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Software Engineer

  • 新竹縣竹北市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Onto Innovation is a leader in process control, combining global scale with an expanded portfolio of leading-edge technologies that include: 3D metrology spanning the chip from nanometer-scale transistors to micron-level die-interconnects; macro defect inspection of wafers and packages; metal interconnect composition; factory analytics; and lithography for advanced semiconductor packaging. Our breadth of offerings across the entire semiconductor value chain helps our customers solve their most difficult yield, device performance, quality, and reliability issues. Onto Innovation strives to optimize customers’ critical path of progress by making them smarter, faster and more efficient. We are seeking highly skilled software engineers of all experience levels to join a dynamic team building the next generation yield management software platform that would interface with data from all sources to help drive the development of the world's next generation of smaller, faster semiconductors and consumer electronics in a long-term global growth industry. The software engineer position is responsible for the full lifecycle of software development, from gathering requirements specifications from internal and external customers, all the way through analysis, design, implementation, unit testing, and support of internal and external customers to maximize the usability of the software to solve their needs. Organization: The Enterprise Business Unit consists of professionals that develop and support many software products for the Onto Innovation tools and similar tools throughout the Semiconductor industry. The Software Engineer will be part of a core team that develops a suite of enterprise software products for semiconductor manufacturers. Roles and Responsibilities: Our development culture affords engineers significant technical freedom and responsibility to solve challenging problems with input and guidance from the architecture and management team. At Onto, everyone is responsible for quality – all engineers are encouraged to promote new ideas for development methodologies and technologies, and to take ownership in solving issues as they are discovered. · Design, document, implement, test and maintain software for Onto Innovation’s Discover platform. · Participate in product requirements definition with peers, customers, management, and marketing. · Estimate and develop software on schedule and with high internal and external quality. · Debug issues, determine root cause, and implement fixes in-house and at customer sites. · Provide excellent written and verbal communication of concepts, plans, status, proposals, designs, etc. to software development, quality assurance, application, and product management team members. · Work with other engineers in cross-functional, cross-geographical development teams. · Position will include domestic and international travel up to 10% of the time. Qualifications: BS/MS in Computer Science or Software Engineering (Exceptional candidates from other fields will always be considered). Excellent object-oriented software design and development skills. Strongly Desired: Minimum 3 years of experience in software development Experience with Java, C++, and C#/.NET Framework. Experience with rich user-interface development. Proficient in crafting high-performance, resilient multi-threaded applications Experience with cloud computing, big data analytic infrastructure, and containerization technologies. Experience with database design and development. Experience with Unix/Linux systems including the use of shells and scripting languages. Semiconductor industry exposure. Demonstrate ability to learn quickly and adapt to innovative technologies and methodologies. Interested individuals are encouraged to include a portfolio of their work if available.

待遇面議 員工130人

7/27 專案工程師

  • 雲林縣麥寮鄉
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1. 執行案場施工管理(規劃、設計、採購、現場監造) 2. 配合案件執行聯絡、文書及設備安裝調試 3. 設備例行性維護與保養與異常排除 4. 熟OFFICE作業軟體 5. 須具備汽車駕照 6. 無經驗可,錄取後公司會安排完整的教育訓練 並初期將由資深夥伴帶領及教學 【加分條件】 ・具有良好的團隊合作精神和較強的協作能力,能適應偶爾出差。 ・有責任感,勤奮肯學習。 ・具備電氣圖識能力、工業配線能力尤佳 ・相關經驗者,薪資可再面談

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7/27 全端工程師

  • 基隆市仁愛區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

[工作內容] 1 開發與維護康凡賽務/賽誌服務產品 2 與同仁合作軟體專案需求討論及系統開發 3 與設計討論視覺需求與易於使用的使用者介面 4 能夠依據UI設計,開發可重用的元件 [必備條件] • 熟悉網頁切版 • 熟悉JS及 前端框架,如ReactJS、NextJS。 • 熟悉JavaScript • 熟悉Git • 不懼怕學習新技術,重視程式碼開發品質 [加分條件] • 熟悉Node.js與其相關框架 • 對於UnitTest了解(Jest...) • 了解TypeScript • 了解SOLID, Clean Code, Design Pattern, FP(Functional Programming) • 了解Docker相關技術 [人格特質] • 做事細心負責任 • 勇於溝通,樂於表達自己的想法 • 喜歡主動學習新技術,願意與團隊研究及分享技術新知

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7/26 B5G/6G RAN System Engineer _台達研究院(台北/新竹)

