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4/26 Settlement Specialist

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

About us: Offering futures and spot trading as well as multiple fiat on- and off-ramps, our product is designed as a one-stop solution for traders at all levels to conveniently deposit, trade, convert, and withdraw crypto- and fiat currencies. As a Settlement, you will be responsible for daily settlement operation and making sure the correctness of the transaction for our clients. Your main tasks will be: 1) Handle fiat and crypto payments accurately and promptly. 2) Records all deals with no errors and can be 100% tallied with transaction history. Responsibilities: 1. Monitoring day-to-day trade confirmation and settlement reports aligned with customers’ deals. 2. Responsible for tracking and processing the status of system deposit and withdrawal transactions 3. Co-work with Treasury to make daily reconciliations with banking details. 4. Ensure all confirmations have been dispatched to internal & external related parties’ adherence to regulations and procedures. 5. Liaise with the relevant parties to solve confirmation and settlement issues. 6. Provide resolution or look for assistance for problems associated with including but not limited to FX or Money Operation. 7. Prepare regular reports for internal control and external audit. Desired qualifications: 1. Bachelor or above degree, major in Business or Finance related. 2. Good command in both spoken and written English. 3. Attention to details and sensitive to numbers. 4. Middle level in English. ★ Shift differential provided(夜班每月額外輪班津貼 NTD 10,000) 此份職務為配合全球交易市場, 若能獨立作業後 (約入職1-3個月),且能幫忙輪夜班,時間為12am-9am,能夠遠距工作,無論天數,會有額外一萬元輪班津貼。 輪夜班的意願、頻率和每月天數,皆為團隊成員和用人主管討論後再決定。 ***麻煩請至以下Nogle招募系統應徵,並上傳自製履歷(需為Word或PDF格式,且文字可以編輯的檔案),暫不接受104應徵履歷! https://jobs.lever.co/nogle/5561cf76-a761-479a-bb7c-74c004bd7a89?lever-origin=applied&lever-source%5B%5D=104

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4/25 【Global Family Office 外商家族辦公室】私人銀行端高資產客戶 保險理財顧問 薪資可議

  • 台北市大安區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

我們正在尋找一位具有卓越專業技能的保險理財顧問,以配合家族辦公室的團隊。此職位需要為私人銀行端高資產客戶提供量身定制的財務解決方案,特別是在保險和稅務諮詢。您將與Private Banker合作,協助客戶的長期財務目標實現。薪資可議,Salary range: base on current base salary and increase 25-30% 職責: - 提供私人銀行端高資產客戶的財務規劃,根據客戶需求和目標制定度身定制的解決方案。 - 協助投資專業人士與高資產客戶之間的穩固關係,以滿足其財務需求。 - 準備財務計劃並檢查其準確性 - 提供量身定制的保險產品和稅務規劃,滿足客戶的需求和目標。 - 與Private Banker一起合作,提供給客戶更全面的財務服務。 資格: - 大學以上畢業,具財務/金融/保險相關科系尤佳。 - 對投資、財富業務和保險產品有深入的理解。 - 擅長溝通社交,能夠與各種客戶建立信任和有效溝通。 - 良好的團隊合作精神,能夠有效協作並與團隊成員共同實現目標。

待遇面議 員工7人
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4/25 承銷業務人員(台北)

  • 台北市中正區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1.協助客戶規劃初次上市櫃、上市櫃後之籌資理財與財務顧問諮詢服務,以爭取IPO、SPO與財顧專案業務案件 2.具承銷業務、承銷案件評估及輔導或會計師事務所經驗者尤佳 3.具證券商高級業務員證照 4.具備會計師事務所2年以上及承銷商5年以上資歷

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4/24 【國內通路】行動財富顧問(保險業務人員尤佳,保障底薪3萬起加績效獎金)

