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6/01 Office Assistant( Sales Department ) Night Shift-大夜班

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

We are an established e-commerce company headquartered in California, United States specializing in the distribution of automotive and non-automotive related goods. We are seeking candidates with great English verbal and written skills or speak Spanish to serve our customers within the US, North America and other regions to ensure the utmost customer satisfaction. We offer stable employment, on-the-job training and room for growth for motivated individuals. Sales Assistant / Order Taker As a sales assistant/order taker here you will be playing a key position in the company that is vital in the establishment between the company and our clientele. Professional phone skills and a positive attitude is a requirement in order to serve our wholesale customers. Position: Sales Assistant / Order Taker Job Responsibilities • Answer phone calls and emails in from our in-house client accounts • Contact existing customer base by email and/or phone to follow-up and provide update on services and products • Accurately and efficiently inputting order into company system • Assist in resolving customer complaints pertaining to billing, product, shipment and etc. • Communicate effectively with customers and company employees • Relate important information to customers such as pricing, inventory, product info and etc. Ability, Knowledge, and Skill Requirements • Required computer skills: Outlook, excel, word • Accurate typing in English at 40 word per minute • Able to confidently and effectively communicate in English. Verbal and written. • Working knowledge of filing systems • Responsible, punctual, personable • General math, good verbal and written skills. Professional etiquette

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6/01 Golang架構師

  • 台北市信義區
  • 4年以上
  • 專科

【職務內容】 1. 後端系統與架構設計開發 【必備條件】 1. 熟悉Golang, 2. 熟悉關聯式資料庫 3. 理解非關聯式資料庫 4. Git 版本控管概念 【特質】 1. 看到問題就想解 2. 積極主動

待遇面議 員工30人
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6/01 美容保養顧問台北市

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

【希望你具備以下特質】 1.樂觀開朗、喜歡分享、熱於助人。 2.主動積極面對問題,認真負責。 3.認同男研堂的理念與想法。 4.善於觀察並能站在顧客立場著想,解決顧客的問題。 【工作內容】 1.負責介紹及銷售產品,提升顧客提袋率。 2.解決顧客提出的問題,提升顧客滿意度。 (如:電話諮詢、調貨、修改、包裝及退換貨處理)。 3.提升顧客對品牌的認同感與保養理念。 4.負責線下與線上的銷售與客服(LINE,FB,email..等) 5.負責產品進出貨、庫存管理、陳列及促銷品換檔。 6.工作時間:月休8天,需配合百貨輪班 【徵才條件】 1. 有保養品銷售與客服經驗優先錄取。 2.必須具備頭腦靈活、口齒清晰與服務熱誠。 3. 不限科系,應屆畢業生可。 【夥伴福利】 1.提撥勞退6% 2.勞保健保 3.三節獎金 4.保障薪資+優渥獎金 5.生日禮券 6.不定時員工聚餐 7.員工教育訓練補助 8.員工意外險補助 9.優渥員工購物折扣

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6/01 銷售顧問-台北門市(台北101精品鐘錶銷售)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

【銷售顧問團隊】 如果您具備超群的銷售能力、對鐘錶充滿熱忱,並且樂於與團隊共同挑戰業績目標,歡迎加入高登鐘錶-銷售顧問團隊! 我們正在尋找【台北門市】專業銷售顧問 歡迎與我們分享您過往銷售、顧客管理等相關經驗,讓我們更認識您! 想更了解高登鐘錶: https://www.cortinawatch.com/tw/zh/ 想更了解高登鐘錶台北101百達翡麗專賣店: https://www.facebook.com/cortinatwppboutique/ 想更了解SHH 台北 101 頂級鐘錶概念店: https://www.facebook.com/shhsincerefinwatchestw 【這個職位要做的事情】 - 善用您的專業銷售技巧,提供客戶最合適的產品 - 發揮您的貼心與專業,為每一位賓客創造可靠且愉悅的服務體驗 - 運用您的細心與美感維護並陳列產品 - 庫存管理及相關店務處理 - 各項有關營業項目等作業配合 上班地點:信義區-台北101/中山區-老爺酒店 歡迎投遞履歷與我們分享您過去的經驗,合適者我們會盡快與您聯繫,謝謝!

