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  • 新北市新店區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

團隊主要任務為建置並維護穩定可靠的 K8s 服務,協助開發人員將服務佈署到 K8s 平台上,分析及解決 K8s 服務相關問題。 【職務說明】 1. 負責 Kubernetes (測試中,計劃今年底上線) 系統建置、升級、維護、管理 2. 協助開發人員建置可容器化的服務 3. 協助開發人員撰寫上 K8s 的設定 4. Server 建置、維護、管理 5. 協助處理/調查服務異常問題 (主機/網路..等) 【必備技術】 1. 有 K8s 建置或管理經驗 2. 具備程式開發經驗 3. 熟悉 Linux ( Ubuntu /Debian) 【加分條件】 1. 熟悉 .NET 2. 熟悉 Elastic Stack、Elastic APM 3. 熟悉 熟悉網路基礎知識 4. 熟悉 Windows Server / Windows Container 【 職務特質】 1. 對學習 K8s 相關知識有熱情 2. 能夠熱心協助開發人員解決佈署 K8s 相關問題 3. 主動思考並積極規劃更好的自動化佈署、維運流程 【5個你該來嘉實的理由】 ◆ 活出「嘉實」,找到值得追求的企業願景 ◆ 「嘉」,為善、幸福之意。投資不再讓少數人專美於前,我們矢志打造更便捷並讓分析資料更易取得的投資平台,為每個人及每個家庭找到專屬的理財規劃。 「實」,為實在、不造作之意。嘉實人做七分、講五分,以最真誠負責的態度研發每一項產品,並投入承諾做到最好。 ◆ 產品創新,收入穩定成長 ◆ 嘉實自創業累積超過20年專業經驗,於近期推出全台第一個自製的量化交易平台。連續10年股東權益報酬率都大於15%,上市櫃公司能達到此一標準者共只有36家;連續16年營收成長,上市櫃公司中能達到此一標準者只有4家。 ◆ 以人為善,像家人般傾心相待 ◆ 我們彼此信任,對於公司發展、產品規劃資訊從不藏私;我們相互扶持,設有職涯與身心諮詢機制,安排專屬peer與buddy一同學習成長;我們共享喜悅,每年不定期舉辦產品慶功與年節聚會、餐敘,創造和夥伴們的連結與互動。 ◆ 友善職場,體驗最自在溫馨的工作環境與企業文化 ◆ 重視工作與生活間的平衡,制定較彈性的上班工時與較寬鬆且優於勞基法的休假制度,同時備有專屬人體工學椅、豐盛零食與自動咖啡機等等,提供夥伴們適度的休閒空間,療癒身心並補充精力。 ◆ 如果你也喜歡投資,就別猶豫了,快來開啟你的斜槓人生 ◆ 在嘉實,公司開發的產品都能免費使用,每位夥伴都是產品使用者,更是產品的發想者。我們不定時邀請財經專家,舉辦投資講座相互分享切磋,快帶著你對投資理財的熱忱,和對財富自由的嚮往,與一群志同道合的同伴相遇吧! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 也歡迎至官網了解更多細節: https://www.sysjust.com.tw/。


L0011:(Senior/Junior) Software Engineer- 軟體研發工程師( 外商在台子公司 )

