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Hematology北區 Sales Specialist

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Key Accountabilities: Develop comprehensive product plan to interpret complicated marketplace, product status, and customer & patient insights. Generates strategic imperatives and competitive tactics. Leads marketing programs timely across all functions, and ensures those programs can meet strategic goals and align with product messages. Analyze complex marketplace issues through market research data and collect competitor intelligences to develop clear understanding of both internal and external environment. Alliance business partner with other pharmaceutical company. Be knowledgeable on oncology disease, treatment, medical terms and clinical trials. Keep observing new competitors, treatments development and industry updates. Establishes strong relationship with thought leaders and relevant societies to ensure the endorsement of products and company. Knowledge / Experience / Language Ability to connect with cross-functional colleagues and with external stakeholders. Understanding the operational model of a multinational pharmaceutical company. Demonstrated ability to develop marketing business plan independently and implement marketing initiatives timely through working with cross function. Demonstrated ability to use creative and effective ways to execute marketing p rojects, especially in problem solving. Demonstrated ability to make the sales forecast plan by making patient model plan. Minimal of 2 years marketing experiences in pharmaceutical industry, and especially experiences in oncology products are preferable. Fluent in English written/oral communication.

待遇面議 外商公司 員工120人

PM 遊戲企劃專員-捕魚組

  • 台北市中正區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

負責開發、營運捕魚類遊戲專案: 1. 遊戲開發執行、營運規劃、成效評估 2. 專案時程規劃、執行、控管 3. 市場資訊蒐集與研究,提出可執行的見解 4. 數據分析:專案成效成果檢核 5. 專案團隊跨部門之合作,與行銷/美術/程式等部門同仁溝通 ★必備項目: 1. 具備企劃案撰寫經驗 2. 具備執行專案與團隊合作完成經驗 3. 對遊戲有熱情的1~3年工作經驗者 ★加分項目:具營運或開發捕魚機台經驗者佳 ★想要更加了解慧邦科技嗎?歡迎到gamesofa careers看看! https://www.facebook.com/GamesofaCareers/ 【備註:薪資將依個人學、經歷核薪但不會低於提供範圍之下限】


4/19 行銷企劃專員

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

行銷企劃在貓樂園是個火車頭的工作,會是以「行銷」出發,帶動公司整體營運 貓樂園的行銷主力在網路電商行銷,所以基本上,有關數位行銷的在這裡都會碰到! 如果你的個性活潑,也屬於積極努力學習的人,並且「行銷」工作是你的人生職涯,最重要的是你喜歡貓,歡迎加入我們 ☆工作重點: ▲官網、LINE@、LINE@社群、fb粉專等平台定期行銷活動執行。 ▲需具備基礎美編能力,使用工具不拘 ( 會需要製作行銷用平面素材 ) ▲短期專案協助主管執行 ▲規劃活動、撰寫文案 ▲具溝通協調能力 ▲有製作企劃活動報告經驗加分。(需使用PPT) ☆其他條件 ■態度正向積極善溝通、樂觀活潑、遇到問題優先思考個人處理方式。 ■工作中自我追求進步、負責、並懂得變通。 ■對於社群品牌行銷有熱情、具有分析規劃與管理專案能力 ■具備基本Photoshop設計能力者加分 ■具備社群敏感力、喜愛與人溝通相處。 *****有養貓加分***** 【我們的行銷工作優勢在哪】 只要你是喜歡貓或是貓奴,你所負責的產品,溝通的TA,經營的社群,99%都是跟貓咪有關,若你的能力又能跟貓咪結合,又在充滿貓咪的環境上工作,發展性又好,這不就是最理想的行銷工作嗎? 最後,非常歡迎喜歡貓又非常有企圖想要變強或創造價值的行銷人來應徵喔~

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4/19 監製助理

  • 台北市大安區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

1、翻譯公司項目的腳本、導演闡述及簡歷等等; 2、協助監制完成拍攝所需的所有相關籌備、管理、協調及執行工作; 3、能吃苦耐勞,適應較快的工作節奏,可以接受加班與出差; 4、有團隊合作精神,抗壓能力強、擅長與不同製作單位溝通協調;能服從上級工作安排;

