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4/29 【業務部】國外業務

  • 亞洲其他
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1. 熟悉電源供應器產品,具有海外市場銷售的經驗,有能力規畫銷售目標並計畫性達成銷售目標。 2. 開發新客戶,並偕同當地代理商一同維護現有客戶,共同達成銷售目標。 3. 滿足客戶產品購買需求,提供即時銷售服務與售後服務,協助客戶解決產品問題與相關應用問題。 4. 參與行銷展覽,並規劃與協調相關行銷活動。 5. 能積極融入團隊合作,能協調產品訂單的出貨與售後品質服務,並掌握產品設計時程及產量狀況。 6. 有能力對客戶提出的合約進行初步評估,必要時能尋求其他部門協助。 7. 關注客戶的銷售狀況與付款情況,執行應收帳款的管理與催收。

待遇面議 上市上櫃 員工292人 遠端工作
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4/29 業務代表(駐菲律賓)

  • 亞洲其他
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1.研擬營運計劃及年度專案規劃。 2.執行與追蹤各項營運績效管理目標。 3.負責開拓海外市場,尋找國外戰略合作夥伴。 4.根據國際市場變化適時調整銷售策略,以提高公司產品市場佔有率。 5.負責客戶維護及開發新客戶。 6.參加國際性展覽並規劃各項事宜。 7.掌握出貨狀況,並追蹤產品交期。 8.主管交辦事項。

待遇面議 上市上櫃 員工98人
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4/23 【Dubai-Contractor 】Project Sales Manager

  • 沙烏地阿拉伯
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

We are seeking a highly motivated and results-driven Project Sales Manager to focus on expanding our presence within the education and government sectors. The successful candidate will be responsible for building and maintaining client relationships, understanding their unique needs, and providing tailored solutions to drive sales growth. ※ Job type: Contractor 【Key Responsibilities】 ◆ Industry Expertise: Develop in-depth knowledge of the education and government sectors, including trends, regulations, and key stakeholders. ◆ Lead Generation: Proactively identify and target potential clients within these industries. ◆ Client Relationship Management: Cultivate and maintain relationships with key decision-makers in the education and government sectors. ◆ Solution Selling: Understand client needs and provide custom-tailored solutions, showcasing the value of our products and services. ◆ Proposal and Contract Management: Prepare and present proposals, negotiate contracts, and close deals. ◆ Market Analysis: Stay updated on industry developments and competition, reporting insights to the team. 【KPI Setting and Progress Monitoring】 ◆ Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are essential to track the success of your role. Here are some relevant KPIs: ◆ Sales Targets: Set monthly and quarterly sales goals for the specialist, considering historical data and market potential. ◆ Pipeline Growth: Monitor the number of qualified leads in the pipeline, aiming for consistent growth. ◆ Conversion Rate: Track the percentage of leads converted into paying clients. Revenue Growth: Measure the increase in revenue generated from the education and government sectors. ◆ Client Retention: Assess how many clients from these industries continue to do business with your company. ◆ Market Insights: Gauge the specialist's ability to provide valuable insights and intelligence about the education and government sectors.

待遇面議 員工1300人 遠端工作
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4/23 【India-Contractor 】Project Sales Manager

  • 印度
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

We are seeking a highly motivated and results-driven Project Sales Manager to focus on expanding our presence within the education and government sectors. The successful candidate will be responsible for building and maintaining client relationships, understanding their unique needs, and providing tailored solutions to drive sales growth. ※ Job type: Contractor 【Key Responsibilities】 ◆ Industry Expertise: Develop in-depth knowledge of the education and government sectors, including trends, regulations, and key stakeholders. ◆ Lead Generation: Proactively identify and target potential clients within these industries. ◆ Client Relationship Management: Cultivate and maintain relationships with key decision-makers in the education and government sectors. ◆ Solution Selling: Understand client needs and provide custom-tailored solutions, showcasing the value of our products and services. ◆ Proposal and Contract Management: Prepare and present proposals, negotiate contracts, and close deals. ◆ Market Analysis: Stay updated on industry developments and competition, reporting insights to the team. 【KPI Setting and Progress Monitoring】 ◆ Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are essential to track the success of your role. Here are some relevant KPIs: ◆ Sales Targets: Set monthly and quarterly sales goals for the specialist, considering historical data and market potential. ◆ Pipeline Growth: Monitor the number of qualified leads in the pipeline, aiming for consistent growth. ◆ Conversion Rate: Track the percentage of leads converted into paying clients. Revenue Growth: Measure the increase in revenue generated from the education and government sectors. ◆ Client Retention: Assess how many clients from these industries continue to do business with your company. ◆ Market Insights: Gauge the specialist's ability to provide valuable insights and intelligence about the education and government sectors.