  • 新北市新店區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

LogiKCo is a rapidly growing company and has an immediate need for a full stack .Net Solutions Developer. This person will work closely with our technical lead on a wide range of projects. This position will allow complete access to our development stack and will have full authority to make recommendations on new emerging technologies. Our solution environments rage from ASP.NET MVC to SQL. This person will be developing web-based software products that will encompass heavy front-end and back-end development. Seeking qualified candidates that pose good interpersonal skills and a willingness to learn. * Critical Thinking o Ability to evaluate the customer issue and apply troubleshooting expertise o Excellent analysis and problem resolution skills o Ability to openly change perspective put themselves in the customer’s shoes * Written and Oral Communication Skills o Documenting actions and resolutions in non-technical customer terms o Use good grammar and spelling when communicating o Ability to organize and prioritize work * Active Listening o Is the most valuable interpersonal skill o Paying close attention to what customers and colleagues are saying or asking for o Ask questions to gain more understanding (without interrupting) The Individual would also have the responsibilities in the following areas • Develop/enhance functionality for multiple web ASP.NET MVC applications · Work independently (with minimal guidance) or on small teams to complete development tasks. · Develop across the entire stack, including; client-side, front-end, business-tier, and database-tier · Utilizing a team-based code management tools to identify, document and resolve issues · Up-to-Date knowledge of the latest IT and Software trends · Knowledge of Apple iOS devices and operating environments (a plus) Required Skills: ◆3+ years of Microsoft.Net programming experience ◆C#,ASP.Net MVC/Web Forms, HTML5/CSS, JavaScript and JavaScript Frameworks, React Framework, Entity Framework/T-SQL/SQL Server, Web API or REST experience, C#/SQL, WPF/WCF ◆Mocking and Unit Testing ◆AZURE Development Job Type: Full-time 1. 負責軟體之分析、設計以及程式撰寫。 2. 規劃執行軟體架構及模組之設計,並控管軟體設計進度。 3. 進行軟體之測試與修改。 4. 規劃、執行與維護量產的產品。 5. 協助研發軟體新技術與新工具。

月薪50,000元以上 遠端工作

PHP工程師 (資訊部)

  • 新北市汐止區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

※職位描述: 我們正在尋找一位資深的PHP工程師,專注於使用Laravel框架開發高效、穩定的Web應用程式。我們歡迎對技術有高度熱情,瞭解容器化技術(Kubernetes和Docker),具備CICD經驗的專業人才加入我們的團隊。這個職位需要您具備全方位的技術能力,包括需求訪談、需求分析、系統分析、系統設計,以及後端程式開發、UI和UX規劃,系統測試和單元測試。 ※職務職責 1.進行需求訪談和需求分析,確保明確理解客戶或產品需求。 2.負責系統分析和設計,包括架構設計和資料庫設計。 3.負責UI和UX設計,以提供優秀的使用者體驗。 4.使用Laravel框架進行後端程式開發,創建高效且可擴展的Web應用程式。 5.參與系統測試,確保程式碼的品質和穩定性。 6.撰寫單元測試,測試代碼的各個組件和功能。 7.與團隊合作,參與CICD流程,自動化測試和部署。 8.積極參與技術討論和研究,保持技術的前沿性。

待遇面議 上市上櫃 員工750人 遠端工作

Vue 資深前端工程師* (視訊/線上面談)

  • 新北市新店區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

這份工作會有機會參與接觸到: 1. 開發維運:維運104主要網頁平台相關頁面與資料串接 2. 使用技術:運用到 Tailwind、Bootstrap、Vue.js、Node.js、Cypress、Lighthouse...等技術,也會接觸到一些容器化開發環境,以及整合自動部署 CI/CD 與 AWS 雲上環境 3. 教育訓練:在104工程大學中有豐富的課程,含前端、後端、資料科學、雲端AWS、企劃管理、產品設計等, 在工作的同時,也精進自己各方面的能力,為將來的職涯發展更進一步,團隊內部也有不定期技術分享與讀書會, 此外也正在持續研究探索AI 與開發工作整合的可能性。 需求條件: 1. 熟悉網頁基礎技術 HTML / CSS / JS 2. 熟悉 Vue.js 基本使用與概念 3. 對於網頁畫面有敏銳度與自我要求 4. 對於網頁效能、Webpack、Vite 有相關優化經驗 5. 對於端對端測試能夠實際運用,維持或提升 SLA 6. 有 Node Server Side 使用經驗 7. 有 AWS 雲端系統使用經驗(codebuild、codepipeline、codedeploy、s3、cloudfront、cloudformation) 8. 有 Travis CI/CD 使用經驗 9. 在專案中擔任過技術窗口或帶領1至3人以上的團隊開發經驗,具備良好的溝通和團隊協作能力 10. 工作態度積極,勇於接受挑戰,具良好的抗壓能力,重視團隊合作,指導新人

