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  • 台北市南港區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1.各項金融資產之研究與分析(包括股票、債券、基金等投資產品)。 2.金融投資投後績效分析、風險控管報告及核對交易部位等作業。 3.銀行融資額度洽談規劃與維繫。 4.相關法規內控制訂與維護等作業。 5.其他財務專案支援。 6. 主管其他交辦事項。



  • 新北市汐止區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

嘟嘟屋網路電商公司成立10年,月營收過千萬,2020年營收破億 成立時由網路拍賣平台起家,現於各大知名平台銷售販賣、也有經營自有品牌官網。 我們團隊氣氛融洽, 我們有良好的福利, 我們有挑戰及困難的工作任務, 我們公司提倡每天持續努力追求,專業、認真、自由 - 在工作中並存, 深度的了解各大電商平台優勢,掌握話題性商品的開發 但苦沒有給予舞台發揮您,歡迎加入我們。 嘟嘟屋擁有專業的六大部門,分工確立 制度完整 商品管理部門、電商行銷部門、美編設計部門、客戶服務部門、物流管理部門、財務管理部門。 各部門不僅有獨立的作業系統,及專業的作業流程,並且可以有效的合作與跨部門溝通, 已達成高效率水平為目標。 此職缺應聘蝦皮帳號,關鍵字廣告行銷,有經驗者優先。 業界廣告行銷高手歡迎進行面試,此職缺待遇優渥。 嘟嘟屋為年營收3億以上規模,誠徵網路行銷、或營運管理之人才。 ㄧ、主要工作內容 1 . 熟悉蝦皮購物、關鍵字廣告等工作項目: 清楚網頁前台所有架構,有上過蝦皮大學課程尤佳, 標籤優化、標題優化、關鍵字排名優化等。 有效爭取首頁曝光版位之能力,熟悉上架商品、提品、辦理合約等步驟。 對於平台廣告、季節活動的廣告價位,有基礎概念。 2 .擔任蝦皮購物平台窗口: 代表公司與蝦皮購物平台之業務、PM接洽溝通、維持公司合作關係 3 .規劃蝦皮購物行銷活動,設計有效的商品行銷方案: 熟悉商品的特性,分析市場需求、購買客群、節慶等因素後,設計出適合在此平台販售的方式與活動方案。 4 .負責蝦皮商品規劃、管理、修改現有商品等作業。 熟悉蝦皮購物所有後台設定、操作與廣告投放,日常維護作業由行銷助理協助。 二、本職專業技能訴求 1. 需具備網路購物流程之相關經驗與知識,並且對於網路行銷販售商品有概念。 2. 具備邏輯思考清晰,觀點思路明確。 3. 擅長分析供需法則,並能有效善用。 4. 對於網路行銷商品,有熱情與興趣。 5. 需具備網路消費者之行為知識。 6. 具備數據分析能力。 三、操作平台規模 1.蝦皮主帳號月營業額千萬以上,年營業額過億。 您有實力來實踐自己,公司高層及幕後團隊資源 (電商行銷部、市場發展部、商品開發部、客戶服務部、物流管理部) 四、薪資條件 1.只要你夠有想法、夠有創意、敢於挑戰,薪資條件你敢開我敢給,歡迎同行同業,各路菁英一起共同並肩創造高峰。

待遇面議 員工50人 遠端工作

6/09 標註工讀生

  • 台北市大同區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

Yating(https://yating.tw/zh-hant), a Taiwan AI Labs’ company, provides a dynamic startup environment that fosters exceptional career development opportunities. We are looking for talented professionals to join us in advancing AI solutions for news and social media analysis. We’re seeking talents who are results-driven, highly organized, and possess strong leadership skills to plan, execute, and manage information analysis projects. Join our team and contribute to the exciting world of AI. 【Responsibilities】 1.正常聽力,需要聽音檔。 2.每週至少能工作 20 小時,且每次工作至少超過4小時。 3.需長期配合核心產品開發的的資料標註工作,至少持續一年。 4.需具備台語基礎聽力能力。 4.需具備英文 TOEIC 600 分以上能力(加分條件)。 **此職位不適用公司Hybrid制度**

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6/09 資料收集工讀生Knowledge collector (時薪制)

  • 台北市大同區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

Yating(https://yating.tw/zh-hant), a Taiwan AI Labs’ company, provides a dynamic startup environment that fosters exceptional career development opportunities. We are looking for talented professionals to join us in advancing AI solutions for news and social media analysis. We’re seeking talents who are results-driven, highly organized, and possess strong leadership skills to plan, execute, and manage information analysis projects. Join our team and contribute to the exciting world of AI. 【Responsibilities】 1.大三以上具備Python、HTML和JavaScript的基礎能力。 2.每週需至少配合工作16小時,工作時間為週一至週五的09:00-18:00。 請在應徵時附上成績單,並備註您一週可上班的天數 *此為非遠端、非接案性質的工作,我們期待您能夠加入我們的團隊,共同成長*

