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  • 台中市大肚區
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

1.薪資依個人過往相關經驗核定。 2.具建築事務所年資5~10年以上經驗,負責大樓住宅設計案累計5案以上。 3.熟悉建築設計相關繪圖軟體,平面圖、立面圖、3D圖、剖面圖。 4.熟悉建築相關法規,了解都市計畫。 5.具備整合水電圖、結構圖能力。


6/16 六度空間-台中店儲備幹部

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 4年以上
  • 專科

月休10天、假期可累積,淡季最長可休至1~4周(帶薪假) 誠徵有熱忱且具責任感,個性活潑外向的你一起加入六度空間~ 1. 店內環境維護 每日開張/打烊以及收銀機台結算 2. 協助處理部分網路及電話行銷事務 3. 提供顧客接待與需求服務 (如:電話應對,Email信件,臉書.IG & Line訊息回覆) 4. 介紹並引導顧客遊玩鐳射槍活動,講解安全須知,與顧客保持良好互動. 5. 維持現場流程並協助現場帶團教練 6. 店內環境維護清潔 7. 部分設備修理、維護 8. 提供升遷管道 1. Take care of the front desk. (payment, daily accounting, customer requests... ) 2. Help with marketing and sales. 3. Answer phone call, Emails, Facebook & Line Message. 4. Coach the customers: Introduce safety rules, the game, have fun with customers. 5. Manage, Help & Support the coach. 6. Help keep the shop clean. 7. Help doing small reparations.

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6/16 Moxy Taichung 房務副理 Assistant Executive Housekeeper

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

1. 管理所有房務及公清單位的運作,協助分配和監督主任、資深房務員的工作,並在需要時提供協助。 2. 有效運用房務清潔外包人力配置與費用規劃,並與正職人力達成平衡。 3. 負責本飯店樓層及公共區域的清潔,定期檢查所有區域。 4. 確保所有工作是遵循房務部的工作流程,並確定依照本飯店的規定進行。 5. 確保迅速報告維修資料。 6. 擬訂定期的清潔計畫。 7. 針對每日預進、VIP、Marriott Bonvoy、長住客、團體之相關資料及特殊習性,提供個人化的服務和協助,並進行資料更新。 8. 處理顧客抱怨並即時彙報給直屬主管。 9. 固定資產與布巾管理。 10. 確保廠商依合約進行,並進行計價單作業彙整報告直屬主管。 11. 建立本部門的成本動向流程,以便追蹤、報告及控制。 12. 建立與監督採購流程的完成,並處理和儲存存貨。

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6/16 業務人員(台中)

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 3年以上
  • 學歷不拘

1.開發潛在客戶,拓展市場(搜集客戶資訊)。 2.拜訪客戶拿取樣品。 3.定期提供工作日誌進度追蹤報表,以供主管參考。 4.主管交辦事項。 5.週休無加班。 6.工作待遇底薪+業績獎金 無經驗可,態度積極具備耐心與高EQ服務熱誠

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6/16 門市店員-永春店

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1.負責銷售門市商品(含結帳)及商品上架(陳列)、退(換)貨等事宜。 2.提供顧客之接待與需求服務。 3.蝦皮訂單處理(含貨品包裝及寄貨)、蝦皮號聊聊(回應) 4.維持店內、外之清潔維護。 5.主管交代之事項。 歡迎 所有求職者 發展/遠景: 本公司持續展店中(目前計有北部中壢店、中部中清店及永春店),積極開發、尋找可供烘焙DIY各項所需商品(如原物料、工具、包裝材料及週邊應用商品),是一家具有發展潛力的公司,另外本公司亦極拓展網路商店經營模式,除了有自已的網站外,蝦皮商城經營亦是本公司拓展業務的重點,歡迎有門市及電子商務經驗朋友們加入本公司經營的行列。

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6/15 【迪卡儂總部】Learning & Development Leader