待遇面議 上市上櫃 員工820人

全端工程師 - Full Stack Developer

  • 新北市新店區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

#團隊核心價值 • 解決問題為最終的目標,技術只是其中一種方式 • 不滿足於完成功能與處於現狀 • 不盲目追求最佳解決辦法,在適當的時機採用最合適的解決方案 • 勇於接受挑戰與探索,不怕犯錯的勇氣 • 傾聽、包容、接納多元的聲音與意見 • 有良好的溝通表達能力 #職責 1. 依據客戶需求規劃及實作高效能、高可用性、高擴充性之系統 2. 維護既有系統並視需要規劃重構以增進可維護性 3. 尋找適合的技術及解決方案應用於系統中 4. 自動化持續整合和測試及持續交付 #具備能力 • 良好的程式語言技能,下列語言佳: C#, Javascript • OOP, Multi-threading, Concurrent programming • 熟悉任一種 RMDB 或者 NoSQL • CI/CD (Senior 需具備) • 熟悉 Linux (Senior 需具備) #加分項目 • .Net, .Net Core • PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB, Kafka, Elasticsearch • Linux, Docker, Jenkins, Ansible, Kubernetes, Openresty(Nginx), AWS • Vue.js, Typescript, Socket.IO



  • 新北市新店區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

◇ 不管手動測試 或 寫程式的自動化測試,我們公司是同樣的重視,假如你有興趣想要試試看,很歡迎與我們面試。 ◇ 手動測試人員在於如何將 廣泛和複雜的情境,預先分析並整理出要驗證的範圍,之後在有效的將此測試情境優化到讓未來可以重複使用,讓自己的時間節省下來,用作思考更完善的測試情境。 ◇ 同樣歡迎由RD轉為自動化測試的人員,因為你已經了解"RD"可能會犯錯的盲點,更全面找到系統可能的問題,讓品質越來穩定。 ◇ 對於剛畢業 或 剛開始工作的RD 來說,自動化測試職務也是一個很好的職涯發展方向,過程中,除了可以提升自我程式能力,也會接觸到更廣泛的工具和更多系統關聯性的思考角度。 工作內容: 1. 撰寫測試列表:依產品功能與文件,撰寫測試項目列. 2. 產品系統測試:進行系統、功能、介面與相容性測試 3. 產品數值測試:進行前端顯示與後端數值相關串連測試 4. 產品平衡建議:適時提出有效且有利於產品的優化建議意見 5. 負責產品的測試,制定測試計畫,有效保證產品線品質 6. 整理並分享測試計畫與測試手法,讓團隊成員能夠 Reuse原來的 Test case,優化成更佳的 Test case 7. 提供測試報告和建議以保障產品可測性和架構合理性. Better have: ◇ QA工作經驗3-5年,具備Web, APP(Android, iOS)測試經驗 ◇ 熟悉 API 測試工具 (Postman, Swagger etc.) ◇ 程式撰寫能力 (Python, Java, JavaScript etc.) ◇ 熟悉自動化測試框架 (Selenium, Appium, Cypress, Robot framework etc.) ◇ 熟悉版控工具 (Git) ◇ 熟悉關聯式/非關聯式資料庫 (PostgreSQL/ MongoDB) ◇ 熟悉效能/壓力/負載測試工具與方法 (Jmeter, Locust etc.) ◇ 熟悉網路除錯工具 (Fiddler, Wireshark)


