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  • 台北市內湖區
  • 1年以上
  • 高中

1. 使用線上即時對談系統,透過文字方式,親切友善地回覆客戶疑問,並即時協助客戶解決產品使用上遇到的困難。 2. 每日定時進行產品功能測試,並即時反饋異常狀況給運營與產品部門,追蹤落實產品優化,使產品體驗越來越好。 3. 熟悉公司產品與客服工作流程,每月與主管覆盤顧客滿意度及提出產品優化建議,共同提升客戶服務與產品體驗。 4. 其他主管交辦事項。


【靠嘴吃飯是本能,靠嘴賺錢是本事】☆喜歡聊天嗎? ★外商福利優於勞基法★內勤業務★挑戰高薪財富☛報名6/18&6/20徵才說明會了解(台北衡陽路)

  • 台北市中正區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

Chubb Life 隸屬安達保險集團,安達保險集團為全球最大的產物保險和意外險上市公司,擁有傑出的產品服務及優異的核保能力,產品包括傳統的商業財產險和一般意外險,廣泛的意外、醫療和專業個人保險業務,以及一系列以儲蓄和保障為導向的人壽保險計劃。 資產總額約 2,000 億美元,且核心運營之保險公司維持標準普爾的 AA 和 A.M. Best 的 A++ 的財務實力評級,資產及財務實力雄厚。Chubb Life 是一國際人壽保險業者,在香港、印尼、韓國、緬甸、紐西蘭、台灣、泰國和越南等八個亞洲市場以及拉丁美洲都有業務。Chubb Life 於 2005 年進入台灣市場,主要經由銀行保險、保險經紀人、保險代理人、電話行銷以及數位平台,向各類客群提供完整的保險商品與服務。 【工作內容】 1.內勤業務工作, 無需擔心日曬雨淋,透過電話高效行銷,免人脈,撥打銀行客戶名單, 提供客戶專業的保險規劃. 2.企業品牌知名度高,產品具競爭力,客戶族群廣,不設業績門檻,成交就抽佣 3.教育訓練紮實,提供業務新手最佳學習環境 【薪資福利】 1.保障每月固定底薪NT$27,470起(不倒扣) + 每月高額獎金 2.兩個月年終獎金 + 三節獎金+生日禮金 3.休假制度優於法令 4.年度國內外旅遊,公司全額支付員工福利金 5.員工年度健檢 各單位福利制度有些微調整,依照單位主管告知為主。 【考照輔導訓練】 1.專業證照輔導考試訓練週週開班 2.考照輔導訓練課程三週或四週(依照保險公會考試行事曆做滾動調整) 3.只要達成設定目標,前六個月$5000新人津貼 4.考取證照並正式錄用後有高達$13,500(包含證照考取獎金$3,000) 備註: 上述獎金只要符合獎金發放條件就可領取 ※上課津貼須完成所有課程、證照考取獎金須通過公會考試(計算獎金需在職) 【新人銷售訓練】 1.保險功能與商品知識訓練 2.基礎銷售技巧與話術演練 【職涯發展】 1.銷售菁英 2.儲備主管 工作地點:台北市中正區衡陽路上


6/15 (熟度火鍋景美店)月薪40K-43k_外場正職人員

  • 台北市文山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

1.餐廳服務:負責客人帶位、點餐、送撤餐、基礎工作站及聯繫內外場之工作。 2.協助主管交辦事項。 3.現場服務、顧客抱怨處理。 4.服務人員管理、教育訓練。 5.願意配合任務支援調度。

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6/15 C/C++ Software Engineer

