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永康門市人員/儲備幹部 #月休9-10天(可休假日) #非兩段班 #獎金

  • 台北市大安區
  • 2年以上
  • 高中

六月初一是一間伴手禮店,我們的使命是要成為華人每個重要時刻傳遞心意的代言人。 我們正在招募伴手禮顧問,需要負責的工作內容是: 1.顧客接待 2.商品銷售 3.櫃台作業(包裝、結帳) 4.環境維護 5.預接訂單及宅配出貨 6.庫存管理 7.顧客意見回饋 成為夥伴,您可以獲得 1.培訓服務 2.績效獎金 【加班費、獎金】 1.加班費比照勞基法作業。 2.獎金依個人表現及公司規定作業。 公司的企業文化 1.要擁有卓越、當責且正面的人生態度。 2.在團隊中要營造出同心協力、樂於分享、組織學習的氛圍。 3.要時時保有品牌思維。


5/30 Housing Clerk

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

The employee works for the Housing & Real Estate Management Unit of General Services Office (GSO) and reports directly to the Housing Supervisor. The employee supports make-ready projects and serves as the administrative clerk in the GSO/Housing & Real Estate Management Unit. The responsibilities include, but are not limited to, assisting with make-ready projects, and ensuring all housing units are ‘made ready’ up to standards in time. The employee assists in coordinating with relevant parties including landlords, contractors, building management personnel, and AIT offices to facilitate all work to meet the housing plan as scheduled. The employee also participates in inspections and surveys to existing and new properties and provides input regarding the improvements required and suitability. The employee also interacts with housing customers and provides necessary assistance; performs general clerical and procedural duties and arranges logistics for office members such as transportation arrangements. The employee will act on assignments for real estate projects as assigned by the Housing Supervisor.

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5/30 康是美_新大湖門市(內湖區)-時薪人員(早班/晚班)北市8區

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

※工作內容 1.顧客諮詢服務。 2.檔期活動執行。 3.商品查檢及理貨。 4.門市環境維護。 5.行政支援。 ※薪資福利 1.時薪依法定基本工資起薪,另有津貼及獎金。 2.額外加給:夜班津貼、商品銷售獎金、年終獎金。 3.享優先轉任正職的機會,承認年資及勞基法之基本保障。 ※應徵條件 1.喜愛美妝,具服務熱忱。 2.假日須配合排班。 3.履歷初審合格者,3天內由門市聯繫面試,請保持手機暢通;不符合者恕不另行通知。

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5/29 會計專員

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

職務說明: 1.收發、記錄及彙整交易產生之原始憑證,並登錄至會計系統製作傳票。 2.各項費用支付之發票、單據及帳務處理(記賬)。 3.主管交辦事項以及行政總務工作相關事宜。 具備特質及能力: 1.需具備會計基礎觀念,諳電腦文書操作,熟悉會計及稅務相關事務 2. 正向積極,主動學習,樂於溝通 3.歡迎應屆畢業加入我們!  

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5/29 Human Resources Assistant (American Services)

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

Manages or assists with a variety of human resources functions for American personnel services at AIT. Duties may include, but are not limited to, managing the check in/check out and accreditation process, training, Overseas Seasonal Hire Program (OSHP), NSDD-38 like process, annual reports and American staffing number tracking. Provides general advice to officers/supervisors on local policies and regulations related to visas and accreditation. Extracts information from various automated and written files to generate a variety of recurring reports and statistical data for the HR section. Drafts cables, HR correspondence such as letters, memos, simple management notices, etc. Creates and maintains electronic Official Personnel Folders. Manages files in accordance with retention and destruction guidelines. Assists HR team with projects, as required. Coordinates and tracks the EEO and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) training programs for AIT.

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5/29 大湖公園游泳池救生員

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

單位徵才 一:單位名稱:大湖公園游泳池 二:工作性質:兼職、正職 三:工作內容:救生員 四:上班地點:大湖公園游泳池 五:正職:$35000 六:兼職: 時薪$220 七:上班時間 05:00~22:00早,中,晚班 八:需求證照:體育署救生員證 九:需求人數:數名 十:福利:勞健保 十一:聯絡人:02-8791-1698*14李主任 大湖公園游泳池,招募志同道合夥伴加入。

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5/29 【維悅牙醫】牙醫助理

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

【工作內容】 1.患者接待、約診、收費及行政事務處理 2.臨床跟診、器械消毒 3.環境清潔維護 4.庫存管理、牙材採購 5.病歷整理歸檔 【其他福利】 1.員工及親屬看診優惠 2.不定期員工聚餐 3.員工旅遊及尾牙活動 4.三節禮金、生日禮金 5.每年考核調薪,升遷制度透明且完善 6.免費提供員工制服

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5/29 NISSAN汽車據點經理/管理課長(大台北地區)