4/19 Backend Engineer 後端工程師

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

At CMoney, our mission is to assist people in their lifelong investment. To this end, we have already launched several services and apps to help users make decisions on different matters. CMoney has the most popular stock mobile app and stock forum in Taiwan. So far our stock forum has had more than 450k monthly active users, and all of our products have had almost 3 million monthly active users. Everyday more than 100k articles and messages emerge from our apps and forum. Meanwhile, we collaborate with 50+ investment KOLs to help users succeed in investment. Currently, CMoney is at the fast-growing stage, and thus we are looking for brilliant talents to join our team, especially the ones with integrity, high social interest and a growing mindset. For more detail of CMoney, please refer to the following link: https://cmy.tw/00BWhP Our backend team concentrates on manipulating finance and economics data which are adopted by more than 400 institutional investors in Taiwan and abroad to facilitate investment research and to enhance the performance of the investment. Our manipulated data hold 90+% market share in Taiwan. Besides the aforementioned B2B services, our backend team is also responsible for developing the reliable, scalable, and maintainable services to support our all-in-one stock investment website and several B2C apps. If you not only love to keep track of the latest trend of backend development and techniques but also are passionate about building services of the stock investment, we welcome you to join us. As such, you will: - Manipulate a wide variety of finance and economics data - Devise, develop, and maintain distributed services of the stock investment - Use the following programming languages, techniques, and platforms: C# ASP.NET MVC, .NET Core, PHP, Python, PowerShell, T-SQL, NoSQL, GCP, AWS, Redis, RabbitMQ. - Continually monitor our online services to identify the potential issues - Realize the Scrum development process to accelerate the iteration cycle - Make CMoney services easier to use, and make CMoney data more beneficial to the investors - Last but not least make our customers successful.

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4/19 JAVA Spring Boot/Kafka

  • 新北市新店區
  • 2年以上
  • 專科

職位概述: 負責開發和維護租賃業務的後端系統,使用Java Spring Boot進行開發,並應用Kafka等工具實現系統之間的異步通信。 職責: 1.使用Java Spring Boot框架,開發和維護、優化租賃業務的後端系統。 2.整合和應用Kafka,實現系統之間傳遞與交換、接收。 3.與前端團隊合作,設計和實現RESTful API,支持前端(React)應用的開發和測試。 4.優化系統性能,處理系統的高併發請求和大量數據的處理。 技能要求: 1.熟練掌握Java開發語言和Spring Boot框架。 2.具備使用Kafka應用經驗。 3.熟悉MySQL的使用和優化。 4.具有良好的問題解決能力和團隊合作精神。 5.具備敏捷開發優先考慮。

待遇面議 員工100人
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4/19 Big Data Engineer_大數據工程師

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

At CMoney, our mission is to assist people in their lifelong investment. To this end, we have already launched several services and apps to help users make decisions on different matters. CMoney has the most popular stock mobile app and stock forum in Taiwan. So far our stock forum has had more than 450k monthly active users, and all of our products have had almost 3 million monthly active users. Everyday more than 100k articles and messages emerge from our apps and forum. Meanwhile, we collaborate with 50+ investment KOLs to help users succeed in investment. Currently, CMoney is at the fast-growing stage, and thus we are looking for brilliant talents to join our team, especially the ones with integrity, high social interest and a growing mindset. For more detail of CMoney, please refer to the following link: https://cmy.tw/00BWhP. Our Big Data team focuses on implementing the business intelligence platform to support multiple internal partner teams to meet their operational needs. We are responsible for establishing processes for continual improvement, crafting data and reporting solutions at large scale. Our mission is to keep our business running optimally while maintaining a balanced application environment. As a member of the Big Data team, you will build and own mission-critical data pipelines as well as modern data warehouse solutions while collaborating closely with Data Science, Marketing, and Product teams. You will be a part of an early stage team and have a significant stake in defining its future with a considerable potential to impact all of CMoney's revenue and millions of users. Your efforts will reveal invaluable business and user insights to fuel revenue by leveraging vast amounts of data.

