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6/17 Product Compliance Manager

  • 台北市中山區
  • 10年以上
  • 大學

The Product Compliance Program Manager is responsible for managing Product Compliance, Chemical management program including RSL/MRSL management and wastewater management, leading company wastewater and product safety compliance standards throughout the global manufacturing base, with the goal to meet customer requirements, reduce/eliminate risk to workers and consumers, the environment, the company and brands. 【Product Compliance deployment and Wastewater Program development 】 -Track Wastewater global regulation and industrial standard, meeting country regulation and align with industrial practices. -Develop and deploy the Wastewater Management program including policy establishment, internal business partner and vendor partner engagement and vendor training. -Develop and monitor Wastewater compliance testing program to meet country regulation and validate wastewater to ensure company taking the due diligence liability. -Lead the remediation if any Wastewater compliance failure, find out the root cause by partnering with vendors, provide leadership and make recommendation to minimize the business impact -Manage corporate Restricted Substance List (RSL) policy implementation and product compliance failure remediation with vendors partners and internal business partner, supplier product compliance tracking and reporting. -Manage corporate Chemical Management Policy deployment, aligning with industrial practice and meet the minimal requirement. -Support research on sustainable chemistries or green chemistry alternative if require 【Supply Chain Product Compliance and Wastewater Management Performance Assessment】 -Execute the Wastewater Management assessment tools (Higg FEM) to supply chain, driving the completion and verification rate improvement to give visibility of supply chain performance. -Manage and track factory KPI to measure Wastewater compliance performance including wastewater discharge permit, and support the integration with material sourcing system. -Conduct onsite factory audits for chemical management, RSL and wastewater compliance when necessary. 【Supply Chain Engagement, Training and Improvement】 -Identify and analyse the performance gap of supply chain to develop required training program, collaborating with manufacturing partners including liaison office material team and production. Provide recommendation to solve vendor’s challenge during the program implementation. -Engage internal and external stakeholders building relationship with the company manufacturing partners and the industry including testing service providers, GIZ fabric and other brands -Lead vendor meeting to communicate vendor performance and make recommendation of score card improvement. -Communicate and deliver technical RSL and Wastewater training to internal and external stakeholders, acting as technical centre to business partners for product compliance and wastewater requirement. -On-boarding the new hire from liaison offices and new vendors, introducing of company compliance policy and process -Manage wastewater capacity building programs by collaborating with business partner and service providers, including stakeholders’ engagement, program status tracking, make recommendation of improvement, negotiate with vendors or manufacturing partners to adopt required change. Columbia Sportswear Company and our portfolio of brands, including Columbia, SOREL, Mountain Hardwear and prAna, know a thing or two about adventures. After all, we've been on one since 1938, working to perfect the art of enjoying the outdoors. Behind everything we make is an employee who's found that the greatest adventure starts with joining a company that strives to do the right thing. This job description is not meant to be an all-inclusive list of duties and responsibilities, but constitutes a general definition of the position's scope and function in the company.

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6/17 特約漫畫內頁修圖 / 入字製作人員(論件計酬)

  • 台北市中山區
  • 1年以上
  • 學歷不拘

• 特約漫畫內頁入字製作 /修圖 (漫畫網點、線條修圖)。 • 需熟悉Photoshop與InDesign操作。 • 每集頁數不同約在160-220上下,稿費依難易度不同計價。 • 需接受試稿測試10頁。

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6/17 原創編輯部-企劃編輯

  • 台北市中山區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

1.從一本書的主題發想、製作到誕生,全程掌控主導。 2.熟稔書籍出版流程,對書籍和與人溝通有熱枕,能掌控進度,與行銷通路合作等。 3.具備找本土作者(邀稿)、或外文書(韓/泰)選書的能力,若有原創漫畫經驗尤佳。 4.主動提書籍企劃案,包含內容主題、市場分析、行銷計劃及成本計算。 5.認真負責,具抗壓性、擅溝通、時間管理佳,能獨立作業。 6.需有三年以上相關編輯經驗。

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6/17 【高級招待會所】-兼職服務人員(無經驗可培訓)

  • 台北市中山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

招待會所 男公關招聘中 *需年滿18歲 *身高172cm以上 *注重外表乾淨整潔 *儀表淨潔、談吐溫雅、是對自己有自信的帥哥~ 工作內容:客人唱歌聊天、玩遊戲、桌面整理服務,協助熱絡現場氣氛上善於與人交際互動不害羞面對客人言行舉止懂得察言觀色,了解討不同類型客人歡心。 無經驗也不用擔心!我們提供專業職前訓練 上班前會詳細介紹工作内容及訓練教學 並且上班期間都有學長照顧及教學 讓你在工作上可以更快得心應手! 薪資時薪720~900元起 另加小費喔!!!

