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7/27 植物源保養品原料開發研究人員

  • 新竹市
  • 2年以上
  • 碩士

1. 植物原料開發評估、專利及文獻資料調查彙整 2. 植物組織(細胞)培養之生產規劃與管理 3. 植物無菌材料之導入或建立 4. 協助實驗室建置規劃、儀器採購 5. 實驗室管理

待遇面議 員工700人
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7/26 誠徵【實驗室專任研究助理】工作地點:陽明交通大學-陽明校區-(台北市北投區)

  • 台北市北投區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1.具實驗室經驗。(若具備分生技術(PCR、IF、IHC)、ELISA、Western blot經驗者尤佳) 2.基本電腦文書處理、相關行政及其他交辦事項 (計畫自即日起至113年12月31日,一年一聘,視計畫及工作狀況得續聘,學士第一年月薪35,120元起薪,碩士第一年月薪40,165元起薪,博士第一年月薪63,115元起薪。)

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7/26 工研院中分院_生質材料工程師(0H100)

  • 台南市六甲區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

【研究室簡介】 以生質材料為基礎,進行新式複合材料研發, 改良產品性能與生產效率, 提高材料附加價值, 達到資源永續及最大化利用。 【工作內容】 1.生質複合材料之開發與應用 2.二次代謝物活性分析與加工利用 3.實驗室管理 4.其他主管交辦事項

待遇面議 員工6000人
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7/26 產品管理主管

  • 新竹縣竹北市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 博士

1. 領導研發專案和產品線擴充 2. 負責製程設計及優化 3. 產品品質管控、技術支援 4. 最新研究動態及市場趨勢 5. 完成其他交辦事項

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7/26 Scientist, biochemical R&D

  • 台北市南港區
  • 2年以上
  • 碩士

We are seeking a highly motivated scientist in cell biology to join our biology R&D team. The main role of this position is to perform biochemistry experiments to facilitate the development of reagents that will be applied to our world-leading MicroscoopTM technology. The major tasks involve optimization of experimental conditions for photo-induced labeling or immuno-precipitation. You will enjoy the innovation process of novel reagents from concept to commercialization. Responsibilities • Execute the R&D projects related to photo-induced labeling or immuno-precipitation • Perform and optimize biochemistry experiments, such as proximity labeling, immunofluorescence staining, and immunoprecipitation. • Perform high-content epifluorescence and confocal imaging • Deliver presentations and effectively communicate with other staff • Design and write standard operating procedures (SOP) related to product research and development • Perform other tasks as needed Qualifications • Master’s Degree or above in biology, cell biology, biochemistry (for biologists) or related fields • 2+ years of experience in immunofluorescence staining, microscopy imaging, and basic image analysis is required • Strong and thoughtful ability to solve technical problems • Hands-on experience in proximity labeling or immunoprecipitation are preferred • Ability to work on multiple projects with evolving priorities and deadlines • Ability to create clear reports and documentation • Self-initiative and able to work independently in a fast-paced team environment Why Syncell? Syncell pioneers in technologies that require knowledge from multiple disciplines, including chemistry, biology, optics, mechatronics, software development and artificial intelligence. In such a vibrant environment with talents from different specialties, a lot of creativity has been stimulated. You will be excited to work with our synergistic team together to broaden your technical scope and push the boundary of biotools technologies.

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7/26 生技醫學業務

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1.針對特定廠牌或商品開發潛在客戶,拓展市場,以達成業績目標。 2.主要跑北區研究單位和生技公司 3.負責國內業務接洽及訂單處理。 4.負責產品報價及產品展示,並處理帳款回收相關事宜。 5.負責業務推展,傳達及說明公司各項業務重大訊息、活動及產品。 6.負責特定商品販售試劑耗材 7.不定時處理主管交辦的事 8.解決客戶的問題 9.不定時和原廠meeting

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7/26 工研院材化所_生物科技研究員(W200)