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6/01 【SANDRO】稀有職缺-A9新光三越_精品服飾銷售顧問 (平均月薪58k,另有年終)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 1年以上
  • 高中

【品牌介紹】 於1984年創立的女裝品牌SANDRO,由創意總監Evelyne Chetrite 從法國街道與建築物以及她於摩洛哥成長的童年回憶尋找靈感來源;每個系列單品皆展現精緻細節與時尚設計,以中性魅力與簡約風格展現輕奢風範。 【工作職掌】 1. 有責任感,積極達到業績目標 2. 了解顧客需求,主動推薦合適商品 3. 提供優質服務,經營主顧客並提供完整售後服務 4. 依公司規範保持店舖陳列整齊 5. 高標準完成店舖日常營運工作 歡迎身心障礙人士投遞履歷。

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6/01 【37K起_金融內勤理賠專員】無經驗可/享持股信託/應畢生首選 LL

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

~知名人壽 招募 行政理賠專員~ ★無經驗可★正職內勤環境好★歡迎應屆畢業生★進入金融業首選★ 【工作內容】 ★ 理賠工作內容 依據保險契約,提供正確與貼心的理賠服務: ●執行作業品質的政策,完成理賠案件的審查。 ●針對保戶或業務員的理賠問題,提供妥適的說明和解答。 ●理賠爭議案件的溝通與協商。 ●參與各種理賠服務優化的企劃案,並提供實務作業之建議。 ~應屆畢業生、社會新鮮人 歡迎投遞履歷~ 【薪資福利】 ●員工持股信託計畫 ●結婚補助金、家屬喪祭補助金 ●春節、端午、中秋等三節節金 ●優於法令之產假制度、生產補助、育兒補助、托兒優惠 ●資深員工獎勵 ●定期健檢、多樣化健康職場促進活動 ●員工運動中心、按摩小站 ●「幸福會客室」提供個人諮商服務、線上壓力檢測平台 ●員工餐廳 ●豐富的員工活動:家庭日運動會、謝年會 ●不定期各類商品特惠活動:家電、飯店住宿、年節商品、電影票、各大遊樂區優惠價等 ●集團商品優惠 ●特約商店優惠:分佈全省各地之商家、餐廳、飯店等消費特惠 多元學習 【教育訓練計畫】 ●多元的職涯發展:透過人才培育規劃藍圖,發揮你的特色,找到專屬的職涯定位 ●豐富的成長資源:各類專業/職場能力的學習過程及證照補助,提供你在職場持續精進的能量來源 ●專屬的師傅制度:每位新人都有獨一無二的師傅,不藏私的傳承與教導,帶領你找到正確方法,成長更快速

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6/01 【台北區】哈根達斯門市工讀生(早晚班)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

需求時段及工作內容(每月排班時數須超過150小時): 早班_10:00~18:00 晚班_18:00~22:30 (時間可以實際狀況調整) 額外提供體檢津貼1000元 1. 產品介紹及銷售、餐點及飲料製作、收銀及結帳、門市環境清潔及協助商品入庫等。 2. 個性活潑外向,可配合輪班排休,有餐飲或銷售工作經驗者

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6/01 【台北地區】哈根達斯Haagen-Dazs店襄理 (工作地點:信義區、京站、大直、南港等)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

《公司簡介》 通用磨坊是全球前十大的食品製造商,在全球化的經營策略下,我們以人為本. 重視在哈根達斯中的每一位夥伴的職涯發展,並有計畫的進行培育,透過【專業訓練】/【領導力訓練】/【個人發展】三大領域,全方位打造專業傑出的零售服務人才。 《工作說明》 - 門市基本工作:外場顧客服務、各站清潔工作、飲品餐點的製作、開店閉店執行。 - 學習成本控管、品保衛生、財務稽核、庫存訂貨管理、業績銷售企劃 - 訓練、徵才並負責教導與培訓工作夥伴 每年一月固定發放一個月月薪年終獎金! 也歡迎社會新鮮人投遞,若有帶店經驗人選,薪資將往上調整~

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6/01 居家服務員

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

一、居家照顧服務:家務協助、備餐服務、陪同就醫、陪同外出、陪伴服務(下棋、閱讀書報)等。 二、身體照顧服務:沐浴洗頭、拍背翻身、肢體關節運動、移位、餵食等等。

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6/01 室內設計師

  • 台北市信義區
  • 2年以上
  • 高中

[ 項目領域 ] · 工作內容包含:設計發想、設計概念提案、工地勘察、丈量、繪圖、室內空間設計規劃、簡報製作、CAD繪製等。 · 領域包含: 豪宅、辦公、金融、餐飲、零售、文化、傢俱軟裝、材質及工藝開發 [ 企業文化 ] · Work Life Balance 午間運動、注重身心平衡 · 內部每週設計分享會,增進國際視野 · 項目覆盤,共同成長 · 旅遊、聚餐、團建,融洽氣氛 [ 技能和特質 ] 1.熟知Auto Cad 、Adobe設計軟件 2.具有3年以上工作經驗,繪製完整施工圖經驗 3.熱愛設計,勇於突破和探索未知的精神 4.善於溝通和注重團隊精神

