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5/31 製造處級主管(派駐美國加州)

  • 美國加利佛尼亞州
  • 10年以上
  • 大學

1.跨部門溝通協調,生產製造管理維運,異常管理及持續改善; 2.廠區營銷P&L管理; 3.人員管理,培育部屬,團隊領導,促進團隊成功並提升整體績效; 4.主管交辦專案事項

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5/29 碳黑事業_工廠主管/經營管理主管(美國、中東、東南亞)

  • 美東地區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

薛長興集團是全球防寒衣市場最大供應商,因投入環保材質潛水衣研發之契機,進而跨足廢棄輪胎熱裂解領域,投入橡膠及環保碳黑製程,成為國際間少數具有量產環保碳黑能力的公司。 隨著事業版圖的拓展,將在東南亞、美國及中東設立生產據點;歡迎加入我們,共同為永續環保盡一份心力,發揮國際影響力,厚植綠色永續實力! 【職務內容】 一、工廠主管 : 1.負責工廠生產營運、製程技術、機械設備、品質管理、人力資源規劃等之統籌管理。 2.審核工廠生產計畫,管控和監督生產系統,確實執行生產目標,確保生產品質,並達成各項生產指標。 3.以提升生產效率和產品品質為核心目標,建立規範、高效的生產管理體系,以提升產能降低成本。 4.推動各項營運政策,落實短、中、長期經營策略規劃及其營運績效管理目標。 5.科系:理工相關科系。 二、製程幹部 : 1.生產製程與技術管理及異常問題排除。 2.提升生產效能及品質改善以提高產能。 3.負責相關製程產能規劃、生產順暢、產能達標。 4.製造與生產異常排除、良率控管、良率提升及新設備生產線評估與規劃。 5.科系:理工相關科系。 三、經營管理主管 : 1.負責海外廠幕僚作業經營管理及採購作業。 2.管理報表編製與數字解析、各項成本效益分析。 3.海外廠營運績效分析與優化建議,確保策略執行效益與目標成果。 4.管理及覆核海外廠幕僚相關作業流程。 5.科系:商管或理工相關科系。

待遇面議 員工10000人
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5/24 (美國廠)生產管理主管/工廠主管 (工作地點為USA)

  • 美國德克薩斯州
  • 10年以上
  • 大學

1.Establish a new factory, including the establishment of a production team and related supporting teams. 2.Lead and manage the team by setting targets and execution plan to drive the team to achieve targets. 3.Responsible for the planning and management of production line operations to increase production capacity and reduce costs 4.Manage production affairs related to product delivery, inventory, manufacturing, repair, quality, discipline, etc. 5.Need to handle the first-tier customers directly.

待遇面議 上市上櫃 員工500人
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5/18 【美國廠】財會主管

  • 美國肯塔基州
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1. 美國公司會計帳務處理、稅務申報等相關事宜。 2. 每月成本結算及自結報表等作業。 3. 編制子公司年度預算及實際數差異分析報表。 4. 定期提供相關管理報表予母公司。 5. 其他主管交辦事項。 初期於台灣總公司(內湖)就任,訓練熟悉後,至美國公司上班,並由美國公司聘僱。美國公司位於肯塔基州,當地聘僱後薪資福利及保險等,比照美國當地水準。

