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7/26 研發處級主管

  • 新竹縣竹北市
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1.帶領團隊完成客戶RFQ/RFP,並提供完整設計方案給客戶。 2.依據客戶,帶領團隊進行產品線路設計、零件選用、軟體開發與相關成本優化。 3.與客戶討論相關設計及測試技術並提供具體方案。 4.協調團隊解決產品品質、效能及生產問題。 5.協同業務爭取OEM/ODM代工項目並推廣研發團隊能力。 6.整合研發資源與人才。 7.規劃公司的技術發展藍圖與新產品開發,實現公司的技術創新目標。 8.產品研發設計審核與進度控管。

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7/26 Engineering Manager

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 8年以上
  • 專科

UNIGRAF/Ellisys Unigraf is seeking an Engineering Manager to lead its operations in Taiwan. Unigraf is a worldwide leading video electronics testing company specializing in hardware and software test and analysis tools for DisplayPort™, HDMI™, and USB technologies. Unigraf’s strengths include a deep understanding of these popular interconnect technologies as applied to R&D, validation, test automation, and compliance test / qualification environments. Unigraf’s compliance test tools can be used to verify that products are designed and work according to requirements set by standards bodies including the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA), Digital Content Protection LLC (DCP), the HDMI Forum, and the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF). Unigraf is a cutting-edge technology company serving world class video electronics companies. The company has more than 50 employees located in technology markets across the US, Europe, and Asia. The company’s products are represented by a global network of direct sales staff, application engineers, and authorized distributors. Unigraf is a member of the Symbiosys Alliance (www.symbiosys.io). Responsibilities: • End-to-end Development: Lead the planning, implementation, and follow-up of Unigraf’s video test equipment (DisplayPort, USB-C, and HDMI) protocol analyzers and pattern generators. • Team Management: Serve as the line manager for Unigraf’s Taiwan R&D team. • Architectural Definition: Participate in high-level architectural definition of SW, FW, FPGA, and HW for future products. • Project Management: Manage product and feature projects, technical backlogs, and priorities. • On-site Leadership: Oversee on-site management of the R&D team in Taiwan. • Recruitment and Evaluation: Handle R&D recruitment, employee performance evaluations, and competence development. • Subcontractor Management: Select and manage R&D subcontractors. • Tools and Environments: Collaborate on design tools (with Tech Leads and PMs) and development environments (test/dev labs) and related IT. • Repair and Manufacturing: Manage repair and manufacturing operations in Taiwan. • Local Issues: Address other local issues as needed. Qualifications: • Experience: Minimum of 15 years in engineering experience in fields related to USB-C, DisplayPort, or HDMI. • Team Management: At least 5 years of experience managing R&D teams with more than 10 members. • Project Management: Multi-disciplinary and multi-site R&D project management expertise (EE, ME, SW, FW, FPGA). • Education: BS degree in EE or equivalent field, MS or MBA a plus. • Business Acumen: Sense of urgency, passion, and understanding of overall business priorities with demonstratable ability to develop tradeoff analysis models. • Engineering Excellence: Strong commitment to design processes and engineering excellence. • Communication: Excellent communication skills, cross cultural awareness and understanding, and fluency in English. • Technical Skills: Proficiency in embedded system design, SW quality assurance, and methods. • Individual Attributes: Customer focus, action/ results oriented, detailed planner and organizer, self-managed, flexible, thrive on change, change agent, able to achieve success in a dynamic environment, passion about people management and technology. • Additional Assets: Experience with test equipment development or Standards Committees and flexibility for international travel and off-hours support.

待遇面議 員工19人 遠端工作
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7/26 車載售服駐廠工程師(三義、新竹)

  • 苗栗縣三義鄉
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. 車廠產品客訴、售後服務處理、會判作業、結案報告提交 (需常出差工廠;苗栗三義) 2. Tier1零配件量產前品質確認作業執行 3. BP/SOP執行及案件反饋與統計 4. 配合零件物流中心及各地保養廠重大客訴件現場會判與紀錄 5. 產品/產線交付等作業溝通與協助

待遇面議 上市上櫃
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7/26 技術研發高階主管(桃園六福路廠區)

  • 桃園市蘆竹區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1. 負責設計前期之分析,設計概念發想,擬定產品開發策略。 2. 負責產品設計、開發進度與品質、成本的控制管理至成功試量產。 3. 負責研發單位作業流程優化、產品計畫與研發專案管理。 4. 帶領團隊執行研發計畫、精進產品技術,並達成各項效率指標。 5. 優化產品設計與協助生產單位建立基礎工程團隊以提升產品製程能力。 6. 整合機構、電控、軟體等功能性研發團隊,督導各項產品專案研發進度以支援產品線業務發展之產品需求。

待遇面議 上市上櫃 員工160人
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7/26 研發類-Robotics RD Center Lead 機器人研發中心主管

  • 新竹市
  • 10年以上
  • 碩士

職務說明: 負責機器人研發中心相關產業洞察、產品開發 與技術創新、團隊領導與管理 主要任務: A. 在產業 Ecosystem 中找到自我定位與有價值的應用情境 B. 規劃短中長期的產品與技術 Roadmap ,開發有競爭力的產品 C. 吸引並找到對的人才加入,願意挽起袖子與夥伴一起解決問題,願意培養核心幹部,建立接班人才計畫 D. 扮演相關技術的溝通橋梁,用清楚的論述與總結能力以潛顯易懂方式與利害關係人進行向上、向下及橫向部門溝通並凝聚共識