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6/01 台北主任室內設計師

  • 台北市信義區
  • 2年以上
  • 學歷不拘

1.室內裝修平面、立面、圖說繪圖 2.具備與業主溝通基本能力 3.具備相關3D透視軟體較佳 4.需自備汽機車與筆電 5.案件分潤 6. 執行與追蹤各項營運績效管理目標。 7. 規劃及審核公司各項管理制度,以符合經營管理之需求。

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6/01 Field Sales Representative, Corporate, Google Cloud (English, Mandarin)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience. • 10 years of experience working in field sales in the technology industry, with a focus on enterprise software. • Ability to communicate in English and Mandarin fluently to support client relationship management in this region. Preferred qualifications: • 15 years of experience promoting PaaS/IaaS and working towards strategic business goals in the technology industry. • Experience promoting cloud, infrastructure, software, databases, investigative tools, applications software, or cloud solutions. • Experience working and learning in a fast-moving, dynamic environment. • Ability to build relationships and deliver results in a cross-functional environment. • Ability to communicate in Cantonese fluently to support client relationship management in this region. About the job As a member of the Google Cloud team, you inspire leading companies, schools, and government agencies to work smarter with Google tools like Google Workspace, Search, and Chrome. You advocate for the innovative power of our products to make organizations more productive, collaborative, and mobile. Your guiding light is doing what’s right for the customer, you will meet customers exactly where they are at and provide them the best solutions for innovation. Using your passion for Google products, you help spread the magic of Google to organizations around the world. Google Cloud accelerates every organization’s ability to digitally transform its business and industry. We deliver enterprise-grade solutions that leverage Google’s cutting-edge technology, and tools that help developers build more sustainably. Customers in more than 200 countries and territories turn to Google Cloud as their trusted partner to enable growth and solve their most critical business problems. Responsibilities • Build and maintain relationships with customers, influence long-term strategic direction, and act as a trusted advisor. • Lead our account strategy, generating, and developing business growth opportunities, working collaboratively with Inside Sales Representatives, Customer Engineers, and Google Partners to optimize business results and develop opportunities with enterprise customers. • Optimize business development, forecast accurately, and achieve strategic goals by leading customers through the entire business cycle. • Explore and understand complex customer requirements on a business and technical level. Engage, educate, and ensure satisfaction of the installed base. • Manage multiple opportunities through the entire cycle simultaneously, working with cross-functional teams. Serve as the primary customer contact for all adoption-related activities.

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6/01 Program Manager, Product Data Management

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Supply Chain, a similar field, or equivalent practical experience. • 10 years of experience in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Product Data Management (PDM), or a similar role. • Experience in program management and leading cross-functional projects. • Experience in engineering change order (ECO) processes. • Experience in Materials Management (Material Disposition, Materials Requirements Planning, Inventory Management). Preferred qualifications: • Experience working on new product introduction (NPI) or change management with Manufacturing (e.g., Procurement, Planning, Engineering, and Contract Manufacturing), and Design Engineering teams. • Experience with PLM, PDM, and supply chain operations support. • Experience across all phases of product development from creation to launch. • Knowledge of the cloud hardware product as it relates to PDM. • Excellent written and verbal communication, organization, problem-solving, and computer applications skills, with attention to detail. About the job A problem isn’t truly solved until it’s solved for all. That’s why Googlers build products that help create opportunities for everyone, whether down the street or across the globe. As a Program Manager at Google, you’ll lead complex, multi-disciplinary projects from start to finish — working with stakeholders to plan requirements, manage project schedules, identify risks, and communicate clearly with cross-functional partners across the company. Your projects will often span offices, time zones, and hemispheres. It's your job to coordinate the players and keep them up to date on progress and deadlines. Our goal is to build a Google that looks like the world around us — and we want Googlers to stay and grow when they join us. As part of our efforts to build a Google for everyone, we build diversity, equity, and inclusion into our work and we aim to cultivate a sense of belonging throughout the company. The Product Data Management (PDM) team is critical to Google Technical Infrastructure success ensuring the achievement of on-time NPI builds, production ramps, and maintenance of supply continuity. You will create standards related to specification requirements, lifecycle phases, BOM structures, and product documentation. Behind everything our users see online is the architecture built by the Technical Infrastructure team to keep it running. From developing and maintaining our data centers to building the next generation of Google platforms, we make Google's product portfolio possible. We're proud to be our engineers' engineers and love voiding warranties by taking things apart so we can rebuild them. We keep our networks up and running, ensuring our users have the best and fastest experience possible. Responsibilities • Create and structure data according to established processes and policies. • Manage workflow to make changes to data that are within the product development processes. • Review and resolve engineering change problems, escalate risks/issues, and support/train PDM teams. • Contribute to projects that improve operations relating to part creation, attribution accuracy, and system usage, and work with cross-functional teams. • Gather information from stakeholders to complete work.

