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  • 台北市大安區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

AJ2 愛家概念,台灣最有創意、最有態度的家居電商品牌! 我們有「系統性」的「培訓引導」,You are not alone. 我們是「開放式」的「團隊溝通」,We are the team. 我們有「高評度」的「品牌商品」,AJ2 is your “Sword and Shield”. *** 工作內容: 1.品牌行銷專案企劃與執行 2.產品行銷企劃與執行 3.平面及動態影像素材企劃,能與合作廠商溝通與協作 4.各式文案撰寫 5.蒐集市場情報,與團隊分析並擬定行銷策略 6.充分理解公司業務及目標,結合市場需求制定個別方案 7.支援各項行銷專案、活動之企劃與執行 *** 更多關於AJ2愛家概念 官方網站:https://www.aj2.com.tw/ 粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/www.aj2.com.tw/


6/04 SEM102 安管菁英-新店區(固定日夜班.薪資4萬以上)

  • 新北市新店區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1. 擔任社區保安維護工作。 2. 巡邏建築物與周遭環境,留意可疑線索,確保安全與安寧。 3.這是一份穩定而專業成長的工作機會,歡迎有向心力的優秀朋友加入我們的菁英團 隊,無經驗可。 1. 擔任社區保安維護工作。 2. 巡邏建築物與周遭環境,留意可疑線索,確保安全與安寧。 3.這是一份穩定而專業成長的工作機會,歡迎有向心力的優秀朋友加入我們的菁英團 隊,無經驗可。 ●福利優渥: 1.勞健保、勞工退休金。 2.免費享有員工團體保險(雇主責任額;團體意外保險) 。 3.每年不定期全身健康檢查。 4.年終獎金 (依年資及績效考核計算)、婚喪喜慶禮金 、活動補助費、端午中秋 禮金、生日禮 金等。 5.給薪假:教召、公傷假、陪產假、婚假、產假、喪假、產檢假等。 6.日夜班皆可、日工時12H、月休6~7天;全職。

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6/04 工務行政助理(雙北)

  • 新北市新店區
  • 2年以上
  • 高中

*職務內容: 1.收發公文 2.資料分析 3.主管交辦事項 (本職缺工作地點配合工地需求調派) *需求條件: 1.熟悉Office軟體應用(word、excel、outlook) 2.曾任營造業或建築相關產業者尤佳 3.具主動、積極,具團隊合作精神

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6/04 (REIGN)Pre-Sales-J01788

  • 新北市新店區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

- As an Account Managers and co-work with global (sales team, distributor, and SI) activities - with technical knowledge and communications skill, typically enterprise and system integration customers - Project Management function for PoC and MP - Global Market Research - Global Business Evaluation - Global Potential Customer Approach - Global Promotion Proposal - Global Service Support - Legal Contract Review - Worldwide Business Travel

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6/04 (Human Resources)HR Project Manager-HTC02071

  • 新北市新店區
  • 5年以上
  • 碩士

At HTC, we believe that our people are our greatest asset. As an HR Project Manager, you’ll be at the heart of our mission to create a thriving workplace where innovation, collaboration, and growth flourish. If you’re ready to dare to dream big and pursuit brilliance, read on! Role Overview: As our HR Project Manager, you’ll be more than a gatekeeper of policies and procedures. You’ll be a catalyst for positive change, a strategic thinker, and a trusted advisor to our leadership team. Your passion for people and your knack for turning challenges into opportunities will set the tone for our organization’s success. Responsibilities: This role will closely collaborate with the HR Head to drive HR excellence and contribute to the organization’s success. 1. Project Planning and Execution: - Develop and execute HR projects, such as Project Recruitment, Executive Search, Performance Management, and Talent Management initiatives. - Monitor project timelines, allocate resources, and ensure successful implementation. 2. HR Strategy and Change Management: - Formulate and execute HR strategies aligned with organizational goals. - Drive change initiatives, ensuring smooth transitions during organizational transformations. 3. Business Partnering (HRBP): - Collaborate with business leaders to understand their needs and align HR practices accordingly. - Provide strategic guidance on workforce planning, talent development, and succession planning. 4. HR Technology and Systems: - Leverage HR technology platforms for efficient data management, reporting, and analytics. - Evaluate and implement relevant HR software & AI solutions. Why Join Us? At HTC, we don’t just offer jobs; we offer adventures. You’ll be part of a tribe that celebrates wins, dances through challenges, and believes that every day is a chance to create something extraordinary. So, if you’re ready to sprinkle stardust on your career, hit that “Apply” button! Remember, at HTC, we don’t just climb mountains; we move them.