待遇面議 員工95人
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7/26 硬體研發主管

  • 新北市中和區
  • 10年以上
  • 大學

動力系統開發設計 、 定義產品規格。 ODM /JDM專案之技術審查 , 掌握產品開發時程及 技術 文件審核, 運用電子電機專業 能力處理技術相關問題,進行解析 ,並提出改善建議,優化產品功能 有良好的跨部門溝通協調能力與團隊合作精神

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7/26 【D720】車用電子研發主管

  • 新北市中和區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

工作內容 : 1. 硬體研發設計審核與進度管控。 2. 關鍵零組件選用與工程變更審核。 3. 研發成本審核與目標達成管理。 4. 協助新技術及品質問題分析及產品導入量產。 5. 硬體部門資源協調與管理。 6. 協助硬體相關提案(RFP)及報告製作。 技能要求 : 1. 熟OrCAD及Allegro。 2. 具備ARM平台開發經驗。 3. 具備baseband 及RF 相關經驗。 4. 具備ISO26262/ISO21434 經驗為佳。 5. 具備英文溝通及簡報能力。

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7/26 研發主管

  • 桃園市平鎮區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

Your responsibilities will be: • New product development and introduction (新產品開發) • New process development and introduction (新製程開發) • New material development, qualification, and introduction(新材料開發) • Yield improvement ( design change ) activity for LTCC IPD, High Q inductor (良率改善) • Project management & R&D tech build-up (專案管理與研發技術建立)

待遇面議 上市上櫃 員工600人
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7/26 電子課課長(RS06)

  • 台北市中山區
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

1. 熟類比數位硬體控制電路設計,並了解電子零件之特性&應用; 2. 熟PCB layout及軟體設計操作—熟DXP( Altium Designer) / Protel layout; 3. 可配合出差海外技轉量產&技術支援. 4. 善於開發專案工作分派及跨部門溝通協調.

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7/26 研發課長

  • 台中市西屯區
  • 5年以上
  • 碩士

1.承接新產品開發目標,規劃新產品整體設計開發時程 2.蒐集與導入新技術、觀念與市場資訊,開發客戶潛在需求之新產品 3.承接生產技術改善目標,規劃生產技術改善工作計畫 4.掌握產業安全相關規範,以確保產品符合市場規範 5.規劃及發展部門組織管理發展

待遇面議 員工500人
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7/26 Technical Head/Manager

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

Technical Head/Manager Affiliates.One is a growing Asia & Global Affiliate Network serving thousands of global affiliates and handling millions of data monthly. At the heart of its operation are the people that believe in Digital Marketing as a marketing channel that can bring exponential growth to any online business. We started as a local affiliate network running a few online campaigns and supporting local affiliates by utilizing our in-house platform. Now, our network has been growing fast and is expanding its reach globally. As a result, we need to provide scalable solutions for our affiliates, advertisers and team members. Currently, we are building a solid team of engineers that can help with developing, maintaining, optimizing and supporting our in-house platform and its users. You will be working with the existing engineers, overseeing & managing their development, implementation and maintenance of the platform. You will act as a communication point between the engineers and operation team members. Here are the details: Responsibilities 1.Maintain, improve, supervise and implement robust and efficient technical standards, systems and processes of development from start to finish. 2.Provide direction and support to ensure compliance with relevant legal and regulatory standards. 3.Lead the engineering team in developing new features or products. This includes making sure that each small tasks are meeting the due dates. 4.Review each code submission to make sure it meets all the requirements and standards for production ready. 5.Act as a key contact with operation team in gathering requirements or information for new features or bug fixes.

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7/26 研發主管

  • 台南市安南區
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

機械設計部門主管(副理或經理職),熟以下事務及人員管理: 1.機械工程繪圖與結構。 2.機構材料的測試與選用。 3.繪製機構設計圖面。 4.專案執行。 5.具機械設備和自動化設備設計實務經驗或製造有經驗者(具主管職經驗者佳)

待遇面議 員工40人
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7/26 系統整合主管

  • 台北市北投區
  • 8年以上
  • 大學

1. 參與系統產品規格制定 2. 整合公司產品資源/設計規格 3. 定義系統線材規格 4. 系統BOM內容提供及確認 5. 系統基本功能測試及確認 6. 系統開發過程文件產出,HW/FW版本控管 7. 工廠系統組裝技轉

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7/26 研發主管

  • 新北市三重區
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

1.精通電腦網路相機,數位相機,數位攝影機及多媒體視訊產品。 2.五年以上電子產品相關工作經驗。 3.熟委外設計流程。 4.設計開發流程規劃。 5.產品規格書之撰寫。 6.光,機,電,人機介面之設計整合。 7.新產品之設計驗證規劃。

待遇面議 員工65人
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7/26 硬體工程師

  • 新北市五股區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

1. 電子相關科系畢 2. 熟悉數位及類比電路設計具有三年以上開發經驗 3. 有CCTV硬體設計開發,layout經驗者佳 4. 須具焊接實驗電路板元件技術

待遇面議 員工26人
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