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6/01 Software Engineer, Storage Systems

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, a related technical field, or equivalent practical experience. • 5 years of experience in system software development (e.g., firmware, BIOS, BSP, Linux kernel, BMC, device drivers, and system libraries). • Experience in Unix/Linux environments. • Experience coding in C/C++. Preferred qualifications: • Master's degree or PhD in Computer Science, or a related technical field. • Experience in Solid-State Drive (SSD)/NAND or Hard Disk Drive (HDD) based storage technologies, interfaces (e.g., NVMe, SATA/SAS), and security standards (TCG). • Experience in developer operations, release management, integration testing, and open source development. • Experience in storage software stack with Linux or firmware in storage controllers (e.g., RAID/AFA/NAS). • Experience in large-scale and secure fleet management of servers and components. • Experience in Python and scripting languages (e.g. shell). About the job Google's software engineers develop the next-generation technologies that change how billions of users connect, explore, and interact with information and one another. Our products need to handle information at massive scale, and extend well beyond web search. We're looking for engineers who bring fresh ideas from all areas, including information retrieval, distributed computing, large-scale system design, networking and data storage, security, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, UI design and mobile; the list goes on and is growing every day. As a software engineer, you will work on a specific project critical to Google’s needs with opportunities to switch teams and projects as you and our fast-paced business grow and evolve. We need our engineers to be versatile, display leadership qualities and be enthusiastic to take on new problems across the full-stack as we continue to push technology forward. Platforms Storage teams design and build storage solutions for all of Google's services. Everything from Gmail messages to YouTube videos, Web Search indexes, and Google Cloud customers' data, all ultimately reside securely on storage devices built by Platforms Storage teams. In this role, you will innovate storage solutions that are disruptive and impactful across Google's services. Behind everything our users see online is the architecture built by the Technical Infrastructure team to keep it running. From developing and maintaining our data centers to building the next generation of Google platforms, we make Google's product portfolio possible. We're proud to be our engineers' engineers and love voiding warranties by taking things apart so we can rebuild them. We keep our networks up and running, ensuring our users have the best and fastest experience possible. Responsibilities • Design and implement the system software for storage systems to maximize the performance, reliability, security, and capacity. • Create and implement tools for automating diagnostics, performance evaluation, and reliability assurance for storage components and systems. • Develop and implement solutions for collecting and analyzing metrics for storage products in the cloud infrastructure to derive actionable insights. • Collaborate with internal and external partners to plan and execute the engineering programs, including product development and productivity improvements. • Contribute innovative ideas and skills to the team.

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6/01 Field Solution Architect, Vertex, Search, Google Cloud