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6/04 土地開發專員

  • 新北市新店區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

格上租車積極推動平台轉型,我們正積極找尋對國內不動產及土地投資業務有興趣的業務專員,協助公司擴大發展規劃及發揮集團綜效: ✦ 公司車輛據點遍及全省,到哪都有公務車可租借,無需擔心出差用車問題。 ✦ 不需要應酬,您只需要專注在土地開發、評估工作上面就可以。 ✦ 展望未來,您將有機會為公司創造里程碑,成就美好的職涯發展。 1. 尋找土地買賣可開發之標的,並進行評估與調查。 2. 評估土地投資之效益與提出分析報告。 3. 與地主談判並協調簽約。 4. 規劃土地之重整、建設計劃。 5. 處理土地轉移、變更及建設等之法律相關作業。 6. 其他主管交辦事項。

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6/04 財會專員、助理

  • 新北市新店區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

• 了解製造業相關財務內容 • 審核各項費用 / 廠商貨款之相關交易單據及帳務處理 • 財務分析及風險管理 • 規劃及檢討公司會計作業流程,並覆核各項會計作業 • 其他主管交辦事項 也歡迎願意從財務助理開始培訓者 • 應收/應付 管理:ERP入帳+明細 • 其他支付憑單管理、例行性費用+請款 • 開立發票 • 結帳學習 • 年終盤點

待遇面議 員工20人
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6/04 (Global Marketing)Web Marketing Planner-HTC01944

  • 新北市新店區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

- Develops strong strategies for increasing web traffic, content richness and conversion rates to strongly drive company revenue. - Plans and implements web-based marketing strategies and campaigns via the company’s websites. - Collaborates with web development and design teams; provides guidance on marketing-related aspects of the company’s web presence. - Initiates or coordinates global digital campaign to ensure active promotions and campaigns are represented on the websites - Collaborates with SEO, copywriter, web design, development, and other content staff to improve SEO results for the company’s websites. - Maintains current knowledge of trends and developments in online marketing. - Solid knowledge of competitor products and industry trends, and able to transform insight into feasible business strategies and initiatives. - Excellent analytical and numerical skills and being creative with great problem-solving skills. - Excellent web analytics tools acumen, e.g. Google Analytics, Google Data Studio, Google Search Console, SimilarWeb, Microsoft Power BI, or similar. - Experience in launching large-scale global project from very beginning to the end of product life cycle, and influences senior stakeholders and regional heads with a data-driven approach. - Experience in setting goals with OKR, you will need to know the object of each project, and of course, deliver the key results. And keep optimizing for the best outcome. - Expertise in the planning and execution of web projects, production schedules, and quality assurance. - Experience in working with the UX designers, graphic designers, UI designers and developers to deliver website project in an agile environment. - Be an independent contributor and a collaborator at the same time, and have a leadership mindset. - Be a team player, and able to work cross-functional team. - Strong communication, critical thinking. - Be able to handle/manage/work with uncertainty. - Have a strong passion for VR/ AR, metaverse, consumer electronic, blockchain and trending technologies.