待遇面議 員工1300人 遠端工作
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4/12 業務代表(駐印度)

  • 印度
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

本公司事業體海外擴大徵才,誠徵印度業務: 1.研擬營運計劃及年度專案規劃。 2.執行與追蹤各項營運績效管理目標。 3.負責開拓海外市場,尋找國外戰略合作夥伴。 4.根據國際市場變化適時調整銷售策略,以提高公司產品市場佔有率。 5.負責客戶維護及開發新客戶。 6.參加國際性展覽並規劃各項事宜。 7.掌握出貨狀況,並追蹤產品交期。 8.主管交辦事項。

待遇面議 上市上櫃 員工98人
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3/05 駐外業務專員(1)

  • 亞洲其他
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1.定期外派國外據點。 2.工作內容為業務銷售及推廣, 提供報價確認訂單。 3.售後服務並處理客戶反映問題。 4.可配合地區性支援或輪調。

待遇面議 員工40人
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4/25 國外業務工程師

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1.開發潛在客戶,拓展市場,以達成業績目標。 2.定期拜訪經銷客戶,維繫穩定客戶關係。 3.負責國外業務接洽及訂單處理。 4.負責產品報價及產品展示,並處理帳款回收相關事宜。 5.負責業務推展,傳達及說明公司各項業務重大訊息、活動及產品。 6.其他主管交辦事項。


4/24 國外開發業務 ( Overseas Business Development )

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

1. 國外業務開發,拓展海外市場,尋找國外合作夥伴(代理商/品牌商)。 2. 產品行銷及業務推廣。 3. 既有客戶維護,維繫及穩定客戶關係。 4. 蒐集、分析產業客戶或市場產品之相關情報。 5. 不定期參加國際性展覽並規劃各項事宜。 6. 定期彙整提報銷售進度及業務相關資訊。 1. Develop overseas business, expand international markets, and seek foreign partners (agents/brand distributors). 2. Product marketing and business promotion. 3. Maintain existing customers and sustain stable customer relationships. 4. Collect and analyze relevant information about industry clients or market products. 5. Periodically participate in international exhibitions and plan various matters. 6. Regularly compile and report sales progress and related business information.


4/26 SM2136 國外業務(美國區) Sales Account Manager for USA Market

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

***Please make sure you can accept working as night shift prior to applying this position. (需配合美國上班時間工作, 英語口音須母語程度) [Goal] Achieve maximize revenue and run rate business from assigned accounts and projects works. 50% time on new account penetration, 40% time on existing account engagement, re-engagement to project win. [What you need to do] 1. Account management work 1) Recruit new SI (system integration), Contractor, End User to new project win 2) Manage existing SI, Contractor, EU with more contacts to repeat buy in order to maximized revenue 3) Introduce, train and update suitable products, solutions according to account profile 2. Project management work 1) Project to solution design according to end user requirement, budget and competition 2) Project to price and payment term management in order to maximize win rate 3) Co-work with supply-chain team for project fulfillment and payment 4) Co-work with tech support team to run effective installation, end user acceptance test, and post service Work hour management : (work from home) daily --> 21:00 - 05:00 (EST) 22:00 - 06:00 (CST) 23:00 - 07:00 (PST) (work in the office) --> 13:00 - 17:00 (Every Monday, Thursday) 工作待遇說明: 1) 核薪視個人資歷、學經歷條件、專業能力及績效實證而定, 歡迎挑戰高薪 2) 完整紮實的教育訓練, 投資您在 ”Big Data大數據、Robot軟體機器人、IoT物聯網、Cloud雲端、A.I.人工智慧” 迅速累積專業整合的實力 3) 無最低達成門檻, 訂單筆筆都算; 業績獎金無上限, 每月結算不等待 4) 和CEO一起工作, 跑在同儕前面, 快速提昇國際視野 5) 具競爭力的薪資架構, 每月除底薪外, 另計夜班津貼($5,000)及業績獎金(無上限). 我們不怕給得高, 就怕你不想要! 特別邀請有潛力、英文好、想賺錢的年輕新鮮人來大展身手, 第一年即挑戰年薪百萬, 不是在做夢!