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 博士

【工作內容】 1.化學品生產菌株設計與開發 2.生物製程開發與優化 3.市場趨勢分析 【研究室簡介】 1.建立生物合成技術開發平台,取得微生物靛藍染料專利菌株,使用低碳永續材料,對環境友善、無毒的生產染料製程,可成為丹寧產業技術升級差異化的利器。本項技術以「微生物染料技術」榮獲2021 年愛迪生發明獎銀獎,更以微生物靛藍染料與國內牛仔布產業進行場域驗證,串聯形成永續丹寧供應鏈,跨出低碳製造的第一步 2.透過菌株設計技術,建立生產染料菌株,利用醱酵策略與分離純化製程,高效率生產可供棉與尼龍用的微生物染料,製程無毒且可工業化量產,創造低碳循環製造之染料生產技術 【亮點技術】 1.低碳無毒微生物靛藍染料 2.微生物染料開發與纖維應用 【工研院材化所~熱情招募中】 我們擁有充足的研發資源,打造菁英研發環境,鼓勵創新求變,豐富技術視野 熱情邀請具材料/化學/化工/電機/AI等專業能力的你加入,展開研發菁英旅程 #綠色科技 #淨零碳排 #永續環境

待遇面議 員工6000人
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7/26 [台北總公司] 生物活性分析_博士級研究員/資深研究員

  • 台北市南港區
  • 3年以上
  • 博士

此職位您將會負責免疫細胞平台模型之建立,從資料蒐集到分析方法開發,到後續新藥研發各階段文件的撰寫。 詳細的工作內容如下: 1. 建立免疫細胞平台模型,執行細胞因子、 免疫療法、蛋白質/抗體藥等分析技術開發 2. 開發免疫疾病或腫瘤治療相關實驗模型 3. 藥物療效機制探究 4. 執行動物實驗藥效測試及追蹤委外實驗進度/數據分析 5. 撰寫臨床前/臨床和藥證申請相關等文件 6. 其他因應公司發展之交辦事項,如: 執行產學合作案 ▍能力需求 1. 此職位需具有博士學位並具3年以上免疫學相關研究經驗 2. 熟悉臨床前動物實驗分析並審閱試驗結果 ▍更了解 藥華醫藥 PharmaEssentia 公司研發進程與能力: https://hq.pharmaessentia.com/tw/pipeline

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7/26 研發研究員

  • 新竹縣寶山鄉
  • 1年以上
  • 博士

•檢測產品與服務開發、驗證專案執行 1. 分子檢測產品設計開發 2. 免疫檢測產品設計開發 3. 產品驗證設計、執行與數據分析 4. 產品技術與註冊文件建立 5. 文獻資料蒐集與研讀 6. 工作進度彙整報告 •技術支援 1. 其他部門/子公司技術諮詢與協助 •部門庶務及主管交辦事項 1. 實驗設備/器材、材料維護管理 2. 文件資料歸檔

待遇面議 員工120人
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7/26 資深研究員

  • 新北市新莊區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 博士

[簡介] 博桉公司經營細胞培養試劑、客製化培養基生產,及開發AAV病毒載體技術等多項業務。我們希望找到對生物製藥產業有興趣、具備轉譯研究經驗、能獨力執行研究計畫,勇於接受挑戰的人加入。協助達成公司的業務標的。 [研發工作內容] 1. 1. 基於公司商業計劃,開發創新技術,並適時提出修改意見;技術領域包含但不限於:新型基因藥物製造方法、供細胞培養基試劑用之新產品等。 2. 負責構想、執行、管理、溝通與客戶共同開發之專案。 3. 帶領下屬研發人員執行以下:設計、執行、管理、分析各種Proof-of-concept試驗,包含製備生物、化學等材料、細胞生物學實驗。 4. 公司的品管方法、製程需進行改良、或是troubleshooting時,負責設計、指導同事進行。 5. 所負責項目之日常實驗室管理:試劑採買、分裝、建檔。建立及維護SOP。 6. 每週定期向主管匯報、不定期與公司合作對象簡報。 [工作技能需求] 8. 具病毒載體開發經驗者佳。該經驗不限於學術機構、藥廠、生技公司、CRO公司。 9. 於相關領域,具獨立執行研究計畫經驗者佳。 10. 具備有Biochemistry、immunology、molecular biology實驗經驗者佳。 12. 能獨立思考、積極推動項目、能與內外部團隊保持良好互動。 13. 能自發解決所遇到問題。 14. 準確的與主管、同事、合作夥伴溝通。

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7/26 產品發展研究員

  • 新竹縣竹北市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 博士

1. 具有細胞/分子生物學及生物化學等相關背景 2. 負責抗體與ELISA/ASSAY kits產品發展 3. 熟悉各式抗體應用及優化 4. 蒐集與研讀產品開發相關參考文獻 5. 完成其他交辦事項