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6/04 事業一部新店區總幹事

  • 新北市新店區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

1. 組織社團各項工作,制定計劃,落實目標。 2. 負責社團的行政管理、財務管理、會務管理等工作。 3. 與外界建立良好的關係,拓展社團的人脈和資源。 4. 協調社團內部成員,建立和維護社團的團隊精神。 5. 組織和參與社團的各種活動,提高社團的知名度和影響力。 社團總幹事是一個重要的職位,負責協調和管理社團的日常運營,以及制定和實施策略來推動社團的發展。這個職位有著良好的職業發展前景,能夠為社團的成功和成長做出貢獻。 歡迎符合條件的人才加入我們的團隊。請提供個人履歷及相關證書。

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6/04 (VIVE H/W)Display Engineer-HX000003

  • 新北市新店區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

In this role, you would engage in different types of display development and implementation for AR/VR applications. In development, you will be responsible for evaluation of electrical and optical performance. Evaluation of display electrical performance and verification display driver IC, interface and signal will be the main focus on this job. 1. New display technology development and implementation 2. Define display specifications 3. Display electrical performance measurement 4. Display driver, interface, and setting evaluation 5. Display optical performance tuning

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6/04 《共享租車》GoSmart車輛行控調度專員

  • 新北市新店區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1. GoSmart共享營運車輛管理,車輛調度、維運安排。 2. 客戶服務諮詢及回覆。 3. 會員管理審核及帳務處理。 4. 其他主管交辦事項。 # 需配合單位排班及排休。

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6/04 車輛採購專員

  • 新北市新店區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1. 統購廠商配件請款及審核作業 2. 長租營業處非統購配件請款及審核、退件作業 3. 短租營業處、中古車營業所、精裝車購配件請款審核 4. 配件請款進度查詢、客戶來電處理 5. 其他主管交辦事項

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6/04 (Creative Labs-User Research)User Research Intern-HTC02069

  • 新北市新店區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

• Collaborate and contribute across our user-centered design process. • Work closely with the User Research team in • Assisting with user research and data analysis • Assisting with conducting usability testing • Prototype building • Idea brainstorming • Sharpen presentation skills through interactions with team members, including UX/UI designers. • Bring a point of view into our practice, and put forward brave ideas.

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6/04 禮儀專員-新北市新店區

  • 新北市新店區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1.協助禮儀師服務家屬治喪事宜。 2.大體接運流程、洗穿化流程、拜飯換花果、整理環境等。 3.服務家屬。 4.主管交辦事項。 ※本公司招募統一由人力銀行篩選履歷後再電話邀約面試。 ※請求職者務必將履歷填寫完整、更新正確資訊。

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6/04 (VIVE)VR User Experience Manager-HX000008

  • 新北市新店區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

Position Overview: We are looking for a highly skilled and experienced Senior User Experience Manager. This role will focus on driving user-centric design excellence within our organization. You will provide expert guidance on VR experiences, conduct benchmarking activities, and contribute to the success of ongoing software projects. As a key member of our UX team, you will have the opportunity to influence our products' direction and deliver exceptional user experiences. Responsibilities: - Conduct thorough benchmarking and competitive analysis to identify industry trends and opportunities for UX innovation. - Collaborate closely with cross-functional teams, including product managers, engineers, and designers, to incorporate UX considerations into project planning and execution. - Champion user-centric design principles throughout the product development lifecycle, from concept ideation to delivery and iteration. - Use both qualitative and quantitative research methods to gather user feedback, conduct usability testing, and validate design decisions. - Independently drive UX initiatives for ongoing software projects, focusing on enhancing user satisfaction and engagement. - Stay informed about emerging technologies, tools, and best practices in UX design and VR experiences, and share insights with the team. - Communicate effectively with stakeholders to present UX recommendations, insights, and findings, and influence decision-making processes. - Continuously iterate on UX solutions based on data-driven insights, user feedback, and usability testing results.

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6/04 研發主管

  • 新北市新店區
  • 5年以上
  • 高中

1. 具五年以上連接線、連接器之產品OEM、ODM經驗。 2. 熟研發部門之作業流程管理以及相關工程技術專業知識。 3. 整合相關部門資源, 追蹤專案進度,含產品之試產、測試、量產出貨。 4. 熟 TS16949、IATF16949 以及 ISO。

待遇面議 員工50人
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