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時下最火數位能力大躍進,20週培訓完全0費用, 由專家帶領實作,助您取得數位轉型實戰經驗! 【申請資格】(可接受20週訓練期,每周訓練天數依不同實作場域而定) ★應屆畢業生:113年畢業之教育部認可國內外大專院校以上學歷 ★職場新手:110年後畢業之教育部認可國內外大專院校以上學歷 (110-113年大專院校以上畢業,目前就讀研究所亦可參加) 【計畫優勢】改寫你的未來 ◆企業導師帶領 各領域業師無私傳承,以小組方式循環漸進帶領青年前進。 ◆實戰成果產出 理論與實務並進,企業合作落實數位轉型實作案,累積實戰經驗。 ◆實作獎勵與考照補貼 獎勵金高達10.9萬,且能獲得6仟元國際證照考照補助。 ◆掌握就業機會 提供多元就業管道媒合,暢通你的求職之路。 【培訓項目】依需求選擇學習模式 ★企業專班—基礎培訓1週+企業實作19週,適合已有專業基礎者 【實作企業與培育名稱】 達昇能源股份有限公司-主動式能管系統之功能網頁設計 【培訓方式】 依青年錄取條件與志願安排實作場域:團隊共識活動、線上課程、實體研討、轉型企業實作等活動。(最終培訓內容將由主辦單位協調安排)


4/26 (Sr.) Software Engineer - Network Defense

  • 新竹市
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

TXOne Networks provides solutions for tackling security weaknesses prevalent across industrial environments. We listen to the needs of both leading manufacturers and critical infrastructure operators to develop the best actionable approach within partnering companies. The result is customized technology that goes beyond traditional security tools to mitigate complex challenges. Given the ICS environments are layered and composed of a variety of equipment in different operating systems, TXOne Networks offers both network-based and endpoint-based products to secure the OT network and mission critical devices in a real-time defense-in-depth manner. Both IT and OT can have comprehensive visibility regarding the ICS assets, protocols, control commands, risks, and threats. The goal is not only to maximize ICS protection, but also to keep the business and operation running even when security is being breached in some way. We are on a mission to secure Industry 4.0 by developing the next-generation Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) and firewall tailored for the convergence of IT and Operational Technology (OT). As industries embrace higher productivity and lower costs, they also face increased cyber threats. Our goal is to protect critical Industrial Control System (ICS) assets on OT networks from cyber-attacks while providing OT managers with enhanced network visibility and easy management tools. The core of our technology is a one-pass scanning Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) software engine capable of detecting hidden malicious attacks, identifying IT and OT applications, and recognizing assets on OT networks. Join us in the battle against hackers and criminals targeting critical infrastructures and smart factories. Key Responsibilities • Design and implement the next-generation Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) that effectively prevents unauthorized access and attacks on networked ICS assets. • Develop the next-generation firewall, focusing on advanced security features, ease of use for OT managers, and seamless integration into existing systems. • Study and implement OT protocol dissectors to enhance OT security and provide comprehensive visibility into network operations and communications. • Design and implement active query mechanisms to accurately retrieve and catalog asset information, aiding in network management and threat detection. • Collaborate with a team of experts in cybersecurity, network engineering, and software development to deliver cutting-edge solutions for OT network security. • Stay abreast of the latest cybersecurity trends and threats, continuously improving our IPS and firewall technologies to counter emerging cyber threats effectively. • Engage with stakeholders to understand their security needs and tailor solutions that meet and exceed their expectations while maintaining the integrity and reliability of their OT environments. TXOne is committed to promoting equal opportunities and creating a workplace that is free from discrimination based on personal characteristics such as race, gender, age, religion, or any other protected characteristic. We welcome and encourage all qualified candidates to apply, and we are dedicated to providing fair and inclusive hiring processes for all applicants. We will continue to review and improve our policies and practices to ensure that we maintain an ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion.

