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4/24 (針對應屆畢業生和30歲以下的年輕人)銷售工程師base日本

  • 日本
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

【招募背景】 大力視自動化以世界尖端技術為支撐,致力於打造自主研發的機器人和3D視覺技術相結合的裝卸自動化解決方案,並積極在日本推廣應用。如今,我們正處於業務擴展的激動時刻,急需招募更多世界級頂尖人才!如果您對挑戰充滿激情,渴望加入一個充滿創新和活力的團隊,那麼我們熱切期待您的加入! 在這個職位中,您將有機會直接與物流行業的客戶交流,為他們提供基於智慧機器人和3D相機等最新技術的自動化解決方案。您的主要工作內容將包括前往客戶現場,確認佈局情況、商品種類等重要信息,並根據客戶需求提出最佳的自動化解決方案。這不僅是一份工作,更是一次探索未知領域、改變未來的機會。加入我們,與我們一同引領自動化革命的潮流,共同開創美好未來! 【職位】 (針對應屆畢業生和30歲以下的年輕人)銷售工程師 【僱傭形式】 正式員工(※有3個月的試用期。期間薪資和待遇不變。) 【工作內容】 ·深耕現有客戶,擴大銷售區域 ·確認客戶現場狀況,收集並分析SKU種類等資訊 ·向客戶推薦機器人、夾爪以及3D相機並進行解說 ·製作與FA、倉儲商品搬運、裝卸等相關的解決方案提案書及報價單 ·為希望引入自動化解決方案的客戶提供諮詢服務 ·分析客戶的自動化需求,並向開發團隊提供回饋,支援新產品的開發 - 公司將協助申請日本工作簽證 *在培訓期間,您將經歷銷售和工程師的工作內容,在培訓結束後,根據直屬上司的建議和您的意願,確定最終職位。 【應聘資格和條件】 ·商學院、理工科學院的大學生或研究生畢業,自動化、機械設計、電氣工程等專業優先考慮 ·對智慧機器人、工廠和物流行業的自動化感興趣 ·積極主動,能夠獨立完成從策劃到提案的整個流程 ·擁有優秀的溝通能力,能夠與客戶保持良好的關係 ·能夠自我約束,學習能力強,喜歡挑戰新事物,具有良好的團隊協作精神 ·能接受在日本全國範圍內出差 ·在大阪或名古屋居住者優先考慮 - 在日本有留學與工作經驗者 *入職後的前3個月(可能會延長)需要在東京總部接受培訓 【加分項】 ・有CAD/SOLIDWORKS使用經驗者 ・在自動化行業有實習經驗者 【職位的魅力】 ・業界經驗十年以上的大神前輩會耐心指導,有問題時可隨時請教 ・有完善的訓練體系,可進行一對一的在職訓練指導。在培訓期間,您將接受頂尖技術開發團隊的指導,學習最先進的技術 ・入職後的前3個月(可能會延長)需要在東京總部接受培訓 ・公司氣氛輕鬆開放,工作效率高 ・有海外出差的機會,可提升英語 ・培訓結束後,可完全遠距工作 【語言能力】 精通日語,能夠閱讀和書寫英語 【工作地點】 完全遠程 【工作時間】 9:00~18:00(休息1小時)(有彈性工作時間,核心時間為10:00~15:00) 【薪資】 預計年薪:400萬日圓至500萬日圓 【福利待遇】 社會保險(健康保險、厚生年金、失業保險、工傷保險) 【休假】 完全週末雙休,入職時提供10天帶薪年假。