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

As a Learning & Development Leader: - I guarantee the development of a favorable and motivating environment, the improvement of skills of all employees in their individual development plan - I make sure that all the resources of skills improvement are available for all team members in my country - Each decathlonian is able to acquire knowledge in terms of “savoir-faire” and “savoir-être" and “well being”, in an autonomous way and is able to measure and analyze its progress. - To enable each leader to be autonomous in the management of skills - I am an ambassador for the local L&D of my country - I guarantee that the self-assessment is at the heart of the strategy: the level and the wish to progress is visible to all those who are involved in the improvement of skills MY RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Develop and animate a skills development strategy in my country in collaboration with local HR 1.1 Define the country training project - Define the training strategy: physical and digital - Guarantee training basics: onboarding and jobs training plan - Define the KPI target for training and skills evaluation - Define the skills networks (academy leader & referent) 1.2 Define the annual priorities of skills development with the country HR leader - Animate the key skills by perimeter (Identify the key skills that should be developed) 1.3 Ensure the implementation skills tools management - Implement the skills solutions (Deploy locally the training platform and the other tools) - Guarantee the level of knowledge for the tools that manage skills improvement - Adapt or create locally the learning paths, trainings, E-Learnings and other type of content - Ensure the quality of Data and up to date content 1.4 Implement the Management of the skills - Adapt or create locally the tool for self assessment - Accompany and animate leaders on skills management: train leaders in skills management 1.5 Provide a learning environment -Implementation of physical learning sites dedicated to training on the sites (warehouses, services, etc.) -Guarantee the project “Time to learn” for each teammate -Ensure the accessibility to learning material 2. Guarantee and animate a network of Academy / Training leaders and referents to guarantee the animation of skills improvement: 2.1 Create the academy/trainer network by identifying the local training leaders, country and local referents. - Provide a written and applied validation process for Academy Leaders and referents 2.2 A clear & simple and known mission for the Academy/Training leaders and referents - Challenge academy/training leader and referent in each perimeter for the improvement of skills -Manage the learnings reports -Follow the learning and development country objectives -Create a communication strategy for and with your network of Academy Leaders and referents -Create regular local challenges with Awards -Promote & facilitate the best practice 3.Ensure involvement on UNITED level, participation and contributions to the various UNITED meetings: - Sharing of “best practices”, local training catalog - Create your own network of neighbor Country Academy Leaders KPIs - Learning & Development mission known and debriefed: one leader academy per area - A known referent validation process: number of validated referents in my country - Certification rate of referents - A training catalog made available to the various players in the skills development process in my country: level of competence Skills - Project management - Get people to cooperate - Challenge the needs - Tell the need - Communicate with others - Deploy competence Lead a change Manage my lead role

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6/15 護理師(兼職)

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1.主要工作為注射、抽血、換藥、衛教,準備看診所需衛材及協助醫療工作。 2.衛材整理盤點、環境整理、器械清洗消毒。 3.親切、有熱情、耐心者佳 4.中醫及皮膚科跟診。 5.員工福利:中西醫自費藥品及保養品皆有員工價,雷射及電音波另享員工優惠價。

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6/15 【永續發展總部】Decarbonization Leader

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

Job Description Decarbonization Leader is responsible for exploring, validating and driving national sustainable development strategy and making Decathlon Taiwan loved and recognized as a model for sustainable development. As the Decarbonization Leader, you will lead initiatives to mitigate the national CO2 impact and uphold Decathlon's global commitment to CO2 reduction. Your role involves coordinating efforts across various areas, including CO2 declaration, waste management, energy efficiency, product sustainability, eco-mobility, and awareness campaigns. By setting targets, implementing action plans, and fostering collaboration within the organization, you will drive sustainable practices and contribute to reducing our environmental footprint. Key Responsibilities: CO2 Declaration Guarantee the data collect to follow the CO2 performance Define a CO2 target for my country with financial controller Waste Management Understand and respect the waste regulations of my country Define targets and action plan that mitigate the environmental impact of waste created by retail business Implement a 0 single use plastic strategy Make sure data are collected and tracked Energy Define the national Renewable Energy target and trajectory Connect with my country maintenance or facility manager to co-work on energy reduction Connect with people responsible for energy purchasing to co-work on renewable energy targets & action plans Products Understand the eco-design of our products and the environmental labeling projects Connect with teammates to co work on a eco responsible offer and to promote it to customers Co-define targets and action plan for circular sales with circularity leader Eco-mobility Understand respect the mobility regulations of my country Define the the eco-mobility target and action plan that encourage teammates and customers traveling to store by eco-friendly transportation Make sure data are collected to tracked Awareness Understand the global sustainable development policy of Decathlon and communicate relevant information to the coworkers of my country Coordinate SD month twice a year to engage internal and external audience on SD topics Work with the People team to design and implement an SD training program. Be the coordinator of the Climate Fresk community. Visit DECATHLON's sustainability website https://sustainability.decathlon.com/ to know more about our commitments.

