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4/23 成本會計/會計主管

  • 新竹市
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1.成本相關流程審核與控管/每月成本結算 2.例行財務會計帳務處理及分析 3.配合會計師查帳作業,並將調整分錄入帳 4.各項稅務申報及問題處理 5.年度存貨、固資盤點規劃及實地盤點執行 6.規劃及檢討公司會計作業流程 7.編製財務報表,並針對異常項目進行分析檢討。 8.股務作業(股東會、董事會等之運作及議程聯繫、公司變更事項登記相關事項) 9.其他主管交辦事項。 實際職務名稱:依個人學經歷再面議

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4/23 【總管理處】- 財務專案經理

  • 新竹縣竹北市
  • 10年以上
  • 大學

1.專案型財會任務策劃與執行. 2.使用鼎新TIPTOP ERP 系統製作流程表單. 3.提供並分析管理專案會計資訊. 4.投融資案之進行與定期整理、追蹤. 5.關係人交易帳務綜理、審查與追蹤. 6.各營運單位效益分析及績效追蹤. 7.各外部合作案之財務綜理. 8.不定期異地出差任務(當天來回). 9.其他主管交辦或機動指派任務.

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4/23 會計主管

  • 新竹市
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1.統籌公司會計帳務處理 2.確認財務報表之正確性及即時性。 3.編製管理性報表作為營運決策。 4.公司會計及稅務之規劃、協調。 5.具統整能力/抗壓性/溝通能力,可以跨部門協調與執行專案。 6.具成本會計、普通會計、管理會計與子公司帳務經驗。 7.有綠能產業經驗尤佳。

待遇面議 員工60人
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4/23 Sheraton Hsinchu 成控驗收經理 Cost Control & Receiving Manager

  • 新竹縣竹北市
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1. 覆核進貨 / 請購單據 、倉庫管理紀錄及領退調撥相關表單。 2. 覆核折扣設定、會員資料維護管理。 3. 覆核館內餐飲、住房相關成本報表及傳票審核管理。 4. 單位事務費用管控,覆核內部轉帳單及各項業務費用報表。 5. 規劃盤點作業及盤點人員調度,覆核盤點相關報表。 6. 製作成本報表、成本管理報表。 7. 固定資產管理。 8. 其他主管交辦事項。

待遇面議 員工500人
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4/23 資深稽核人員/主管

  • 新竹市
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1. 內控、內稽與各項管理辦法之制(修)訂及執行。 2. 決定稽核業務所需之資料,進行蒐集、保管、處理與流通使用。 3. 秉承上級決策者之指示,發佈通知,審核各部門之業務、財務預算及規章、法律遵辦情形 並呈報建議。 4. 查核各項內部管理執行是否落實,發現問題、解決問題並輔導相關人員正確做法及持續追 蹤改善情況。 5. 指導稽核工作進行並培育所屬專精稽核相關技能。 6. 主導或協助內外部稽核工作的執行以及稽核報告之呈核與改善之追蹤。 7. 協助公司IPO推動與進行。 8. 其他主管交辦事項

待遇面議 員工60人
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4/23 【新竹工業區/薪資福利佳/年終獎金/季獎金】財務經理 HCS_1166

  • 新竹縣湖口鄉
  • 7年以上
  • 專科

1.覆核各類傳票、營業稅、營所稅各項稅務作業。 2.覆核各項費用支付之發票、單據及帳務處理。 3.財務資金調度與融資規劃。 4.覆核每月財務報表,並針對異常項目進行分析檢討。 5.協助經營策略分析,規劃公司年度預算及預算執行差異分析。 7.提供並分析其他管理決策所需之管理會計資訊。 8.跨部門溝通,優化會計流程。