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6/17 產品經理 Product owner

  • 台北市中山區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

主要擔任台灣漫讀BOOK☆WALKER電子書平台的專案開發PM,主要內容職責如下: 1. 跨團隊溝通合作: 耐心蒐集跨團隊需求並了解需求背景與目的,並與日本總部、財務、法務、客服等相關單位溝通,確保專案合乎規範與保持品質。 2. 產品規劃: 依照確定的需求和目的進行產品的階段性規劃與目標設定。應用Scrum敏捷框架來進行開發,優化產品開發週期,確保快速迭代和持續改進。 3. 維護開發優先順序: 盡力了解功能/產品的價值,以達成目標為前提,排序開發優先度,並懂得產出最小可行性功能/產品來獲得市場回饋,再依回饋進行調整。 4. 用戶需求: 與開發團隊和網頁設計師緊密合作,通過數據分析和用戶研究來深入理解用戶需求,從而指導產品的優化和改進方向。 5. 成效追蹤: 使用數據追蹤、A/B Testing等各種方式來確保產出的品質和成效,把功能/產品的成效視為工作責任。

待遇面議 遠端工作 距捷運行天宮站約110公尺
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6/17 房務部 制服間服務員(管衣室)

  • 台北市中山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

1. 布巾整理送洗 2. 布巾點收分類分發 3. 制服、布巾盤點 4. 制服領用、送洗、歸位 5. 制服修改 6. 客衣送回、入賬 7. 洗滌費用對帳與請款 8. 布巾、制服報廢請購 *此職缺歡迎正職、PT兼職履歷投遞

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6/17 Marketing Specialist (約聘派駐)(外派國際性企業外商)

  • 台北市中山區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

Responsibilities: As a marketing specialist, your responsibilities include but not limited to the following: - Manage multiple projects at the same time. Projects could include but not limited to Marketing Events, Scaled Comms to Creators, Video and other Creative Assets Production etc. - Work closely with project manager and cross-functional teams to develop work plan and execute marketing campaigns; identify, track, execute and follow-up on tasks and issues to ensure campaign is delivered on time with quality - Work scope includes but is not limited to agency management; drafting of program or event communications & surveys; development of program content; ensuring program participation through email or phone outreach; event set up and logistics; creative development, production, execution, and tracking - This role will offer candidates a unique opportunity to contribute to YouTube’s ecosystem and learn how the ecosystem could be nurtured.

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6/17 安全室 安全主任

  • 台北市中山區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

1.協助規劃與執行年度安全防護計畫。 2.協助執行緊急、突發事件之預防、演練與處理,以維護酒店安全。 3.彙整每月安全報表,以及執行緊急壓扣及反針孔、AED測試督導。 4.安全人員管理與教育訓練。 5.值勤班表排定、調整。 6.緊急事故處理、回報、追蹤。 7.督導、執行值班、巡邏等勤務,防止竊盜、破壞、火災等意外事故發生。 8.工作環境測定。 9.各項安全作業須知&報備政府機關。 10.各類勞安相關專責人員訓練證照管理&課程安排。 11.協助飯店之自動檢查計畫。 12.主管交辦事項。

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6/17 財務部 短期助理(計時人員)

  • 台北市中山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1.協助財務行政作業 2.協助生鮮食材/商品之驗收作業 2. 辦理驗收表單系統入帳電腦系統程序。 3. 主管交辦事項。 上班時間: 09:00-18:00 每周天數: 周二~周六,可彈性調整