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4/19 (台北)執行長室專案企劃人員

  • 台北市大安區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1.能源相關新事業開發及專案執行;針對新事業進行業務開發、策略規劃、市場開發等相關事項。對能源產業具有興趣,想挑戰自我以及願意學習新知。 2.新投資案開發評估;依據財務、風險等相關分析以及相關研究報告尋找商機與投資標的,並提供價值見解,以及報告撰寫製作等相關事項。 3.市場資訊蒐集;能源產業資料蒐集,包含執行產業、市場、技術、客戶需求、競品、或財務分析,以及報告撰寫製作等相關事項。 4.主管交辦事項

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4/19 PM (Server/Storage)

  • 台北市大安區
  • 10年以上
  • 大學

1. Develop and manage COTS server chassis products throughout entire product lifecycle and be in charge of product line P&L 2. Manage chassis product roadmap, and introduce products to global sales team 3. Strong knowledge of mechanical engineering, thermal, manufacturing process, material and costs 4. Work with cross-functional teams, including sales, engineering, manufacture, quality, to drive products time-to-market 5. Partner with marketing and sales teams on new product launch 6. supervises 3 members.

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4/19 電商品牌行銷

  • 台北市中正區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1. 兩個台灣網路電商平台品牌經營 2. 兩個社群經營品牌行銷管理 3. 社群平台客服經營 4. 新品上市行銷策略規劃 5. 廠商/外包團隊管理及溝通 6. 收集市場、消費者資料與分析。 關於我們: 成立至今即將邁入第八年,年輕且溫馨的小團隊。 快速成長期,通過疫情的考驗,蓄勢待發。 發展的腳步速度快,公司風氣偏向美式文化。 因董事長常年國內外奔波,非常需要能遠距溝通與文件E化的夥伴 歡迎勇於挑戰自己、能獨立作業的夥伴加入我們BONNSU家庭

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4/19 充電站營運中心行銷部-社群論壇行銷人員(團隊擴增)

  • 台北市松山區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1.網路社團/論壇內容經營,文案產出 2.美工圖片素材設計 3.網路社團/論壇留言互動回覆 4.網路社團/論壇輿情監控與處理 5.網路社團/社群帳號內容日常經營 6.行銷活動支援 7.宣傳文案撰寫 8.主管交辦事項

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4/19 Youtube影片企劃小編

  • 台北市中山區
  • 1年以上
  • 高中

現經營一位YouTuber 樂天女孩、及一位圖文插畫家 工作分為兩部分,節目企劃能力為最優先。 「節目企劃」工作內容: 1.根據影片目標,運用創意設計,企劃相關專案內容、影視腳本、企劃書及相關宣傳文案 2.協助影片拍攝:包含專案影像製作統籌、前製、聯絡與調度、協助現場拍攝、製作進度控管 3.多媒體及其他相關業務之文宣內容發想、撰寫 4.專案執行進度管理 「社群小編」工作內容: 1.影音頻道內容腳本與話題發想,關注時事與流行梗,能將內容轉換為自身創意 2.KOL業配、社群素材(影片/照片)提案與製作 3.熟悉各類社群媒體(Youtube、Facebook、Instagram、抖音等),並能針對社群數據反饋來調整企劃主題及腳本內容 4.能獨立完成作業,責任心強。對自己的專案有完成感的使命,但同時亦能協調其他單位的需求和意見

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4/19 保健美妝品牌經理PM

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

(1)負責保健商品開發之商品開發文案企劃 (2)產品功能文案構想與撰寫及網路圖文之撰寫 (3)執行商品教育訓練規劃及學術性內容撰寫 (4)熟悉保健保養品相關法規。獎項與認證規劃、收集市場最新資訊。

