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7/27 Technical(Application) Engineer(Tainan)

  • 台南市新市區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

1. 協助客戶產品應用。 2. 解決客戶技術問題,與國外RD、PM合作作排除技術障礙。 3. 回覆技術問答,提供現有解決方案。 4. 前往客戶端測試、簡報、排除問題。 5. 具備溝通能力良好,強調團隊合作,支援業務單位。

待遇面議 員工85人
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7/27 |Services| Services Representative 客戶服務工程師(北部)

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

您將在客戶現場對所有施耐德產品進行安裝、檢查、維護、故障排除和維修客戶設備和提供技術支援。利用各種工具測試電路和設備、分析設備故障原因並為客戶說明維護手冊內容。 工作職責: 1. 提供卓越的客戶服務與建議。 2. 對施耐德電氣產品組合中的設備執行啟動/調整/測試。 3. 對設備進行預防性、計劃性和計劃外維護。 4. 記錄每個站點所有必需信息,並提供技術報告。 5. 現場工作執行後,提供當日的服務時間和費用,由客戶簽字驗收。 6. 正確記錄、標記設備維修時所使用的所有故障或短缺料件,並將其送回指定的維修地點。 ※此職務須能配合客戶地點出差至其他縣市,但多為當日往返行程,無須長期派駐外地。 ※台北/高雄皆有辦公室,歡迎北中南優秀人選踴躍投遞應徵。 What you will do: 1. Provide outstanding customer service. 2. Advise customers on best practice, new services and upgrade opportunities. 3. Perform Startup/Commissioning on equipment across the Schneider Electric product portfolio. 4. Perform Preventive, scheduled and unscheduled Maintenance on equipment. 5. Track Installed Base. (serviceable assets) 6. Submit Opportunity Detected during his interventions. 7. Support serviceable Schneider equipment including but not limited to: electrical switchgear, HVAC/CRAC systems, UPS systems, PDUs, RPPs, BMS systems, PLCs, HMIs, Drives. 8. Leads or contributes to Field Services small projects coordination and execution on customer site. (end of life, modernization, upgrade etc) 9. Must have proven skill level to interpret blueprints and other service documents, including but not limited to, specifications, reporting and quality requirements. 10. Perform basic audits of customer’s electrical systems and equipment. 實際職務內容,請參考影片:https://youtu.be/CAKJVzjVMTA

待遇面議 外商公司 員工300人
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7/27 實習-客戶服務工程師 Intern-Services Representative(6個月/表現良好可轉正)

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

您曾夢想在一家以”做有意義的事”為驅動力的公司工作嗎?或是曾夢想在一家多元包容的公司,讓您盡情發揮所長、實現您的創新思維? 施耐德電機正在招募客戶服務部的實習生,讓您可以實現您的工作夢想,發揮你的才能! 在施耐德電機,我們相信每個人都應該公平享有能源與數位化的基本權利,我們讓所有人以最少的資源做最多的事,確保每個地方、每個人、每個時刻都能享受“Life Is On”。我們為客戶提供能源和數位解決方案,以提高效率和永續發展性。 【電機相關科系之專科或大學應屆畢業生/每週至少需能上班四天】 在實習過程中,你會接觸哪些內容? 1. 藉由你的洞察,協助提供客戶專業的服務與建議。 2. 協助進行施耐德產品的設備啟動、調整、測試。 3. 協助進行施耐德設備的預防性、計劃性和計劃外維護。 4. 協助記錄每個專案的詳細資訊(包含:scope、成本、時程)。 5. 協助執行專案,並確保過程中的一致性、可控性。 6. 協助記錄設備維修時所使用的材料,包含:汰換料件規格、驗收報告 。   在實習過程中,你會學習哪些內容? 1. 學習理論知識在實務現場的執行。 2. 了解施耐德產品的詳細資訊、使用說明以及在各產業的應用(例如:半導體業/科技業/Data Center/IT機房/銀行商辦/製造業)。 3. 透過實務現場,學習如何使用軟體或檢測工具對電機產品進行檢查、維護、故障排除。 4. 透過實務現場,學習使用者介面操作,並提供技術相關教育訓練讓客戶理解運作邏輯。 5. 透過實務現場,學習如何有效溝通,讓專案執行的過程更為順暢。