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4/24 Presales Manager_Japan

  • 日本
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

TPI software was founded in 2005 and specializes in creating software solutions and consulting services for leading organizations in finance, insurance, telecommunication, manufacturing, and other fields worldwide. We are now looking for an experienced B2B software Presales Manager with a technical background. He/she will work closely with the HQ presales team to support overseas BDMs directly. What you will do: 1. Present the value of TPIsoftware products and solutions to a variety of audiences from C-level to end-users and all levels in between. 2. Work with HQ presales and product teams to understand the product value proposition and USP 3. Answer requests for information (RFIs) and requests for proposals (RFPs) on a detailed and professional level. 4. Possess good presentation skills and able to propose and execute proof of concepts (POCs). 5. Work with the BDMs to support all pre-sale activities and qualify the leads technically. 【Requirement】 1. Minimum of 3 years and above presales experience in the B2B software industry. 2. Technical background in the software sector. 3. Excellent communication and presentation skills in English and Japanese. Knowledge of other languages would be advantageous. 4. Strong interpersonal skills, including the ability to present to an audience from C Level. 5. Ability to work remotely as part of a strong core team as well as on my own demonstrating quality initiative and ownership.

待遇面議 員工600人 遠端工作
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4/23 國外業務經理

  • 南韓
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1. 經銷商開發、產品知識培訓,規劃與達成公司在南韓市場的銷售目標提升市場佔有率。 2. 確保公司的產品、服務流程等,符合當地法令規範。 3. 規劃國際商展與企劃,協調並配合公司行銷策略(如:展覽、廣告、會議)。 4. 針對客戶提出的合約(交易條件、生產流程、產品要求、售後服務)作初步評估,並在必要時尋求其他部門協助,以即時回應客戶需求。 5. 提供報價確認訂單準時出貨。 6. 協助經銷商業績成長,維持通路價格秩序,訂定客戶業績目標,增加市場佔有率。 7. 反應及蒐集市場訊息,協助經銷商規劃行銷活動,或是以銷售競賽、佣金或折扣的方式鼓勵客戶進行銷售,以提昇品牌市佔率。 8. 即時反應客戶抱怨及協助客戶解決產品、出貨流程、退貨重工等相關的問題,並提出解決之道,以提高客戶滿意度。 9. 提醒客戶應收帳款情形,定期檢視客戶現行付款期限是否合理,並隨時回報客戶帳款異常情況,以保障公司權益。 10.其他主管交辦

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4/23 Business Manager, Japan

  • 日本
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

Job Title: Business Manager, Japan Location: Taiwan or Japan/Tokyo Workplace Type: Hybrid 【JOB SUMMARY】 Develop and manage the sales of NZXT Products and Services in Japan all the way from NZXT to the consumers 【RESPONSIBILITIES】 ● Oversee and direct the sales of NZXT products and services in Japan ● Develop and execute on sales strategies and forecasts for NZXT Products and Services for all channels; ● Responsible for development, implementation, tracking and management of Country and Account plans for NZXT products, as well as driving quarterly Marketing ● Plans in cooperation with other departments - that reflect NZXT's business strategy, to advance market share/penetration, and achieve profitable growth in NZXT Products and Services ● Manage competitive cost structure to get the product from NZXT to consumer level; ● Aligning of and driving execution of tactical account plans with Country and Account Plans as well as overall corporate strategy and channel strategy; ● Competitive positioning/strategy – ensuring competitive positioning to both channel partners and consumers; using competitive intelligence from accounts to plan and develop counter strategies that will keep NZXT competitive with channel and consumers ● Responsible for planning and quota setting process; ● Responsible for developing, negotiating, implementing and managing partner programs and/or contracts, aimed at and required to achieve Country and Account goals; ● Hold Senior Management relationships with key customers; ● Exhibiting authoritative business, financial and legal acumen to develop meaningful business recommendations; ● Focusing on strategic direction – understanding the overall NZXT strategic direction and portfolio, assisting marketing team in defining new and better products based on local requirements; ● Leadership – being able to lead effectively, set an example and deliver results; also being able to influence without direct authority, including customers, channel and business partners; being able to balance between competing priorities and being flexible and creative 【QUALIFICATIONS】 ● Directly related combination of sales and marketing management experience and work results including success in achieving progressively higher sales related goals; ● Demonstrated level of project management skills; ● University or Bachelor's degree ● Typically 5-7+ years experience in national level sales ● Experience leading, planning and negotiating several successful sales programs for channel and/or retail and end-user, as well as distribution marketing channel ● Extensive hands-on expertise directing and managing key account strategic programs ● Good mixture of both sales and marketing background - programs, promotions and pricing, managing MDF and working closely with marketing organization to maximize every possible sale and promotion of products to both channel and consumers; ● Exposure to gamers/gaming industry would be an advantage; ● English communication required

