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4/24 【德凱集團海外職缺】Test Engineer Electronics and Software in Arnhem

  • 荷蘭
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

- Conduct test with electronic products against the latest relevant safety standards; - Work on several customer projects at the same time, not only in the lab but also the client’s location; - Perform independent testing, ± 20% of time will be spending in the lab, process the results measured in reports for clients and working with team colleagues such as project managers, sales and support office staff; - Perform safety assessments based on international standards or on the basis of risk-based assessments and testing; - Conduct the (preliminary) test results report; - Keep the project manager and the client informed regarding the status and progress.

待遇面議 員工155人
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4/23 Test Engineer Electronics and Software in Arnhem

  • 荷蘭
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

- Conduct test with electronic products against the latest relevant safety standards; - Work on several customer projects at the same time, not only in the lab but also the client’s location; - Perform independent testing, ± 20% of time will be spending in the lab, process the results measured in reports for clients and working with team colleagues such as project managers, sales and support office staff; - Perform safety assessments based on international standards or on the basis of risk-based assessments and testing; - Conduct the (preliminary) test results report; - Keep the project manager and the client informed regarding the status and progress.

待遇面議 員工350人
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4/22 【海外-Netherlands】Finance Process Automation Specialist_RPA

  • 荷蘭
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

Development and implementation of an automation program leveraging the UiPath tool 1. Develop, programming and implement Robotic Process Automation (“RPA”) solutions for financial processes using relevant tools and technologies for the identified opportunities for automation and improvement for existing financial processes. 2. Evaluate and select appropriate automation tools and technologies for financial process optimization. 3. Develop RPA or automation tool for seamless integration with existing financial systems, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software, and other relevant platforms. 4. Collaborate with Finance end-users to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments to optimize processes further as continuously improvement. 5. Create comprehensive documentation for automated processes, including specifications, user guides, and training materials. 6. Maintain up-to-date documentation to facilitate knowledge transfer and support. 7. Provide training to end-users on newly developed automated processes and tools. Offer ongoing support to address any issues or concerns related to the automated financial processes. 8. Monitor the performance of automated processes and identify opportunities for continuous improvement and stay abreast of industry trends and emerging technologies to suggest and implement enhancements. 9. Qualifications: Continuous Improvement

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4/22 出差英國-運維工程師

  • 英國
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

崗位職責: 1.Linux作業系統安裝、維護、安全監控、優化、故障處理 2.熟悉http tcp協議 2.伺服器日常檢查以及維護 3.負責產品的部署、升級、優化、需求跟蹤、問題分析等 4.IDC機房伺服器管理 5.系統故障解決,追蹤問題並回報處理狀況 6.應用程式上線前相容性測試、部署 7.python腳本運維自動化開發 8.完善系統架構與日常運維等相關文檔 9.完成主管交辦事項 10.nginx配置或網站相關工作方面的經驗優先 每年都會有提升薪資機會;能力越高調整幅度越多 ----到職前須在台北分公司遠端培訓1-2個月後,為教育訓練期/實行後臺模擬訓練,能力合格後才可分配到英國分公司---- 任職資格: 1、團隊意識強,執行力強,責任心強,效率高。 2、有良好的職場意識,愛崗敬業。 3、溝通能力強,表達清楚。 *. 每年出差英國需達半年。 *. 此職務需要每半年出差至英國,請衡量自身規劃與取得家庭支持,再投遞履歷。. ➤這裡是個講求專業、敬業與團隊合作的公司,並且追求卓越、勇於嘗試與創新,若你嚮往與最優秀的夥伴一同擁抱夢想、互相激盪靈感, 歡迎加入我們! ➤在此誠摯邀請有企圖心、積極正向、肯學習的您加入我們的工作團隊,一同實現夢想!盡情發揮個人潛能、挑戰自我極限!


3/20 【明基佳世達集團】 產品應用工程經理/副理 (達昇)

  • 德國
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

1. 幫助客戶解決UPS(不斷電系統)/solar inverter(太陽能逆變器)技術問題,並釐清產品技術相關責任,有時需要擔任業務與客戶間的橋樑,用客戶了解的語言協助處理技術問題,確保客戶能正常使用公司產品 2. 與供應商產品技術窗口,協助解決客戶產品異常、安裝與售後服務問題 3. 處理並改善客戶遇到的異常狀況,進而提昇客戶滿意度 4. 協助業務處理客戶所提出產品相關應用的技術問題,提供客戶技術支援服務 5. 協助業務人員在產品上的基礎知識訓練,並提供客戶在產品使用方面的技術訓練 6. 展會協助業務在展會做新產品推廣並讓來訪者了解公司產品 7. 協助分析DOA及RMA產品問題點 1. Provide UPS/solar inverter and batteries technical support to analyze failure, include wiring, installation, configuration, start up UPS/solar inverter operation and so on, to solve UPS/solar inverter application issues. 2. Serve as the suppliers’ window for technical support in order to solve product, installation and after-sales service problems. 3. Collect application requirement information to draft reports and finish root cause reports for closed UPS/solar inverter issues under investigation. 4. Provide product/application training to senior service, when required. 5. Coordinate with others in completing the assigned tasks, such as UPS/solar inverter Factory Acceptance Test based on projects in Lab

待遇面議 上市上櫃 員工120人

4/23 展會人員(歐洲)

  • 歐洲
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

1. 參加歐洲各式展會、收集名片。 2. 蒐集參展廠商相關資料。 3. 主管交辦事項。 4. 居住於以下城市優先安排面試:法國(巴黎)、西班牙(巴塞羅那)、德國(杜塞爾多夫 / 柏林 / 科隆)、意大利(博洛尼亞) 5. 薪資可再議。

待遇面議 員工200人

4/23 國貿人員

  • 台南市山上區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1.開發潛在客戶,拓展市場,以達成業績目標。 2.定期拜訪經銷客戶,維繫穩定客戶關係。 3.負責國內業務接洽及訂單處理。 4.負責產品報價及產品展示,並處理帳款回收相關事宜。 5.負責業務推展,傳達及說明公司各項業務重大訊息、活動及產品。 6.可外派者為佳。


4/24 駐美工程師

  • 美西地區
  • 7年以上
  • 專科

1.能使用CAD。 2.能使用3D(Soildworks或Pro/E)軟件。 3.清楚了解IDC產品。 4.了解AWS、微軟、谷歌、Facebook等一級大廠IDC的設計結構。 5.了解EIA/ECA-310、Open Rack Specification V3.0標準 6.能直接和客戶進行英文溝通。 7.能給客戶提出DFMEA&PFMEA的分析。 8.協助客戶解決客戶需要的結構方案。 7.產品風險識別--產品加工風險分析、產品公差分析、產品供應鏈風險分析。