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Data Science, or equivalent practical experience. • 4 years of experience working in AI/ML as a technical sales engineer or in software engineering. • Experience in Python and ML frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch). • Experience in Generative AI as a user or a developer. • Experience delivering technical presentations and leading business value sessions. Preferred qualifications: • Experience architecting MLOps systems in enterprise environments and building, scaling, and optimizing enterprise-grade Machine Learning systems. • Experience in systems design, with the ability to architect and explain data pipelines, ML pipelines, and ML training and serving approaches. • Experience in full-stack ML engineering to combine retrieval-based knowledge and generative text generation to implement and optimize RAG models using first-party and OSS models. • Understanding of search concepts, such as indexing, scoring, relevancy, faceting, and query rewriting. • Excellent infrastructure building and maintenance skills on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for data engineering pipelines. About the job The Google Cloud Consulting Professional Services team guides customers through the moments that matter most in their cloud journey to help businesses thrive. We help customers transform and evolve their business through the use of Google’s global network, web-scale data centers, and software infrastructure. As part of an innovative team in this rapidly growing business, you will help shape the future of businesses of all sizes and use technology to connect with customers, employees, and partners. As an AI/ML Field Solutions Architect, you will support Google Cloud sales teams and engineering incubate, pilot, and deploy Google Cloud’s industry leading AI/ML and GenAI technology at AI natives and innovators, large enterprises, and early stage AI startups. You will help customers innovate faster with state of the art solutions using Google Cloud’s flexible and open infrastructure including AI Accelerators (TPU/GPU). In this role, you will identify, assess, and develop Generative AI (GenAI) and AI/ML applications by applying key industry tools, techniques, and methodologies to solve problems. You will help customers leverage accelerators within their overall cloud strategy by helping run benchmarks for existing models, finding opportunities to use accelerators for new models, developing migration paths, and helping to analyze cost to performance. You will work closely with internal Cloud AI teams to remove roadblocks and shape the future of our offerings. Google Cloud accelerates every organization’s ability to digitally transform its business and industry. We deliver enterprise-grade solutions that leverage Google’s cutting-edge technology, and tools that help developers build more sustainably. Customers in more than 200 countries and territories turn to Google Cloud as their trusted partner to enable growth and solve their most critical business problems. Responsibilities • Be a trusted advisor to our customers by understanding the customer’s business process and objectives. Architect AI-drive, spanning Data, AI, and Infrastructure, and work with peers to include the full cloud stack into overall architecture. • Demonstrate how Google Cloud is differentiated by working with customers, demonstrating features, tuning models, optimizing model performance, profiling, and benchmarking. Troubleshoot and find solutions to issues training/serving models in a large scale environment. • Build repeatable technical assets such as scripts, templates, reference architectures to enable other customers and internal teams. Work cross-functionally to influence Google Cloud strategy and product direction at the intersection of infrastructure and AI/ML by advocating for enterprise customer requirements. • Coordinate regional field enablement with leadership and work closely with product and partner organizations on external enablement activities. • Travel as needed.

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6/01 Program Manager, Electrical Engineering and Calibration, Augmented Reality

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Science, a related management field, or equivalent practical experience. • 5 years of professional development experience in Consumer Electronic or Enterprise Industry. • 2 years of experience in program management. Preferred qualifications: • Master's degree or PhD in Electrical, Software Engineering, or a related field. • 5 years of experience in engineering or research consumer electronics development. • Experience with platform design and full cycle program development or launches with partners. • Excellent technical skills. About the job A problem isn’t truly solved until it’s solved for all. That’s why Googlers build products that help create opportunities for everyone, whether down the street or across the globe. As a Program Manager at Google, you’ll lead complex, multi-disciplinary projects from start to finish — working with stakeholders to plan requirements, manage project schedules, identify risks, and communicate clearly with cross-functional partners across the company. Your projects will often span offices, time zones, and hemispheres. It's your job to coordinate the players and keep them up to date on progress and deadlines. Our goal is to build a Google that looks like the world around us — and we want Googlers to stay and grow when they join us. As part of our efforts to build a Google for everyone, we build diversity, equity, and inclusion into our work and we aim to cultivate a sense of belonging throughout the company. The Google Augmented Reality team is a diverse group of experts tasked with building the foundations for great immersive computing and building helpful, delightful user experiences. We're focused on making immersive computing accessible to billions of people through mobile devices, and our scope continues to grow and evolve. Responsibilities • Manage technical projects or programs on the product life cycle of graphics, Android XR platform projects, including facilitation of communicating project status to stakeholders (e.g., engineers and technical staff) across Alphabet to develop, track workstreams, and milestones for the many moving parts that need to come together. • Manage Electrical Validation and Verification (V&V), Perception Calibration and Platform Introduction configurations, internal development/external partner demands and allocation, and build matrix, platform configuration decoder for internal and with external partners. Track material readiness, track engineering parallel paths and investigations, and platform configurations. • Oversee development, engineering validation, bring-up and verification playbook for inbound and outbound partners, schedules, dependencies, and budgets with well-defined milestones. • Assess program developments and validations qualitatively through monitoring of issues, bugs by managing verification of the fixes/test results, and trends quantitatively.