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6/09 中藥學徒 7

  • 台北市大同區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

1.負責中藥材炮製、加工、整理、包裝、陳列。 及庫存管理工作。 2.負責常用的中藥材介紹及銷售。 3.提供顧客接待與服務。 4.送貨。

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6/09 中老年社會住宅包租代管專案推廣師

  • 台北市大同區
  • 10年以上
  • 學歷不拘

1. 本專案計畫為配合政府推廣社會住宅包租代管政策,尋找退休之中老年的夥伴,共同來協助推廣政府的社宅租管政策。 可在家工作,亦可來公司學習,薪資獎金福利採論件計酬制。 2. 開發專案之需求、聯繫及開發端溝通協調、開發紀錄與,歡迎退休長者共同來分享社會住宅包租代管政策,讓身邊有住宅的房東,可以享受社會住宅的政策好康福利。 社宅專案管理師是一個重要的職位,負責社宅租管協專案之重要性,確保專案項目讓更多長輩清楚了解,幫助更多住宅的屋主,解決住宅閒置及出租管理上的問題。 此職位具有良好的發展前景,隨著住宅租賃市場的需求,以及越來越多的老舊社區,需要專業的專案管理師來協助,方能提高使用效率和品質。 如果您符合上述要求並對此職位感興趣,請提交您的履歷表和相關資料,期待您的加入!

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6/09 Security Engineer

  • 台北市大同區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Yating(https://yating.tw/zh-hant), a Taiwan AI Labs’ company, provides a dynamic startup environment that fosters exceptional career development opportunities. We are looking for talented professionals to join us in advancing AI solutions for news and social media analysis. We’re seeking talents who are results-driven, highly organized, and possess strong leadership skills to plan, execute, and manage information analysis projects. Join our team and contribute to the exciting world of AI. 【Responsibilities】 1.Develop security standards and practices. 2.Solve product security issues. 3.Scan networks and systems for vulnerabilities. 4.Monitor networks and systems for security breaches or intrusions. 5.Use software and network equipment to protect company. 【Essential Qualifications】 1.Proven work experience as a security engineer. 2.Detailed technical knowledge of network and system security. 3.Hands on experience in security systems, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and authentication systems. 4.Problem solving skills and ability to work under pressure. 【Preferred Qualifications】 1.Familiar with both Windows and Linux systems.

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6/09 Software Test Engineer (Contractor)_Taipei

  • 台北市大同區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Yating(https://yating.tw/zh-hant), a Taiwan AI Labs’ company, provides a dynamic startup environment that fosters exceptional career development opportunities. We are looking for talented professionals to join us in advancing AI solutions for news and social media analysis. We’re seeking talents who are results-driven, highly organized, and possess strong leadership skills to plan, execute, and manage information analysis projects. Join our team and contribute to the exciting world of AI. 【Responsibilities】 1.Execute test cases (manual or automated) and analyze results 2.Create logs to document testing phases and defects 3.Collaborate with QA Engineers to develop effective strategies and test plans 4.Report bugs and errors to development teams 5.Help troubleshoot issues 6.Conduct post-release/ post-implementation testing 7.Work with cross-functional teams to ensure quality throughout the software development lifecycle 【Essential Qualifications】 1.Positive, careful, independent, and attention-to-details attitudes 2.Willing to learn and good communication skills 3.CS/IM Background 【Preferred Qualifications】 1.Experience of quality assurance tasks 2.Experience of ASR, TTS relative works 3.Knowledge of AI models 4.Knowledge of NLP 5.Knowledge of GPT/LLM Experience in at least one of the following area is required【加分條件】 1.Experience of fine-tune LLM models 2.Knowledge/Understanding of multimedia formats

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6/09 PR Specialist

  • 台北市大同區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

Taiwan AI Labs(AILabs.tw) is a dynamic startup environment offering exceptional career development opportunities. We invite talented professionals to join us in advancing healthcare and human interaction. Our mission is to define the future of artificial intelligence(AI) experiences. We are seeking results-driven and highly organized individuals with a strong leadership mindset to plan, execute and manage engineering projects. Our mission is to define the future of AI experiences. 【Responsibilities】 1.Contribute to content creation for press releases, event presentations, and other PR materials 2.Maintain media relationships and serve as a liaison for communication 3.Manage PR-related tasks and organize company events and press conferences 4.Create promotional materials related to the company's image 【Essential Qualifications】 1.3 years of experience in PR, communications, related roles within PR agencies or in-house positions 2.Strong writing, editing, and verbal communication skills in both English and Chinese 3.Enthusiastic team player with excellent interpersonal and organizational skills 4.Demonstrated capability to handle multiple tasks and prioritize effectively in a dynamic environment 5.Excellent interpersonal and coordination skills with cross-functional teamwork