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4/19 IOT工程師

  • 新北市三峽區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

我們的企業願景是「成為讓全世界可享受安心可口美食的推手」同時也期待將創新科技融入美食製造,相信透過物聯網技術的應用,能夠提升生產效率、品質和安全性,讓美味更加普及、可靠,據此,我們正在招募對於IOT具有熱忱、創意和專業技能的人才,期待與你一起探索未知領域,共同推進這樣的願景。 加入ANKO,你將享有以下優勢: ●食品製造龍頭:在食品設備製造領域,我們顛覆傳統產業的生產管理模式,是位居市場領先地位的先驅!我們的設備不僅在全球超過112個國家應用,更是業界的指標品牌 ●科技培訓智庫:我們提供專業的技術培訓,讓你可以與時俱進,掌握新技術和工程知識。無論你是新手還是熟手,我們都有專業的資深工程師指導你 ●技術晉升之路:我們重視每位工程師的成長,提供多元的晉升管道和發展機會。你想成為領導者?或是專家級的工程師?在這裡,你的夢想可以實現 ●工作環境享受:我們的辦公室是清水模綠建築設計,還有許多花草園藝及露臺,環境舒適,氛圍輕鬆愉悅,減少了工作壓力,提供更好的享受 ●福利多元暖心:我們有完備的福利制度,讓你不僅工作穩定,生活更有保障!而且,我們注重員工的工作與生活平衡,不會感到失衡 ●員工感受搶先看:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mts1OThQ2LE ●安口企業價值:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0D2jFbE0Qo 【工作內容】 1、開發/維護IoT設備軟體及設定檔 2、開發客製化IoT軟韌體需求 3、協助掌控合作廠商開發進度 4、協助產線排除IoT問題 5、協助IT雲端相關事項 ---------------------------------- At ANKO, our vision is "striving to bring safe and delicious food to the world with automation production solution". We're committed to integrating innovative technologies into food manufacturing, believing that through the application of IoT technology, we can enhance productivity, quality, and safety, making tasty delights more widespread and reliable. We're currently recruiting passionate, creative, and skilled talents in IoT. We hope that we'll explore uncharted territories and work towards advancing this vision. Joining ANKO, you will enjoy the following advantages: ●Leading in Food Manufacturing: We're pioneers in disrupting traditional production management in the food equipment manufacturing sector. Our equipment, used in over 112 countries globally, is a benchmark brand in the industry. ●Technical Training Hub: We provide professional technical training to ensure you stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in technology and engineering knowledge. Whether you're a novice or an expert, our team of seasoned engineers will guide you. ●Path to Technical Advancement: We value the growth of every engineer and offer diverse avenues for career progression and development opportunities. Whether you aspire to be a leader or an expert engineer, your dreams can come true here. ●Enjoyable Working Environment: Our office boasts a green design with plenty of greenery, gardens, and terraces, creating a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere to reduce work stress and enhance enjoyment. ●Comprehensive and Heartwarming Benefits: We offer a complete welfare system to provide stability in your work and assurance in your life. Moreover, we prioritize maintaining a healthy work-life balance for our employees. ●Imagine You at ANKO:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mts1OThQ2LE ●Corporate Value Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0D2jFbE0Qo 【Role & Responsibilities】 -Develop & maintain software and configuration files for IoT devices. -Develop customized firmware requirements for IoT. -Assist in managing the development progress of partner manufacturers. -Assist in troubleshooting IoT issues on the production line. -Assist in IT cloud-related matters.

待遇面議 員工100人
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4/19 AI Engineer 人工智慧工程師

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

At CMoney, our mission is to assist people in their lifelong investment. To this end, we have already launched several services and apps to help users make decisions on different matters. CMoney has the most popular stock mobile app and stock forum in Taiwan. So far our stock forum has had more than 450k monthly active users, and all of our products have had almost 3 million monthly active users. Everyday more than 100k articles and messages emerge from our apps and forum. Meanwhile, we collaborate with 50+ investment KOLs to help users succeed in investment. Currently, CMoney is at the fast-growing stage, and thus we are looking for brilliant talents to join our team, especially the ones with integrity, high social interest and a growing mindset. For more detail of CMoney, please refer to the following link: https://cmy.tw/00BWhP . In order to enhance our products, our AI team focuses on employing large language models on some natural language processing tasks including text classification, automatic summarization, intent recognition, and content generation. Our AI team is also responsible for developing and establishing cross-product recommendation systems so that our products can offer better experience for the users. Two landing applications of our recommendation systems are the personal feed and personal push notification of our stock forum. Moreover, our AI team has to design the scheme of lifelong machine learning to sustain our AI-powered services. If you not only love to keep track of the latest trend of AI/NLP development and techniques but also are passionate about implementing the relevant algorithms by yourself, we welcome you to join us. As such, you will: - Design, develop, train, and integrate AI models to our services or products - Analyze and diagnose the problems and bottlenecks of current AI models - Collaborate with other product and data teams to propose and provide better solutions - Make CMoney service more intelligent, and make CMoney data more beneficial to the community - Last but not least make our customer success