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4/26 (Sr.) Software Engineer in Test - Network Defense

  • 新竹市
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

TXOne Networks provides solutions for tackling security weaknesses prevalent across industrial environments. We listen to the needs of both leading manufacturers and critical infrastructure operators to develop the best actionable approach within partnering companies. The result is customized technology that goes beyond traditional security tools to mitigate complex challenges. Given the ICS environments are layered and composed of a variety of equipment in different operating systems, TXOne Networks offers both network-based and endpoint-based products to secure the OT network and mission critical devices in a real-time defense-in-depth manner. Both IT and OT can have comprehensive visibility regarding the ICS assets, protocols, control commands, risks, and threats. The goal is not only to maximize ICS protection, but also to keep the business and operation running even when security is being breached in some way. We are on a mission to secure Industry 4.0 by developing the next-generation Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) and firewall tailored for the convergence of IT and Operational Technology (OT). As industries embrace higher productivity and lower costs, they also face increased cyber threats. Our goal is to protect critical Industrial Control System (ICS) assets on OT networks from cyber-attacks while providing OT managers with enhanced network visibility and easy management tools. The core of our technology is a one-pass scanning Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) software engine capable of detecting hidden malicious attacks, identifying IT and OT applications, and recognizing assets on OT networks. Join us in the battle against hackers and criminals targeting critical infrastructures and smart factories. Key Responsibilities • Design and implement a robust test-automation framework to streamline and enhance the testing process for our next-generation IPS and firewall appliances. • Develop comprehensive test cases and tools that effectively assess the functionality, reliability, and security of our products, ensuring they meet the highest standards of quality. • Acquire in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience with ICS devices such as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), understanding their operation and how they integrate with our systems. • Work closely with R&D engineers to understand the intricate design and implementation of our DPI software engine and other system components, enabling targeted and effective testing strategies. • Continuously update and refine testing methodologies to cover new threats and scenarios, ensuring our systems remain effective against evolving cyber threats. • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to share insights and findings, contributing to the overall improvement and innovation of our products. • Engage in proactive problem-solving and troubleshooting, addressing issues and anomalies uncovered during testing and helping to devise effective solutions. TXOne is committed to promoting equal opportunities and creating a workplace that is free from discrimination based on personal characteristics such as race, gender, age, religion, or any other protected characteristic. We welcome and encourage all qualified candidates to apply, and we are dedicated to providing fair and inclusive hiring processes for all applicants. We will continue to review and improve our policies and practices to ensure that we maintain an ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion.

待遇面議 員工300人
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4/26 VIS220068-【2024研發替代役RDSS】智慧製造軟體開發工程師(新竹廠)

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

1.科系:碩士,資管、資工等相關系所。 2.班制:常日班。 3.工作內容: (1)先進製程控制系統(APC) 、 統計製程品管(SPC)、機台保養系統(PM)...等 Fab自動化系統軟體開發與維護。 (2)FAB行動裝置系統. 雲端應用評估與發展, 整合企業即時通訊系統與其他通訊軟體,提升組織生產力。 (3)機台連線自動化程式、即時監控系統(RTM)開發與維護。 4.說明: (1)請於履歷表中註明論文主題(方向)及所學專長。 (2)請檢附學士(含)以上之成績單。

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4/26 VIS220090-智慧製造資料庫系統工程師(新竹廠)

  • 新竹市
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

1.負責PROMIS系統規劃建置、管理維護、異常處置和優化分析。 2.負責Oracle資料庫規劃建置、管理維護、異常處置和優化分析。 3.負責MS SQL Server資料庫規劃建置、管理維護、異常處置和優化分析。 4.負責資料庫主機Windows、Linux規劃管理與維護。 5.資料庫備份系統管理與維護。

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4/26 VIS220137-【2024研發替代役RDSS】AI/大數據工程師(新竹廠)

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

1.科系:碩士,資工、統計、統計等相關系所。 2.班制:常日班。 3.工作內容: 依據不同團隊,有不同任務。  職務一:  (1)開發AI或機器學習方法模型,建立VIS智能製造與管理平台。  (2)分析資料,從數據中找出改善的機會。  (3)進行大型語言模型(LLM)的研究與應用導入。  (4)輔導與推廣公司內部AI與Big data技術。  職務二: (1)負責參與前端開發,完成數據分析,數據視覺化方案。 (2)熟練使用HTML和CSS,精通Angular,能基於Angular獨自完成前端架設計。 4.說明: (1)請於履歷表中註明論文主題(方向)及所學專長。 (2)請檢附學士(含)以上之成績單。