  • 台北市中山區
  • 1年以上
  • 高中

✧・゚:* 行動財富顧問 徵才說明會*:・゚✧ ☛時間/日期:2024/03/29(五)、04/10(三) 14:00 ☛地點:台北市中山區松江路350號 IEAT會議中心(行天宮捷運站4號出口) ☛報名連結:https://survey.cathaybk.com.tw/s/xNGQ8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【行動財富顧問優勢】歡迎保險業務人員投遞履歷、報名招募說明會 (1) 提升個人理財/客戶服務專業形象 (2) 以外出訪客為主的工作模式 (3) 拓展您的職涯廣度,提供客戶更多元的產品 (4) 銀行將提供全方位的專業培訓、實戰演練、一對一輔導 (5) 提供豐富的潛力客戶資源 ◎薪資獎金: ※ 保障底薪、年終獎金,另有優渥業績獎金 ※ 具競爭力的獎金制度,讓您的努力得到充分回饋 ◎銷售輔助: ※ 豐富未開發客戶資源,搭配客戶標籤精準行銷 ※ 即時市場趨勢分析與投後即時預警 ◎專業培訓: ※ 全方位專業的教育訓練,延續您的職涯續航力 ※ 手把手實戰演練,補強銷售即戰力,加速實現您的專業夢想 ◎福利: ※ 正式行員編制,享有團體保險、子女教育基金 ※ 三節奬金、旅遊補助、持股信託等

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4/24 財務顧問/評價分析人員/理級

  • 台北市大安區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

企業評價、無形資產評價、動產評價、商譽資產減損測試、企業合併之收購價格分攤;財務暨稅務審查評鑑(盡職調查);企業併購之規劃及執行。 Valuation for transaction / financial reporting purposes; Financial and tax due diligence for M&A transactions; M&A consulting services.

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4/24 Director of Investor Relations

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

About Want to build a worldwide brand from Taiwan, and to communicate our brand story to millions of users worldwide? Want to be based in Taiwan but work in a silicon-valley-like environment, and to build world-class brand and products? Want to participate in the global fintech and blockchain movement, and work at an English-speaking workplace? Come change the world with us! Join this fast-growing startup founded by software veterans and funded by top VCs, Skype co-founders, and the Taiwanese government (NDF)! We’re hiring for an experienced Director of Investor Relations. The exact mix of other skills does not matter, so long as your tool chest includes a mix of abilities. Be willing to attack anything that comes your way, learn on the fly and get things done. Come talk to us if you want to push your skillset in a dynamic fast-paced environment. Responsibilities - Research investment landscape and identify active VC funds in our industry - Provide insights on market activity -- who's invested into whom, where; who lead and who followed - Participate in the preparation of quarterly earnings updates, as well as in their presentations to investors - Help coordinate board meetings and investor updates - Develop investor confidence and belief in the company’s vision and strategy for delivering shareholder value - Create and manage a strong reputation by demonstrating consistent and clear communication between internal and external parties and investor relationships Requirements - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills - 5+ years experience in investor relations - Understanding of startup (early-stage) funding - Very good command of English - Superb written and verbal communication skills; ability to draft engaging and impactful messages Location: Taipei https://goo.gl/maps/vC7WxAurcZVWwCCNA About XREX https://www.xrex.io Culture https://downloads.xrex.io/culture -We will proceed your application first if you apply online: http://xrex.breezy.hr/p/d3adf94383e7-director-of-investor-relations

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4/24 金融/保險業務【汽車貸款/房屋二胎-送件配合】

  • 台北市中山區
  • 2年以上
  • 學歷不拘

1.維護本身金融/保險客源,開發潛在需要資金的客戶 2.收取相關資料、進件,可支援作業~備有後勤單位 3.案件核准免出勤,我司派專員對保~成功撥款領獎金 本司和潤直屬經銷,承辦房屋二胎、汽、機車貸款。 中租、裕融、新鑫二胎、和勁二胎...各類貸款作業窗口~ ★☆★☆ 歡迎同業夥伴配合 ★☆★☆ 信用卡、信貸、房貸、車貸、保險業皆可洽詢! 幫客戶取得需要的資金 兼職賺獎金 公司合法登記;特約經銷商~專業優質服務!! ●機車貸款/汽車貸/房屋二胎/手機貸 以上都有服務●

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4/24 資深承銷輔導人員

  • 台北市信義區
  • 4年以上
  • 大學

1.協助國內外企業申請上市(櫃)之整體規劃與查核作業 2.協助發行公司進行股權暨資本形成規劃 3.提供已上市上櫃公司國內外籌資規劃服務等 4.執行IPO及SPO案件輔導及評估作業 5.與主管機關進行案件溝通與協調

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4/23 資本市場部承銷輔導人員

  • 台北市松山區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

1.辦理上市櫃案(初次上市或上櫃)承銷輔導作業 2.辦理籌資案(CB、現金增資、ECB或GDR等)承銷評估作業 3.辦理財顧案(合併、受讓、普債或各類意見書等)承銷評估作業 4.主管交辦事項

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