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4/29 FP &A Manager

  • 美國加利佛尼亞州
  • 8年以上
  • 大學

1.Provide leadership and strategic support to the Corporate Finance team, ensuring efficient operations and project execution. 2.Assist the corporation in Financial Reporting, Analysis & Planning: Leading complex financial modeling and analysis (e.g., consolidated reports, capital budgeting, investment analysis) 3.Produce monthly P&L reports providing financial commentary and variance analysis on the monthly results vs. forecast, highlighting risks and opportunities 4.Local statutory/tax/regulatory compliance and filings. 5.Conduct in-depth research and analysis on financial trends, market conditions, and industry benchmarks to inform strategic decision-making. 6.Develop and present comprehensive reports and presentations for senior management and external stakeholders. 7.Manage and mentor junior team members, providing guidance and ensuring their professional development. 8.Develop and maintain strong relationships with other departments (e.g., Sales, Operations, Engineering) to ensure alignment and collaboration. 9.Assume full responsibility for the team and their activities, leading and overseeing all aspects of the department.

待遇面議 員工6000人
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4/29 [AF] 財會儲備主管 (預計派駐美國亞特蘭大)

  • 美國喬治亞州
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

執掌美國子公司財務及會計職能,與當地記帳事務所配合,直屬報告主管為台灣母公司財會主管及美國子公司總經理。 工作內容: 1. 美國子公司 會計帳務、財務報表覆核。 3. 美國子公司 資金調度、現金流量預測及管理。 4. 美國子公司 經營分析、預算編制及財務預測。 5. 美國子公司 內稽內控、營運流程改善及分析。 6. 美國子公司 總公司會計師季度及年度查帳作業準備。 7. 其他主管交辦事項。 工作規劃: 初期將在台灣母公司(新北市新店區)就任,訓練熟悉後,外派至美國子公司就職,位於喬治亞州亞特蘭大,並由美國子公司申請工作簽證從當地聘僱,薪資福利及保險等均比照美國當地水準。 本公司目前海外子公司及分公司,遍及歐洲、美洲、東南亞及中東等地,共計在全球11個國家設有分支機構或據點,在地行銷,深耕各國行動支付市場。 本公司目前位於北美洲市場,受惠於無人自助支付領域深耕有成,及電動車充電樁大幅普及,行動支付解決方案未來成長動能可期,預計招聘專職派駐美國子公司財會儲備主管,負責本公司美國子公司的經營分析管理、財務控制及會計覆核。 薪資將依個人學歷、經歷及專業能力做為核薪依據,另依照本公司章程規範,每年提撥公司盈餘至多15%作為全體員工分紅獎金,依據個人績效,在年終獎金之外,額外發放分紅獎金,與員工共享公司成長果實。

待遇面議 員工500人
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4/29 經管主管(美國)

  • 美國加利佛尼亞州
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1.預算規劃﹑審核﹑管控 Budget planning,review and control. 2.投資審核與效益追蹤 Investment review and investment return tracking. 3.經營績效分析&管控 Operational performance analysis & control. 4.合約商業條款審核 Contract commercial terms review. 5.規章制度辦法&系統/表單制定 Rules and regulations & system & form formulation. 6.年度績效計算&獎金分配 Annual performance calculation & bonus distribution.

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4/29 【美國廠】財會主管

  • 美國肯塔基州
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1. 美國公司會計帳務處理、稅務申報等相關事宜。 2. 每月成本結算及自結報表等作業。 3. 編制子公司年度預算及實際數差異分析報表。 4. 定期提供相關管理報表予母公司。 5. 其他主管交辦事項。 初期於台灣總公司(內湖)就任,訓練熟悉後,至美國公司上班,並由美國公司聘僱。美國公司位於肯塔基州,當地聘僱後薪資福利及保險等,比照美國當地水準。

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4/26 Accounting Director / Senior Accounting Manager

  • 美國加利佛尼亞州
  • 10年以上
  • 大學

JOB SUMMARY: The position is for the Head of the Accounting and Finance departments of the company, either Accounting Director or Senior Accounting Manager depending on experience. The role will be responsible for overseeing the accounting operations and financial reporting for our organization. You will be hands-on in the daily operations of the accounting and finance department to ensure proper and accurate accounting which includes maintaining the general ledger, bank account reconciliation, cash management, capital assets reconciliations, expenditure variance analysis, monthly close, etc. The role will be involved in all aspects of the accounting and finance functions with focus on: financial and management reports, budget, and various planning and analytical initiatives. This position is on-site, at our office in Irvine, CA. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 1.Monitor the company’s financial health and guide financial decisions by applying company policies and procedures to current economic landscape 2.Oversee, direct, and manage accounting team in the United States and Canada 3.Drive and manage all aspects of the month end close process and preparation of financial package for management team, including preparing and reviewing relevant journal entries, performing balance sheet and P&L account reconciliations, and performing account analysis. 4.Ensure general ledger appropriately reflects all financial transactions in accordance with IFRS 5.Create, prepare and rollout company budget plan, and ensure financial performance against goals and target. Achieve budgeting goals with proper scheduling, analysis, and corrective action based on actual and trend amounts 6.Year-end tax filing and audit activities 7.Support internal and external audits to ensure compliance 8.Credit risk management, including identifying and assessing financial risk and legal liabilities 9.Governmental filings including W9 and 1099, and sales and use tax 10.Provide and support financial strategies initiatives on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual basis 11.Ensure accounting systems and processes are continually streamlined via process improvement to achieve greater efficiencies and accuracy in the level and timeliness of reporting 12.Participate in various accounting system automation and enhancement projects to promote more timely and accurate financial reporting

待遇面議 上市上櫃 員工515人
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4/25 (海外工廠)財務經理

  • 美東地區
  • 6年以上
  • 專科

崗位目標: 1、從財務專業素養協助上級主管稽核公司內部控制制度的運作;建立、完善與審核財務部門的規章制度與工作流程; 2、預算執行管理、財務資金規劃、會計帳務處理;定期提供年度、季度和月度的財務分析數據並提交分析報告,呈報予上級主管做為決策參考; 3、指導財務人員依公司製度的規範作業與運轉,以符合會計原則及稅務相關等法令之要求,降低公司財務與稅務的風險。 1、負責公司財務日常管理工作,及時做好會計憑證、財冊、報表等財會資料的收集、彙編、歸檔等; 2、正確進行會計核算和審核會計憑證的真實性、合法性、合理性有效監督,完成公司財務目標;財務預算決算及財務報表的編制工作 3、規劃資產盤點計劃,以確保公司資產有效管理及運用,按月正確計提固定資產折舊,定期或不定期地組織清產核資的工作;及時了解、審核公司財產,包括庫存現金、原材物料、設備、產品存貨等有形資產的進出情況; 任職要求: 1、具生產型企業財務主管工作經驗五年以上为佳; 2、具進出口關務管理工作經驗,熟悉現行海關、商務進出口政策; 3、具主導並成功導入生產型企業ERP及各項生產管理系統的工作經驗; 4、個性主觀積極、抗壓性強,能正向面對挑戰 5、語文條件:英文 中文流利

待遇面議 員工3000人
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3/28 Accounting Manager (Tempe, Arizona, USA)/會計經理

  • 美國亞利桑那州
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

Job Responsibilities: •Management of accounting operations, including daily procedures, month-end and year-end closings •Monthly financial statements and management reports preparation •Implement and maintain appropriate processes, procedures and internal controls •Preparation of budgets and forecasts and analysis of variances with operating results •Supervise and mentor accounting staff

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