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6/15 【2024 實習計畫】運動先鋒挑戰賽 Sports Championship (儲備)

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

OBJECTIVE: DECATHLON Sports Championship, is an Innovative Internship Program designed to offer talented and motivated individuals a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the dynamic and fast-paced world of sports retail. Interns will actively contribute to business commercial initiatives, gain exposure to effective management practices, and experience the international corporate environment. This program aims to provide a holistic and innovative learning experience, enabling interns to make a meaningful impact within the sports retail industry. DURATION: Duration of the internship program is 6 months/term. KEY ELEMENTS: - Strategic Business Commercial Projects: Engage interns in hands-on projects focused on enhancing business commercial strategies. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to develop and implement innovative solutions to address industry challenges. - Retail Management Experience: Rotational assignments in various retail management functions, including store operations, inventory management, and customer experience. Exposure to cutting-edge retail technologies and management best practices. - Innovation Challenge: Task interns with an innovation challenge focused on enhancing business operations or exploring new markets. Final presentations to leadership for feedback and potential implementation of groundbreaking ideas. - Professional Development: Workshops and seminars on innovative retail strategies, international business practices, and effective management techniques. Resume building and interview preparation sessions tailored for corporate roles in the sports retail industry. - Performance Evaluation: Regular performance reviews with constructive feedback from both local and international perspectives. Opportunities for interns to showcase their impact on business commercial and management initiatives. - Company Culture Initiatives: Integration of interns into the vibrant corporate culture through participation in team-building activities and corporate events. Encouragement of a collaborative work environment that values innovation and business excellence. Benefits: Competitive compensation Potential for future employment opportunities within an international corporate setting Access to employee discounts and perks Certificate of completion By participating in the DECATHLON SPORTS CHAMPIONSHIP program, interns will gain valuable insights into the intricacies of sports retail, develop management skills, and contribute to business commercial initiatives on an international scale. We look forward to welcoming passionate individuals who are ready to make a lasting impact in the dynamic world of sports retail.

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6/15 中區-張力調整師【高獎金】

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 2年以上
  • 高中

【台中百貨公司 各分店】 ◆ 文心秀泰店 ◆ 金典綠園道店 ◆ 台中老虎城店 ♣︎ 工作內容 | 評估顧客身體狀態,提供張力調整服務。 | 以科學化之手法,優化顧客健康。 | 按摩放鬆人體肌肉、肌腱及韌帶。 | 提供顧客自主調整以及訓練建議。 | 主管交辦事項 【行業特色】 *不會被Ai取代,年資越深越值錢 *業界最高薪!-企業化經營,自媒體經營- *本職缺是踏實的技術職,要投入一段時間培養,「培訓營」含學科、術科(手指壓、舒振槍、筋膜刀、軟硬罐、肌貼... ) *想成為人才無法一蹴可幾,而是在學習過程中多次「用手摸出」自己的人生路。

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6/15 安親老師(低、中年級)

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

應徵請投遞履歷表,請勿直接前來面試,若審核履歷表後有符合,將再以104聯絡,謝謝您! 1.協助孩童完成當天功課,並注意寫字的工整。 2.指導國小學生課業,如:幫孩童複習國語、數學、自然等。 3.批閱評量測驗卷。 4.維持班級秩序。 5.點名、確認學生出席。 6.若學生無故缺課,必須聯繫家長,瞭解學生去向。 7.輔導學生行為,校正不良生活習慣、衛生習慣,如:東西用畢需歸位、有禮貌的溝通、保持座位附近的清潔等。 8.調解孩童間的爭吵,並協助孩童建立良好的人際關係。 9.傾聽孩子的心聲並給予關懷鼓勵。

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6/15 【生產管理總部】紡織部門產品開發/品質管理工程師 Textile Development/ Quality Production Leader

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

Job responsibilities: - Collaborate with suppliers to promote the new seasonal items. - Anticipate and source innovative and Eco-friendly materials - Develop new functional fabric to match customer needs. - Structure the quality standards and monitor the quality performance to achieve the target. - Analyze quality claim by using problem solving tools to identify root cause and define actions. - Manage suppliers to meet with group requirement for quality compliance, social, environmental audit. - Monitoring CO2 data and drive suppliers to continuously reduce CO2 emission.