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4/23 資深OEM業務(日本)

  • 日本
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1. 根據公司的業務目標,制定專案計劃和策略。 2. 負責業務專案計劃的執行、跟進、控制,確保按時完成。 3. 負責溝通管理客戶需求,制定解決方案,並與相關部門協調合作。 4. 負責專案成本控制,確保專案獲得最大收益。 5. 業務開發和客戶維繫。

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4/23 業務主管(工作地:日本)

  • 日本
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

Japanese Account Sales 健身器材及醫療產品銷售 アカウント販売代表 1. Sales of fitness equipment and medical products フィットネス機器・医療用品の販売 2. 最少3年工作經驗以上 Minimum 3 years’ experience with Japanese clients 三年以上の実務経験 3. 精通日文及英文 Advanced to native Japanese & frequently English ability in written and oral communication. 日本語と英語が堪能 4. 現有客戶維護並開發新客戶 Existing accounts implementation and building new accounts 既存顧客の維持と新規顧客の開拓 5.擅長經營客戶關係, 確保訂單準時出貨, 並做好有善的內部溝通 Manage sales opportunities with advanced presentation skills, Coordinate between departments internally 顧客関係の管理が得意, 社内の部門間の調整 6. 團隊合作, 喜歡創新挑戰 Eager to learn, team work spirit and Japanese culture acceptance of charisticrstic is a necessity. チームワーク、革新的な挑戦を好む

待遇面議 員工600人
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4/23 業務類-韓文業務經理((ESBG)

  • 南韓
  • 10年以上
  • 大學

1. 負責開拓海外市場,尋找國外戰略合作夥伴。 2. 根據國際市場變化適時調整銷售策略,以提高公司產品市場佔有率。 3. 負責客戶維護及開發新客戶。 4. 服務客戶並掌握客戶需求,建立長期夥伴關係。 5. 進行巿場分析調查,並提出策略建議。

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4/22 營業部長/儲備部長(日本督洋分公司)

  • 日本
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1.負責日本分公司總體營運及事業計畫撰寫、人員管理 2.建立及協助日本分公司電商營運 3.日本電器賣場及電視購物通路維持級開拓新通路,並定期提品 4.新品開發及企劃 *此職務需常駐日本分公司,已定居日本尤佳 *需已持有日本在留卡-工作簽證

待遇面議 員工200人
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4/22 【JPSGMO0201】Business Development Manager (Locate in Japan)