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6/09 AI 客戶代表

  • 台北市大同區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

Yating(https://yating.tw/zh-hant), a Taiwan AI Labs’ company, provides a dynamic startup environment that fosters exceptional career development opportunities. We are looking for talented professionals to join us in advancing AI solutions for news and social media analysis. We’re seeking talents who are results-driven, highly organized, and possess strong leadership skills to plan, execute, and manage information analysis projects. Join our team and contribute to the exciting world of AI. 【Responsibilities】 1.定期拜訪經銷通路夥伴,維繫穩定夥伴關係並協助開發客戶潛在商機,拓展市場,以達成業績目標。 2.負責業務接洽及報價,掌握客戶狀況,追蹤Pipeline並制定聯合GTM計畫。 3.負責和BD、產品與技術部門之間的協調作業,以利業務進度之推展。 4.建立經銷生態環境,處理客戶端之問題,給予完善的處理。 5.與管理團隊合作,確保制定明確的戰略。 【Essential Qualifications】 1.3年以上IT或AI 通路產業業務經驗。 2.優秀的溝通能力、反應快、理解力強、並勇於接受挑戰。  3.對軟體開發產業、市場應用有想法與熱忱,並具備產業相關基礎知識與經驗。 【Preferred Qualifications】 1. 有以下領域事業開發與產品銷售經驗。 a. AI 或 NLP 相關的產品 b. 資料分析產品 2. 資工或資管背景者。

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6/09 Senior UIUX designer

  • 台北市大同區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

Yating(https://yating.tw/zh-hant), a Taiwan AI Labs’ company, provides a dynamic startup environment that fosters exceptional career development opportunities. We are looking for talented professionals to join us in advancing AI solutions for news and social media analysis. We’re seeking talents who are results-driven, highly organized, and possess strong leadership skills to plan, execute, and manage information analysis projects. Join our team and contribute to the exciting world of AI. 【Responsibilities】 1.協助Yating團隊完成產品用戶體驗設計。 2.支援產品開發前期的各類型Prototype及業務拓展的Demo需求。 3.擔任以用戶體驗為中心的角色,與團隊一起激盪出AI技術的應用。 4.根據團隊資源開發出符合使用者需求的RWD網站及APP產品,並能獨立製User Flow、Wireframe、Mockup、Prototype。 【Essential Qualifications】 1.5+年以上工作經驗,能獨立工作,具有良好的溝通技巧且積極主動。 2.熟悉 Figma 基本及進階功能。 3.展示你的作品集,包括交互和視覺設計、產品迭代,以及你對產品設計過程中 的觀察和想法。 4.具備敏捷思維和大膽思考各種可能性,對數位產品迭代和解决問題充滿熱情。 5.能與開發團隊、產品經理密切合作, 在快節奏的環境中處理多項專案。 6.具備基礎的英文書寫能力。 【加分條件】 1.有語音對話式UIUX、社群軟體、音樂製作軟體的設計經驗。 2.User research 的經驗。 3.產品從0-1的經驗。 4.會看基礎的GA等數據。 5.有使用任一架站軟體的經驗,像是 wordpress 或 framer。 6.對於 HTML, CSS, JavaScript 有基本概念。 7.對於AI生成工具有熱忱。

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6/09 LLM Engineer (Yating Team )

  • 台北市大同區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Yating(https://yating.tw/zh-hant), a Taiwan AI Labs’ company, provides a dynamic startup environment that fosters exceptional career development opportunities. We are looking for talented professionals to join us in advancing AI solutions for news and social media analysis. We’re seeking talents who are results-driven, highly organized, and possess strong leadership skills to plan, execute, and manage information analysis projects. Join our team and contribute to the exciting world of AI. 【Responsibilities】 1.LLM Customization: Specialize in pre-training, fine-tuning and evaluating LLMs, ensuring LLMs are precisely adapted and optimized for specific domains. 2.Context-Aware AI: Responsible for constructing dialogue systems with hybrid encoders to accurately context learning and customizing rerankers to fine-tune the selection of relevant passages across scenarios. 3.Refine LLM Agents for Automation: Develop LLM agents skilled in task planning and automation, ensuring seamless integration with external tools, databases, and APIs for complex problem-solving and enhanced decision-making. 4.Tackle NLP Tasks: Apply ML models like Neural Networks to solve text classification, clustering, and regression. 【Essential Qualifications】 1.Experience in machine learning, data mining, and natural language processing. 2.Experience adapting pre-trained language models such as BERT, GPT, and T5. 3.Proficiency in programming with C++, Python, or related languages. 【Preferred Qualifications】 1.Familiarity with the training and fine-tuning processes of multimodal LLMs and Encoders. 2.Proficiency with Docker and Kubernetes (K8s) for containerization and orchestration.