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4/19 營養師

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

1.客戶服務諮詢 2.撰寫文案 3.拍攝影片 4.傳遞健康品牌價值 國家品質標章保健品牌 ●榮獲"世界品質評鑑-最高金獎"及生策會國家品質標章 ●產品嚴選安全無毒SGS檢驗通過

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4/19 專案企劃人員(保障年薪14個月+績效獎金)(集團數位業務部)

  • 台北市大安區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

【工作內容】 1.識別集團內業務合作可行性並評估效益,透過業務合作專案發想,提出集團業務協作之策略及專案規劃。 2.集團專案團隊溝通協調,制定團隊運作機制、協調專案相關資源、問題排解,確保專案順利執行。 3.專案規劃及管理,並與開發團隊合作,產出規格、協助測試及上線、進行教育訓練等作業,有效組織團隊完成任務。 4.對國內外券商、金融商品發展、新興Fintech數位發展有深入的觀察,並提出提升競爭力之策略建議或創新提案。 【需求條件】 1.具備專案管理能力及執行經驗 2.具良好溝通協調能力,以應對跨組織合作 3.具團隊合作意識,能與成員協力合作 4.具備發現問題、疏理問題與解決問題能力 5.具良好邏輯思維能力,並能從數據洞察分析、提出建議 【加分條件】 有敏捷團隊的經驗,了解敏捷開發的運作思維和流程。 【你將收穫】 加入集團數位業務部,每位成員都能在開放且協力的文化中茁壯成長。這裡不僅是執行專案的舞台,更是一個機會豐富的學習場所。 透過參與業務合作專案,您將不斷強化識別合作可行性、專案溝通協調、專案規劃等技能。我們強調團隊合作,您將與跨組織的團隊緊密協作,解決專案中的各種挑戰。 我們注重每位成員的成長,提供全方位的學習機會,從戰略思維到市場觀察,您不僅能深入了解金融市場發展趨勢,還將有機會提出創新的策略建議,為集團創造更多價值。 我們期待您的加入,一同打造更優越的數位金融未來。 ※為擴大招攬數位菁英人才,面試流程如下: step1、請先投遞104人力銀行上之此職缺 step2、符合資格者,將邀請您至【國泰證券招募官網https://recruit.cathayholdings.com/】登錄履歷

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4/19 電商平台營運

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 3年以上
  • 高中

本公司隸屬永豐集團,《永豐商店》 於1923年於臺南創立。在永豐人的用心經營下,茁壯發展成〈永豐餘〉、〈永豐金〉、〈永豐製藥〉等多元的永豐事業版圖。到2023年《永豐》已邁入百年企業。 為能進一步幫助國人常保健康。2017年推出集團旗下品牌「人可和」,以永豐人在製藥業長達70多年的醫藥品管經驗,結合「天然和科學並重」、「人本與科技齊行」的永豐精神,為國人量身推出《天然營養系列》,以及《機能保健系列》。 不僅連續多年榮獲衛福部健康食品、國家品質標章等多項國家認證。更陸續獲得超過百位名人愛用推薦、3000位醫護一致選用。 【我們是……】 我們的新創團隊由來自各營養保健、快消食品品牌及電商領域,具長年豐富經驗的專業人士所組成,我們皆具有開創性的人格特質,都有著「正向思考」、「專業高效能」、「年輕活力化」的特點,具有高度凝聚力、好溝通的良好團隊氛圍、美式工作文化。有著優於勞基法的工時制度及優於外商的上下班通勤高額補助制度。 我們的DNA是「天然和科學並重」、「人本與科技齊行」,期望不只成為保健品領導品牌,更能整合集團力量打造出台灣第一個健康聯網,實現Internet of Health的藍圖。 【希望您也是……】 「人可和」保健品牌起步於網路電商,一路從自營品牌網站、電商平台迅速發展、業績年年以倍數成長,公司也於2020年下半年拓展通路至實體藥局通路,達成虛實整合的第一步。為持續優化擴大電商銷售成績,我司於2024搬遷辦公室至內湖區集團大樓並擴編募才。 現誠徵擅長MOMO、蝦皮等電商平台經營、團購銷售之人才加入團隊,和我們一起隨著公司及品牌的茁壯,一步步提升網路電商的品牌發展,完成全集團健康聯網的藍圖。 工作重點以外部電商平台及團購達成業績目標為主: 1.MOMO、Pchome、蝦皮等外部電商平台產品資料維護、行銷文案撰寫 2.電商平台、團購之銷售活動規劃與設定執行、商品提案、預算控管、結案報告 3.團購業務開拓,團購主聯繫開發、開團規劃、執行與控管 4.消費者CRM分析與追蹤,回購率管理 5.擅長對外溝通聯繫與提案,如與KOL、YouTuber或其經紀公司進行合作商談、提案 6.配合倉管人員、客服營養師,掌控出貨狀況、追蹤訂單及消費者評論 7.依公司需求負責部分線下通路日常聯繫與出貨退貨、帳務追蹤 8.其他公司交辦事項 進階工作能力(此為不同面相之延伸能力,皆非必須,為薪資增加項目): 1.具影片企劃能力,可發想拍攝並剪輯行銷價值之影片素材 2.具社群管理經驗,可良好規劃與執行社群發展 3.具保健品公司經驗,熟悉保健品市場及電商銷售重點