  • 日本
  • 6年以上
  • 大學

SHOPLINE is Asia’s largest smart commerce platform. With our customers in mind, we strive to deliver scalable commerce solutions to merchants of all sizes. We’re a full-featured platform with services including online store opening, O2O solutions, retail POS systems, advertising placement, business strategy consultation, marketing, and more to empower merchants to succeed in omnichannel retailing and cross-border commerce. Candidates with E-Commerce / Social Commerce / Saas experience are highly preferred. 【What you will be doing】 Identify new business opportunities, and initiate sales strategies and business plans for the Japan market. Build and manage a team of sales team members to achieve sales objectives and plan strategies to win market share Develop the competencies and effectiveness of sales team members, always leading by example Forecasting Japanese team sales, setting team and individual KPIs and keeping your colleagues accountable while cultivating a culture of entrepreneurship, collaboration and resilience Support regional marketing leaders to increase SHOPLINE’s branding and awareness in the market Empower sales team to drive business growth with proper organizational development and support Provide market feedback to improve our product development and ecosystem services 【Who we are looking for】 6+ years of experience in sales, business development or partner management within e-Commerce, Saas or Internet sectors You are success-oriented and hold yourself and your team accountable for delivering key outcomes, including KPIs and revenue targets Proven successful selling track record in internet/ online/ EC industry Candidates with E-Commerce / Social Commerce / Saas experience strongly preferred. Strong business acumen, self-motivated, hands-on and results-oriented. Comfortable working in a fast-paced, multi-tasked, high-energy working environment. Willing to travel as required Native level Japanese language skills are required. Able to be communicated in Mandarin is preferred. 【公司福利】 彈性的工時安排 / Flexible working hour 彈性工作地點 / Flexible working location 第一年即享有 15 天年假 / First year 15 days of annual leave 生日假 1 天,生日當月任選一天使用 / Birthday leave 給全薪病假 12 天 / Full pay sick leave 給全薪家庭照顧假 7 天 / Paid family care leave 全薪產假 90 天 / Maternity leave 90 days 陪產假 10 天 / Paternity leave 10 days 公司彈性福利補助每年新台幣 2 萬元(旅遊, 家庭照顧, 運動, 按摩等等) / Company sponsored SHOPLINEFlex 每季部門聚餐補助新台幣 1 千元 / Company sponsored quarterly team dinner 每月新台幣 2 百元零食津貼補助 / Snacks Coin NTD 200 per month 每月生日會, 不定時早餐下午茶, 節慶活動豐富 / Festival Events, Birthday Celebration 每個月約一至兩次按摩服務 / Massage 公司另有企業內訓服務 / Training and Development 年終獎金制度 / Annual Bonus 扁平的公司組織架構 / Flat team structure 優質薪資待遇 / Competitive salary package 有機會驅動產品導向,只要你有好的想法! / Ability to drive product direction

待遇面議 外商公司 員工500人
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4/22 業務營業代表-日本(飛宏科技)

  • 日本
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

飛宏科技深耕電源產品50多年,為全球十大頂尖的電源供應器供應商之一 目前日本團隊擴大招募中~‼️ 歡迎加入飛宏,成就你的職涯藍圖! 【職務說明】 1.日本市場電源 (客戶應對, 開發策略, 訂單更催, 跨部門溝通, 貨款確認等等) 2.新商品的提案及開發新客戶 3.日文文件及信件翻譯, 客戶來訪即時口譯 4.積極主動,能獨立作業 【幸福飛宏】 ◆ 我們提供具競爭力的獎酬制度以及完善的福利項目 ◆ 把員工視為最重要的資產,注重人才培訓,擁有完整教育訓練體系

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4/22 日本業務人員_ネットワークシステム営業

  • 日本
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

【業務内容】 お客様の課題に応えるソリューション提案をお任せします。既製品のみならず、ニーズに応じたカスタマイズにも対応し、新規事業として、開発部への提案もお任せします。 顧客先で発生する製品トラブルの解決、カスタマーサポート業務、製品改善ポイント ネットワークシステムのリーディングサプライヤーとして、エンタープライズ/ テレコム向けのイーサネットスイッチからSOHO/SMB 向けブロードネットワークの周辺装置や設備まで、豊富な製品ポートフォリオを提供しています。急速に変化する市場で競争力のあるソリューションを提案等もお任せします。 【業務詳細】 ・既存顧客への提案 ・新規顧客の開拓 ・契約交渉、課金・決済等の各種条件交渉 ・社内プロジェクトマネジメント ・予算、品質、納期管理 ・全体プロデュース業務 ・コンペ資料作成・プレゼンテーション ・クライアントのマーケティング活動上の課題やニーズの把握とその課題解決方法の提案 ・ターゲットに向けたコミュニケーション戦略の提案および実施

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4/22 [德商] Junior Sales Manager (Tokyo - Japan)

  • 日本
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

〔Responsibilities〕 1. Search for and identify potential customers and projects in Japan. 2. Plan, coordinate, negotiate and execute direct sales to customers. 3. Providing sufficient support, advice, and follow-up. 4. Coordinate identified customers and projects. 5. Prepare and present company-, technical- and sales presentations. 6. Collect, analyze and report market developments. 7. Participate in fairs and exhibitions. 〔Requirements〕 1. University degree in a technical field or business education with minimum 3 years of work experience. 2. Proficiency in the electro-technical sector, basic knowledge of business and experience in sales would be an advantage. 3. Demonstrate strong management and analytical skills, persuasive ability and cooperative approach to customer demands. 4. Highly committed, as well as ambitious and visionary thinking. 5. Speak, read and write fluently in English and Japanese. 6. IT Skills; Microsoft Office.