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4/25 (海外工廠)財務經理

  • 美東地區
  • 6年以上
  • 專科

崗位目標: 1、從財務專業素養協助上級主管稽核公司內部控制制度的運作;建立、完善與審核財務部門的規章制度與工作流程; 2、預算執行管理、財務資金規劃、會計帳務處理;定期提供年度、季度和月度的財務分析數據並提交分析報告,呈報予上級主管做為決策參考; 3、指導財務人員依公司製度的規範作業與運轉,以符合會計原則及稅務相關等法令之要求,降低公司財務與稅務的風險。 1、負責公司財務日常管理工作,及時做好會計憑證、財冊、報表等財會資料的收集、彙編、歸檔等; 2、正確進行會計核算和審核會計憑證的真實性、合法性、合理性有效監督,完成公司財務目標;財務預算決算及財務報表的編制工作 3、規劃資產盤點計劃,以確保公司資產有效管理及運用,按月正確計提固定資產折舊,定期或不定期地組織清產核資的工作;及時了解、審核公司財產,包括庫存現金、原材物料、設備、產品存貨等有形資產的進出情況; 任職要求: 1、具生產型企業財務主管工作經驗五年以上为佳; 2、具進出口關務管理工作經驗,熟悉現行海關、商務進出口政策; 3、具主導並成功導入生產型企業ERP及各項生產管理系統的工作經驗; 4、個性主觀積極、抗壓性強,能正向面對挑戰 5、語文條件:英文 中文流利

待遇面議 員工3000人
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4/19 生產管理 (工作地點:海外)

  • 美加地區
  • 10年以上
  • 高中

崗位目的 確保生產部門順利運作,以利業務績效達成。 崗位職責  制定並監督年度目標計畫順利實施  有效控管生產成本  監督生產品質以落實品質目標  監理本部門各環節工作進度以確保如期交貨  監督安全生產工作規範以保障工作安全  制定本部門年度培訓計畫並安排實施  協助研發部門相關專案推廣  協調溝通跨部門工作  執行主管臨時交辦事項 要求: A. 有印刷業15年以上經驗(含管理職7年以上) B. 有OFFSET/COLOR MANAGEMENT操作經驗 C. 有GMI/G7 ..等認證經驗 D. 有海外經歷

待遇面議 員工3000人
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5/27 生技主管(北美)

  • 美國密西根州
  • 10年以上
  • 大學

1. 確保廠區自動化設備穩定生產及正常運作。 2. 產線自動機台改善評估規劃及執行。 3. 生產技術人員KPI制定與管理。 4. 工程師之任務分配、進度追蹤、成效確認 5.制度建立及部門目標執行&相關報告資料彙整 6. 產線異常分析及改善對策擬定 7. 產品線策略規劃:配合制訂新產品良率目標 8. 配合HQ總部產品經理及研發單位,制訂產品測試製程技術方案,提供報價所需技術資料 9. 與上層管理階層、部門同仁及有關人員共同討論評估以達成需求KPI 10. 執行上層主管相關交辦事務,並能自行規劃部門運作事宜 其他: 1. 需能配合自動線設備的維修時間上班及臨時緊急維修作業出勤。 2. 五年以上理級主管相關工作經驗。 3. 外派北美

待遇面議 員工2500人

5/31 Accounting Director / Senior Accounting Manager

  • 美國加利佛尼亞州
  • 10年以上
  • 大學

JOB SUMMARY: The position is for the Head of the Accounting and Finance departments of the company, either Accounting Director or Senior Accounting Manager depending on experience. The role will be responsible for overseeing the accounting operations and financial reporting for our organization. You will be hands-on in the daily operations of the accounting and finance department to ensure proper and accurate accounting which includes maintaining the general ledger, bank account reconciliation, cash management, capital assets reconciliations, expenditure variance analysis, monthly close, etc. The role will be involved in all aspects of the accounting and finance functions with focus on: financial and management reports, budget, and various planning and analytical initiatives. This position is on-site, at our office in Irvine, CA. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 1.Monitor the company’s financial health and guide financial decisions by applying company policies and procedures to current economic landscape 2.Oversee, direct, and manage accounting team in the United States and Canada 3.Drive and manage all aspects of the month end close process and preparation of financial package for management team, including preparing and reviewing relevant journal entries, performing balance sheet and P&L account reconciliations, and performing account analysis. 4.Ensure general ledger appropriately reflects all financial transactions in accordance with IFRS 5.Create, prepare and rollout company budget plan, and ensure financial performance against goals and target. Achieve budgeting goals with proper scheduling, analysis, and corrective action based on actual and trend amounts 6.Year-end tax filing and audit activities 7.Support internal and external audits to ensure compliance 8.Credit risk management, including identifying and assessing financial risk and legal liabilities 9.Governmental filings including W9 and 1099, and sales and use tax 10.Provide and support financial strategies initiatives on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual basis 11.Ensure accounting systems and processes are continually streamlined via process improvement to achieve greater efficiencies and accuracy in the level and timeliness of reporting 12.Participate in various accounting system automation and enhancement projects to promote more timely and accurate financial reporting