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4/19 軟體開發工程師

  • 新北市樹林區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1.依SA/SD規格撰寫設計程式、維護、測試 2.基本軟、硬體問題排除 3.ERP進銷存系統之維護及異常排除 4.使用單位溝通需求&系統分析 * 不限本科系 * 歡迎沒程式設計經驗但有熱誠者

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4/19 【研發替代役】AI Engineer 人工智慧工程師

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

[歡迎具111年度研發替代役資格者投遞履歷] At CMoney, our mission is to assist people in their lifelong investment. To this end, we have already launched several services and apps to help users to make decisions on different matters. So far CMoney has had the most popular stock mobile app and stock forum in Taiwan, where each has almost 800k monthly active users. Everyday more than 100k articles and messages emerge from our apps and forum. Meanwhile, we collaborate with 50+ investment KOLs to help users succeed in investment. Currently, CMoney is at the fast-growing stage, and thus we are looking for brilliant talents to join our team, especially the ones with integrity, high social interest and growing mindset. For more detail of CMoney, please refer to the following link: https://cmy.tw/00BWhP In order to enhance our products, our AI team focuses on employing large language models on some natural language processing tasks including text classification, automatic summarization, intent recognition, and content generation. Our AI team is also responsible for developing and establishing cross-product recommendation systems so that our products can offer better experience for the users. Two landing applications of our recommendation systems are the personal feed and personal push notification of our stock forum. Moreover, our AI team has to design the scheme of lifelong machine learning to sustain our AI-powered services. If you not only love to keep track of the latest trend of AI/NLP development and techniques but also are passionate about implementing the relevant algorithms by yourself, we welcome you to join us. 【As such, you will】 - Design, develop, train, and integrate AI models to our services or products - Analyze and diagnose the problems and bottlenecks of current AI models - Collaborate with other product and data teams to propose and provide better solutions - Make CMoney service more intelligent, and make CMoney data more beneficial to the community - Last but not least make our customer success

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4/19 【研發替代役】QA engineer 自動化軟體測試工程師

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

[歡迎具111年度研發替代役資格者投遞履歷] 【關於CMoney】 在 CMoney,我們的使命是幫助每個人作好人生投資。 目前為止,CMoney 擁有最受歡迎的投資型APP和股票論壇。 每月近兩百萬的活躍用戶,在我們APP與論壇裡留存的訊息每天就超過 10 萬篇。 同時,為幫助用戶投資成功,我們不斷找尋優秀的KOL合作,現已超過50名。 現今,CMoney 正處於快速增長階段,因此我們正在尋找優秀的你加入我們的團隊。 有關 CMoney 的更多詳細資訊,請參閱以下連結:https://cmy.tw/00BWhP。 【工作內容】 1. 依產品需求撰寫測試案例 2. 開發/維護WEB、APP自動化測試程式 3. 執行測試工作、產出測試報告 4. 問題追蹤及分析,協助確認root cause