待遇面議 外商公司 員工100人
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4/22 【Japan】Sales Manager

  • 日本
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

Who We Are: Originally founded in Silicon Valley, USA in 1952, we've been a private, family owned and operated business since 1969. We are humbled by the long-term relationships with our customers, earned through the packaging solutions we offer, including design, engineering, testing, manufacturing, and fulfillment of custom and stock packaging Job Summary: The Sales Manager will be responsible for developing and executing sales strategies, building and maintaining client relationships, and achieving sales targets to drive business growth in the Japanese market. Responsibilities and Duties: • Develop and implement strategic sales plans to expand Transpak's market presence and achieve revenue targets in Japan. • Identify and pursue new business opportunities by prospecting and networking with potential clients. • Build and maintain strong relationships with existing clients, understanding their needs and providing tailored solutions. • Lead and motivate the sales team to achieve individual and collective sales targets, providing coaching and support as needed. • Collaborate with marketing and product development teams to align sales strategies with market trends and customer demands. • Prepare and present sales forecasts, reports, and performance metrics to senior management, providing insights and recommendations for improvement. • Stay updated on industry trends, competitor activities, and market dynamics to identify potential challenges and opportunities. • Represent Transpak at industry events, conferences, and trade shows to promote our products and services and expand our network. Requirements: • Bachelor's degree in business administration, marketing, or a related field; MBA preferred. • Proven track record of success in sales management roles, with at least 3 years of experience in the packaging or logistics industry. • Strong leadership and team-building skills, with the ability to inspire and motivate the sales team. • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to build relationships and negotiate effectively with clients at all levels. • Strategic thinker with a results-oriented mindset, able to develop and execute sales plans to achieve business objectives. • Proficient in Japanese and English, both written and spoken. • Ability to travel domestically and internationally as needed. • Strong analytical skills and proficiency in sales analytics tools.

待遇面議 員工180人
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  • 日本
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

•Establishing and maintaining a dealer network: Identify and convince relevant dealers in the market and establish partnerships. Maintain and elaborate further potentials within the cooperation. •Dealer management and activation: Handle the support of the dealers and take charge of the management of the complete sales cycle in an ASM model year to Dealer in the market. •Activation of dealers: Elaborate and establish with the Head Office a dealer partner program to enhance the activation of Japanese Dealers. Implement specific goals, KPIs and measures for the program. Develop and ensure the execution of an annual sales and marketing plan with key dealers. Ensure the necessary support and analyze the annual activities concerning their effectiveness. •Ensure Communication: Ensure relationships and communication with the different stake holders within DT Swiss and on side partners. •Conception, implementation and execution of marketing activities: Act as main partner for the and execution of marketing measures in Japan. Ensure the implementation of the activities in the market. Plan activities and implement them individually and in cooperation with dealers. Ensure that planned activities are implemented in a goal-oriented way. •Content creation and translation: Support DTTW and Head Office in creating and adapting content for the Japanese market. Proofread texts into Japanese and ensures the correctness of the content and language. •Market Specialist: Act as a specialist and contact person for issues concerning the Japanese market. Share relevant developments at competitors and trends regarding sales of OEM brands. Share knowledge of developments and characteristics of the market as well as communicative and cultural aspects .