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4/23 財務長

  • 新竹市
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

1. 負責公司資金調度、協助總經理進行公司短中長期發展策略規劃並執行推進 2. 建立健全財會務管理制度,對財務部門的日常管理、資金預算、資金運作等進行總體控制 3. 負責收入、成本、費用的審核及監督,及時核對應收應付款項及往來帳 4. 對公司稅收進行整體籌畫與管理,按時完成稅務申報以及年度審計工作 5. 提供公司各項財務相關分析及報表,並針對異常科目做分析處理 6. 建構各部門預算規劃、成效追蹤及成本分析系統 7. 覆核財務報表,並檢討公司各單位營運及預算執行狀況 8. 擬訂公司財務投資規劃,規避投資風險 9. 辦理公開發行、興櫃或上市櫃,協助建立並執行相關內稽內控制度。 10. 配合公司營運發展及計劃,提供相關財務會計分析、財務預謷機制與風險管理。 11. 公司經營情況分析、投資專案分析、財務分析、內控機制之建立與輔導。 12. 制定公司利潤計劃、資本投資、財務規劃及預算成本標準。 13. 建構各部門年度預算規劃,成效追蹤及成本分析機制。 14. 對財會務部門進行日常監督管理、資金預算、營運資金及融資規劃管理。 15. 主導或參與公司重大事項的決策,妥善處理各種突發性事件,對問題發現、改善、達成向總經理回饋結果

待遇面議 員工45人
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4/23 會計人員

  • 新竹縣竹北市
  • 3年以上
  • 高中

1. 審核進出貨票據、盤點作業及費用核算。 2. 編製月結報表和成本分析報表。 3. 協助提供成本管理分析報表。 4. 配合會計師查帳、成本資料提供。 5. 完成主管交辦事項。 6. 協助製造體系掌握及管理成本動因。 7. 規畫庫存盤點作業。 本職位負責公司的成本分析、核算及管理,是公司經營決策的重要依據之一。隨著公司業務的不斷拓展,此職位有著穩定的發展前景。 歡迎符合資格的申請者加入我們的團隊,請投遞您的履歷並表達對該職位的興趣。

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4/23 【新竹】管理部副理-日系半導體材料製造商(17698)

  • 新竹縣湖口鄉
  • 10年以上
  • 大學

【工作內容】 ・管理部內各單位工作協調確認及社內問題對應協調 ・日方及上級主管要求或交辦事項對應 ・社外事項的處理對應及報告 【魅力】 ・幾乎不加班,福利制度完善,流動率低。 【公司概要】 已成立30餘年,主要分為電子材料事業部(一廠)及應用高分子製品事業部(二廠)兩事業部門。 【主要商品/服務】 一、特殊導線:鍍美絲、鍍錫銅覆鐵線、銅覆鐵線。 二、熱縮套管。 三、前項之生產製造販賣及進出口等。 【法定項目】 ・勞健保 ・加班費 ・各種休假(特別休假、婚假、喪假、生理假、產檢假、陪產假、產假、育嬰假) ・退休金 【公司福利】 ・特休/優於勞基法 ・全勤獎金 ・員工生日禮金 ・三節獎金 ・員工旅遊 ・健康檢查(一年一次) ・年終獎金 ・員工結婚補助 ・生育補助 ・子女教育補助 ・在職教育訓練 ・員工供餐(一餐/日)

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4/23 【新竹東區】德商專案會計人員(系統升級導入作業) 45k起 周休二日 -24 B636(表現好有機會轉正)

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. 工作內容 依專案系統升級作業 2.薪資45k起 3.上班時間彈性 08-17 或 09-18 4.享勞健保/團保等三節福利 5.熟SAP及有相關經驗佳 #此工作為約聘職務,有機會轉正

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4/23 財務/管理部部門主管

  • 新竹市
  • 10年以上
  • 大學

1.部門有三個處:財務,採購,管理處之事項執行、規劃及管理 2.掌管部門財務及會計帳務、稅務、採購、進出口、人事 3.行政及財會相關規章制度之訂定 4.主動積極拓展投資者關係 5.主動積極拓展國內外人才招募 6.主動積極拓展國內外人才合作開發案,開拓通訊人才招募 7.規劃及檢討公司財會作業流程,並覆核各項財會作業,以符合財會及稅務之規定 8.定期核閱財務報表,並針對異常項目進行分析檢討 9.解決並督導集團關係企業帳務處理及覆核其財務報表 10.年度預算的編制與管理,檢討每月各營運單位之營運結果、預算執行績效報告 11.資金管理 12.外幣避險管理 13.協助文件及合約審閱 14.參與規劃公司各項管理制度,以符合經營管理之需求 15.熟悉股東會及董事會運作 16.熟悉鼎新ERP系統者佳

