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  • 桃園市龜山區
  • 1年以上
  • 高中

我們為家飾沙發布料貿易商,主要客戶為傢俱沙發製造工廠。 1.每日剪裁布料、整理布料並負責配送至沙發工廠。 2.定期整理、盤點、記錄所有進出貨。 3.有經驗者/善於駕駛手排車尤佳。 4.有意願及興趣願接受培訓者,未來可培訓為業務人員 5.有三節獎金


6/04 產線品保電子技術員

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

電子科系相關畢業尤佳,且會使用烙鐵焊錫 工作中,偶爾需搬運或移動重量較重的變頻器 歡迎熟悉變頻器或從事電子電機類工作相關產業人員投履歷 因變頻器產品大部分為高單價商品,產線資深員工會以最嚴謹的態度指導,而且變頻器型號眾多,歡迎抗壓性強的您投遞履歷。 工作內容: 首先會在產線熟悉變頻器的內部構造與組裝後,才會安排以下作業: 1.協助產線端成品品管、測試與包裝作業 2.將成品協助入庫 3.依客戶需求改裝變頻器 4.簡易維修變頻器 5.支援產線變頻器之製作 5.依主管指示完成份內工作 6.定期清潔負責之區域

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6/04 Machine Learning Engineer

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

【Job Content】 1. Work closely with internal teams to inspire, discover, convert, and integrate existing data into customer-facing applications. 2. Survey and track state-of-the-art NLP/RAG algorithms from top conference or journal papers. 3. Have the ability to implement, experiment, and analyze new algorithms independently. 4. Automate, analyze, and visualize experiment results to improve the quality of current products. 【Qualifications】 1. Proficiency in Python. 2. Solid background in natural language processing (NLP) and large language models (LLM) such as Transformer, LORA, QLORA, RLHF, and DPO. 3. Ability to read and implement the latest algorithms from top conference papers. 4. Strong self-motivation and good communication skills to work with colleagues. 5. Bonus: Having publications in well-known NLP/ML conferences, including but not limited to ACL, EMNLP, KDD, ICML, ICLR, NeurIPS, AAAI, IJCAI. Note: You DO NOT need to have cybersecurity knowledge or backgrounds (it's a plus if you do)

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6/04 行銷助理 Marketing Assistant

  • 新北市土城區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

資歷: 具備行銷規劃、社群經營、廣告投放等行銷相關工作經驗。 內容: 1.協助經營各式社群平台經營,工作細心且有責任心。 2.協助執行課程行銷企劃的各項內容。 3.協助用戶資料整理與其他主管交辦事務。

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6/04 Data Scientist

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

【Job Content】 1. Work closely with security experts to improve our new/existing products and to derive more value from data 2. Survey and track state-of-the-art algorithms from top conference or journal papers 3. Implement and experiment new algorithms based on papers to help solve the customer's problems 4. Automate, analyse and visualise experiment results to improve the quality of current products. 【Qualifications】 1. Bachelor or Master degree in CS or EE. Or in Math / Applied Math / Statistics (having experience in data structure and algorithms) 2. Proficiency in Python or Julia or R or C/C++ 3. Being able to read and implement latest algorithms from top conference papers 4. Strong self-motivation and good communication to work with colleagues. Note: You DO NOT need to have cybersecurity knowledge or backgrounds (it's a plus if you do)

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6/04 客戶支援與知識管理專家

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

【技術支援部介紹】 1. 協助推廣公司研發產品的技術支援,包含展示、教育訓練、基本介紹等 2. 建立產品安裝、維運、退場、故障排除等各標準作業流程並技轉給合作夥伴 3. 協助建立產品文件,包含產品說明書、產品知識庫 FAQ 4. 透過客戶產品支援平台,協助客戶解決產品使用上問題 5. 與產品經理溝通,協助處理客戶問題,並對業務團隊進行產品基礎訓練 6. 對資安事件具有解讀及提供緩解的能力 【工作內容】 1.客戶支援與溝通: • 擔任客戶的首要聯絡窗口,透過 support portal 平台提供迅速有效的問題解決服務 • 主動協助客戶解決使用上的問題,確保客戶滿意度。 2.文件編撰與管理。 • 撰寫產品說明書、技術手冊及相關文件,以清晰易懂的方式呈現產品資訊 • 建立知識庫文章及 FAQ,協助客戶自行解決問題,提升客戶自助服務能力 3.客戶教育與支援 • 提供客戶正確的產品使用方式,以確保客戶能夠充分發揮產品效能 • 協助客戶理解產品特點及優勢,提升客戶對產品的信心 4.文件管理中心運營 • 負責文件管理中心的運作,確保相關文件的組織性、完整性及時效性 • 確保文件版本控制,以確保客戶獲得最新、正確的資訊 5.多語言文件翻譯 • 具備將文件中英文化的能力,確保跨文化溝通的順暢性 6. 達成公司交辦任務