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4/19 軟體工程師

  • 新北市三重區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

雲馥數位強力招募菁英人才中! 雲馥數位作為雲端解決方案領導者,是 Microsoft 頂尖的雲端服務提供商,為客戶創造無盡的價值! 1.雲端管理平台系統設計、開發與維運 2.雲端系統整合方案 API/SDK 研究與開發 3.雲端系統平台測試及導入 4.持續學習新系統的知識並進行實驗、安裝測試及管理維護 5.配合公司執行客戶端專案開發、導入及管理維護 6.其它上級主管交辦事項 ☁加入雲馥數位,與我們一起實現雲端的無限可能!立即行動,開啟您的職涯新旅程☁ 【公司官網】http://www.cloudriches.com/ 【公司FB】https://www.facebook.com/CloudRiches/ 【公司Linkedin】https://www.linkedin.com/company/cloudriches/

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4/19 全端軟體工程師 - C#、Win Form

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

【關於CMoney】 - 在 CMoney,我們的使命是幫助每個人做好人生投資! 目前為止,CMoney 擁有最受歡迎的投資型APP和股票論壇。 - 每月近 80 萬的活躍用戶,在我們APP與論壇裡留存的訊息每天就超過 10 萬篇。 - 同時,為幫助用戶投資成功,我們不斷找尋優秀的KOL合作,現已超過50名。 - 有關 CMoney 的更多詳細資訊,請參閱以下連結:https://cmy.tw/00BWhP 【關於CMoney桌面開發團隊】 - 我們的PC團隊專注於桌面應用程式開發,主要的業務有法人投資決策系統(http://www.cmoney.com.tw/)與理財寶平 (https://www.cmoney.tw/app/download/)。 法人投資決策系統旨在促進投資研究並提高投資績效,該系統在台灣擁有 90%以上的法人市佔率,已有400多家機構投資者採用。 - 理財寶平台是匯集了許多作者豐富的投資經驗而形成的工具,來協助用戶達成精準的投資。 - 如果你喜歡追求桌面前端開發和技術的最新趨勢,也熱衷於股票投資建設服務,歡迎您的加入,在這裡你可以提出任何想法、建議,持續推動團隊進化。 【As join, you will】 - 負責處理設計、開發和維護法人決策投資軟體、研究員報告自動化、或是設計與開發理財寶平台上的各種產品。 - 使用以下編程語言、技術和平台:C#、VB(維護舊有系統,非主要語言)、.Net Framework、.Net Core、DevExpress、TChart、VSTO增益集、SQL、VBA、TortoiseGit、TortoiseSVN。 - 我們追求乾淨代碼、以Scrum開發流程加速迭代周期,從而快速開發新產品,讓我們的產品更能幫我們的用戶成功。

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4/19 【研發替代役】Backend Engineer 後端工程師

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

[歡迎具111年度研發替代役資格者投遞履歷] At CMoney, our mission is to assist people in their lifelong investment. To this end, we have already launched several services and apps to help users make decisions on different matters. CMoney has the most popular stock mobile app and stock forum in Taiwan. So far our stock forum has had more than 450k monthly active users, and all of our products have had almost 3 million monthly active users. Everyday more than 100k articles and messages emerge from our apps and forum. Meanwhile, we collaborate with 50+ investment KOLs to help users succeed in investment. Currently, CMoney is at the fast-growing stage, and thus we are looking for brilliant talents to join our team, especially the ones with integrity, high social interest and a growing mindset. For more detail of CMoney, please refer to the following link: https://cmy.tw/00BWhP Our backend team concentrates on manipulating finance and economics data which are adopted by more than 400 institutional investors in Taiwan and abroad to facilitate investment research and to enhance the performance of the investment. Our manipulated data hold 90+% market share in Taiwan. Besides the aforementioned B2B services, our backend team is also responsible for developing the reliable, scalable, and maintainable services to support our all-in-one stock investment website and several B2C apps. If you not only love to keep track of the latest trend of backend development and techniques but also are passionate about building services of the stock investment, we welcome you to join us. As such, you will: - Manipulate a wide variety of finance and economics data Devise, develop, and maintain distributed services of the stock investment - Use the following programming languages, techniques, and platforms: C# ASP.NET MVC, .NET Core, PHP, Python, PowerShell, T-SQL, NoSQL, GCP, AWS, Redis, RabbitMQ. - Continually monitor our online services to identify the potential issues - Realize the Scrum development process to accelerate the iteration cycle - Make CMoney services easier to use, and make CMoney data more beneficial to the investors - Last but not least make our customers successful.