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4/26 VIS220135-【2024研發替代役RDSS】智慧製造軟體開發工程師(桃園廠)

  • 桃園市蘆竹區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

1.科系:碩士,資管、資工等相關系所。 2.班制:常日班。 3.工作內容: (1)負責半導體製程機台Automation軟體開發與維護。 (2)負責先進製程控制系統(APC), 統計製程控制系統(SPC), 機台保養系統(PM)...等工廠自動化系統軟體開發與維護。 4.說明: (1)請於履歷表中註明論文主題(方向)及所學專長。 (2)請檢附學士(含)以上之成績單。

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4/26 VIS220102-大數據架構研究發展工程師(新竹廠)

  • 新竹市
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

1.負責開發與維護FAB5工程性資料的收集、轉置與儲存相關系統 2.負責公司內FAB5工程資料分析系統的推廣、發展與整合作業 3.負責公司內大數據架構研究發展與維護現有FAB5大數據平台 4.輔導與推廣公司內部所推動的數位轉型(如:RPA 與PowerBI)

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4/26 VIS220056-IP Product & Test 工程師(新竹廠)

  • 新竹市
  • 2年以上
  • 碩士

1.負責 IC測試機台之測試程式與特性程式撰寫. 2.負責 IC產品之良率提昇與驗證Debugging工作. 3.負責 IC Testing Fault Coverage Improvement, 確保Quality之提升. 4.負責測試資料之自動化整理, 提高作業效率, 並協助處理Productivity Issue, 使產品驗證順利.

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4/26 VIS220069-智慧製造軟體開發工程師(桃園廠)

  • 桃園市蘆竹區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

1.負責黃光、蝕刻、擴散、薄膜等四區工程部機台自動化連線軟體開發與維護。 2.負責先進製程控制系統(APC), 統計製程控制系統(SPC), 機台保養系統(PM)...等 Fab自動化系統軟體開發與維護。

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4/26 VIS220161-【2024研發替代役RDSS】MIS 資訊系統工程師(新竹廠)

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

1.科系:碩士,資管、資工等相關系所。 2.班制:常日班。 3.工作內容: 供應鏈管理相關應用系統開發維運,包括   (1) 客戶需求規劃與分析。   (2) 排程系統智能化。   (3) 財務預測與成本費用管理。 以提升作業與管理效率,並加快應變及決策速度。 4.說明: (1)請於履歷表中註明論文主題(方向)及所學專長。 (2)請檢附學士(含)以上之成績單。

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4/26 VIS220016-CIM系統工程師(I)

  • 新竹市
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

1. CIM 資訊整合系統專案開發計畫及後續改善。 2. 進行FAB自動化流程再造,縮短作業時間及管理效率。 3. 擔任 PM 規劃並帶領專案進行,進行跨廠大型專案設計及開發. 4. 新廠流程規劃與系統開發。

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4/26 VIS220157-【2024研發替代役RDSS】EC 資訊系統工程師(新竹廠)

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

1.科系:碩士,資管、資工等相關系所。 2.班制:常日班。 3.工作內容: (1) eFoundry service 平台開發維運,包含 Design service, Engineering service, Tapeout service, Logistic service & B2B service。 (2) RD TDM (Technology Database Management) 智慧文件平台開發維運。 (3) Mobile application 平台開發維運。 4.說明: (1)請於履歷表中註明論文主題(方向)及所學專長。 (2)請檢附學士(含)以上之成績單。

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4/26 VIS220129-【2024研發替代役RDSS】數據平台開發工程師(新竹廠)

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

1.科系:碩士,資管、資工等相關系所。 2.班制:常日班。 3.工作內容: (1)大數據與人工智慧平台開發 (2)數位轉型相關系統開發,e.g. BI,RPA,big data,digital twins. (3)數據中台規劃與人工智慧整合系統 4.說明: (1)請於履歷表中註明論文主題(方向)及所學專長。 (2)請檢附學士(含)以上之成績單。

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