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3/20 【明基佳世達集團】 產品應用工程經理/副理 (達昇)

  • 德國
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1. 幫助客戶解決UPS(不斷電系統)/solar inverter(太陽能逆變器)技術問題,並釐清產品技術相關責任,有時需要擔任業務與客戶間的橋樑,用客戶了解的語言協助處理技術問題,確保客戶能正常使用公司產品 2. 與供應商產品技術窗口,協助解決客戶產品異常、安裝與售後服務問題 3. 處理並改善客戶遇到的異常狀況,進而提昇客戶滿意度 4. 協助業務處理客戶所提出產品相關應用的技術問題,提供客戶技術支援服務 5. 協助業務人員在產品上的基礎知識訓練,並提供客戶在產品使用方面的技術訓練 6. 展會協助業務在展會做新產品推廣並讓來訪者了解公司產品 7. 協助分析DOA及RMA產品問題點 1. Provide UPS/solar inverter and batteries technical support to analyze failure, include wiring, installation, configuration, start up UPS/solar inverter operation and so on, to solve UPS/solar inverter application issues. 2. Serve as the suppliers’ window for technical support in order to solve product, installation and after-sales service problems. 3. Collect application requirement information to draft reports and finish root cause reports for closed UPS/solar inverter issues under investigation. 4. Provide product/application training to senior service, when required. 5. Coordinate with others in completing the assigned tasks, such as UPS/solar inverter Factory Acceptance Test based on projects in Lab

待遇面議 上市上櫃 員工120人

4/23 Germany-Field service engineer

  • 德國
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

Responsibilities: 1. Implementing onsite technical support & assessing mechanical, electrical and software installation & setting. 2. Identifying and addressing machine & programmer problems. 3. Working with a team & communicating with the headquarter R&D/ FAE team. 4. Conducting research and applying new knowledge & updating direct account/ end users requirements. 5. Training distributors & end customers' engineering personnel. 6. Conducting after services contract & performing routine maintenance to direct accounts 7. Maintaining a good working relationship with clients, local distributors Engineer Requirements: 1. Bachelor's degree in an engineering/ mechanical field; Master's degree will be beneficial. 2. Strong problem-solving, communication, and listening skills. 3. Experience in automation/ machine/ semiconductor field. 4. Language: English is a must, Chinese will be a plus

待遇面議 員工190人

4/24 駐美工程師

  • 美西地區
  • 7年以上
  • 專科

1.能使用CAD。 2.能使用3D(Soildworks或Pro/E)軟件。 3.清楚了解IDC產品。 4.了解AWS、微軟、谷歌、Facebook等一級大廠IDC的設計結構。 5.了解EIA/ECA-310、Open Rack Specification V3.0標準 6.能直接和客戶進行英文溝通。 7.能給客戶提出DFMEA&PFMEA的分析。 8.協助客戶解決客戶需要的結構方案。 7.產品風險識別--產品加工風險分析、產品公差分析、產品供應鏈風險分析。


4/26 Inside Sales (CEU)

  • 德國
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

Responsibilities: • Act as central role in maintaining relationship with existing customers, strengthening the customer engagement in their organizations. • Close on-going projects and achieve sales target, as well as key sales metrics. • Source and acquire new sales opportunities through in-bound sales leads and outbound customer/partner collaboration. • Manage and maintain company’s CRM database in the designated regions. • Participate in the engagement meetings, events, and exhibitions to present and demonstrate company products to customers. • Ensure creative sales and marketing materials undergo regular review and adhere to brand guidelines. What you can expect from this position: • You will become an Enterprise Storage Expert in shortest time – an expertise in demand. • You will quickly familiarize with IT Channel Sales Management and International Business Development. • You will work with multi-cultural team in Asia and in Europe. • You will be guided through a complete on-boarding process and begin with a mixture of existing and new customer base.

待遇面議 上市上櫃 員工450人

4/22 出差英國-運維工程師

  • 英國
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

崗位職責: 1.Linux作業系統安裝、維護、安全監控、優化、故障處理 2.熟悉http tcp協議 2.伺服器日常檢查以及維護 3.負責產品的部署、升級、優化、需求跟蹤、問題分析等 4.IDC機房伺服器管理 5.系統故障解決,追蹤問題並回報處理狀況 6.應用程式上線前相容性測試、部署 7.python腳本運維自動化開發 8.完善系統架構與日常運維等相關文檔 9.完成主管交辦事項 10.nginx配置或網站相關工作方面的經驗優先 每年都會有提升薪資機會;能力越高調整幅度越多 ----到職前須在台北分公司遠端培訓1-2個月後,為教育訓練期/實行後臺模擬訓練,能力合格後才可分配到英國分公司---- 任職資格: 1、團隊意識強,執行力強,責任心強,效率高。 2、有良好的職場意識,愛崗敬業。 3、溝通能力強,表達清楚。 *. 每年出差英國需達半年。 *. 此職務需要每半年出差至英國,請衡量自身規劃與取得家庭支持,再投遞履歷。. ➤這裡是個講求專業、敬業與團隊合作的公司,並且追求卓越、勇於嘗試與創新,若你嚮往與最優秀的夥伴一同擁抱夢想、互相激盪靈感, 歡迎加入我們! ➤在此誠摯邀請有企圖心、積極正向、肯學習的您加入我們的工作團隊,一同實現夢想!盡情發揮個人潛能、挑戰自我極限!