  • 台北市文山區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

About the company: Mindtronic AI is proud being dedicated, willing to take risk, and committed to make happen with our vision in future A.I. technologies. We had formed a core team that fills in the scarce of commodity for transforming the world into a society made of human and robot collaborations. All the founders of Mindtronic AI are well disciplined in R&D manners, by leveraging 20-yrs research experiences from tsmc. This leads to a dozen of accomplishments including that Mindtronic AI is the only one in the world that developed the edge self-learning machine, the only startups in the world that continuously winning 5 times (2018-2022) of CES innovation awards, the champion of startups 2021 in Taiwan selected by German Trade Office, the CES Technology Association rated 10 best startups in the world, and the only company in Taiwan that winning global car OEM businesses in the hottest area of A.I. for automotive. The vision, opportunity, and our capability are clear for making bright success, and we are in a move of IPO in NASDAQ. We are looking for talented, ambitious, and who shared same vision to join us, for a fruitful journey hereafter. Role & Responsibility 1. Develop SDK and API for software integration. 2. Product software and hardware integration, validation, and test. 3. Develop quality infrastructure to meet vehicle functional safety and ISO standard 4. Optimize threads, multi-core, parallel processing, and A.I. processing unit in various of ARM-based car embedded systems. 5. Develop real-time system and inter-process communications between complicated domains. 6. Develop high automation training and testing infrastructure. 7. Build test suite and automation for product and model validation. Qualification 1. BS or above graduated in EE and Computer Science related fields. 2. Professional programming in C++ and scripting on Linux systems is a must. 3. Experience of programming in real-time embedded systems, particularly the automotive sub-systems, is a plus. 4. Fluent English speaking and reporting. Preferred Qualification 1. Experience in image processing or computer vision. 2. Experience in ISO26262 or ASPICE.

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6/15 (熟度火鍋景美店)時薪200_內場計時生

  • 台北市文山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

1.負責洗、剝、削、切各種食材,以完成烹飪的前置工作。 2.協助廚師測量食材的內容與重量。 3.依照客人的點單,準備不同菜色所需食材。 4.於出菜時負責菜餚擺盤或調整份量之工作。 5.維護環境清潔,洗滌餐具之作業。

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6/15 帝寶餐飲有限公司(會計專員)

  • 台北市文山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

1. 審核有關各項費用支付之發票、單據及帳務處理。 2. 處理廠商貨款或費用等應付款項帳務。 3. 審核應收款項帳務。 4. 處理其他一般會計帳務。 5. 辦理銀行現金存、提款、匯款轉帳相關作業。 6. 處理例行付款開票作業。 7. 營業稅、營所稅申報、扣繳申報等稅務作業。 8. 其他主管交辦事項。 需求條件: 1. 邏輯條理清晰、細心負責、上進有熱忱、主動積極。 2. 三年以上會計相關經驗。 3. 有會計師事務所查帳、審計經驗者尤佳。

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6/15 C++ A.I. Computer Vision Engineer

  • 台北市文山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

About the company: Mindtronic AI is proud being dedicated, willing to take risk, and committed to make happen with our vision in future A.I. technologies. We had formed a core team that fills in the scarce of commodity for transforming the world into a society made of human and robot collaborations. All the founders of Mindtronic AI are well disciplined in R&D manners, by leveraging 20-yrs research experiences from tsmc. This leads to a dozen of accomplishments including that Mindtronic AI is the only one in the world that developed the edge self-learning machine, the only startups in the world that continuously winning 5 times (2018-2022) of CES innovation awards, the champion of startups 2021 in Taiwan selected by German Trade Office, the CES Technology Association rated 10 best startups in the world, and the only company in Taiwan that winning global car OEM businesses in the hottest area of A.I. for automotive. The vision, opportunity, and our capability are clear for making bright success, and we are in a move of IPO in NASDAQ. We are looking for talented, ambitious, and who shared same vision to join us, for a fruitful journey hereafter. Job overview: This position involves in developing Embedded Computer Vision applications for intelligent vehicles, specifically to develop driver monitoring(DMS) / advanced driver assistance system(ADAS) functionalities and autonomous driving. We are looking for an excellent C++ programmer with some knowledge about modern Computer Vision techniques to join our AI Software team and help raise our embedded AI technology to a new level. Mandatory qualifications and skills: - Master degree or Phd in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering or equivalent. - Significant C++ development experience. - Knowledge about modern Computer Vision techniques. Desirable skills: Following skills will be a strong plus but are not mandatory. - Experience with modern development tools and best practices such as Git, CMake, unit testing. - Experience with embedded systems development (computing / memory budget constraints). - Experience or significant interest in designing and implementing real-time Computer Vision algorithms. - Familiar with OpenCV. - Experience in training Deep Neural Networks with DL frameworks such as Pytorch, Tensorflow, Caffe. - Experience with Deep Learning inference engines. - Experience with graphics / compute GPU API. - Fluent communication in English.

