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4/12 韓國 KOREA-WFH- Relationship Manager 實體交友諮詢顧問(Sales)

  • 南韓
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

GaiGai is one of the largest and fastest-growing offline dating agencies in Singapore. With an extensive database of quality clientele, experienced dating practitioners, modern matching technology and a dedicated events team, GaiGai aims to create meaningful connections for singles from all walks of life. GaiGai also has presence in Taiwan (Paktor Premium), Hong Kong (HeyDouble), Malaysia (Datesmith) and we are looking into expansion into Korean Market. You are someone who have a passion to contribute to the local dating scene and foster opportunities for singles to find their special someone. You love meeting new people and have a passion for sales. You will go the extra mile to close the deal and you understand how crucial strategic planning is in securing a sale. Finally, you are also someone who constantly strives to achieve your quotas and believe that nothing is impossible. Responsibilities: -Meet prospective clients and conduct personal profiling in order to promote and sell customized GaiGai's dating packages and/or image consultancy services to clients -Liaise with Offline Operations (Matchmaker Team) to ensure prompt and accurate delivery of dating services to your clients -Identify, source and cold call prospective customers (cold leads) and build positive relationships that will generate future sales or referrals -Act as bridge between prospective clients and internal stakeholders by identifying opportunities and share feedback, to ensure relevance of dating services to modern singles -Establish and provide regular updates & reporting in order to ensure targets are met Requirements: -Preferably 2 years of relevant experience in direct sales. B2C preferred. -Good client engagement ability (e.g. communication and presentation skills) -Drive to succeed and focused to achieve the assigned sales quota -Courage and ability to take responsibility in the whole sales process -Ability to converse in Korean Language to be able to liaise with Korean clients -Candidate to be physically based in South Korea

待遇面議 員工35人 遠端工作
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4/15 韓文翻譯專員 / 한국어 번역인원 - 경력 무관! 졸업예정자 환영!

  • 台北市松山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

語文系畢業找不到人生方向? 擔心沒有相關經驗? 空有一身長才卻無處發揮? 現在你不用再擔心!! 只要你對遊戲有無比的熱情,並且願意積極學習新知、跟上遊戲世界的腳步, 就讓 Pearl Abyss 珍艾碧絲來當您的伯樂,一起創造世界級的遊戲世界~! --------------------------- 工作內容 --------------------------- ▶ 文書翻譯 (公司內部文件、書信、遊戲相關內容) ▶ 會議口譯、線上翻譯 ▶ 國外主管現場口譯與溝通協調 ▶ 跨部門合作與溝通 --------------------------- 必要條件 --------------------------- ▶ TOPIK 5級以上 或 具備相同等級水準之韓文能力 --------------------------- 可能事項 --------------------------- ▶ 遊戲更新 -> 每月支援大夜班 1至2次 (隔日下班後保障休息24小時以上) ▶ 大型線下活動 -> 週末可能需配合活動支援 (支援者依勞基法給予相對應之休假) ▶ 面試流程 -> 依據情況進行面試與適性測驗 (筆試) 【遵循韓國IT/遊戲業界最高層級的總公司福利制度】 敢來我們就敢給!! 通過試用期者,除本薪以外,再幫你加好加滿!! ★ 每月4,000元購物網站福利金,想買什麼有什麼! ★ 每月提供TPASS行政院通勤1,200定期交通月票,上下班安全又省錢! ★ 每月提供子女養育費補助,生小孩公司幫你養! ★ 提供3/5/10年久任休假(5日起~)及旅遊津貼(新台幣75,000起~),讓你Refresh一下! ★ 提供專業韓籍教師韓語教學並依程度分班授課,免費學韓文! ※ 其他多樣福利制度與詳細內容請參閱下方內容 :)


4/15 Korean Localization Specialist 韓文遊戲在地化專員 (Game Operation)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

▍About this role 如果您對遊戲和宅文化充滿熱情,同時具備卓越的中韓文翻譯與校對能力。 您將與國際化的團隊合作,並積極參與遊戲社群,為玩家打造一個豐富、有趣的遊戲環境。此外,您的參與將直接影響遊戲的在地化品質,使遊戲更貼近目標市場,贏得玩家的喜愛。 ▍Responsibilities • 負責遊戲內文本的在地化翻譯(中→韓文) • 與韓國玩家進行有效溝通,根據玩家反饋提供建議,以提升遊戲品質。 • 參與遊戲相關事務,以提供更完整的在地化支援。 *此為非單純翻譯工作


4/15 【電商部】韓國Team-社群企劃專員(사원)(擴編)

  • 台北市南港區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

1.SNS 운영 및 관리 -공식 SNS 계정 운영 및 관리 -SNS를 통한 사이트 트래픽 증대 2.광고 콘텐츠 관리 -이벤트 및 상품과 관련 광고 콘텐츠 아이디어 기획 3. 인플루언서 마케팅 관리 -인플루언서 마케팅 기획 및 실행 (서칭, 섭외, 시딩, 콘티 기획/제작 등) -체험단 마케팅 운영 -브랜디드 프로모션 캠페인 기획 및 실행 -매거진 및 방송매체 PPL 협찬 및 관리 4.패션 플랫폼 운영 및 관리 -패션 플랫폼 입점 계획 제안 및 입점 후 운영 관리 5.성과 지표 관리 및 측정 -시장 및 경쟁사 리서치를 통한 신규 전략 및 마케팅 기획 제안 -성과 지표 설정과 성과 측정을 통한 개선방향 발굴 6.국내 팝업스토어 진행 및 운영 보조 7.기타 이커머스 관련 업무 보조 1.韓國社群經營 -社群/產品文案撰寫:Facebook/Instagram/Kakao/Youtube等等 -搜集、運用新興網路媒體,增加網路知名度及流量 2.韓國廣告素材協助管理 -發想廣告素材文案及行銷素材 3.韓國KOL網紅行銷 -開發KOL/KOC/部落客/YTR名單整理,並依照需求選定適合的網紅合作夥伴 -聯繫網紅/網紅經紀公司/PPL管理提案溝通與協調,執行企劃、關係維護 4.跨平台銷售經營洽談 -開發營運跨平台,及合作廠商關係維繫與合作洽談 5.成效檢討 -分析市場趨勢和競爭環境,提出有效的行銷策略 -探討社群經營/網紅經營/廣告素材/跨平台銷售之成效,提出改善計畫並執行 6.協助韓國境內快閃活動 7.主管交辦事項 -輔助處理團隊指配任務 7.기타 이커머스 관련 업무 보조