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7/27 |CS&Q| Primary Technical Support Agent技術支援客服代表

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

To be our customers’ advocate and single point of contact for all technical support remotely, which includes: 1. Product selection, application, maintenance/set-up support and troubleshooting 2. Provide customers the requested documents such as user manuals, catalogues, certificates, test reports, etc. 3. Build and update Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 4. To provide high-level customer service and technical expertise. 5. To detect leads, the potential opportunities from customer interactions 6. To take ownership of our customers’ issues and complaints until resolved to their satisfaction 7. Follow standard procedures for proper escalation of unresolved issues to the appropriate internal teams. 8. Lead and demonstrate technical and procedural excellence while managing difficult customers and escalations.

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7/27 |Services| Software Services Representative 客戶服務工程師(北部/SCADA)

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

您將在客戶現場對所有施耐德監控軟體產品(包含但不限於:SCADA系統、智能電錶、智能繼電器、 I/O modules。)進行安裝、檢查、維護、故障排除和維修客戶設備和提供技術支援。 工作職責: 1. 瞭解與溝通客戶需求,對於產品的應用,設計及選用,提出對應的建議及說明,並協助提供IoT的技術協助和解決方法。 2. 弱電系統整合並串接 IoT 裝置與不同的硬體和通信協議。 3. 底層資料收集和處理,以實現數據監控和遠端管理。 4. 配合專案及業務人員協調資源達成產品整合,協助客戶上線測試並解決應用問題。 ※此職務須能配合客戶地點出差至其他縣市,但多為當日往返行程,無須長期派駐外地。 SW Services Representative is accountable for installing, inspecting, maintaining, troubleshooting and repairing customer equipment. The incumbent will maintain, retrofit, and provide technical support for all Schneider products, both in the shop and on site. Work on competitive equipment may also be part of the role. The role will instruct customers on the operation and maintenance of equipment. As an Operation role, the Services Representative must be available to respond to emergency calls and for intervention when required for customers’ assistance. Maintain service equipment, tools and documentation. Identify sales opportunities and submit them to sales teams in the Services systems. What you will do: 1. Provide outstanding customer service. 2. Advise customers on best practice, new services and upgrade opportunities. 3. Perform Startup/Commissioning on equipment across the Schneider Electric product portfolio. 4. Perform Preventive, scheduled and unscheduled Maintenance on equipment. 5. Track Installed Base. (serviceable assets) 6. Submit Opportunity Detected during his interventions. 7. Support serviceable Schneider equipment including but not limited to: electrical switchgear, HVAC/CRAC systems, UPS systems, PDUs, RPPs, BMS systems, PLCs, HMIs, Drives 8. Leads or contributes to Services small projects coordination and execution on customer site (end of life, modernization, upgrade etc) 9. Must have proven skill level to interpret blueprints and other service documents, including but not limited to, specifications, reporting and quality requirements. 10. Perform basic audits of customer’s electrical systems and equipment. 實際職務內容,請參考影片:https://youtu.be/CAKJVzjVMTA

待遇面議 外商公司 員工300人
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7/27 設備客服工程師(中區)

  • 台中市大雅區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1. 半導體設備組裝。 2. 半導體設備維修及預防保養。 3.進行例行性售後服務(如:客戶拜訪、產品狀況了解及客訴處理)。 4.建立售後服務制度。 5.回覆客戶應用技術的問題,提供產品技術諮詢。 6.提供客戶技術服務,必要時外勤至客戶處安裝、檢修儀器設備。 7.接聽客服電話,回應並處理產品客訴抱怨。

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7/27 充電樁場勘工程師

  • 台中市潭子區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

1.現場勘查並與客戶溝通安裝方式及配線方式及位置。 2.其他客戶需求及管委會溝通協調事項。 3.計算及量測紀錄所需要的材料,並填寫回報公司。 4.與華城客服及技術人員溝通。 5.向公司技術主管報告案場特別注意事項。 6.以現場照片繪製配線線路及安裝位置圖,並提供給華城客服及公司技術部門。