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6/15 調整師-文心秀泰店[高獎金]

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 2年以上
  • 高中

$ 任職6~8個月,月收入約50,000up,依個人能力 (1)評估顧客身體狀態,提供張力調整服務。 (2)以科學化之手法,優化顧客健康。 (3)按摩放鬆人體肌肉、肌腱及韌帶。 (4)提供顧客自主調整以及訓練建議。

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6/15 【迪卡儂總部】HR Business Partner

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

PURPOSE I am the Human Reousrce partner between my partnering Business Units and People Team for effective HR Management. I am an actor to make Decathlon a people-centered modern company where execution exellence and people thriving build on each other. ROLE & RESPONSBILITIES 1st Repsonsibility: I am the Partner of our Business Leaders (I am the Partner of Business) - I am aware and invovled in all business strategies in my region. - I provide to team leaders and teammates skills, HR processes, and tools so that they are fully empowered to manage their individual & collective growth. - I mentor, challenge, and advice team leaders on social, people, and organization matters (ex. people management, organization design, people impacts & risks, etc.) - I play a pivot role in aligning organizational change with strategic goals, facilitating effective communication, engaging stakeholders, and supporting teammates during change management. - I am in charge of the watch to anticipate future evolutions on people topics 2nd Repsonsibility: I am the Guardian of Values and intentions (Decathlon DNA) in my region - I guarantee the creation of a strong internal culture, to get the best out of people - I make sure the organization is fair, transparent, and cares about people as individuals - I am the guardian of core models & values such as leadership and DEI within my scope and continuously shape a desired organizational culture. 3rd Repsonsibility: I am responsible for the implementation and management of the 10 HR Processes within my region - I am responsible for building engagement and empowerment of team leaders and teammates in the fulfillment of their HR duties. - I partner and rely on global and local People Team to develop functional expertise, efficient and digitally enabled HR services to support the business. - I support HR Process related topics intitated by our local People Team to implement them in my business unit with operational excellence. KPIs Global DTB Score (Yes Totally) & Regional DTB Score (Yes Totally) DTB: Pleasure and Engagement at Work (Yes Totally) Human Turnover Rate NPS Talents: % Leaders of Tomorrow Shareholding: % of Shareholders, Ownership (DTB "I co-own...")

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6/15 英文老師(兼職)

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

應徵請投遞履歷表,請勿直接前來面試,若審核履歷表後有符合,將再以104聯絡,謝謝您! 1.講授課程。 2.統合各版本教科書和參考教材,以製作教具、編寫上課教材、講義及模擬試題。 3.蒐集歷屆考題,留意社會時事,以掌握考題趨勢。 4.扮演生活導師,協助解決學生課業上及生活上的困擾。 5.配合節慶,美化教室環境 6.至少每週可排班2天以上者並配合1學期者佳 7.配合節慶協助美化教室環境

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6/15 【零售部 Retail Team】Store Leader 店長 (台中)