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7/26 Research Associate (實驗助理)

  • 台北市南港區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

Job Title: Research Assistant I/II Line Manager: Head of Early Validation Team: Cell & Tissue Biology Location: Taipei City, Taiwan Contract: Permanent Summary We are looking for a talented and highly motivated Research Assistant to join the Ochre Bio Team in TPE on an exciting journey to support the development of advanced RNA medicines for one of the most pressing healthcare challenges of our time. Ochre’s Taipei site is a highly unique precision-slice liver culture lab that deep phenotypes human liver biopsies from diseased donor patients and study their responses to advanced RNA therapies. Deep phenotyping of liver tissue slices includes: tissue imaging, functional assays, bulk/single-cell sequencing, to model disease and therapeutic dynamics over extended culture time. The team also uses functional genomics, perturbation assays and large scale primary human cell culture/co-culture models to increase scale and throughput of generate discovery datasets and drug candidate screening. This role will be responsible for generating experimental data from Taipei lab, to support cell and tissue assays for early validation of Ochre’s drug discovery candidates. We are looking for well-rounded scientists who can keep to deadlines in a fast-paced environment and be part of a collaborative team. You will be expected to work alongside senior scientists to rapidly optimise challenging assays, imaging, and omic outputs. Experimental experience in liver and metabolic disorders, 2D/3D precision cut tissue and cell cultures, high-content imaging, single cell/spatial transcriptomics, CRISPR-Cas9, RNAi screens and excellent proficiency in molecular biology and biochemistry will be highly advantageous. We welcome fresh Ph.Ds and Post Docs who would like to make the switch to industrial research environment. You will report to the Head of Early Validation (site head), working closely with the rest of cell and tissue team to generate robust data, This role will be based at National Biotechnology Research Park at Nangang, Taipei. Main responsibilities -Prepare ex vivo tissue samples and cell culture studies -Assist in transportation of clinical samples from hospital to the lab -Assist in genomic workflows such as nuclei isolation, single-cell RNA-sequencing of samples from human and animal tissues and cells -Assist in histology workflows such as sectioning of tissue block, immunohistochemistry and microscopy -Assist with molecular biology methods such as qPCR, immunoassays (ELISA, AlphaLISA), DNA, RNA and protein isolation -Assist in cell culture experiments. Experience in viral production and S2 workflow is a plus. -Assist in keeping site inventory and ensuring a safe and clean work environment -Supports development and mangement of research protocols and documentation of data -Collaborative team work Essential Requirements -M.Sc. in a relevant field or equivalent experience -Experience with cellular models using sterile technique -Highly organised and methodical approach to work and record keeping -Self-motivated, technically competent and capable of working independently within the laboratory -Ability to adapt to changing demands whilst working within a team to tight deadlines -Data analysis, formatting and presentation skills -Computing skills in packages such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint and/or GSuite -Ability to learn quickly and work in a fast-paced environment -High-level of attention to detail We'd love to hear from you: Do you think you have something special to bring to our highly challenging but innovative environment? Please apply with your CV and a cover letter clearly stating: Your earliest start date. 1-2 examples of work (or publications) you feel best highlight your scientific strengths and ability to meet demanding deadlines.

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7/26 副研究員 (Associate Scientist)

  • 台北市南港區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. Identify and interpret relevant regulatory guidelines. 2. Prepare, coordinate, and supervise regulatory submissions. 3. Communicate with regulatory agencies regarding pre-submission strategies, potential regulatory pathways, compliance requirements, or clarification and follow-up of submissions under review. 4. Work with cross-functional teams and communicate the submission requirements when documents are needed for regulatory submission. 5. Keep current with the latest regulations and guidelines. 6. Advise others on regulatory and compliance matters. 7. Complete other tasks or assignments requested by Supervisor.

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7/26 資深研究員 (Senior Scientist)

  • 台北市南港區
  • 8年以上
  • 博士

1. Protocol, ICF and CRF design and development. 2. CSR and clinical investigator's brochure writing. 3. CTD writing for submission e.g. IND, NDA … 4. Integrated report, annual update, special science report writing. 5. Regulatory GAP analysis. 6. Product evaluation. 7. Scientific literature search, review and information integration. 8. Complete other tasks or assignments requested by the director.

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