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9/21 【JPSGMO0301】Merchant Success (Locate in Japan)

  • 日本
  • 8年以上
  • 大學

【About SHOPLINE】 SHOPLINE is Asia’s largest smart commerce platform. With our customers in mind, we strive to deliver scalable commerce solutions to merchants of all sizes. We’re a full-featured platform with services including online store opening, O2O solution, retail POS systems, advertising placement, business strategy consultation, marketing, and more to empower merchants to succeed in omnichannel retailing commerce. 【What you will be doing】 - Design and apply the protocol to provide excellent onboarding experience for new clients - Maintain growth of assigned clients and develop effective client retention strategies - Manage a team of merchant success staff to deliver quality customer services support - Build up the account management team and sustain solid business relationships with key accounts and with people at all levels - Collect feedback on SHOPLINE’s core product from accounts, while understanding the reasons and use cases of every feedback - Liaise with internal departments on product promotion/marketing activities - Lead and perform ad-hoc projects as assigned by the Management - Answer incoming questions via live chat, email and phone calls, handle customer enquiries - Be a strong advocate for our brand and product, interact and build a community of loyal customers 【Who we are looking for】 - Degree Holder or equivalent - At least 3 years of Customer Service/Account Management experiences - Knowledge of e-commerce and startup culture - 100% customer-focused attitude - Self-starter and good team player - Excellent internal/external communication skills - Demonstrate excellent business judgment - Comfortable with uncertainty and situations where there is no “right answer” - Strong ability to think in others’ point of view - Courageous to stand out and speak out for your thoughts - Strong time management and expectation management skills - Fluent in Japanese in verbal and written, and business level Chinese or English is required 【It'd be plus if you have】 - E-commerce marketing experiences - Hands on experiences with marketing tools like: Google Analytics/Facebook Pixel, AdWords, etc - Project and account management skills - Sales skills and mindset - Experience in any customer facing role or at E-commerce platforms is preferred - Adapt to CRM tools i.e. Salesforce, Intercom and Zendesk - Immediate available is preferred

待遇面議 外商公司 員工500人
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9/20 Marketing Specialist@ Tokyo

  • 日本
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

・トップ・ダウン企業戦略の立案及び実施 ・PR、Webマーケティングを活用した有効リードの創出 ・展示会、Web展示会(バーチャル展示会)の立案、制作、運営 ・検索連動広告やWebポータルサイトおよびeDM等を活用した有効リードの創出 ・営業・製品マーケティングチームと協力し、チャネル獲得及び売上の拡大、管理 ・リード、Opportunityの開発計画実行、その結果として売り上げの計画の達成 ・日本での産業用computerトップブランドの確立 ・新製品発表

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9/20 I01日本地區- 手配銷售人員

  • 日本
  • 1年以上
  • 學歷不拘

1. 飯店、餐廳、景點、巴士等元件預約/修改/取消/確認 2. 國際機票銷售 3. 銷售業務 、翻譯提案或建議(營業企劃) ◎市場營銷、促銷、業務開發、內容開發、客戶發展 (1) MICE 業務 企業  、政府機構和地方政府的銷售、規劃建議和運營 (2) 休閒(離線/在線)事業  個人旅行團創建、銷售和運營 (3) 訪問日本解決方案業務、新解決方案銷售面向商業  公司和地方政府  新業務開發和銷售 (4) 銷售支持  DX 推廣、採購安排等 *當地任用前六個月簽契約社員合約, 期滿依工作表現評估轉正社員, 契約社員與正社員薪資福利無差異 *轉調當地後薪資將另外依當地幣別調整

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9/19 本地運營顧問 Local Market Operations Consultant (日本 Japan)

  • 日本
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

美圖產品用戶在全球皆高速增長,不斷求新求變、跟進AIGC趨勢,持續優化產品功能及用戶體驗,創造多國佳績! 若你熱衷使用美圖或任何拍照/修圖/影片編輯APP、喜歡觀察市場流行趨勢,並對APP海外行銷推廣、用戶增長、訂閱商業模式充滿興趣,想一同放眼全球!歡迎投遞履歷! 主要職責: (Based in the US) - 操作數位行銷工具、本地Social media經營、KOL/KOC合作洽談...等; - 挖掘日本市場趨勢及用戶使用偏好,與台灣團隊遠端協作,落實本地化行銷運營舉措; - 本地代理商資源拓展及合作溝通 - 協助管理日本當地人力執行進度 (包含實習生、外包約聘人員等) - 英文能力佳,能中文溝通 ----------------- (Based in Japan) - Operate digital marketing tools, local social media management, KOL/KOC cooperation negotiation... etc; - Explore Japan market trends and user preferences, and work remotely with Taiwan team to implement localized marketing initiatives; - Developing and communicating with local agents - Assist in managing the progress of local manpower in Japan (including interns, outsourced contractors, etc.) - Excellent command of English and basic communication skills in Chinese.