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7/27 業務工程師

  • 新北市林口區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1. 協助業務處理客戶對產品相關應用問題的技術諮詢及售後服務。 2. 客戶端產品初判、覆判與資訊收集與管理。 3. 撰寫產品說明書和技術文件。 4. 協助產品測試和問題回饋。 5. 客戶專案議題之內部整合與追蹤。 6. 其他主管交辦之工作事項。 7. 跨部門溝通協調。 本職位旨在協助業務處理客戶對產品相關應用問題的技術諮詢及售後服務,提供客戶端產品初判、覆判與資訊收集與管理。此職位作為公司業務與客戶之間的重要溝通橋樑,具有開發前景。 歡迎有志之士加入我們的團隊,有意者請提供履歷表。

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7/27 客服工程師

  • 台北市大安區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

業務工程師 1.線上處理客戶反映問題 2.案件開案/分派/跟催/結案 3.大型專案支援 4.工作調整機動性高,我們也在找尋隨時可配合組織調整的你 基本條件: 1. 具耐心及高EQ 2. 具基本網路知識、如何連結網路及Wi-Fi即可 3. 解決問題能力:/與客戶聯繫解決店家在設定系統上或使用上的疑難雜症並建立良好信任關係能,獨立、自主完成例行作業並分析,與落實執行解決方案 4. 有POS操作經驗者佳 5. 有業務經驗佳 加分條件: 1. 有網路軟體業、零售、 寵物、美業 2. 具備跨部門溝通能力 3. 具備文書報表處理 4. 願意主動挑戰未有經驗或跨領域的工作 請求職者特別留意:此工作屬客服,需要外出至客戶進行問題協助 有持續學習的心,系統的功能進階飛速,若無法持續吸收新知,則不適合此份工作 團隊相當積極且機動性高! 我們歡迎有熱忱且學習力強上手快速的你加入!

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7/26 <派遣至外商半導體Inxxx公司> Wireless customer engineer 無線通訊客戶工程師(藍芽、Wifi) - 105 EL

  • 台北市南港區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

• Issue Triage: Efficiently diagnose and prioritize issues within our development and production environments. Work closely with engineering teams to understand the impact of these issues on project timelines and product quality. Develop a streamlined process for issue reporting and resolution. • Demo Preparation: Prepare and set up demos for internal reviews and external presentations. Ensure that all technical aspects of the demo are functioning correctly and meet the project’s objectives. Coordinate with product and engineering teams to incorporate the latest features and updates. • Feature Enablement • Engineering Data Creation: o WiFi Throughput Measurement: Conduct thorough testing and measurement of WiFi throughput under various conditions and configurations to ensure optimal performance and reliability. o Power Consumption Measurement: Measure and analyze the power consumption of devices and systems to optimize energy efficiency and battery life. o Benchmarking: Perform benchmarking activities to compare our products against industry standards and competitors. Identify areas of improvement and work with development teams to implement changes. 1. Project Scope of Services: Supplier will provide the following Services: • Offer validation and a comprehensive plan for addressing Bluetooth-related concerns, encompassing tasks such as log capturing, experimentation, debugging, Feature Implementation and demonstrations. It's essential to be well-versed in various tools and technologies, including Bluetooth Ellisys equipment, the snoop log tool, USB protocol tools, GPIO dump, ACPI dump and Windows logs. • Additionally, a solid grasp of Bluetooth versions, encompassing Bluetooth 5.4 and previous iterations, as well as familiarity with LE audio, classic audio, HID device usage, multi-profile support, and COEX (coexistence) mechanisms, is crucial. • Furthermore, it's important to have a deep understanding of Intel Bluetooth features, including BT offload, Tile integration, and Spatial audio capabilities for headset tracking. • This expertise will be instrumental in addressing Bluetooth issues effectively and ensuring optimal performance. 2. Project tasks: Below are the project tasks: • SW/ACPI debug and validation on Bluetooth and Audio relevant issue • HW debug and validation on wireless relevant issue • Bluetooth feature Demonstration • Feature and innovation Implementation

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