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4/19 【Head Office】Marketing Executive / Assistant Manager

  • 台北市信義區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

1. Product management: annual plan for assigned products, planning, execution, and tracking. 2. Budget control: negotiation with vendors for the best price, plan ahead spending, and control it within given budget. 3. Promotion: plan, execute, and post-tracking of promotion plans. 4. Product forecasting: come up rationale product forecasts with assumptions. 5. Visual Merchandising Management 6. Event planning and execution 7. Data analysis: analysis and reporting related to understand product performance as well as customers.

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4/19 Supply Chain Program Manager, New Product Introduction

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • 4 years of experience managing programs or projects within cross-organizational projects (e.g., project definition, managing risk, managing dependencies and timelines, etc.) • 4 years of experience managing NPI materials Preferred qualifications: • Master's degree or MBA in Industrial Engineering, Supply Chain Management, Business Administration, or Operations Research • Experience across all phases of a product from prototype to mass production to end-of-life • Experience with supply/demand planning and accounting/finance • Ability to collaborate and influence across multiple levels of an organization and experience leading cross-functional process improvements, using strong problem solving and communication/facilitation skills • Comfortable shifting between direct detailed analysis and big picture thinking, and customizing communications based on the audience About the job A problem isn’t truly solved until it’s solved for all. That’s why Googlers build products that help create opportunities for everyone, whether down the street or across the globe. As a Program Manager at Google, you’ll lead complex, multi-disciplinary projects from start to finish — working with stakeholders to plan requirements, manage project schedules, identify risks, and communicate clearly with cross-functional partners across the company. Your projects will often span offices, time zones, and hemispheres. It's your job to coordinate the players and keep them up to date on progress and deadlines. Our goal is to build a Google that looks like the world around us — and we want Googlers to stay and grow when they join us. As part of our efforts to build a Google for everyone, we build diversity, equity, and inclusion into our work and we aim to cultivate a sense of belonging throughout the company. As a Supply Chain Manager, you will lead all aspects of supply chain readiness in New Product Introduction (NPI) products for our global data centers. You will work with cross-functional teams starting with product inception to volume ramp to bring innovative products into global data centers efficiently. You will demonstrate domain expertise in material readiness, clear to build, supplier and contract manufacturer management, procurement, manufacturing, supply resiliency, and are well versed in other aspects of Operations and Engineering that impact supply chain strategies and execution. Google Cloud accelerates every organization’s ability to digitally transform its business and industry. We deliver enterprise-grade solutions that leverage Google’s cutting-edge technology, and tools that help developers build more sustainably. Customers in more than 200 countries and territories turn to Google Cloud as their trusted partner to enable growth and solve their most critical business problems. Responsibilities • Drive material and supply chain readiness for all NPI builds from concept phase to production handoff, partnering with cross-functional teams to ensure success. • ­Identify and communicate supply chain risks and mitigation plans to ensure materials readiness for NPI builds as well as enabling long-term supply continuity into production.  • ­Be the primary materials liaison with ODM/CM/Suppliers, manage spend against project budgets, and drive large production risk buys and strategic buffers.  • ­Develop and document global supply chain map for each product, including suppliers, procurement model, lead time, shipment logistics, assembly/test/fulfillment model, and spares strategies.  • ­Update project schedules, communicate status, risks, and influence change, and represent the New Product Introduction Supply Chain organization in internal program meetings, driving initiatives and process improvements to help the team grow in scalability.