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6/01 Technical Account Manager, Google Cloud Consulting (English, Chinese)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, a related technical field, or equivalent practical experience. • 5 years of experience in a customer-facing role working with stakeholders, driving customer technical implementations or transformation programs. • Experience supporting customers in cloud operations (e.g., launch or capacity planning, product release management), technical support, escalation management, or IT consulting. • Experience in application/workload migration to public cloud providers, leading global projects or teams, and working with customers or partners. • Ability to communicate English and Mandarin Chinese fluently to engage with Chinese speaking or English speaking customers. Preferred qualifications: • Experience translating business requirements into technological solutions. • Experience collaborating with teams, groups, business units, channel partners, systems integrators, and third-party developers to deliver high-impact solutions. • Knowledge of IT operations, database systems, networking, IT security, application development, service architecture, cloud-native application development, hosted services, storage systems, or content delivery networks. • Excellent communication, presentation, problem-solving, and management skills, with the ability to translate business requirements into technological solutions. About the job The Google Cloud Consulting Professional Services team guides customers through the moments that matter most in their cloud journey to help businesses thrive. We help customers transform and evolve their business through the use of Google’s global network, web-scale data centers, and software infrastructure. As part of an innovative team in this rapidly growing business, you will help shape the future of businesses of all sizes and use technology to connect with customers, employees, and partners. As a Technical Account Manager (TAM), you will help customers successfully adopt Google Cloud products. You will lead the adoption of Google Cloud at organizations, guiding them through the strategic and technical facets of the transformation journey. You'll manage the delivery of Cloud Consulting engagements to drive customer adoption of Google Cloud services. In this role, you will engage with various stakeholder groups, including leadership of enterprises and a cross-functional and geographically dispersed team. Google Cloud accelerates every organization’s ability to digitally transform its business and industry. We deliver enterprise-grade solutions that leverage Google’s cutting-edge technology, and tools that help developers build more sustainably. Customers in more than 200 countries and territories turn to Google Cloud as their trusted partner to enable growth and solve their most critical business problems. Responsibilities • Accelerate customer adoption of Google Cloud by leading the implementation journey, provide technical guidance and manage timelines, milestones, migration goals, and business transformation strategies. • Advocate for customer needs in order to overcome adoption blockers and drive new feature development. Lead across multiple work-streams and teams to maintain customer momentum. • Develop relationships with stakeholders to understand customer’s business, develop strategic roadmaps, and lead quarterly business reviews and executive sessions to better understand business and technical needs. • Plan for customer events and launches, partnering with Support, Engineers, and Site Reliability Engineers to ensure customer success, and work with customers and Support to guide issues/escalations to resolution. • Develop best practices and assets based on learnings from customer engagements to support initiatives to scale through partners and accelerate Google Cloud adoption.

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6/01 工地主任(儲備幹部) | FI07006087

  • 台北市信義區
  • 3年以上
  • 學歷不拘

工地主任證照、營建工程、營建管理、工程施工監督管理、裝修工程圖識圖、施工監造、施工規劃 1.具有工地主任證照 2.負責建築工地現場監工、材料掌控、分項工程現場指揮 3.依據施工圖說進行工程檢討與審查,並協助管理品質查核 4.施工計畫擬定、工地現場缺失改善與管理 5.以集合式住宅建築為主 (有基礎、結構、室內外裝修、交屋等現場經驗) 6.請款計價與審核作業

待遇面議 員工820人

6/01 PHP專案工程師

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

公司擴編徵才,參與軟體系統的開發、建置與維護(含專案文件製作)。 【工作內容】 1. 系統分析設計與程式撰寫 2. 參與各項專案軟體開發與維護 3. 開發與維護公司自有軟體產品 【能力需求】 1. 熟悉PHP(或熟悉任一種網頁後端程式語言,同時對PHP有基礎了解與興趣) 2. 會用MSSQL、MySQL等關聯式資料庫 3. 會基礎HTML、JS與CSS 4. 需團隊合作,能與客戶基本互動與溝通 【加分項目-優先面試且待遇斟酌調升】 1. 具Java實作經驗 2. 能運用Flutter製作APP 3. 具備參與專案經驗者 【工作地點】 近永春捷運站 【待遇福利】 薪資:月薪36000至65000,根據工作資歷與技術能力核薪 休假:第一年就有7天(根據就職日等比例計算),後續每年增加1天 其餘規定比照勞基法,勞健保同一般公司

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