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6/09 開發設計助理

  • 台北市大同區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

∎協助商品開發。 製作相關表單、與鞋廠溝通並追蹤樣品進度 包括材料確認、修改進度 ∎蒐集、分析市場情報與相關資料 ∎處理進口報關事宜 - ∎定期品檢抽驗以及問題回報 ∎瑕疪鞋整理 ∎色卡及材料管理 ∎協助商拍、及行銷影片 ∎協助級放尺寸確認 - ∎電腦繪圖Illustrator、Photoshop 、Rhino ceros (商品線稿、模擬圖、配色圖、簡易修圖) 需有相關開發經歷 有國貿經驗者尤佳

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6/09 Campaign Marketing Specialist

  • 台北市大同區
  • 4年以上
  • 專科

Yating(https://yating.tw/zh-hant), a Taiwan AI Labs’ company, provides a dynamic startup environment that fosters exceptional career development opportunities. We are looking for talented professionals to join us in advancing AI solutions for news and social media analysis. We’re seeking talents who are results-driven, highly organized, and possess strong leadership skills to plan, execute, and manage information analysis projects. Join our team and contribute to the exciting world of AI 【Responsibilities】 1.Developing campaign objectives, strategies and target audience segments 2.Identifying the optimum marketing mix across marketing channels and events 3.Researching industry publications and influencers to amplify our content and reach our target audiences and developers 4.Coordinating execution of marketing programs and projects, including identifying roles and dependencies, managing timelines, and cross-functional planning 5.Building demand generation and awareness campaigns 6.Crafting email campaigns and newsletters to promote the latest news and technology highlights 7.Optimizing the website experience to maintain a clear and consistent platform for our content and resources 8.Building creative and engaging marketing and educational assets including web pages, industry-specific collateral, social posts, banner advertisements, nurture campaigns 9.Using reporting tools to inform and guide campaign strategy, while analyzing, optimizing, and communicating results on an ongoing basis 【Essential Qualifications】 1.4+ years of experience in leading integrated marketing campaigns 2.Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience 3.Demonstrated experience and measurable results with marketing 4.Excellent command of written and spoken English/Chinese and ability to write creative long and short-form content 5.Experience in driving programs and projects across cross-functional teams within an organization

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6/09 SRE/DevOps Engineer

  • 台北市大同區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

Yating(https://yating.tw/zh-hant), a Taiwan AI Labs’ company, provides a dynamic startup environment that fosters exceptional career development opportunities. We are looking for talented professionals to join us in advancing AI solutions for news and social media analysis. We’re seeking talents who are results-driven, highly organized, and possess strong leadership skills to plan, execute, and manage information analysis projects. Join our team and contribute to the exciting world of AI. 【Responsibilities】 1) Establish and improve software development environment and tools. - Agile process - CI/CD - Monitoring - Security - Performance tuning 2) Build and improve our private computing clusters based on container, Kubernetes, and VM. 3) Plan future computing infrastructure. 【Essential Qualifications】 1. Experience with Linux system administration 2. Experience in Jenkins, Argo CD, Tekton or similar CI/CD technology 3. Experience in container solutions such as Docker and Kubernetes. 4. Implement and manage monitoring systems using tools such as Nagios, Prometheus, or Grafana 5. Proficiency in at least one programming language, such as Python, Node.js, or Golang. 6. Self-motivated and driven by your results 7. Ability to work independently and as part of a team. 8. Strong communication skills and ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams. Experience in at least one of the following area is required【加分條件】 1. Experience with private cloud infrastructure 2. Experience with configuration management tools such as Ansible, Puppet, or Chef. 3. Experience with cloud services such as AWS, Azure, or GCP. 4. Experience with infrastructure as Code, such as Terraform or AWS CloudFormation. 5. Experience with backend development in Golang, Node.js 6. Proficiency in Kubernetes administration 7. Strong understanding of networking, security, and infrastructure architecture.

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6/09 電話開發/電訪員

  • 台北市大同區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

推廣社會住宅包租代管 電話開發、推廣、訪問 20年專業住宅租管服務 以推廣社會住宅政策為主 開發房東委託出租 公司協助免費代租、代管、申請補助 公司提供座位、電腦、電話、名單(搜尋) 上班時間13:30~20:30 時薪180元 基本培訓2.3小時後即可開始

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6/09 微電影演員(無經驗可)

  • 台北市大同區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

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