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4/23 本地運營顧問 Local Market Operations Consultant (美國 US)

  • 美加地區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

美圖產品用戶在全球皆高速增長,不斷求新求變、跟進AIGC趨勢,持續優化產品功能及用戶體驗,創造多國佳績! 若你熱衷使用美圖或任何拍照/修圖/影片編輯APP、喜歡觀察市場流行趨勢,並對APP海外行銷推廣、用戶增長、訂閱商業模式充滿興趣,想一同放眼全球!歡迎投遞履歷! 主要職責: (Based in the US) - 操作數位行銷工具、本地Social media經營、KOL/KOC合作洽談...等; - 挖掘歐美市場趨勢及用戶使用偏好,與台灣團隊遠端協作,落實本地化行銷運營舉措; - 本地代理商資源拓展及合作溝通 - 協助管理美國當地人力執行進度 (包含實習生、外包約聘人員等) - 英文能力佳,能中文溝通 ----------------- (Based in the US) - Operate digital marketing tools, local social media management, KOL/KOC cooperation negotiation... etc; - Tap into American market trends and user preferences, and work remotely with the Taiwan team to implement localized marketing and operational initiatives; - Developing and communicating with local agents - Assist in managing the progress of local U.S. labor execution (including interns, outsourced contractors, etc.) - Excellent command of English and communicate in Chinese

待遇面議 員工35人
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4/24 企業顧問

  • 美國紐約州
  • 2年以上
  • 學歷不拘

Standard & Poor’s Vista Research is assembling a panel of Industry Consultants and professionals who are familiar with their respective industries. Industry Consultants are paid to educate money managers on trends within their given industry, through occasional phone consultations. Our clients money managers, use brief informal phone consultations (typically 30-40 minutes) as an educational tool to gain insight on new trends and developments within a given discipline Unlike traditional research firms, we do not engage in written research reports or employ research analysts. Industry trends, market dynamics, and competitive landscape. Industry Consultants are never expected to commect on their employer or company, or any other subject matter deemed inappropriate. When the Industry Consultant’s qualifications are deemed suitable for specifice consultation request, the client will call the Industry Consultant at a pre-arranged and mutually convenient time. These private discussions usually last about 30-40 minutes. After completing the call , the Industry Consultant is paid based on the hourly rate that they detemine during the initial application process.

待遇面議 遠端工作

4/27 研究助理

  • 美國維吉尼亞州
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

The Tsai lab at the University of Virginia School of Medicine is seeking to hire 1-2 Research Assistants to assist in the study of ion-channel structure, molecular mechanisms, and pathophysiological functions. We are currently investigating the molecular mechanisms and pathophysiological roles of the mitochondrial calcium transport system, whose malfunction has been linked to the Alzheimer's disease, tissue injuries during heart attack and stroke, cancer metastasis, and type II diabetes. We combine cutting-edge electrophysiology, membrane-biochemistry, cell-biology, imaging, animal models, and structural-biology (e.g., cryo-EM) methods to address fundamental questions in this exciting new area of research. For more information, please visit our lab website: www.tsaislab.org We seek to hire a master's level researcher interested in becoming a future scientist. Our goal is to identify new lab members to work with us to push the frontier of science. Once accepted into the lab, the RA will be assigned his/her own project with a difficulty level consistent with typical PhD dissertation projects, and will initially work with senior lab personnel to acquire necessary techniques for assigned projects. All RAs in the Tsai lab work closely with the PI, and have a strong record of publishing in high impact journals. They will have the opportunities to become PhD students in the Tsai lab, with results obtained during the RA period counting toward graduation. The lab is currently supported by two NIH R01s, and have plenty of funding in the next 5 years. Senior-author research papers in the last 5 years were published in eLife, PNAS (2 articles), Cell Reports, Nature, and Molecular Cell. There are additional articles in the late stage of the review process in Nature and Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. We have extensive collaboration with scientists in Cornell, Harvard, Washington University at St. Louis, Sloan-Kettering, Mount Sinai, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, and Stanford. The University of Virginia ranked #5 in US public Universities (only after UC Berkeley, UCLA, U Michigan, and UNC) according to the 2023 US News ranking. Charlottesville is a vibrant and expanding city, only 2 hours of driving away from the US capital Washington DC, with easy access to a wide range of cultural and outdoor activities. Applicants should send a cover letter, CV, and a list of three references directly to the PI ([email protected]). The letter should clearly outline the candidate’s qualifications and the motivation to join our lab.