待遇面議 上市上櫃
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4/23 財務人員(須為相關科系)

  • 新竹縣新埔鎮
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1.對公司稅收進行整體籌畫與管理,按時完成稅務申報以及年度審計工作。 2.對公司外匯操作進行總體控制。 3.建立健全財務管理制度,對財務的日常管理、資金預算、資金運作等進行評估。 4.提供公司各項財務相關分析及報表, 資產明細表,模具明細表,薪資預估與零用金使用狀態表,資產負債表,損益表,財產清單,營收比較表,生產獲利分析與損益 庫存狀態表,訂購狀況表,訂購已交貨狀態表 並針對異常科目做分析處理。 5.審核有關各項費用支付之發票、單據及帳務處理。 6.規劃及檢討公司管理制度流程,執行、並覆核績效作業,以符合營運目標。 7.規劃及檢討公司各項作業流程,並覆核各項作業,以符合規定。 8.上級主管交辦事項。 9.稽核國外公司相關流程與報表事務 10國外公司運作法令與規範審查

待遇面議 員工35人
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4/23 Finance - Senior Finance Specialist - Hsinchu _ J-00267533

  • 新竹市
  • 10年以上
  • 碩士

Introduction Act as Business Partner by providing business insights based on financial and non-financial data available to business Partners for informed business decision making and financial performance improvement. Job Description ·         Assures the financial predictability of management report analyses including deal simulation, revenue execution and forecast, margin analysis, operational expenses analysis, capital expenditure analysis, variance analysis and any other ad hoc reporting analysis in the service business area. ·         Enjoys working with teams in a global continuous improvement environment (on strategic and operational level) to enable the company to take the next steps in data analysis using the latest technology available. ·         Able and willing to speak up, also in meetings where senior managers of the company are present. Education The ideal candidate will have a Bachelors or Masters degree with a concentration in Accounting/Finance, Business Administration, Professional Finance certification encouraged. Experience Extended working experience (> 10 years) in an international environment and preferably in a similar Personal skills Office tooling Budgeting, planning and analysis experience Dares to speak up in an international environment. Preferred project lead experience in process improvement Context of the position Work with Finance Business Partner Team in running the Field business proposal/deal structuring process, Monthly performance review process, and budgeting processes and if needed run these processes independently as backup. Responsible for the preparation of operational cost analysis for management decision making to drive cost efficiency and effectiveness; Drive optimization and improvement of processes, standardization of reporting and insight-driven analyses within both the business control and financial control organization to satisfy the need for management information Identify (business) risks and opportunities for Field operations and propose mitigation plans; Enforce compliance with Code of Conduct, Business principles and SOX compliance; Participate in business/process improvements projects; Execute ad hoc analysis and reporting.

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4/23 新竹湖濱館 行政部(財務)副理

  • 新竹市
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

1. 能獨立完成財務相關工作。 2. 編製各類報表(財務報表)及分析。 3. 營業稅、營所稅等各項稅務作業。 4. 熟悉財務會計總帳、應收帳款、收入稽核、應付作業、驗收作業。 5. 協助與指導部門內同仁各項作業。 6. 具良好的抗壓力以正面、積極的態度,處理各項主管交付的任務。 7. 配合會計師查帳作業。 8. 具飯店經歷尤佳。

待遇面議 員工950人
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4/23 Finance - Global Enabling Services (GES) Finance Controller - Hsinchu _ J-00296397

