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4/26 紐西蘭食品加工廠儲備幹部

  • 紐西蘭
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

職位名稱:紐西蘭食品加工廠廠長 工作地點:奧克蘭 職位要求: 1、大專以上學歷,專業不限 2、歡迎有工廠管理經驗者佳 3、擁有良好的溝通和組織能力 4、對食品生產管理、倉庫管理和進出口業務有濃厚的興趣 5、具備團隊合作精神,能夠在壓力下工作 工作職責: 1、建立食品加工廠日常運營 2、管理倉庫庫存,確保產品的準確標記和出入庫 3、負責進出口業務的文件管理和組織 4、協助處理相關訂單、運輸和物流事務 5、在需要時協助其他工作 待遇: 1、工資:台幣100,000至150,000(視能力而定) 2、提供住宿補助

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4/26 海外華語教師_(全職 | 日班 | 須配合美國教師學程)

  • 美加地區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

到美國推廣華語文化,進行中文教學。 現在眾多美國學校,包含高中、國中、國小,都必須開設第二語言的課程,其中就含有中文課,這創造了大量職缺。邀請您前來迴音谷了解,這是個到美國發展的機會,提供給您。 要求: GPA 3.0 TOFEL 81 /IELTS 6.0 ACTFL中文考試(OPIc+WPT) 主要安排: 參加美國教師碩士學程,五月入學,預計可在一年內獲得美國教師執照。 工作安排: 一旦取得教師執照,學員可透過就讀學校應徵教職,或透過基金會媒合。 其他相關資訊請看迴音谷 海外華語教師計畫 https://echoabc.com.tw/teacher_abroad


4/26 外派美國西雅圖|高檔中餐廳 - 央廚麵點經理/廠長

  • 美國華盛頓州
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

機會來了! 美味的麵點,美好的未來,前往美國與我們一同創造傳奇! 你是否曾想過,透過自己的雙手將中式麵點和港式點心的美味帶到美國大地? 現在,這個夢想可以在陽光明媚的美國成真! 我們正在尋找一位充滿熱情、創意滿滿的央廚麵點經理/廠長,加入我們的團隊,共同開啟一段在美國綻放的美食奇蹟。 工作內容: 1.創新研發: 在美國當地融入研發,製作中式冷水麵和發麵類麵食。 2.多元加工: 生產正宗港式點心和調理食品,將中華美味融入當地生活。 3.食譜建立: 打造獨一無二的美味,建立製程SOP,並構建產品資料庫。 4.品質穩定: 保證在大規模生產時,品質穩定度達到最高水平。 5.團隊管理: 領導美國生產製造團隊,導入新產品,關注生產效率。 6.自動化機器導入: 引進現代技術,實現機器取代人工,提升生產效能。 7.確保所負責類別的食品均符合衛生管理之規定 8.具備良好的團隊溝通,跨部門溝通,橫向與縱向溝通能力 透過你的加入,我們將在美國開啟一段美味的冒險。 你將不僅是廚藝的巨匠,更是中式和港式美食在美國興盛的見證者。 在這片陌生的土地上,你將是團隊的領航員,與我們一同共創食物的奇蹟。 準備好了嗎?讓我們一同啟程,開啟美味之旅! ※ 該職位需安排試菜與實際相關經歷證明資料提供。 ※ 應徵者請將履歷寄至[email protected],期待與您共創美味的美好未來!


4/30 【Australia】ANZ System Engineer / FAE(Contractor)

  • 澳洲
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

Responsibilities: - Implement storage system structure to meet business requirements and performance goals. - Set up field site Proof of Concept (PoC) configurations based on customized infrastructure. - Provide strong customer service orientation, assisting customers with technical issue investigation, and devising solutions to enhance product performance and Quality Assurance (QA) team's service operation. - Support after-sales technical support and monitor Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) cases. - Develop and maintain NAS configuration and management systems and processes on a project basis. - Collaborate with Product and Service teams to administer post-sales support for customers. - Act as an escalation point to provide the first level of customer window for technical issue resolution consultation and guide customers through service procedures to enhance customer satisfaction. - Coordinate and manage assigned projects, including product certification, PoC, and RMA cases, among other responsibilities. - Perform system configuration, testing, and evaluation. - Develop system engineering plans and procedures. - Address technical documentation and maintain the process and quality of document launches, such as white papers, etc. Location: Melbourne-based

待遇面議 員工1300人

4/27 研究助理

  • 美國維吉尼亞州
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

The Tsai lab at the University of Virginia School of Medicine is seeking to hire 1-2 Research Assistants to assist in the study of ion-channel structure, molecular mechanisms, and pathophysiological functions. We are currently investigating the molecular mechanisms and pathophysiological roles of the mitochondrial calcium transport system, whose malfunction has been linked to the Alzheimer's disease, tissue injuries during heart attack and stroke, cancer metastasis, and type II diabetes. We combine cutting-edge electrophysiology, membrane-biochemistry, cell-biology, imaging, animal models, and structural-biology (e.g., cryo-EM) methods to address fundamental questions in this exciting new area of research. For more information, please visit our lab website: www.tsaislab.org We seek to hire a master's level researcher interested in becoming a future scientist. Our goal is to identify new lab members to work with us to push the frontier of science. Once accepted into the lab, the RA will be assigned his/her own project with a difficulty level consistent with typical PhD dissertation projects, and will initially work with senior lab personnel to acquire necessary techniques for assigned projects. All RAs in the Tsai lab work closely with the PI, and have a strong record of publishing in high impact journals. They will have the opportunities to become PhD students in the Tsai lab, with results obtained during the RA period counting toward graduation. The lab is currently supported by two NIH R01s, and have plenty of funding in the next 5 years. Senior-author research papers in the last 5 years were published in eLife, PNAS (2 articles), Cell Reports, Nature, and Molecular Cell. There are additional articles in the late stage of the review process in Nature and Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. We have extensive collaboration with scientists in Cornell, Harvard, Washington University at St. Louis, Sloan-Kettering, Mount Sinai, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, and Stanford. The University of Virginia ranked #5 in US public Universities (only after UC Berkeley, UCLA, U Michigan, and UNC) according to the 2023 US News ranking. Charlottesville is a vibrant and expanding city, only 2 hours of driving away from the US capital Washington DC, with easy access to a wide range of cultural and outdoor activities. Applicants should send a cover letter, CV, and a list of three references directly to the PI ([email protected]). The letter should clearly outline the candidate’s qualifications and the motivation to join our lab.