4/25 Sales and Marketing Assistant (Canada)

  • 加拿大
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

* You must be a Canada Citizen, located in Canada or willing to relocate to Canada to apply this vacancy. Fixed salary + commision based. 1. Assist to develop the sales channels of the responsible territory. Regularly report sales progress, market share. 2. Assist to conduct product marketing, product service, pricing. 3. Assist to maintain and grow the key eshops and reply end user's comments 4. Assist to reply customer's technical questions 5. Part time allowed

待遇面議 員工80人

4/26 外派美國西雅圖|高檔中餐廳 - 央廚麵點經理/廠長

  • 美國華盛頓州
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

機會來了! 美味的麵點,美好的未來,前往美國與我們一同創造傳奇! 你是否曾想過,透過自己的雙手將中式麵點和港式點心的美味帶到美國大地? 現在,這個夢想可以在陽光明媚的美國成真! 我們正在尋找一位充滿熱情、創意滿滿的央廚麵點經理/廠長,加入我們的團隊,共同開啟一段在美國綻放的美食奇蹟。 工作內容: 1.創新研發: 在美國當地融入研發,製作中式冷水麵和發麵類麵食。 2.多元加工: 生產正宗港式點心和調理食品,將中華美味融入當地生活。 3.食譜建立: 打造獨一無二的美味,建立製程SOP,並構建產品資料庫。 4.品質穩定: 保證在大規模生產時,品質穩定度達到最高水平。 5.團隊管理: 領導美國生產製造團隊,導入新產品,關注生產效率。 6.自動化機器導入: 引進現代技術,實現機器取代人工,提升生產效能。 7.確保所負責類別的食品均符合衛生管理之規定 8.具備良好的團隊溝通,跨部門溝通,橫向與縱向溝通能力 透過你的加入,我們將在美國開啟一段美味的冒險。 你將不僅是廚藝的巨匠,更是中式和港式美食在美國興盛的見證者。 在這片陌生的土地上,你將是團隊的領航員,與我們一同共創食物的奇蹟。 準備好了嗎?讓我們一同啟程,開啟美味之旅! ※ 該職位需安排試菜與實際相關經歷證明資料提供。 ※ 應徵者請將履歷寄至[email protected],期待與您共創美味的美好未來!


4/25 Miopane全台最大蔬食麵包連鎖集團積極擴展海外市場/徵派駐【派駐美國加州】〜徵麵包二手及三手師傅/薪資待遇80,000元/月〜10,0000元/月【固定或變動薪資因個而異/無麵包2手3手實作經驗請勿投遞】/透明升遷管道及優於業界薪資福利

  • 美西地區
  • 2年以上
  • 高中

Miopane海外/駐美國加州麵包 二手及三手師傅 【工作地點:美國 加利福尼亞州】【無麵包實際經驗請勿投遞】 【主要職責】 1.協助師傅製作 2.攪拌、分割及麵包整形。 3.計算各種原料配方之用量及設定適當攪拌溫度。 4.稱量原料以機械混合或攪拌成糰(糊)。 5.執行發酵、壓延、分割、整形、包餡、烤焙等工作。 6.控制發酵箱溫度、濕度,檢查發酵程度。 7.熱愛做麵包者佳。 8.主管交辦事項 【個性/特質】 1.樂觀/企圖心強/嚮往國外發展。 2.對工作態度及配合度佳,主動積極,並樂於與夥伴分享經驗。 【本職缺需先在台灣培訓5〜6個月並經認證考核通過 (台灣受訓期間薪資34,000〜39,000元/月 TWD)再分派至美國〜。】 【無麵包實際經驗請勿投遞】 3.願意謙虛學習,積極正面,親切誠懇,主動勤勞,樂觀向上,有耐力有熱情。 Miopane海外/駐美國加州麵包 二手及三手師傅福利制度/工作環境完善,比同業好很多! 是全台最大的麵包連鎖品牌/野椿(好膳) 連鎖餐飲集團旗下7大連鎖品牌之一 每半年考核一次,明確的考核制度,讓您可以一步一步的晉升: 學徒、三手、二手、二手頭、實習主管、主管 【無麵包實際經驗請勿投遞】 我們用心培養人才,在這裡一定學得到技術 我們需要有『團隊精神』、有『責任心』的人,歡迎加入我們! 提供我們的電商網站給大家參考: https://www.miopane.com 【相關制度和福利】 1. 工作待遇:80,000〜100,000元/TWD 【固定或變動薪資因個而異/ (無)麵包2手3手實作經驗請勿投遞】。 2. 排班制 /周休2天。 3. 就職滿一年享14天帶薪年假與休假往返(經濟艙)機票。 4. 公司提供工作餐/補助用餐費。 5. (公司)提供交通工具。 【其他條件】 1. 對國外發展有興趣且願意接受完整培訓及發展。 2. 工作有條理、細心有責任感及主動、樂於分享溝通及協調能力。 3. 樂於分享工作成就及面對缺失勇於承擔不規避,能與團隊虛心改善及檢討。 4. 派駐海外,需簽3年至5年工作合約。 5. 語文條件:英文-聽/略懂、說/略懂、讀/略懂、寫/略懂。 6. 需有二手/三手經驗。【無麵包實際經驗請勿投遞】