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4/19 【HWTE】I-軟體開發工程師

  • 新北市土城區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

1. 使用Lua和Objective-C在Mac OS上開發軟體用於自動化硬體功能測試。 2. 與跨職能團隊合作,分析、排除並解決硬體功能測試問題。 3. 使用Python或其他語言開發用於工程流程改進的軟體。 4. 前往美國或其他區域支援新產品工程需求開發。

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4/19 【SW】I-軟體專案管理工程師

  • 新北市土城區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. 以系統開發為solution,主導NPI工作流程的自動化與系統化,包括分析系統需求、撰寫需求文件並推進開發案的進行; 2. 溝通部門內RD團隊工程師,以及推進跨部門的協商與合作; 3. 收集數據並製作各類型報表、報告或簡報,如每週開發進度報告、年度開發成果報告、節約效益計劃簡報、對客戶報告(英文)等; 4. 主持各類型會議,如開發週會、部門年度成發會、客戶會議(英文)等; 5. 推動其他主管交辦專案,如產學合作案等。

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4/19 Senior Backend Engineer 資深後端工程師

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 6年以上
  • 大學

At CMoney, our mission is to assist people in their lifelong investment. To this end, we have already launched several services and apps to help users make decisions on different matters. CMoney has the most popular stock mobile app and stock forum in Taiwan. So far our stock forum has had more than 450k monthly active users, and all of our products have had almost 3 million monthly active users. Everyday more than 100k articles and messages emerge from our apps and forum. Meanwhile, we collaborate with 50+ investment KOLs to help users succeed in investment. Currently, CMoney is at the fast-growing stage, and thus we are looking for brilliant talents to join our team, especially the ones with integrity, high social interest and a growing mindset. For more detail of CMoney, please refer to the following link: https://cmy.tw/00BWhP Our backend team concentrates on manipulating finance and economics data which are adopted by more than 400 institutional investors in Taiwan and abroad to facilitate investment research and to enhance the performance of the investment. Our manipulated data hold 90+% market share in Taiwan. Besides the aforementioned B2B services, our backend team is also responsible for developing the reliable, scalable, and maintainable services to support our all-in-one stock investment website and several B2C apps. If you not only love to keep track of the latest trend of backend development and techniques but also are passionate about buildingservices of the stock investment, we welcome you to join us. 【As such, you will】 1. Build our platforms, systems and infrastructure using your strong background in distributed systems and large-scale storage systems. 2. Manage individual projects priorities, deadlines and deliverable with your technical expertise. 3. Design, develop, test, deploy, maintain, and enhance software Solutions. 4. Last but not least make our customers successful. 【Required Skills】 - Professional coding experience in .NET C# (6+ years). - Experience in architecting and developing large scale distributed systems. - Experience in concurrency, multithreading and synchronization. 【Plus】 - Experience with Unix/Linux environments. - Experience with TCP/IP and network programming. - Experience with database design, SQL and database programming. - Understanding of technologies such as virtualization and global infrastructure, load balancing, networking, massive data storage, Elasticsearch, MapReduce and security. - Interest or exposure to networking technologies/concepts such as Software Defined Networking (SDN) and OpenFlow.

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4/19 估算工程師(新北市新店區,公司提供完整的估算訓練,包含EXCEL估算及軟體估算,無經驗可,歡迎應屆畢業生)

  • 新北市新店區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

**公司提供完整的估算訓練,包含EXCEL估算及軟體估算,無經驗可,歡迎應屆畢業生** 1.工程相關數量估算,如RC結構、鋼結構、彩鋼、裝修、地工、景觀等估算. 2.工程數量檢核及成本檢核及連接檢視。 3.工程圖相關作業,如出圖、得標及未得標圖說管理 4.其他行政工作及主管交辦事項

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