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6/15 Embedded Systems Engineer

  • 台北市文山區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

About the company: Mindtronic AI is proud being dedicated, willing to take risk, and committed to make happen with our vision in future A.I. technologies. We had formed a core team that fills in the scarce of commodity for transforming the world into a society made of human and robot collaborations. All the founders of Mindtronic AI are well disciplined in R&D manners, by leveraging 20-yrs research experiences from tsmc. This leads to a dozen of accomplishments including that Mindtronic AI is the only one in the world that developed the edge self-learning machine, the only startups in the world that continuously winning 5 times (2018-2022) of CES innovation awards, the champion of startups 2021 in Taiwan selected by German Trade Office, the CES Technology Association rated 10 best startups in the world, and the only company in Taiwan that winning global car OEM businesses in the hottest area of A.I. for automotive. The vision, opportunity, and our capability are clear for making bright success, and we are in a move of IPO in NASDAQ. We are looking for talented, ambitious, and who shared same vision to join us, for a fruitful journey hereafter. Introduction: We are seeking a highly skilled and motivated Embedded Systems Engineer to join our dynamic team. The ideal candidate will have expertise in developing and managing embedded systems on platforms such as NXP, Renesas, TI, and Rockchip, with a strong focus on Linux kernels, device booting, multi-display configurations, and camera integrations. This position requires a deep understanding of hardware-software interfacing, performance optimization, and system-level troubleshooting. Responsibilities: 1. Develop, optimize, and maintain embedded Linux systems on various hardware platforms like NXP, Renesas, TI, and Rockchip. 2. Customize and manage bootloaders, including U-Boot, to ensure efficient system initialization and hardware configuration. 3. Conduct hardware bring-up, system debugging, and performance tuning to meet technical requirements. 4. Implement and manage multi-display setups, including configuration of GPUs and display controllers. 5. Integrate and configure camera systems using interfaces such as MIPI CSI for video capture and processing. 6. Develop and maintain custom Linux kernel modules and device drivers. 7. Collaborate with hardware teams to understand device schematics and contribute to hardware design decisions. 8. Write robust, maintainable code primarily in C, with possible use of C++ for higher-level functionalities. 9. Utilize scripting languages like Python or Bash for automation tasks and system configuration. 10. Maintain documentation for system designs, development processes, and user guides. 11. Stay abreast of industry trends and technological advancements to drive innovation within the company. Qualifications: 1. Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or a related field. 2. At least 3 years of experience in embedded systems development, specifically with Linux-based platforms. 3. Proven expertise in Linux kernel programming, including device drivers and kernel customization. 4. Experience with bootloaders such as U-Boot and hardware bring-up processes. 5. Strong background in managing display technologies and camera interfaces. 6. Proficient in programming languages such as C, C++, and scripting languages like Python. 7. Excellent problem-solving skills and ability to debug complex hardware and software issues. 8. Effective communication skills and ability to work collaboratively in a team-oriented environment. 9. Self-motivated with a strong work ethic and the ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously.