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6/17 視覺設計師/平面設計師

  • 台北市中山區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

Kitchen Mama是一間國際化的廚房用品新創公司,我們相信烹飪是關於幸福的滿足和愛的分享。應該要輕鬆而且自由自在,毫不費力。我們開發創新的廚房產品來幫助人們“輕鬆分享愛”和“享受烹飪”,並致力於帶給全世界源源不絕地全新的廚房體驗! 我們需要對美感敏銳的你 這是一個極具挑戰的職位,由於新的業務擴張,除了廚具用品之外,也預計銷售不同產業的優良商品,而你的作品將會擴及美國、歐洲、日本。期待有熱情、創意的設計師加入Kitchen Mama的行列! 工作內容: 1.創意發想新產品視覺提案與執行行銷視覺設計(社群媒體文宣圖、Banner、EDM、廣告素材製作、新產品上市素材等) 2.設計產品外觀及彩盒包裝、內結構設計,並進行新產品視覺提案 3.管理並設計官網平台Shopify(UI/UX) 4.協助產品拍照情境規劃,規劃棚拍計畫或是執行修圖、產品攝影、影像處理 5.必須熟悉Illustrator、Photoshop、Indesign等相關設計&影像處理軟體 6.執行主管交辦的事項,能自我管理專案進度 **請附作品集

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6/17 健診護理人員

  • 台北市中山區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

1. 具備護士/護理師證照,且臨床工作經驗二年以上 2. 健診:協助醫師進行診察、執行各項檢查及醫療相關服務等或 有健檢單位工作經驗 尤佳 3. 願意學習並接受指導,且具經驗者尤佳 4. 配合主管調度工作事宜 上班時段 1. 日班(8:00 AM - 5:00 PM ) 2. 依公司制度排休 歡迎喜歡挑戰自我與高度醫療服務熱忱者加入

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6/17 Customer Service Specialist

  • 台北市中山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

Join Our Kitchen Mama Customer Service Team in Taipei: Where Your Role Matters! ● Be the Heartbeat of Our Brand At Kitchen Mama, we're excited to welcome a new Customer Service Specialist to our dynamic team in Taipei. In this role, you're not just addressing customer inquiries; you're a cornerstone of our success. You'll engage directly with a diverse clientele, requiring patience and the ability to solve problems effectively. This role is perfect for someone who loves challenges and is eager to learn and grow. What You'll Do: ✔ Excel in Customer Service: Offer prompt, efficient, and customer-focused service, managing everything from routine questions to complex disputes. ✔ Be the Customer's Champion: Understand and empathize with our customers, providing feedback that shapes our products and services. ✔ Support Key Initiatives: Play an active role in product launches and critical support events. ✔ Create Impactful Reports: Prepare and present statistical reports that drive business decisions. ✔ Manage Knowledge Resources: Maintain and update internal knowledge bases. ✔ Handle Returns and Repairs: Oversee the RMA process, including tracking, analysis, and corrective action monitoring. ✔ Support E-Commerce Platforms: Learn and master the operations of various e-commerce platforms. ✔ Fulfill Ad Hoc Duties: Tackle various tasks and activities as directed by supervisors. Ready to Make a Difference? If you're excited to be a key player in our customer service success, send your resume and let us know why you're the ideal fit for Kitchen Mama!

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6/17 《酒條通洋酒連鎖店》台北市台北松江門市人員,本公司分紅優渥,保證4萬2(獎金+分紅),挑戰年收入破百萬!提供一個月中秋禮金&年終獎金!並發放萬元旅遊基金!

  • 台北市中山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

1.門市結帳、清潔、盤點 2.酒類相關商品介紹、推薦與銷售 3.客戶聯繫維護 4.主管交辦事項 薪資與分紅制度 1.本公司營運良好,分紅制度健全 2.除底薪外,工作表現良好,挑戰月收入5萬(含分紅) 3.工作表現良好,挑戰百萬年薪 4.不定時員工聚餐 5.前期目標達成保證4萬2 年資滿年(歷年制)福利飆升 5.提供中秋禮金以及年終獎金各1個月底薪水 6.提供一萬旅遊基金 我們有完整的培訓課程,每月有安排優良師資,讓團隊一起進步! 上班時間/休假/排假制度: 上班時間:每日8小時(排班制) 月休:8-10天 有年假(歷年制計算) 聘用後先於優良門市進行訓練10-20天後,再依據人員居住地、特質與能力派往各門市上班,無法接受調動者請勿投履歷。 享勞健保、公司另外提撥6%勞退新制

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6/17 人資專員

  • 台北市中山區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1.日常招募及任用作業。 2.員工差勤管理作業。 3.員工保險各項申報作業。 4.薪酬、獎金計算及申報作業。 5.人員異動相關作業。 6.協助人資相關活動、管理及專案之執行。 7.報表資料統計。 8.人事資料維護、人資系統操作維護。 9.其他主管交辦事項。 需熟悉勞動法令、勞工保險相關法規