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

» Design and implementation for B5G/6G L1 features on virtual RAN platform • Research and design of next generation (6G) wireless communication systems for radio access networks with emphasis on the physical layer. • Development of link-level or system simulation for 6G key technologies • Detailed algorithms and software design of 6G potential L1 features over commercial CPU/GPU platforms • Performance evaluation under unit testing and/or end-to-end testing with O-RAN/vRAN architecture

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7/26 Python軟體工程師

  • 新北市新莊區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1. 熟悉Python程式語言 2. 擁有通訊技術能力: 如RS232、TCP/IP、UART... 3. 具備學習不同通信協定的能力 4. 維護及修改公司既有產品 5. 具備良好之溝通、團隊合作之能力。 6. 對新設備新領域開發有興趣者(嵌入式系統,IIoT)。 7. 會有需要出差至客戶工廠協助將我司產品連接客戶的MES 8. 主管交待事項

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7/26 智慧製造技術研發副理

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 8年以上
  • 專科

1. 軟體開發專案需求訪談、溝通協調、解決方案規劃、風險評估、管理與排除 2. 負責軟體開發部門內部工作分配、品質管控、進度報告 3. 執行軟體開發部門人員管理、KPI達成和人才培養 4. 為公司重大決策專案、新產品技術的立項和開發提供建議及指導 5. 跨部門開發需求技術評估支援,整合團隊技術需求與資源調配 6. 協助部門制定產品研發方向

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7/26 Field Application Engineer (RF)

  • 新竹縣竹北市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Organization & Role The Teradyne Field Applications team is looking for a highly-motivated, energetic, driven Field Application Engineer (RF) who will work collaboratively with the team as well as independently to determine and develop imaginative, thorough, and practical application solutions. Responsibilities 1. IC test program development. 2. Provides technical expertise and value to customers. 3. Provides technical support in sales presentations, product demonstrations. 4. Provides answers to customer inquiries concerning system software and applications. 5. Provides software/hardware development and consultation. 6. May build application solutions based on customer requirements enhancing the product performance allowing it to become the platform of choice (design-ins). *本公司待遇優,並提供完整培訓計畫,歡迎有半導體測試開發經驗工程師加入本公司行列!

待遇面議 外商公司
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7/26 Test Engineer

  • 新竹縣竹北市
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

職務概述: 作為一名軟體測試工程師,您將在確保寬頻產品,光纖 ONU Wi-Fi Gateway 和 Easymesh AP 設備的品質和可靠性方面扮演關鍵角色。負責測試驗證、測試計劃管理和設計自動化程式,對於產品性能和用戶體驗帶來影響力。 主要職責: • 測試驗證:  -與跨職能團隊合作,了解產品需求和規格。  -制定並執行測試計劃、測試用例和測試場景。  -進行功能、回歸和性能測試。  -識別缺陷,跟踪問題,並與開發人員密切合作解決問題。 • 測試計劃管理:  -為各種產品功能定義全面的測試策略和測試計劃。  -根據風險評估和關鍵功能優先考慮測試工作。  -確保在不同情境和場景下進行測試。  -不斷改進測試流程和方法。 • 自動化程式設計:  -使用適當的工具和框架(例如Python、Selenium、PyTest, Allure)設計、開發和維護自動化測試腳本。  -對功能和非功能方面進行端到端的自動化測試。  -監控並分析測試結果,找出改進的領域。 • 設備專業知識:  -深入了解寬頻光纖 ONU Wi-Fi Gateway 和 Easymesh AP 設備。  -理解底層技術、協議和通信接口。  -與其他網路組件進行互操作性測試。 • 協作和溝通:  -與開發團隊、產品經理和其他利益相關者密切合作。  -有效地傳達測試進度、結果和問題。  -參與設計審查,從測試角度提供反饋。

待遇面議 員工80人
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7/26 Linux交易程式工程師

  • 台北市信義區
  • 4年以上
  • 大學

工作內容:維護/開發/測試/維運交易程式 職務要求: 0. 熟悉LINUX, C或C++ 1. 熟悉網路,多執行緒程式開發 2. 熟悉股票或期貨交易系統,包含行情與交易 應徵履歷,請提供 1。LINUX交易程式開發經驗 2。當 manager/ team leader 的經驗 3。把事情做好 而不是做完的經驗 4。自主學習一個陌生事物的經驗 5。上次在時間緊迫的壓力下要完成工作是什麼情況? 當時怎麼做? 6。參與過規模最大的專案是什麼?在其中是什麼角色?