待遇面議 員工50人
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9/19 Product Marketing Manager- Local hire in Japan

  • 日本
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1. Purpose of this Position: *The Product Marketing Manager (PMM) manages the department related product lines. *The PMM is the key interface between various departments such as sales, channel, technical support and marketing at the Regional Business Unit (RBU) and the Strategic Business Group (SBG) described above. *The PMM is responsible for coordinating all MOXA resources needed to effectively manage the assigned Product Line(s) for MJP (Moxa Japan), and provide SBU’s with voice of the customer and market information for assessing competitors and opportunities. *The PMM will position the assigned Product Line(s) both internally and externally for growth and market share gain while working closely with MJP sales team, channel partners and key customers. 2. Major Areas of Responsibility: *Identify market and technology trends within the industrial marketplace and targeted vertical markets in which emerging standards, customer needs, and the competitive market landscape. *Provide comprehensive industry, product, and application knowledge to support the success and growth of the SBG and applicable vertical markets. *Contribute to the publication of application notes, white papers, technical articles and interviews within industry magazines, trade journals and associations. *Create training and sales presentation materials. Responsible for training company sales and channel sales personnel on technology and product lines, targeted vertical markets, and applications within the markets. *Work closely with the MJP & Corporate Marketing group to help set and coordinate the SBG marketing strategies and establishing respective promotional activities. *Highlight customer testimonials and success stories per market segment. Lead and working closing with MAT(Moxa Asia&Taiwan) marketing and MJP sales team for the new product development plan. *Develop and align MJP business plans with SBG business plans during annual business planning workshops. Act as liaison between MJP and SBG to ensure that both parties are up to date on the current business status, and are aligned on business strategies. *Be an ambassador for Moxa Japan outside of the organization for the assigned subject.

待遇面議 員工1800人
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9/18 (工作地點:日本大阪)旅宿管理事務師

  • 日本
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

1.協助不動產規劃,購買相關事務處理 2.協助不動產物件租賃相關事務處理 3.旅館業管理相關事務處理 4.日本供應商開發聯繫、廠商關係維護 5.一般文書資料與公文處理工作 6.維護、更新、管理各類公司文件檔案 (如:合約、會議記錄、書目資料、活動文件) 7. 處理庶務性行政工作(如:事務機器叫修維護、用品採買、小額零用金管理) 8.主管交辦事項

待遇面議 員工30人
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9/18 日本東京 行銷人員/【SNS&Webマーケティング】/経験者希望/東京現地採用

  • 日本
  • 2年以上
  • 高中

▍理想的生活姿態,你的想像會是什麼?我們忙碌地穿梭在不同場域裡,和身邊的人交織成生活的節奏,看似不變的日子周而復始,卻懷抱著每個人對生活的期盼;期盼驅使我們不甘於平凡,微小變動著生活的每一刻,桌面的風景也隨之更迭。▍ MOTTI致力於智能家居環境推廣,主要產品為電動升降桌及相關配件,希望讓我們的居家生活變得更美好。 試著想像,一種更理想的生活體驗,用最從容的姿態重塑日常,刻劃最理想的生活模式,便是MOTTI的態度 ▍我們誠心邀請你來了解下列職缺,歡迎有興趣有熱忱的夥伴,和我們一起學習成長,一起刻劃理想的生活模式: 【 工作內容 】 透過日本行銷活動及各種媒體露出,讓日本客戶了解MOTTI產品優點,提高購買意願,進而認同品牌形象。 1. 規劃及執行日本行銷活動,文案撰寫,視覺風格建議。 2. 經營MOTTI日本SNS帳號。 3. 安排日本KOL測試產品及評價。 1.電動家具ブランドである“MOTTI”のデザイン・ブランディング。(主力商品は電動昇降デスク)。今後事業を展開していくBtoC向けの新規プロモーション、 ユーザーコミュニケーション、マーケティング業務全般をご担当いただきます。 2.具体的には: a. マーケティング資料の作成: デザインチームと協力し、洗練されたブランドの表現と視覚的に魅力的なマーケティング資料を作成。 b. アマゾンジャパン合同会社の運営するECサイト等にてマーケティングプランの企画 c. 市場分析、競合分析を行いターゲットの選定や戦略のプランニング d. 広告効果効率化のためのPDCA e. SNS(Instagram・YouTube・Tik Tok・LINEなど)での情報発信と分析 f. インフルエンサーマーケティング施策 g. ホームページのブログ執筆・修正 h. マニュアル・製品記事の日本語訳のクオリティチェック i. その他、プロモーション、マーケティング関連業務 ユーザーの特性に合わせた分析から企画立案、実施の領域まで総合的に担当していただきます。