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6/17 商化專員(雙北地區)

  • 台北市中山區
  • 1年以上
  • 高中

★工作內容 1. 通路訪店/進撤櫃執行。 2. 燈櫃與商品清潔.故障報修.依檯帳圖陳列。 3. 清點門市庫存並與品項負責人員溝通下單資訊。 4. 不定期檢查試用品更新替換隨檔期及新品調整。 5. 爭取第二陳位增加品牌曝光及銷售. 跳跳卡/視覺依行銷檔期活動張貼及更新。 6. 競品資訊新品上市,組合包,促銷活動,及陳列架佈置物,拍照回饋。 7. 轉貨針對通路特性即時處理。 8. 新品上架佈達.提供並教導商品使用說明讓門市人員協助銷售。 9. 確定通路商品到貨時間,執行/針對重點門市提供活動規劃。 10.掌握問題狀況,提供服務及時處理回報。 11.工作地點於雙北合作之通路。 此職務待遇為底薪+達成獎金。 ★企業魅力 【公司商品介紹】http://www.kissme.com.tw/ 【日式傳承】台灣奇士美為與日本成立超過195年之日本伊勢半集團合資之化粧品公司。 【專業研發】來自日本百年品牌 KISSME 的專業與貼心,擁有專屬的皮膚研究中心。 【高品質產品】堅持採用最安全的原料,避免帶給肌膚多餘的刺激,讓你能夠安心的美麗自己。 【創新彩妝先驅】於1966年成為日本史上第一個以開架方式銷售彩妝的先驅,每款產品簡單上手,讓每一個人可以恣意詮釋自己的美麗! 美麗.由你決定 ★歡迎加入KISSME 奇士美化粧品★

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6/17 Senior Accountant/Associate Manager, Financial Reporting

  • 台北市中山區
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

Are you a financial expert passionate about driving growth and ensuring financial stability? Do you thrive in a fast-paced environment where your insights make a real impact? We're seeking a highly motivated Senior Accountant/Associate Manager to join our dynamic team and play a key role in shaping our financial future. What You'll Do: - Assist in budget preparation and control and provide strategic financial advice. - Plan and review company accounting workflows to enhance financial processes. - Prepare and analyze financial statements monthly and review any irregularities. - Handle daily accounting transactions and ensure timely entries. - Manage monthly, quarterly, and annual closings and liaise with auditors and tax consultants to ensure compliance with IFRS and statutory requirements. - Coordinate with the Business/PM team on contracting and payment terms and provide financial insights to support business decisions. - Lead financial projects, such as system implementations and process optimizations, and handle day-to-day tax-related matters, including invoicing and tax filings. - Conduct ad hoc financial analyses and participate in risk management meetings to aid in corporate risk management. What You’ll Need: - A Degree in Accounting, Finance, or Business. - Proficiency in Microsoft Excel/Word, PowerPoint, and Google Sheets - Experience with Oracle NetSuite is highly advantageous. - Strong knowledge of accounting principles, standards, and financial reporting norms. - Previous experience in retail accounting or with multinational trading companies is beneficial. - Excellent communication skills, with the ability to clearly explain financial data and analysis to stakeholders. - Self-motivated, independent, and well-organized with a strong sense of responsibility.

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6/17 行銷專員CA(正職)

  • 台北市中山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

工作內容: 歡迎尋求成長機會,肯吃苦、肯努力、挑戰高薪的您加入。 1. 銷售人身保險商品、客戶經營服務並提供富邦金控整合性金融服務; 2. 本職缺為業務招攬工作,實際薪酬依招攬績效按件核發各類非定額之津貼與獎金等保險承攬報酬; 3. 另就部分工時時薪183元之工作,須依公司規定於約定之工作時間內參加早會並接受教育訓練(於約定之每月工作時間內,每月出席7日、每日1小時)每月總計1281~2000元。

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6/17 國內業務專員

  • 台北市中山區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

1. 開發潛在進出口客戶,拓展市場,達成業績目標。 2. 針對進出口客戶提供專案規劃服務,並進行公司承攬代理產品之銷售推展。 3. 定期拜訪經銷客戶,維繫穩定客戶關係, 根據客戶的實際需求, 與支援團隊協調配合。 4. 具備相關經驗或熟悉國際物流產業者更佳。 5. 高底薪, 高獎金。 6. 具備基本英文溝通能力。

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