待遇面議 外商公司
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4/19 Hardware Compliance Program Manager

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience. • 2 years of experience in program or project management. • Experience with the Product Compliance space, including EMC, Safety, or general aspects of global regulations, certification authorities and approval processes. Preferred qualifications: • 2 years of experience managing cross-functional or cross-team projects. • Experience with Product Compliance, Certification, Homologation, RoHS, REACH, SCIP, TSCA or other environmental regulatory. • Knowledge of EMC and Safety design and test. About the job A problem isn’t truly solved until it’s solved for all. That’s why Googlers build products that help create opportunities for everyone, whether down the street or across the globe. As a Program Manager at Google, you’ll lead complex, multi-disciplinary projects from start to finish — working with stakeholders to plan requirements, manage project schedules, identify risks, and communicate clearly with cross-functional partners across the company. Your projects will often span offices, time zones, and hemispheres. It's your job to coordinate the players and keep them up to date on progress and deadlines. Our goal is to build a Google that looks like the world around us — and we want Googlers to stay and grow when they join us. As part of our efforts to build a Google for everyone, we build diversity, equity, and inclusion into our work and we aim to cultivate a sense of belonging throughout the company. As a Hardware Compliance Program Manager, you will help shape Google Cloud’s framework supporting an electrical and environmental regulatory compliance program. You will evaluate, test, certify, and register a diverse portfolio of products globally. Google Cloud accelerates every organization’s ability to digitally transform its business and industry. We deliver enterprise-grade solutions that leverage Google’s cutting-edge technology, and tools that help developers build more sustainably. Customers in more than 200 countries and territories turn to Google Cloud as their trusted partner to enable growth and solve their most critical business problems. Responsibilities • Conduct EMC, Safety and Environmental Compliance evaluations, testing, certification, and registration as applicable for a diverse portfolio of products. • Complete product certification application and registration for countries in APAC, EMEA, and the Americas. • Work with manufacturers and other suppliers to collect and conduct environmental data campaigns. • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure alignment with overall sustainability goals, engagement with suppliers, tools development, and full material declaration (FMD) collection and management. • Deliver compliance related requirements to suppliers, verify and analyze data and documents shared by suppliers and manufacturers, such as IEC 62368-1 3rd Ed., EN55032, EN55035, RoHS, REACH, TSCA etc.

