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4/26 駐香港科研中心-研發工程類-電腦視覺演算法工程師 Computer Vision Engineer (AI / 3D)

  • 香港特別行政區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

Working Location: Hong Kong (with 3 years' free apartment services) 工作地點:香港(提供3年免費住宿) Job description: AI / Computer Vision Engineer • Work in a team to perform R&D in Deep Learning, Machine Learning, computer vision and image understanding algorithms, including advanced data augmentation and sample synthesis autonomous training AI training data distribution analysis, training process optimization and feature reduction high speed training using self-supervised, few shot, semi-supervised, and meta learning study advanced convolution neural network architecture, GAN, transformer model interpret mode prediction by exploratory analysis and visualization accelerate model inference and training with cutting edge hardware accelerators • Contribute to the highly motivated, passionate AI algorithm team to enable product intelligence • Applications of image classification, object recognition, sematic segmentation, image super resolution 3D Computer Vision Engineer • Work in a team to develop 3D vision products • Research latest 3D sensing, reconstruction, metrology technologies Algorithm development System design • Build innovative 3D products basing on: nano-precision digital hologram high resolution chromatic confocal imaging, scanning confocal imaging high-precision white light interferometry, laser interferometry high speed stereo, structural light imaging Requirement: • PhD/MPhil Degree in Computer Science / Optical Engineering / Computer Engineering / Electronic Engineering / Mechanical Engineering/ Information Technology / Mathematics / Physical or relevant disciplines • Proficient in programming on C/C++ or Python • Good team worker and self‐motivated AI / Computer Vision Engineer • Interested in deep learning / machine learning / computer vision / image understanding algorithms • Have strong passion in transforming research results to solve real world challenges • Advanced troubleshooting skills 3D Computer Vision Engineer • Interested in*: deriving mathematical formulas /algorithms building a practical 3D vision solution problem solving **Senior grade would be offered to the candidates with strong background or relevant working experiences

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3/26 軟體工程師

  • 香港特別行政區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

公司簡介 本公司創立於2003年,是一間複合材料運動器材製造公司為法商迪卡儂(Decathlon)的複合材料夥伴供應商,目前有3條產線人員編制為1000人。 職位需求: 1.五年以上工作經驗 2. 熟ERP、MES、MRP、SQL、網路管理 3. 責任感強、細心、溝通協調、邏輯能力佳 4. MIS背景者佳 5. 熟鼎捷E10者佳 職位描述: 1.上線前設定與準備工作 2. 系統功能維護 3. 軟件功能異常狀況排除 4. 硬件供應商管理與合作 5. SQL維護 6. 數據分析 7. 主管交辦事項


4/22 (板橋) Algorithm Validation Engineer | ISP

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

Onsite Google Banqiao office Algorithm Validation Engineer | Image Signal Processor (ISP) Job Responsibilities: 1. Perform ISP pipeline end to end sanity check and validation test. 2. Build up the sanity check test cases with algorithm block owners. 3. Find out the anomalies by comparing to the golden of the previous generation. 4. Identify the root cause of algorithm blocks or settings. 5. Write the sanity check test reports in English. 6. Day trip - Engineer may require to travel occasionally within Taiwan in these cities - Hsinchu, Taipei, and Taoyuan on same day round trip.


4/22 【品牌行銷企劃】港澳區Social Media Marketing Specialist(精通粵語/需現居香港)

  • 香港特別行政區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

【工作內容】 1. 依公司策略及市場需求,規劃年度行銷計畫與掌控專案進度。 2. 每月定期提報營收數據,進行滾動式的策略建議及成效分析報告。 3. 收集市場訊息,分析趨勢,評估與定義公司產品定位,有效提供團隊所需資訊與支援。 4. 溝通協調跨部門問題,監察新項目的進程。 5. 異業合作、實體活動洽談,與內外部溝通協作角色。 6. 人員培育、考核、相關內勤事務審查。 7. 主管交辦事項。 【能力要求】 1. 相關行銷工作經驗3年以上。 2. 國語、廣東話、英文口說流暢。 3. 熟悉品牌操作經營、行銷活動規劃、開發新型銷售模式。 4. 熟悉數位行銷操作及商務應用(管理社群操作、SEO、廣告投放、文案規劃等 5. 有實體活動(展場、講座)、百貨進櫃洽談經驗者佳。 6.此職務申請者必須持有香港居留證、永久香港身分證。 【個人特質】 1. 具備良好邏輯思考與跨部門溝通協調能力,重視團隊合作以達共同目標。 2. 具備市場洞察能力,且能完整規劃並執行專案。 3. 擁有積極的工作態度、保持學習的彈性、展現高度執行力、具備解決問題的能力。 4. 具備良好的組織及應變能力,面對組織調整能快速應對。 5. 細心、常保愉快的心。 薪資範圍:面議


4/23 駐外業務工程師

  • 香港特別行政區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

1.展示儀器操作、回覆顧客技術問題、回饋給相關單位 ,並提供產品技術諮詢。 2.進行例行性售後拜訪,了解使用狀況,與未來使用需求。 3.具備英語能力佳。 4.有專業工程師陪同,無經驗可。 5.廠務設備/工程 相關業務 發展遠景:需長期駐外,表現優良可優先成為駐地經理。提供特休返台假(超出勞基法部分不可折算未休代金),一年四次返台機票。 經常性薪資>NT50,000元


4/23 【港/澳】上市百貨商場業徵機電主任

  • 香港特別行政區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

1. 百貨商場/量販店/飯店 /大型書局/商辦大樓/等工作經驗 2. 空調.水電.整體節能規劃.等經驗 3. 團隊管理通及發包專案管理能力 4.大樓設施設備之監督管理 5.委外工程之發包議價、現場施工管理、材料品質管控、外包商管理 6.工程部門之例行工作管理、各類設施設備運行/保養/維修制度制訂及相關教育訓練 7.各種應急預案制訂及突發事件處理


4/24 Computer/Machine Vision Algorithms Engineer

  • 新北市汐止區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Candidates with solid theoretical and practical background on the requirements bellow are welcome to apply. You are going to be involved in developing, testing, and deploying efficient algorithms for Image/Video signal processing. Additionally, you are going to be encouraged to work with state-of-the-art solutions for our Consumer and Industrial products. Basic Requirements 1. University degree or equivalent experience in computer science, electrical engineering, industrial engineering, mathematics, physics, or equivalent 2. Strong programming skills in C/C++ and python (to be tested during interview) 3. Strong theoretical and practical background in Algorithms (e.g. search & sorting algorithms) 4. Strong Computer/Machine vision algorithmic skills (convolutions, filters, HOG, Canny-edge, texture extraction, noise removal, etc.) 5. Experience designing, testing, and deploying solutions on x86 platforms 6. Experience working on different operative systems such as Windows and Linux-based 7. Very good management of own time 8. Extremely motivated to work with little or no supervision What will make you stand out from the rest? 1. Experience designing, testing, and deploying solutions on embedded platforms 2. Experience with algorithm parallelization on GPUs (CUDA language) 3. Good knowledge of heuristic/meta-heuristic/exact algorithmic tools such as: PSO/ACO/GA, Branch&Bound, etc.

待遇面議 員工80人