待遇面議 外商公司 員工170人
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4/19 営業部長_月給35-40万円(¥)_勤務地表参道_現地採用

  • 日本
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

※関東地方にお住まいの方で、 BtoBの営業経験を2年以上お持ちの方からの応募をお待ちしています。 ※日本語⇔中国語を母国語レベルで扱えることが求められます。 職務内容:当社の営業部長として業務を行っていただきます。 【求める能力】 営業戦略策定能力: 商品・サービスの販売目標を策定できる方。 チームと個人の販売ノルマを設定し、 市場動向を考慮した現実的な売上目標を立てる能力。 顧客リサーチと優先順位設定: 営業エリア内の見込み顧客を特定し、優先順位を決定できる方。 営業戦略に基づいて効果的な顧客アプローチ計画を立てる能力。 顧客ニーズの理解と提案力: 顧客のニーズを理解し、自社製品・サービスが提供する価値を明確に伝えられる方。 チームのサポートと適切なフィードバックにより、 個人およびチームの成長を促進する能力。 商談・クロージングスキル: 効果的な商談の進行とクロージング能力。 値引き交渉や顧客の要望への対応能力。 クロージング技術の向上のための研修やロールプレイへの積極的参加。 商品・サービスの手配と納品管理: 受注後の迅速な商品・サービスの手配と納品管理。 受注や発注プロセスのミスなく、効率的な納品を行う能力。 アフターフォローと顧客関係構築: 納品後の顧客訪問、電話、メールによるアフターフォロー。 顧客のリピート購入や新規顧客の紹介獲得を目指す関係構築能力。 <勤務地詳細> 勤務地最寄駅:各線・渋谷駅/メトロ表参道駅

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4/19 (網通廠) Japan Business Development/Sales (H03)

  • 日本
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

Preferred Qualifications 1. >15 year experience working for Japan operator related business. 2. Working for Sumitomo, NEC, OKI or Mitsubishi. 3. Experience working for NTT, KDDI, JCOM, Softbank. 4. Has experience on business development (sales & marketing). 5. English and Japanese fluent. Role & Responsibilities 1. Response for business development for Japan major telco company as Softbank, to engage with it and process to RFQ, project award and product shipment eventually. 2. Conduct commercial discussions and negotiations with customers’ procurement team. 3. Conduct PO & forecast discussion with customers’ supply chain team. 4. Develop and maintain strong, personal relationships with customers (procurement, product, engineering, operation, supply chain) to understand needs, preferences, and politics between each team. 5. Collaborate with HQ team in Taiwan to align strategies, project plans/timeline and goals.

待遇面議 員工100人
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4/19 韓國 KOREA-WFH- Relationship Manager 實體交友諮詢顧問(Sales)

  • 南韓
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

GaiGai is one of the largest and fastest-growing offline dating agencies in Singapore. With an extensive database of quality clientele, experienced dating practitioners, modern matching technology and a dedicated events team, GaiGai aims to create meaningful connections for singles from all walks of life. GaiGai also has presence in Taiwan (Paktor Premium), Hong Kong (HeyDouble), Malaysia (Datesmith) and we are looking into expansion into Korean Market. You are someone who have a passion to contribute to the local dating scene and foster opportunities for singles to find their special someone. You love meeting new people and have a passion for sales. You will go the extra mile to close the deal and you understand how crucial strategic planning is in securing a sale. Finally, you are also someone who constantly strives to achieve your quotas and believe that nothing is impossible. Responsibilities: -Meet prospective clients and conduct personal profiling in order to promote and sell customized GaiGai's dating packages and/or image consultancy services to clients -Liaise with Offline Operations (Matchmaker Team) to ensure prompt and accurate delivery of dating services to your clients -Identify, source and cold call prospective customers (cold leads) and build positive relationships that will generate future sales or referrals -Act as bridge between prospective clients and internal stakeholders by identifying opportunities and share feedback, to ensure relevance of dating services to modern singles -Establish and provide regular updates & reporting in order to ensure targets are met Requirements: -Preferably 2 years of relevant experience in direct sales. B2C preferred. -Good client engagement ability (e.g. communication and presentation skills) -Drive to succeed and focused to achieve the assigned sales quota -Courage and ability to take responsibility in the whole sales process -Ability to converse in Korean Language to be able to liaise with Korean clients -Candidate to be physically based in South Korea

待遇面議 員工35人 遠端工作
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