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6/04 派駐Google | 影像品質工程師 IQE

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

Onsite Google Banqiao Office Image Quality Evaluation Engineer (IQE) 1. Planning the verification of new algorithm or parameters 2. Perform mobile phone camera tests in both image labs and the real world. 3. Mobile phone camera database capture. 4. To do face trigger for mobile phone camera tests or image database capture. 5. Organize test results and image database. 6. Image database management in Python. 7. Write simple scripts to automate the test process in Python. 8. Write documents in English such as test procedures. 9. Occasionally required to work at night or weekend for mobile phone camera tests. May need to travel to Hsinchu, Taoyuan or Taipei city for tests. 10. Annual salary: fixed 800K NTD and above + variable bonus

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6/04 Customer Support Engineer 客戶支援工程師

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

1.Proactive in high service quality, mitigation partner and customer in products testing and troubleshooting. 主動提供品質服務,緩解客戶及合作夥伴在產品測試與障礙排除方面的問題 2.Introduction, demonstration, training, and promotion of products to either existing customers and partners or new potential guests. 向現有客戶和合作夥伴或新的潛在顧客介紹、展示、訓練,以及產品推廣。 3.Communicate with the PM, handle customer issues, and conduct basic product training for the sales team. 與PM進行溝通,處理客戶問題,以及對業務團隊進行產品的基礎訓練。 4.To carry out preliminary mitigation suggestions on immediate attack events and do an escalation and inform the other team if necessary. 對即時攻擊資安事件進行初步的緩解建議,必要時向其他團隊反應及通知 5.Handle the product issues from customers and partners, and assist them in solving product related technical issues. 處理客戶及合作夥伴有關產品的問題,協助解決產品相關的技術問題。 6.Write technical documents for customer and partner training, such as the console handbook, routine operational handbook, troubleshooting process docs, etc. 撰寫客戶和合作夥伴訓練的技術文件,如:主控台手冊、操作手冊、故障處理流程說明文件等。

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6/04 Frontend Software Engineer

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

Our team has extensive experience in web development and design. We are committed to providing user-friendly and high-performance to ensure that our products fully meet the needs of our users. Our department emphasizes teamwork and continuous learning, and constantly pursues technological innovation and best practices. 【Job Content】 • Design fancy frontend/UI based on UX specifications • Optimize applications for maximum speed • Collaborate with back-end developers and web designers to improve usability and deliver security product to global market • Maintain and improve website • Create quality mockups and prototypes • Stay up to date on emerging technologies 【Qualifications】 • At least three years’ experience in front-end development using React. • Experience with web UI technologies - Bootstrap, CSS, SCSS, SASS, CSS-in-JS, ECMAScript. • UI frontend technologies expertise to develop RWD website. • Familiarity with browser testing and debugging • Basic knowledge of RESTful API integration. • Experience interacting with designs using tools like Figma. • Experience with Git and GitLab CI/CD. • A sense of self-motivation and teamwork. • Enthusiastic about testing and performance. • Open-minded and willing to learn new tools, technologies, and frameworks to develop clean, testable and maintainable components in ReactJS.

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6/04 Carrier Program Manager (工作地點: 板橋)

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

Task/Responsibilities: 1. Understand Carrier certification requirements and develop testing/certification timelines 2. Support test sample allocation, preparation and delivery 3. Work with internal & external teams on certification test activities tracking, reports collaboration and deliverable submission 4. Real-time issues report and assist in debugging activities Minimum qualifications: 1. Bachelor's degree 2. 2 years+ of related practical experience in Smartphone Certification or Testing areas 3. Experience tracking the project progress and on-time delivery 4. Good Program Management skills, Good Communication and Cross-Functional Collaboration 5. Organizational structure skills and Great Project Execution experience 6. Able to deal with complexity and multi-tasks Preferred qualifications: 1. Great English oral and written communication skills 2. Excellent organizational skills with ability to develop detailed project plans 3. Mobile Wireless Standards such as 3GPP test plan, Carrier Certification test plans

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6/04 森友家(新北板橋)-外勤助理/計時(可轉正)

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

我們是氣氛融洽的年輕團隊! 大家互動愉快、工作兼娛樂十足~ 不管是想學一技之長、尋找未來 都誠摯歡迎,您的加入! - 以下是介紹,請詳閱工作內容: 1. 協助外勤工具器材整理維護。 2. 協助外勤文件之建檔、管理。 3. 協助辦公室環境與設備之清潔與維護。 4. 協助支援各部門的業務及活動。 5. 依表現、配合度調整薪資。 6. 獎金制度完善、補貼出勤油資。 - *注意事項* 本工作非行政助理(非內勤) *不是坐在辦公室的助理工作* - *注意事項* 本工作非行政助理(非內勤) *不是坐在辦公室的助理工作* - 『秉持做的開心為理念』 *所以比起工作能力 我們更重視夥伴間的氛圍 只找『好相處』的團隊夥伴 :) - *需準備良民證。

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