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4/19 Campus Security Manager (Mandarin, English)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience. • 8 years of experience managing security operations. • Experience working with vendors and managing a team. • Ability to communicate in English and Mandarin fluently to support both local and APAC stakeholders. Preferred qualifications: • Experience with security technologies including CCTV, Access Control and Incident Management Systems. • Experience in managing security operations and security personnel and delivering high quality, customer-oriented security programs. • Experience in working with local law enforcement agencies and emergency services, including excellent acumen, discretion, and diplomacy. • Ability to work on confidential and sensitive information appropriately. • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, with the ability to multitask in a fast-paced environment. About the job In this role, you will help to lead Google’s Global Security and Resilience Services (GSRS) for our growing Taiwan campus. You will work with internal and external partners to maintain and enhance the security and safety of Google. You will coordinate physical security (i.e., security services, access control and CCTV systems, site surveys), investigations, risk/threat assessments, protective services, travel safety, and Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) programs. You will also be responsible for supervising employees and contractors performing specific security and safety-related tasks, along with monitoring associated performance and expenses. From keeping Googlers safe and secure to managing disruptive events, the ability to anticipate, deter, detect, and act are the pillars of Google’s Global Security and Resilience Services (GSRS) team. As a member of GSRS you will help develop a culture where safety, security and resiliency are integrated into every facet of Google, including the creative process. You will help us continually identify, evaluate and monitor enterprise risks that could affect business activities and provide business leaders the information they need to make critical decisions. You'll collaborate with cross-functional teams to create innovative strategies and develop programs that drive sustainable effectiveness. Responsibilities • Assist with implementing performance of corporate security standards, policies, practices. Manage the daily operations of vendors providing services including security, training, protective services and risk assessment. • Collaborate with other groups within Google and outside of Google as they relate to daily operations. Collaborate with project design teams and manage the GSRS aspects of creating new facilities. • Perform data analysis and create benchmarking to support risk assessments and threat identification. Create and present travel briefings in relation to crime and health risks in specified geographical regions. • Partner with Real Estate and Workplace Services and other Google business units to identify security deficiencies, develop customized policies and procedures to gain compliance with regulations to Google. • Manage Google Security Guard team and vendors to respond to emergencies, support planned and unplanned operations, support events, and special activities.

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4/18 韓文行政助理

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

【工作內容】 1.翻譯商品企劃書 (中韓互譯) 2.翻譯並整理商品提案書 (中韓互譯) 3.參與商品企劃會議 4.一般會計事務,編製帳務報表及帳務處理 5.其他主管交辦事項   ※此職務需要進辦公室工作 【公司福利】 ➤ 中午休息一個半小時 (12:00~13:30) ➤ 每個月提供聚餐費 ➤ 不定期有下午茶時間 ➤ 有零食櫃,隨時可以解饞

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4/18 商品開發 助理/專員

  • 台北市大安區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

1. 產品中、英文功效及法規標示撰寫、校對 2. 協助產品各項穩定性、相容性測試與觀察 3. 產品相關資料統整、文件建檔(如產品規格書、產品資料表、包裝說明書等) 4. 化妝品產品登錄相關作業 5. 產品廣測問卷發放及回收統計作業 6. 內部系統操作設定、產品料號及BOM表建立 7. 海、內外相關產品文件申請及管理 8. 樣品收發及歸檔整理 9. 提供化妝品、保養品市場趨勢及產品調整方向建議 10. 主管交辦事項

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4/18 乙女遊戲PM

  • 台北市士林區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

<<歡迎喜愛遊戲、熟悉遊戲的您加入!!>> 1.遊戲日本原廠對應窗口 2.使用日文處理日本交辦事項,與公司內部人員及廠商協調,確保事項如期進行 3.異業合作規劃洽談與執行 4.完成主管交辦事項 徵才條件: 1.喜愛乙女遊戲 2.具跨部門溝通、協調與問題解決能力 3.具團隊合作精神,有責任感且態度積極主動 4.具有良好的專案管理與時間管理能力 5.擅長工具:Excel、Outlook、PowerPoint、Word 6.工作經歷:3年以上 會使用 AI PS 等工具 能夠獨立製作SNS宣傳圖、商品圖、商品設計等者尤佳 語文條件: 英文 -- 聽 /中等、說 /中等、讀 /中等、寫 /中等 日文 -- 聽 /精通、說 /精通、讀 /精通、寫 /精通

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4/18 擴編_食品研發專員

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

需求條件: 1. 具休閒零食開發經驗者佳 2. 二年以上食品開發經驗 3. 具備基礎營養學知識 4. 資料搜查與期刊研讀能力 職務內容: 1. 研究食品之加工、調理與配製 2. 新產品穩定性研究及口味測試 3. 原產品配方品質改良 4. 市場信息收集、市售相關競品分析 5. 負責產品進度跟進、跨部門協調 6. 與廠商協調、接洽 7. 食品法規的持續追蹤與更新

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