待遇面議 員工40人
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9/18 【日本】品牌行銷企劃 Marketing Supervisor-Japan Tokyo

  • 日本
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

職務內容: 1.負責日本社群經營維護、貼文推廣、臉書廣告投放、數據統計 2.搜集、運用新興網路媒體,增加網路知名度及流量 3.行銷企劃案之撰寫,產品效益分析。 4.專案之規劃、執行、掌控、成本控制及結案。 5.異業合作規劃與執行。 6.官網維護與管理。 7.日本市場會員經營與管理。 8.台灣總部主管交辦事項。

待遇面議 員工1000人
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9/18 【海外】品牌行銷企劃 Marketing Supervisor - 日本Japan

  • 日本
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

職務內容: 1.負責日本社群經營維護、貼文推廣、臉書廣告投放、數據統計 2.搜集、運用新興網路媒體,增加網路知名度及流量 3.行銷企劃案之撰寫,產品效益分析。 4.專案之規劃、執行、掌控、成本控制及結案。 5.異業合作規劃與執行。 6.官網維護與管理。 7.日本市場會員經營與管理。 8.台灣總部主管交辦事項。

待遇面議 員工1000人
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9/17 【海外-Japan】產品管理主任工程師

  • 日本
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1. 儲能系統產品行銷工具開發Go-to-Market。 2. 專案企劃書規劃製作 3. 協助全球區域業務銷售活動與客戶需求訪談。 4. 產品行銷活動規劃與執行。 5. 儲能市場競品分析 benchmark

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9/17 飯店營運經理 Operation Manager(日本)

  • 日本
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

1. 飯店管理。 2. 具電腦基本操作能力。 3. 現場禮賓接待,辦理顧客入住及退房作業、館内房況掌控、接聽訂房及咨詢電話、 當班賬務結算、櫃檯各項庶務工作。 4. 營運排班調度及需配合輪班。 5. 管理業務訂房訂單處理、 6. 監督各項設備維護工作、資訊工務。 7. 與各職務協調工作進度、監督。 8. 稽核公司制度執行情形。 9. 巡房及細清房稽核、協助部分房務工作。 10. 主管交辦事項。

待遇面議 員工130人
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9/16 Senior Japan Marketing Partnership Manager [JP]

  • 日本
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

請透過以下連結投遞職缺,我們將會以這邊收到的履歷為主: https://kkday.bamboohr.com/careers/352 【About the role】 As the Head, Marketing Partnership (Senior Manager), KKday Japan you will be responsible for: - Lead marketing partnership team to drive business expansion and growth - Develop new Marketing Partnership strategy opportunities to increase KKday Japan traffic growth, revenue & profit by building high impact & effective partnership program - Develop Growth initiatives including integrated co-marketing campaigns, product partnerships, and corporate promotions to drive customer acquisition and maximize revenue, profit & growth To be successful in this role, you must: - Be a strategic thinker yet hands on executor, solid relationship builder with partners, advanced analytical skills with a passion for travel tech industry. - You must have an entrepreneurial mind-set with the ability to drive short- and long-term strategic marketing partnerships opportunities & branding building expertise - Able to lead a team of marketers to support business objectives Acquire new partners - Assess & identify new potential partnership, new traffic growth, new products and revenue & profit opportunities - Develop new traffic growth & new products strategy through strategic partnerships with various industry partners i.e Financial institution, banks, credit cards, e-commerce, hotel and airline, etc - Lead the negotiation of the commercial strategic partnership to C suites executives at partners firm Partnership management - Perform & evaluate SWOT analysis with recommendation to develop strategic initiatives to increase traffic growth & new products promotion - Build a strong relationship with C suites executives at partners firm to increase commercial collaboration opportunities Leadership Internal marketing partnership team - Lead, motivate and inspire Marketing Partnership Japan team to develop solid marketing strategy & plan to drive marketing promotion campaigns - Ensure all partnerships deals, marketing & campaigns are communicated effectively to internal teams to ensure follow through Cross Functional team - Closely collaborate with cross-functional teams and stakeholders from various cultures/countries to facilitate communication and objectives alignment - Ensure all partnerships deals are communicated effectively to internal teams to ensure follow through on partners needs - Work with internal team to create solid partnership plan to drive development and expansion We would love to hear from you: - You have at least 5 years of work experience in Marketing Partnership or equivalent role (i.e strategic partnership, new traffic acquisition etc) - You have experience in managing partners from banks, airline, financial, tourism, affiliated or e-commerce related industry - You have demonstrated leadership skills (leading marketing partnership team) and ability to succeed in a fast pace, startup environment. - You have proven track record of building solid partnership relationship and developing new partnerships deals with C – suite executives - You are proficient in Excel, Word and PowerPoint - You have excellent project management, analytical, and partnership management skills - You are a self starter who will deliver result - You may also create marketing campaigns to support partnership goals, such as new user acquisitions or new product promotions. - Your strong interpersonal, written and verbal communication skills help you to partner with multiple stakeholders - You have strong entrepreneurial mindset, motivated and driven to meet tight deadlines

