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7/26 Software Designer (Tools Team)

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

Develop Qualcomm-ARM based Windows tools/drivers for BIOS and the other ARM based Windows/Linux tools for BIOS. Work content: 1. Develop Trust Zone Windows applications to communicate with Trust Zone driver and BIOS. 2. Develop Trust Zone Windows drivers to communicate with Trust Zone applications and BIOS. 3. Develop BIOS tools and customer requested tools for ARM based Windows/Linux. 4. Implement Phoenix Tools Development Kit (TDK) libraries and tools on ARM based Windows/Linux. 5. Familiar SPI/BIOS flash flow and requirements on both x86 and ARM systems and support relative tools development. 6. Contribute innovative design/function ideas in new software development. 7. Support requests from internal teams or external vendors. 8. Support bug fixing and urgent requests from international vendors. Required Skills: 1. Familiar with C/C++/VC++ programming. 2. Familiar with ARM based Windows/Linux software development environment. 3. Familiar with software development process. 4. Ability to solve problems and develop software independently. 5. Innovative and strong self-learning ability. 6. Great teamwork. 7. Good communication skills and basic English read/write ability.

待遇面議 員工200人
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7/26 BIOS Engineer

  • 台北市南港區
  • 7年以上
  • 大學

Main Responsibilities (but not limited as list): 1. Responsible for x86 server BIOS development, including RAS, SMBIOS, ACPI, GPIO, SMI, ROM update, and some Lenovo specific features, etc. 2. Handle BIOS issue, provide root cause and analysis. 3. Participate Design Process and Design Guide setup and enhancement 4. Study and develop new technical features, update roadmap regularly. Experience: 7+ years experience in x86 server BIOS development, have a good knowledge of x86 architecture and products, have rich experiences of products BIOS firmware development. Skill set: 1. Be familiar with AMI Aptio code or other UEFI code, Intel ITP, American Arium XDP and Windows Debug usage. 2. Good knowledge of UEFI, BMC, IPMI, PCI/PCIe, USB, I2C, SPD, SMBIOS, ACPI, IPMI, SMI, MRC, PPM, and Windows and Linux kernel and driver are plus. 3. Good communication skills in Chinese and English. 4. Eager to learn, explore new technologies, have innovative spirit.

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7/26 BMC Firmware工程師

  • 新北市林口區
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

1. 負責定義新產品BMC開發任務書,並且依據新產品開發架構內容來評估BMC開發計畫及任務里程碑。 2. 負責新產品BMC的功能定義、編寫概要內容,與供應商合作,透過供應商提供的功能平台模組進行開發評估及覆核工作,並負責追踨供應商進度。 3. 待產品上市成熟後,負責處理客戶端反應BMC的相關問題,並且提供解決方案

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7/26 RD-DPD-EC韌體工程師(土城)-D事業群

  • 新北市土城區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

1. PC MCU韌體(Embedded Controller)/FreeRTOS 程式開發、更新、維護 2. PC MCU韌體(Embedded Controller)/FreeRTOS 研發時程及可行性評估 3. PC MCU韌體(Embedded Controller)/FreeRTOS 規格的review與分析 4. ELC韌體開發 5. 專案執行與相關功能團隊合作 5.良好的溝通協調能力 6.具備產品分析與問題解決能力 7.對工作具備熱誠 8.具備邏輯思考能力與抗壓性

待遇面議 上市上櫃
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7/26 RD-BIOS韌體開發工程師(土城)-D事業群

  • 新北市土城區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

1.x86 platform technology study & planning (specification/documents) 2.UEFI firmware development for projects 3.UEFI firmware debug and analysis root cause 4.UEFI code maintenance 5.OEM e-Module function implement & debug 6 Interdepartmental communication and coordination 7. Support factory

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7/26 驅動程式工程師 Driver Engineer

  • 新竹縣寶山鄉
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

(1) Develop/maintain SATA/AHCI/PCIe driver in Linux/Dos/Windows/UEFI (2) Develop/maintain scripts and tools Job Requirements: (1) Good knowledge on C (2) Familiar with application development in Linux/Windows (3) Familiar with driver/firmware development (4) Good team working and communication skill JMicron, founded in 2001 and located in Hsinchu Science Park, is a leading provider for high speed SerDes bridge controller SOC's mainly in storage application utilizing USB, PCIe, and SATA. With recent merger of KaiKuTek, our product portfolio now extends to 3D mmWave smart sensor for gesture recognition and AIoT markets. We now possess key technologies in areas such as Antenna-in-Package (AiP), ML algorithm, AI accelerator, as well as 60 GHz radar transceiver design. This new sensing technology will change and redefine human-machine interface as we know today, and mmWave technology combined with high speed SerDes will open door to many new possibilities and application frontiers. JMicron is looking for enthusiastic analog/RFIC designers willing to take upon new challenges of working closely with cross functional teams, including digital IC designers, antenna/packaging engineers, hardware engineers, software and firmware engineers, production and testing as well as marketing and FAE, to optimize the overall SoC performance in terms of power, area, functionality, testability as well as to create proof-of-concept for new customer engagement.

待遇面議 員工75人
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7/26 NB軟韌體工程師_12984

  • 台北市北投區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

從事電腦 BIOS開發工作。 1. 開發、除錯與維護BIOS 2. 與客戶和內部研發單位溝通定義設計規格 3. 提供BIOS相關的技術支援 4. 需會C語言,若會C++、Python可加分

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7/26 雲端伺服器UEFI韌體開發 - J0332

  • 桃園市龜山區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1. Low level UEFI driver code development where firmware meets hardware. 2. Deep diving to understand linkages and make code changes in codebase with 20+ developers. 3. Collaborate with server platform developers to deliver complex features. 4. Provide technical consultation to related colleague, such as Sales, Marketing, and etc. 5. Travel oversea and participate in server platform fault diagnostic. 6. Generate any server design documentation required by clients.

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7/26 筆記型電腦BIOS韌體研發- J0169

  • 桃園市龜山區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1. uEFI BIOS porting 2. co-work with the project team and bug fixed 3. provide the technical consultation to the related colleague 4. discuss BIOS spec. with customer 5. coordinate with customer and factory 6. 工作待遇/職稱:將依學經歷進行敘薪

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7/26 BIOS工程師

  • 新北市新店區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

1. 開發、維護、改善主機板BIOS程式。 2. IPC主機板相關零件控制方法。 3. 負責BIOS程式問題解決。 4. UEFI/BIOS code。

待遇面議 員工140人
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7/26 BIOS 研發工程_12860

  • 台北市北投區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

UEFI BIOS 軟體開發與維護 1. UEFI BIOS programming (in C language) 2. UEFI BIOS functions feature implementation 3. Bring up system, porting components, debugging issues 4. UEFI/BIOS Application development

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7/26 伺服器BIOS工程師

  • 新北市中和區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1. 專案規格確認、開發時程確認、製訂BIOS 規格 2. 實現規格需求、功能建置與測試、問題分析與解決 3. 協同其他function team members 問題分析與解決 4. 處理開發各階段與量產後製造單位及客戶端所有與BIOS相關之問題 5. BIOS 維護與更新、客製化需求、版本釋出與控管

待遇面議 員工850人
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7/26 BIOS高級工程師/BIOS專員_12856

  • 台北市北投區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1. Design, develop and maintain AMI BIOS FW. 2. Develop or porting BIOS features to new Intel/AMD platforms. 3. Handle projects and communicate closely with other function teams. 4. Write, integrate and maintain common specifications for BIOS teams. 5. Validate functions from R&D point of view for features.

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