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7/26 Software Engineer

  • 新竹縣竹北市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Onto Innovation is a leader in process control, combining global scale with an expanded portfolio of leading-edge technologies that include: 3D metrology spanning the chip from nanometer-scale transistors to micron-level die-interconnects; macro defect inspection of wafers and packages; metal interconnect composition; factory analytics; and lithography for advanced semiconductor packaging. Our breadth of offerings across the entire semiconductor value chain helps our customers solve their most difficult yield, device performance, quality, and reliability issues. Onto Innovation strives to optimize customers’ critical path of progress by making them smarter, faster and more efficient. We are seeking highly skilled software engineers of all experience levels to join a dynamic team building the next generation yield management software platform that would interface with data from all sources to help drive the development of the world's next generation of smaller, faster semiconductors and consumer electronics in a long-term global growth industry. The software engineer position is responsible for the full lifecycle of software development, from gathering requirements specifications from internal and external customers, all the way through analysis, design, implementation, unit testing, and support of internal and external customers to maximize the usability of the software to solve their needs. Organization: The Enterprise Business Unit consists of professionals that develop and support many software products for the Onto Innovation tools and similar tools throughout the Semiconductor industry. The Software Engineer will be part of a core team that develops a suite of enterprise software products for semiconductor manufacturers. Roles and Responsibilities: Our development culture affords engineers significant technical freedom and responsibility to solve challenging problems with input and guidance from the architecture and management team. At Onto, everyone is responsible for quality – all engineers are encouraged to promote new ideas for development methodologies and technologies, and to take ownership in solving issues as they are discovered. · Design, document, implement, test and maintain software for Onto Innovation’s Discover platform. · Participate in product requirements definition with peers, customers, management, and marketing. · Estimate and develop software on schedule and with high internal and external quality. · Debug issues, determine root cause, and implement fixes in-house and at customer sites. · Provide excellent written and verbal communication of concepts, plans, status, proposals, designs, etc. to software development, quality assurance, application, and product management team members. · Work with other engineers in cross-functional, cross-geographical development teams. · Position will include domestic and international travel up to 10% of the time. Qualifications: BS/MS in Computer Science or Software Engineering (Exceptional candidates from other fields will always be considered). Excellent object-oriented software design and development skills. Strongly Desired: Minimum 3 years of experience in software development Experience with Java, C++, and C#/.NET Framework. Experience with rich user-interface development. Proficient in crafting high-performance, resilient multi-threaded applications Experience with cloud computing, big data analytic infrastructure, and containerization technologies. Experience with database design and development. Experience with Unix/Linux systems including the use of shells and scripting languages. Semiconductor industry exposure. Demonstrate ability to learn quickly and adapt to innovative technologies and methodologies. Interested individuals are encouraged to include a portfolio of their work if available.

待遇面議 員工130人
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7/26 工程二組韌體工程師

  • 新北市汐止區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

韌體的開發職位要求: * 熟悉C/C++等編程語言 * 具備良好的解決問題能力、團隊合作精神和溝通能力 * 如果對上述技術需求有接觸過不熟悉,但C/C++語言有一定的程度,很喜歡寫程式,也可以到公司面談 韌體程式開發: • 目前開發產品主要為RFID(LF, HF, UHF) • 產品使用多樣的MCU有C8051, ARM, Microchip的MCU等

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7/26 GW-軟體開發工程師(工作地點:竹北) (A06010103)

  • 新竹縣竹北市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

* Reviews product specifications to determine scope of works. * Designs, implement and verify new feauter based on customer request. * Analyzes software codes, system risks and software reliabilities. * Field issue troubleshooting and onsite debug * Coach and share S/W engineering experience & knowledge to colleague.

待遇面議 員工100人
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7/26 軟體工程師(台南)

  • 台南市新市區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

1.新軟體開發工具學習及應用。 2. 舊軟體系統維護與新需求功能撰寫。 1)軟體需求分析、程式設計、撰寫與維護。 2)進行軟體的測試與修改,以及控管軟體設計進度。 3)以Visual Studio開發環境為主,熟悉相關程式開發工具(VB/C#.Net)為佳。 3.熟悉Wonderware圖控軟體設計開發(Intouch、system platform)經驗優先錄用。 通訊經驗優先錄用。

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7/26 (122-1)【台北軟體研發中心】- 軟體工程師

  • 新北市新店區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1. 根據需求文件進行軟體開發、整合與技術研究。 2. 優化軟體系統的效能,最大限度地減少軟體系統對資源的需求。 3. 進行跨平台與跨團隊整合,分析並優化軟體系統執行效能。

待遇面議 上市上櫃
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