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6/15 Software Engineer - Fleet Management System (FMS)

  • 台北市文山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Job Summary: We are seeking a skilled engineer to develop and maintain a web-based Fleet Management System (FMS) with advanced features including real-time data processing, video surveillance, and mobile application integration. The ideal candidate will have strong expertise in web development, data processing, and mobile application development. Proficiency in English speaking and writing is required to effectively communicate with international clients and stakeholders. Responsibilities: 1. Develop, implement, and maintain a robust web-based Fleet Management System (FMS) capable of receiving and processing real-time data from vehicle AIoT devices over LTE. 2. Utilize Java programming language to design and implement back-end functionality for data aggregation, storage, and analysis, including GPS data, sensor data, and video streams. 3. Implement TCP/IP communication protocols to ensure efficient and reliable data transmission between vehicle devices and the FMS back-end. 4. Develop and optimize algorithms for real-time video surveillance within the FMS, focusing on minimizing latency and ensuring high-quality video streaming. 5. Design and implement a user-friendly dashboard interface using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for visualizing fleet data statistics and analytics. 6. Integrate mobile application development skills to create iOS and Android apps that connect with the FMS back-end, allowing users to access real-time data and receive alerts on their mobile devices. 7. Collaborate with cross-functional teams including hardware engineers, software developers, and product managers to ensure seamless integration and functionality of the FMS across platforms. 8. Conduct comprehensive testing, debugging, and troubleshooting of the FMS to ensure reliability, performance, and security. 9. Stay updated on industry trends and advancements in fleet management technology, and incorporate innovative solutions into the FMS platform. 10. Communicate effectively with overseas customers to understand their requirements, provide technical support, and address any issues or concerns. Qualifications: 1. Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field. 2. Proven experience in web development using technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and modern frameworks like React or Angular. 3. Proficiency in back-end development using languages such as Python, Node.js, or Java, and experience with database systems such as SQL or NoSQL. 4. Familiarity with real-time data processing and streaming technologies, as well as video streaming protocols and codecs. Knowledge of video streaming protocols (e.g., RTSP, HLS) and experience with video processing libraries (e.g., FFmpeg) is a plus. 5. Experience developing mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms using native or cross-platform frameworks such as React Native or Flutter. 6. Strong understanding of TCP/IP networking protocols and experience with socket programming. 7. Experience in the automotive or transportation industry, particularly in fleet management systems, is a plus. 8. Strong communication skills and ability to convey technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders. To Apply: Please submit your resume and cover letter outlining your relevant experience and qualifications for this position. Include any links to relevant projects or portfolios demonstrating your expertise in web development, mobile application development, and fleet management systems.

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6/15 達利早餐-景美景福店-正職/ 儲備幹部

  • 台北市文山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

內場煎台、麵包台、飲料台工作協助,無經驗可培訓 外場服務及環境維護 【外場工作內容】 1. 遵照服務流程,提供客人專業、即時的服務。 2. 吧檯飲料、咖啡製作 3. 主動關心等候客人,給予客人難以忘懷的用餐體驗服務。 4. 學習團隊合作,達成團隊目標! 【內場工作內容】 1. 負責內場及物料準備之工作。 2. 進行簡易餐飲之料理(後場),如:煎檯操作、烤土司…等。 3. 依照客人的點單,準備不同餐點所需要的食材。 4. 於出菜時負責餐點擺盤之工作。 5. 協助打包外帶的食物。 6. 將洗好的餐盤收到餐盤擺放處。 7. 協助前台訊息傳遞,隨時回報後台的餐點給店經理。 8. 負責清理工作環境、設備及餐具

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6/15 帝寶餐飲 社群小編

  • 台北市文山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

【工作內容】 社群平台經營(FB、IG、LINE、YOUTUBE、TIKTOK等社群平台),提升社群活躍度 具備活動企劃,包含主題發想、視覺構想、文案撰寫並落實執行 獨立撰寫社群文案、產品企劃發想及銷售貼文,能夠搭配時事流行梗創造話題 熟悉品牌調性、商品特色,以消費者視角溝通商品特色及品牌理念 回覆及處理各大社群平台訊息 具備網路行銷活動效益分析及營運數字分析能力 簡易修圖、拍攝、影片剪輯