待遇面議 上市上櫃 員工515人

5/29 Sr. Specialist

  • 美國加利佛尼亞州
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1.Manage full sets of accounts includes performing daily accounting & finance duties such as receivables and payables processes, general ledger, tax and bank reconciliation, etc. 2.Prepare Monthly Financial Reports for Management Reporting. 3.Ensure integrity of GL and timely closing of accounts. 4.Liaising with suppliers and external auditors, coordinating with the tax agent on tax compliance, and ensuring that all accounting activities comply with the accounting policies. 5.Filling statutory, business statistics, and other returns required by local tax and legal legislation. 6.Any other ad-hoc duties as assigned.

待遇面議 員工6000人

5/30 Product Compliance Manager

  • 台北市中山區
  • 10年以上
  • 大學

The Product Compliance Program Manager is responsible for managing Product Compliance, Chemical management program including RSL/MRSL management and wastewater management, leading company wastewater and product safety compliance standards throughout the global manufacturing base, with the goal to meet customer requirements, reduce/eliminate risk to workers and consumers, the environment, the company and brands. 【Product Compliance deployment and Wastewater Program development 】 -Track Wastewater global regulation and industrial standard, meeting country regulation and align with industrial practices. -Develop and deploy the Wastewater Management program including policy establishment, internal business partner and vendor partner engagement and vendor training. -Develop and monitor Wastewater compliance testing program to meet country regulation and validate wastewater to ensure company taking the due diligence liability. -Lead the remediation if any Wastewater compliance failure, find out the root cause by partnering with vendors, provide leadership and make recommendation to minimize the business impact -Manage corporate Restricted Substance List (RSL) policy implementation and product compliance failure remediation with vendors partners and internal business partner, supplier product compliance tracking and reporting. -Manage corporate Chemical Management Policy deployment, aligning with industrial practice and meet the minimal requirement. -Support research on sustainable chemistries or green chemistry alternative if require 【Supply Chain Product Compliance and Wastewater Management Performance Assessment】 -Execute the Wastewater Management assessment tools (Higg FEM) to supply chain, driving the completion and verification rate improvement to give visibility of supply chain performance. -Manage and track factory KPI to measure Wastewater compliance performance including wastewater discharge permit, and support the integration with material sourcing system. -Conduct onsite factory audits for chemical management, RSL and wastewater compliance when necessary. 【Supply Chain Engagement, Training and Improvement】 -Identify and analyse the performance gap of supply chain to develop required training program, collaborating with manufacturing partners including liaison office material team and production. Provide recommendation to solve vendor’s challenge during the program implementation. -Engage internal and external stakeholders building relationship with the company manufacturing partners and the industry including testing service providers, GIZ fabric and other brands -Lead vendor meeting to communicate vendor performance and make recommendation of score card improvement. -Communicate and deliver technical RSL and Wastewater training to internal and external stakeholders, acting as technical centre to business partners for product compliance and wastewater requirement. -On-boarding the new hire from liaison offices and new vendors, introducing of company compliance policy and process -Manage wastewater capacity building programs by collaborating with business partner and service providers, including stakeholders’ engagement, program status tracking, make recommendation of improvement, negotiate with vendors or manufacturing partners to adopt required change. Columbia Sportswear Company and our portfolio of brands, including Columbia, SOREL, Mountain Hardwear and prAna, know a thing or two about adventures. After all, we've been on one since 1938, working to perfect the art of enjoying the outdoors. Behind everything we make is an employee who's found that the greatest adventure starts with joining a company that strives to do the right thing. This job description is not meant to be an all-inclusive list of duties and responsibilities, but constitutes a general definition of the position's scope and function in the company.