  • 新竹市
  • 10年以上
  • 碩士

Job description As a Finance Controller, you are expected to create & maintain clear insight in the nature and background of financial reporting for the ASML/Cymer Taiwan legal entities. You will operate in a matrix organization, being part of the global Finance organization. You will ensure that the financial statements are correct and complete creating the basis for a clean audit trail – with proper substantiation and specification. Being able to make the translation between our primary US GAAP books and Local GAAP financial statements and into the indirect and direct tax obligations is crucial in this role. Your responsibilities are as follows: (1) Financial Reporting and control all aspects of accounting and finance operations Completing monthly closing activities, including but not limited to reviewing and approving journal entries, reviewing account reconciliations, investigating unusual balances / transactions, reviewing financial statements, and completing closing checklists Ensuring compliance with the US GAAP framework of recording transactions Ensure compliance with US GAAP revenue recognition policies Preparing monthly closing package Completing Financial Accounting Standards (FAS) 109 quarterly calculations and supporting schedules related to the income tax provision calculation Reconciling statutory financials to US GAAP financial statements Coordinating physical inventories and cycle counts, and overseeing Oracle corrections Reviewing manufacturing cost accounting, including actual costs (Oracle) and standard costs (SAP), variance analysis, PPV, etc. Mitigating foreign exchange losses Monitor the compliance with group accounting policies as well as local regulations; Coordinate calculations for Transfer Pricing purposes for both US GAAP and Local GAAP; Align with / provide input to ASML Global Finance Team / Tax Support Organization (The Netherlands) for periodic group reporting and consolidation purposes; (2) Manage, administer, and control all aspects of ethical behavior and business practices in accordance with ASML Code of Conduct including: Preventing the misappropriation of company assets and resources Reporting any questionable activity that is inconsistent with ASML’s policy on ethical behavior in accordance with the Code of Conduct Liaising with Human Resources to provide training in the area of ethical conduct Remediating any non-compliance behavior within the realm of direct reports Assisting in the engagement of any confidential investigations and audits related to ethical misconduct or potentially fraudulent transactions Putting preventative measures in place to mitigate fraudulent behavior and transactions (3) SOX and Audit Coordination Support SOX compliance requirements including preparing and updating necessary documentation, coordinating audit efforts with outside auditing firm, performing all control owner responsibilities, and remediating any items as necessary. Act as overall audit engagement coordinator & primary point of contact to external auditor for legal entities in scope; Coordinate / prepare / assist in preparation of supporting documentation for statutory audit compliance; (4) Direct and Indirect tax compliance Monitor tax compliance obligations of entities in responsible territory and arrange for timely preparation of direct and indirect tax filings; Act as primary point of contact for providing information  for preparation of corporate income tax returns, including review of CIT fillings from a financial input perspective; Arrange for timely preparation of VAT/GUI filings and review VAT/GUI fillings from a financial input perspective; Arrange for timely preparation of other local tax filings; Prepare / review Country by Country Reporting information for respective legal entities; Facilitate / create reliable basis for tax cash planning; Ascertain timely identification and communication of tax risk & opportunities (e.g. use of withholding taxes / tax credits) – such in conjunction with ASML Corporate Tax Department; First contact towards to Taiwanese tax office and assist in preparation of response (from a financial input perspective) to queries on tax authorities in efficient & timely manner; Education/Experience: Minimum 12 years’ experience with either Taiwan/US CPA qualified or at least 5 years’ Big 4 or equivalent accounting experience in an international business environment Strong understanding of financial accounting processes; Experience with automation of reporting processes in a SAP/Oracle environment and/or experience with e.g. robotics is a prefer Experience with Taiwanese tax compliance and tax certificate report preparation Knowledge of / experience with applicable tax accounting rules in relation to US GAAP / IFRS / Local GAAP and related processes Fluent in written & spoken English and Chinese Personal skills: Good analytical, communicative, leadership and social skills. Professional and ambitious attitude. Result oriented, team player with a big sense of responsibility; Capable of co-working with team members while maintaining higher level overview; Ability to build relationships with colleagues in other regions (Asia / Europe / US) and non-financial departments. Diversity and inclusion ASML is an Equal Opportunity Employer that values and respects the importance of a diverse and inclusive workforce. It is the policy of the company to recruit, hire, train and promote persons in all job titles without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, veteran status, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity. We recognize that diversity and inclusion is a driving force in the success of our company. Need to know more about applying for a job at ASML? Read our frequently asked questions.

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4/23 【總管理處】-財會經理

  • 新竹縣竹北市
  • 10年以上
  • 大學

1.主理集團所有財/會/稅/股事項. 2.制定、規劃及檢討會計作業流程,作業辦法、內控架構. 3.使用鼎新TIPTOP ERP系統製作、審核流程表單. 4.每月及定期編製集團合併報表,提供並分析管理會計資訊. 5.預決算編審與控管. 6.股東會、董事會召集及運行. 7.進行有效跨部門溝通. 8.推動公司未來IPO之規劃與執行. 9.其他主管交辦或機動指派任務.

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