待遇面議 外商公司 員工900人
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9/16 工研院產科國際所_日本辦公室2024暑期實習生

  • 日本
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

日本辦公室:為了推動工研院日本地區之業務,於1987年7月成立日本辦事處。主要關鍵作為是以開發者、促動者、連結者、加強者等角色,運用多元的方式,積極並機動的開拓與維繫台日之間產官學研交流業務,並建構台日科技創新研發平台,促動產業連結。 #工作內容 1 日本企業及技術之調查、技術資料之中日文翻譯、簡報製作、檔案建立及管理 2 台日產業技術合作業務 3 協助台日交流活動舉辦 #關於我們 工研院產業科技國際策略發展所(簡稱:產科國際所),是政府與產業均仰賴的智庫,結合產業研究與國際業務推動能量,以協助台灣產業布局全球市場為己任,以『促進台灣產業科技創新與價值提升』為願景。 旗下經營的IEK產業情報網已逾20年,是國內產業情報資料庫的領導品牌。 IEK產業情報網:http://ieknet.iek.org.tw/

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9/14 【日本總公司人才招募】EC電子商務運營企劃人員

  • 日本
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

【募集想在日本工作的夥伴】 如果您是電商營運行銷人才,有操作過 ZOZOTOWN、MOMO、YAHOO、樂天、amazon 等... EC 平台經驗,且又喜歡日本有意願前往日本工作,非常歡迎您來投遞履歷~ 【 工作內容 】 1.EC平台維護(商品上架與檢核修正,與平台 MD/PM 對接溝通,庫存管控) 2.EC平台訊息回覆(客戶進、退貨溝通協調,並管理訂單) 3.EC平台經營(活動規劃與執行) 4.社群媒體經營與投稿文案的日中翻譯 5.追蹤管理營運過程,並適時調整行銷活動的數據 6. 就成效結果進行分析並且優化 7.公司交辦事宜,基本電商實務

待遇面議 員工2人
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9/13 業務工程師(韓國分公司)

  • 南韓
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

韓國當地半導體設備相關業務推廣及銷售(需外派至少3年以上) 모집분야: 기술영업 / 대리 ~ 과장급 반도체 TEST 장비 영업 최소 2년 이상 담당업무: 반도체 검사 장비 및 핸들러 기술영업 신규 고객 발굴 및 시장 점유율 확대 기존고객 업무 대응 및 대만 본사와 협업 시장 및 고객 정보에 대해 본사 보고 근무지역: 경기도 판교 자격요건 반도체 장비 영업 관련 최소 2년 이상 경험자 영어 또는 중국어 가능자 (업무 협의 및 E-mail) 원활한 의사소통 및 협상 능력 고객 만족 및 목표 달성을 위한 적극적인 업무 수행 능력 유연한 태도로 팀내 역할을 완수할 수 있는 팀 플레이어 우대사항: 관련 학사 및 석사 보유자 독립적이고 사교적인 성격

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9/10 產品策劃

  • 日本
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

1. 負責品牌的專題策劃、捕捉重點、突出亮點 2. 負責公司線上廣告的H5及影片的策劃及輸出 3. 基於需求合作品牌特性輸出策劃方案 4. 負責線上節日活動、專題促銷活動的文案策劃工作 5. 策劃熱點話題、互動活動等方式提高使用者活躍度及品牌認知 6. 制定完整的執行計畫,實施及市場專案的整合行銷創意方案,結合產品特點和線上線下推廣資源,通過創意行銷、推廣活動、聯合行銷等提升品牌的知名度和曝光度,確保達成專案目標

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9/07 営業_月給25-30万円(¥)/日本語⇔中国語

  • 日本
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

※BtoBの営業経験を2年以上お持ちの方からの応募をお待ちしています。 ※日本語⇔中国語を母国語レベルで扱えることが求められます。 [業務内容] 営業事務: メール・FAX・WEBシステムからの受注処理、在庫連絡、顧客対応、不良品交換対応、 展示会サポート(展示会出展時の接客) [賃金] 正社員 25万円〜30万円(固定残業代20時間含む) 賞与年2回(合計1ヶ月分) 試用期間:3ヶ月 勤務時間:月曜〜金曜 9時〜18時(休憩1時間) 休日;土日祝 パートタイムの場合 1,300円〜1,500円(試用期間中は1,100円) [経験・スキル] 簡単なパソコンスキル(エクセル・ワード、メール対応など) コミュニケーションスキル(顧客との電話対応など)

月薪60,000~80,000元 遠端工作
  • 不想看到這個公司
  • 不想看到這個產業



