedures and refill consumables as directed. * IMAC/R: Perform Installation, Movement, Addition, Change and Removal of hardware and software products and components as directed. * Customer Training: Instruct and train customers on usage and operation of installed HW and SW. * Process Tasks: Receive briefing for incidents and orders from dispatch function. * Update dispatch function of all unforeseen issues. Provide detailed debriefing on all performed activities. Proactively inform customers about performed actions. * Continuous Improvement Process: Observe technical or process problems at all times, proactively inform about potential problems and offer improvement suggestions if possible. * Actively use corporate tools and processes for knowledge sharing, e.g. knowledge base to find solutions and provide input for it. * Training: Participate in regular hardware and software trainings (on the job, classroom trainings and web-based trainings) according to the corporate training concept and receive certification after passing relevant test. Required Qualifications * Open to Fresh Graduates * Proven track record of more than 1 year Service Technician with banking/retail experience. * Successfully completed education in IT- or mechatronic/electronic-related profession. * In individual cases it is possible to assign the job to an employee, if the essential professional knowledge is acquired by work experience. * PC literacy and good knowledge and application of the relevant tools and methods. * Product knowledge of relevant industry and basic ITIL skills preferred. * Ability to lift and move heavy loads, stand most of the day, climb, bend and stoop while working on equipment. * Acceptance of exposure to the outside elements. * Shift adaptability, which would include an on call rotation for evenings and weekends. * Exceptional customer service skills are needed. * Ability to organize and inventory truck stock parts and tools. * Sense of urgency, organizational skills, professional presence and work in team environment. * Ability to pass MVR, background and drug test where required. Preferred Qualifications * Firstline or Service Technician work experience preferred. * Vocational/Trade School preferred

待遇面議 外商公司 員工200人
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5/04 【台東區】(兼職首選/長期/短期/24小時自由上線) 線上互動直播人員

  • 台東縣台東市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

網路融入生活已是常態 而直播是一個自由自主的行業 讓我們從娛樂中賺錢 全程不公開真實身分,開直播和線上會員互動交談 隱私安全性高、不需接觸會員、非公眾人物 隨開隨播,操作簡單 關掉即下班,完全不影響個人的私生活 【工作優勢】 ✅可至公司上班「免費」提供場地電腦設備 ✅免綁約、無任何額外費用 ✅只以暱稱上線、隱私性高 ✅內建美肌美顏自由調整修飾 ✅完美利用零碎時間 額外多一份收入 ✅手機即可在家上班 ✅無經驗也可試上 【工作內容】 1. 開啟視訊直播以打字or開麥與線上會員互動 2. 任何話題自由發揮 3. 不需才藝尬聊也可以哦 ▲不怕鏡頭者佳,想和有表情笑容的人互動很正常 ▲無偏見佳,需有好心態,網路生態千奇百怪,見怪不怪 【薪資福利】 ✨正職:每天上線7小時,月休8天自由排假 (可週休) ✨兼職:每月上線50小時,自由安排 ✨薪資:正職4~10萬↑、兼職1~3萬↑ ✨福利:全勤獎金、三節獎金、生日禮金、介紹獎金、員工旅遊、業績達標獎金 (除介紹獎金及達標獎金以外福利 為正職進公司上班專屬) ⚡官方LINE:@598ddhtx ←可直接加入預約面試會更快唷 (並截圖職缺資訊回傳)


5/02 監造工程師(台東)

  • 台東縣台東市
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

職稱: 監造工程師磨合期起薪42000元-55000元(備註: 在面試時會進行測試,再行加級。) 本質本能: 0.外縣市人員至台東辦事處補助返鄉去回交通費,辦事處二樓以上可以提供免費住宿。 1.工作地點,台東縣市全區包括綠島及蘭嶼,及毗鄰花蓮富里鄉。 2.交通工具:有公務車須有具有駕照。 3.識圖(工程設計圖或施工圖包括建築廠房或土木水利)。□熟悉□中等普通□不熟 4.文書作業(word、excel、powerpoint等)及撰寫報告書能力。□熟悉□中等普通□不熟 5.負責土木結構及建築設施專業監造。□熟悉□中等普通□不熟 6.工程品質、施工進度管理及工地協調。□熟悉□中等普通□不熟 7.監造計畫書、施工日誌等資料撰寫。□熟悉□中等普通□不熟 8.工程數量計算及檢核。□熟悉□中等普通□不熟 9.巍宏公司核心「謙卑、正直、負責任、同理心及逐夢」


5/03 機械部-挖土機操作員

  • 桃園市大園區
  • 2年以上
  • 學歷不拘

推土機及有關設備操作員 1. 操作挖土機、挖鏟土壤及砂石等、或鏟毀建物。 2. 操作掘溝機挖掘溝渠,放置各種管道。 3. 操作挖泥機,以挖鏟及清除水底沙泥等。 4. 操作植樁及打樁機,將木樁、混凝土樁及鋼柱鎚入地層。 5. 操作混凝土及瀝青之調製及鋪路機、壓路機等。 吊車/起重機及有關設備操作員 1. 操作裝有移動式或固定式吊臂之吊車。 2. 在建築工地或礦場操作起重設備。 大貨車及其他類司機 1. 駕駛大貨車或其他重型大車,將貨品、原料或乘客運送至目的地。 2. 裝卸貨品,並固定貨品,確保運送過程安全。 3. 交付貨物並進行簽收。 4. 定期檢修車輛。 5. 發生交通事故時作事故報告。

待遇面議 員工200人