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

THE PROJECT Touch more customers by making Decathlon a go-to name for appealing and sustainable solutions dedicated to sport, fitness and well-being. Make my playground a land of talent at the service of Decathlon's human wealth. RESPONSIBILITY 1 : Build and lead my commercial project that fulfils the needs of local people - Decide on and implement my omnichannel commercial policy that allows me to touch more people and fulfils my people / planet / profit ambitions. - Provide an omnichannel, sustainable product offering and a range of services expected by customers - Act across all channels to get to know the people living in my zone and encourage them to visit or return, and engage with us to promote sport and physical activity. - Commit to and develop omnichannel indicators and decide on the means required to achieve them. - Promote eco-mobility among our customers, employees and partners. - Ensure good relations with local institutions, prioritising in line with the issues for my zone. - Co-develop my area's project. RESPONSIBILITY 2 : Deliver the best possible experience to ensure customer satisfaction and sustainable performance - Develop sales of our new or second-hand products as well as services, by our teammates / partners. - Manage the "how to sell" which allows our customers to discover and buy our product and service offer on new or sustainable solutions. - Deliver the satisfaction policy and Decathlon and partner services policy to fulfil customer needs. - Ensure the safety of customers, teammates, goods, data and the respects of the procedures - Offer solutions to extend the lifespan of products and customise the products. - Coordinate people organisation, hourly performance and working conditions to enhance availability for customers and overall performance. - Preserve our resources through the management of our site and our societal impact (waste, energy, transport, etc.). RESPONSIBILITY 3 : Develop, motivate and take care of human capital - Animate the managerial scheme ( Project team - individual, Mission, individual meeting, Remuneration, Performance ) by integrating the challenges of transformations. - Develop a collective in the service of the project - Respect and enforce all staff legal rules - Take care of myself and my teammates by creating a motivating work environment. - Decide on a current and future human structure consistent with my commercial strategy, my economic activity and our transformations (digital, data, sustainable development, departments, etc.) Other Requirements: - Retail management experience - Mobility, open to work in different cities

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6/15 【迪卡儂總部】CRM Communication Intern 會員經營行銷實習生

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

|工作內容| 使用 Salesforce、LINE 協助製作 EDM、LINE 訊息內容。 適應力/細心:能夠細心檢查最終製作結果,確認訊息正確性,並在限定時間內完成任務。 溝通能力: 具備良好的溝通技巧,能夠理解公司需求,並準確表達其想法。 團隊合作: 能夠與設計師、行銷團隊等其他成員合作,共同完成項目。 加分項目 熟悉行銷檔期的過程,或者有參與過一整個行銷檔期的經驗 非常細心、耐心可協助比對總部提供之檔案及清單,並協助檔期報表整理。 |我們希望你| ・一週可至少配合進辦公室 3 天,並能至少配合 3 個月以上 工作技能: (目前團隊有使用軟體:Figma, Jira ,Google Sheet…等) ・獨立作業之能力、整合能力、統整歸納 ・良好的溝通協調能力 具備特質: ・細心、負責任且主動,並具有獨立解決問題的能力 ・不排斥學習使用新工具

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6/15 【迪卡儂IT】IT Support Engineer

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

In this role, you will be the support engineer/project leader to give our users the most effective/professional IT services on their sites (store, warehouse, office) & according to your potentiality, become the future IT leader. 【Who you are?】 You are fluently bilingual English and Chinese You are with strong leadership and good communication skill You are strongly passionate about IT innovation and technology, and like to share and contribute You are curious, creative and demanding, enjoy working as a team and like challenges in complex environments You are with a bachelor or above degree with IT or relative major You accept business trip and duty shift You are with the sense of customer service You are organized and know how to identify and manage priorities 【Your responsibilities?】 Daily support on infrastructure & network to ensure the smooth IT environment in order to have "IS healthy" target & ensure the autonomy level of end user Implement IT infrastructure and network for new opening site Collaborate and build synergy with International team for new projects deployment, support & document writing Pre study, sourcing, manage and deploy IT solution for local business need Guarantee the IT security of each site and manage the support quality (service request, incidents and performances) Manage functionally IT Suppliers Diagnose your sites, create reports for your domain, analyze and decide on the implementation of proactive action plans Regular site visits to *Communicate with our internal users in order to listen to service requirement and broadcast our IT projects *Train key user in order to improve/guarantee user's autonomous *Manage & control site IT assets

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6/15 醫美諮詢師

  • 台中市南屯區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

李子美學診所 『不只要美,更要美的獨一無二』 歡迎主動積極、有服務熱忱的你成為我們的工作夥伴! *具醫美診所服務經驗1年以上者佳 *具醫美診所美容師經驗者月薪35,000起 <職務內容> ◆減重、微整形、雷射療程的諮詢與建議 ◆客戶管理、服務及接待 ◆客戶關係經營開發及行銷 ◆術前及術後服務與客戶關懷追蹤 ◆提供客戶基礎潔膚/卸妝技巧/臉部保養清潔等美療服務 ◆主管交辦事項及其他庶務

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