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6/15 室內設計工務

  • 台北市文山區
  • 1年以上
  • 高中

【工作內容】 |案場丈量及放樣。 |工期安排及工班調度。 |工程估價及預算掌控。 |基礎繪圖cad及基本軟體。 |竣工圖面繪整及匯整結案報告資料。 |與施工人員溝通及確認施工內容。 |協助及遵照設計師指示解決安排工地程序相關問題等事務。 |工地坐落北北基、桃園、宜蘭、新竹。 |需有汽車駕照。 1. 勞、健保、勞退提撥 2. 三節獎金、年終獎金 3. 員工旅遊 4. 不定期餐敘活動 另有豐厚的獎金

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6/15 (Firmware) Driver Programming Engineer

  • 台北市文山區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

Position Overview: We are seeking a highly skilled and motivated Embedded Systems Driver Programming Engineer to join our team. The successful candidate will be responsible for developing and maintaining drivers for embedded systems, focusing on platforms such as Linux, Yocto, RTOS, QNX, etc. The engineer will play a crucial role in ensuring the seamless integration of various hardware components by writing and optimizing device drivers. Key drivers needed include MIPI drivers for cameras, image processing drivers, LCD drivers, WIFI drivers, Bluetooth drivers, etc. Role & Responsibility 1. Porting camera and display drivers to target OS and SOC. 2. Bring up BSP and setup bootloader, kernel, timer, dts, watch dog, etc. 3. Optimize boot time, memory, system stability and performance. 4. Product integration, validation, and test. 5. Write test program for final test and in-line production 6. Setup debugging, burn-in, and factory tooling. Qualification: 1. BS or above graduated in EE and Computer Science related fields. 2. Hands-on experiences in ARM-based BSP and troubleshooting for embedded platforms with linux, Yocto, rtos, QNX, and android. 3. Familiar with embedded system driver programming at least in LCD & camera. 4. Strong knowledge in Linux kernels.

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6/15 帝寶餐飲集團[品牌行銷]主管。月薪50k~65k

  • 台北市文山區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

1.品牌形象推廣、更新(品牌官網FB、IG、抖音),限時動態/貼文排程/素材拍攝。 2.對外協組洽談異業行銷合作案。 3.善用創業,能設計分鏡亮點,產出有梗有創意的影片。 4.可獨立完成企劃發想,腳本撰寫、執行拍攝與後製剪輯,具備影片剪輯製作美感。 5.制定品牌策略,包括年度企劃、創意專案發想執行、線上線下宣傳規劃及產品推廣上市。 6.熟悉線上線下數位行銷操作,包括自媒體、社群、口碑行銷,官網規劃與精準廣告投放實際操作經驗。 7.對接廠商、KOL及工作安排,具一定執行利。 8.具獨立思考能力、提案能力、妥善處理問題並精準判斷決策。 9.公司內臨時交辦事項與團豚互相支援。 應徵者可附上過去腳本、企劃、作品、影音連結

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6/15 人資行政

  • 台北市文山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1. 接聽電話、接待訪客。 2. 文書資料處理、管理、掃描、文件歸檔和資料統計工作。 3. 收發信件、包裹分送各部門,需外出時送件。 4. 執行行政業務作業,並對其進行資料統計。 5. 管理事務性設備、故障叫修和簡易修繕,環境清潔維護。 6. 主管交辦事宜及部門後勤支援(如:採購、業務、人事)。 7. 收發公文並處理會簽文件。 8. 負責簡單零用金管理。 9. 協助人資召募及會議安排。 10. 負責外出送件、物件寄送及銀行業務處理。 11. 負責接待訪客、準備會議室及茶水。必要時,協助訂購訪客餐點。 12. 負責辦公室環境與設備之清潔與維護。 作為公司的行政助理是一個非常重要的角色,他/她負責處理日常行政事務以及支持公司任務運作。此職位的發展前景豐富,可以通過積極學習和執行工作任務,提高自己的能力和技能,有機會晉升到更高職位。 如果您符合以上要求,請盡快投遞您的履歷表並表達您對此職位的興趣。我們期待您的加入!

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