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 5年以上
  • 高中

本職缺為管理職務,,需相關資歷及背景為優先,歡迎同行/同業主管轉換跑道 ●本公司為裕隆日產汽車大台北市經銷商,從事NISSAN汽車銷售及售後服務。 ●工作地點為大台北區。 ●待遇除固定底薪外,另有高銷售獎金及週邊績效(保險/服務)獎金,視個人績效變動。 ●歡迎熱忱有衝勁,對業務/銷售/管理工作有興趣之各界菁英加入。 工作內容: 1.汽車、汽車配備和相關保險的介紹和銷售 2.開發客戶並且將客戶的資料分析整理 3.售後服務(安排保養,道路救援,顧客問題解決) 4.貸款協助及其他相關事宜 5.管理門市營業業績、人事 6.計劃和監督人員相關的訓練,績效的評估 7.員工績效考核以及升遷的判定 8.協助部屬解決客戶相關問題與業務人員績效的評估 9.指導並且協調業務人員銷售技巧 10.負責大型客戶或指定專案之業務開發 本職缺為管理職務,,需相關資歷及背景為優先,歡迎同行/同業主管轉換跑道

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5/28 營銷策劃經理

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 4年以上
  • 專科

1.帶領團隊負責各類活動的規劃、安排與執行(如:年度活動、公關活動、節慶活動、通路活動、產品推廣活動、公司形象活動及企業品牌活動)。 2.負責活動企劃案的創意發想與整體內容撰寫。 3.負責活動現場的統籌、監督管理與執行。

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5/28 營銷策劃副理

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1.協助主管負責各類活動的規劃、安排與執行(如:年度活動、公關活動、節慶活動、通路活動、產品推廣活動、公司形象活動及企業品牌活動)。 2.協助主管針對活動企劃案的創意發想與整體內容撰寫。 3.協助主管負責活動現場的統籌、監督管理與執行。

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5/28 營銷策劃專員

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1.協助主管執行各類活動的規劃、安排與執行(如:年度活動、公關活動、節慶活動、通路活動、產品推廣活動、公司形象活動及企業品牌活動)。 2.協助主管於活動企劃案的創意發想與整體內容撰寫。 3.活動現場執行。

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5/28 HVAC Technician

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 3年以上
  • 高中

Employed as an HVAC Controls Technician to carry out skilled maintenance and repair work throughout the NEC/NCC on critical and non-critical HVAC components within the functional/office buildings, on-compound ancillary support and residential buildings, above and below ground infrastructures, recreational facilities, and other owned/leased properties. Operations Support (50%) - Maintains and operates the HVAC Control System and other building mechanical systems associated with the HVAC system. - Assists the Building Automation System Technician (BASET) in the production of computer-generated reports from the Building Automation System. - Performs preventive maintenance on the HVAC Control System and related components to maintain system operation and reliability to ensure continuous air supply to critical and non-critical facilities, equipment, and systems. - Inspects, tests, evaluates, calibrates, and updates HVAC Control Systems to improve reliability and to assure dependability, safety, and compliance. - Ensures proper use of time, tools, specialty diagnostic devices materials and parts. - Responds to emergency calls during off-duty hours, 24 hours a day / 7 days a week (24/7). Maintenance and Project Support (40%) - Assists in analyzing the performance of the HVAC and other Mechanical Control Systems, obtaining and documenting critical performance data, and reporting the same to the Supervisory Mechanical Engineer and/or the Click or tap here to enter text. - Assists in the preparation of Statements of Work (SOW) and other construction documents for repairs, new construction, and renovation work. - Assists in providing guidance and training to other Facility Management LE Staff and vendors/contractors in the correct operation of equipment, proper use of diagnostic devices and materials used to complete required maintenance activities, general operations, and future expansion projects. - Assists in the development and implementation of a comprehensive preventive maintenance program for HVAC and other mechanical systems, equipment, and associated components, actuators, and other control devices. Logistic Support (10%) - Contributes to the safety program managed by the Post Occupational Safety Health Officer (POSHO). Ensures work does not present a life safety or health problem to workers, other employees, or visitors. Is vigilant in addressing workplace safety issues. - Remains current on job specific expertise through various sources (e.g., online distance learning courses, trade publications, trade shows, vendor communication, etc.) to keep abreast of the latest technological developments and products to improve system and equipment reliability. - Collateral duty assignments will be at the discretion of the Supervising Mechanical Engineer or the Facility Manager. Tasks may include the following: Additional mechanic duties, Assistant POSHO, Government Technical Monitor on Post-managed projects, and/or vendor/contractor escort. Participates in Facility Management LE Staff training programs sponsored by Department of State (DOS), manufacturers, and private vendors. Incumbent serves as an incidental operator of official vehicles and meets all requirements outlined in 14 FAM 433. **Note: This position description in no way states or implies that these are the only duties to be performed by incumbent. Incumbent will be required to perform other duties as assigned by the agency.

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