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Mechanical Engineer

  • 台北市南港區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

We are looking for a highly motivated mechanical engineer with a significant experience in mechanical design for high-performance automation equipment. This position is primarily responsible for mechanism design for our pioneering optical systems. You will play an important role in development and production of next-generation product. Responsibilities • Develop mechanical modules and components for use in automation equipment • Perform detailed mechanism design, including but not limited to, tolerance analysis, life time evaluation, optics mounting, alignment & adjustment design, etc • Work with system, optical, and electrical engineers to derive the subsystem requirements and conduct design reviews • Assess performance and stability of an optical system that satisfies the equipment requirements • Assemble and test prototype systems • Qualify and release mechanism design and provide support for manufacturing • Draft effective alignment SOP and troubleshooting guidelines Qualifications • Bachelor's Degree or above in Mechanical Engineering or a related discipline • 2+ years of industry experience • Experience in mechanical design for metal parts/assembles made by CNC • Familiarity with 3-D CAD such as CREO/ProEngineer is preferred • Industry experience in optical equipment is preferred • Excellent technical and problem analysis skills • Ability to create clear reports and documentation • Highly motivated team player able to work at a fast pace Why Syncell? Syncell pioneers in technologies that require knowledge from multiple disciplines, including chemistry, biology, optics, mechatronics, software development and artificial intelligence. In such a vibrant environment with talents from different specialties, a lot of creativity has been stimulated. You will be excited to work with our synergistic team together to broaden your technical scope and push the boundary of biotools technologies.


4/20 機電工程師/水電工程師(桃竹)

  • 新竹縣寶山鄉
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

~公司提供免費宿舍 + 免費午餐~ 1.水電消防配管配線、高低壓電氣設備安裝 2.按照藍圖進行高低壓配電線路施工、電路維修及電器設備安裝 3.照明燈具、開關插座安裝、火警消防設備安裝、UPS不斷電設備安裝 4.配合輪值

待遇面議 員工100人
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4/20 檢測助理工程師

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1. 協助檢測工程師安裝檢測設備,並於檢測車上操作檢測軟體。(公司會提供檢測工作教育訓練) 2. 協助進行儀器保養維護及填列相關表單。 3. 協助安排儀器校正作業及填列相關表單。 4. 協助工程師彙整檢測資料與文件歸檔作業。 5. 其他主管交辦事項。 6. 工作內容請參考介紹影片(https://youtu.be/df3c09fN8UE)。

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4/20 [R302] 機構經理/副理

  • 新北市汐止區
  • 6年以上
  • 專科

1. 機構 2D、3D圖面設計、模具發包、開模、試模等流程管理 。 2. 負責機構板金材料的測試與選用。 3. 指導、檢閱並負責產品設計與變更認可。 4. 解決量產製程中所產生的機構相關問題。 5. 產品工程技術文件製作與管理。 6. 跨部門技術溝通協調。 具有 Gaming / ATM / Kiosk / IPC 設計經驗尤佳

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4/20 正職夜班病媒防治/消毒技術人員(薪45000元起~51000元,我們從來沒有無薪假,歡迎缺錢及超級想賺錢的你)

  • 桃園市楊梅區
  • 2年以上
  • 高中

~只徵正職、兼職勿投~ ⭐有了真功夫,不用怕被機器人取代⭐ 我們的工作時段是固定夜班不需要輪班,所以若是父母家人無法接受您做夜班的工作,那請您千萬千萬不要來應徵 為了不浪費彼此的時間,投遞履歷前請務必往下看清楚工作時間及工作內容,看清楚也想清楚了再決定是否要投遞履歷 我們是一間在成長中的公司,因為業務量不斷增加,所以非常需要積極且想賺錢的您進來一起打拼 如果您是從零開始也沒關係,我們有培訓制度,讓您憑著堅持、認真與努力,為自己的人生加薪 我們不看學歷、經歷、背景,「只看您願意付出多少努力」,只要您肯學肯做,通過各項考核並考取證照,保證一年後就能達到每月5萬以上的收入 我們要找肯努力、肯學習、不怕辛苦勞累、不怕髒、有責任感、可以獨立作業、喜歡加班、非常愛賺錢的人 ⭐沒有經驗沒關係,但「學習的態度」非常重要,也是我們最重視的⭐ 「想要工作輕鬆混一份薪水、週休二日正常上下班、時間觀念差慣性遲到、家裡雜事多需要常請假、不會開車、很少開車或開車技術不佳、方向感差、不喜歡加班、不愛賺錢的請千萬不要來應徵」 我們相信要讓一家公司成長、茁壯,最重要的就是有一起努力、打拼的夥伴們,如果您想要在病媒蟲害防治業成就您的未來人生,歡迎加入我們! 歡迎有興趣加入我們的您~儘速與我們聯繫安排面試會談 法定項目: 勞保、健保、特別休假、勞退提撥金、職災保險 福利與制度: 獎 金 類:全勤獎金、年終獎金、三節獎金、生日禮金/禮品 保 險 類:員工團體意外保險 娛 樂 類:國內外旅遊、員工聚餐、尾牙、春酒 其 他 類:勞工健檢、需穿著員工制服、員工在職教育訓練 福 利 類:國內外旅遊補助、辦公室飲料免費飲用 工作內容: 1.工作時間:晚上20:00 - 凌晨05:00,因需要配合客戶營業時間,所以會視狀況調整 2.月休8天+國定假日(固定休星期六),其餘天數可自排或公司排,自排假需提前告知公司,但以跟公司工作行程不衝突為主 3.依公司每日排程到各場所(餐廳、賣場、工廠、學校等)執行病媒防治工程,如一般害蟲防治、消毒、除蟲、滅鼠、殺菌等專業工作,以杜絕蚊蟲、鼠害孳生 4.此工作屬外勤工作,每日工作地點不固定,適合不喜歡被拘束在單一地點的人 5.須備有「普通小型車駕駛執照」,出勤時先於公司集合備機/料,再一同開工務車出車工作 6.熟用「Line」,並會建立記事本或相簿 7.「有大夜班工作經驗者」及「國定例假日可配合加班者」優先錄取 8.薪資45000元起,通過各項考核後馬上調薪(最高加薪4000元),每年則會再視當年度工作能力表現及配合度做適當調薪 9.公司可培訓輔導考取「病媒防治專業技術人員證照」 ,若順利考取證照另加薪2000元 10.無經驗者不用怕,工作中會有學長帶領,邊工作邊學習,以成為獨當一面的病媒防治專業技術師

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4/20 電機設計工程師【週休二日,享有年終獎金等等福利】

  • 新北市樹林區
  • 3年以上
  • 高中

◆有經驗者,薪資可面談 ◆享有年終獎金等等多元福利,歡迎有志者加入~~ 1.高、低壓配電盤設計(自動控制設計等)、箱體圖面規劃,控制、箱體圖面等 及熟悉AUTO CAD繪圖軟體。 2.會PLC程式撰寫尤佳。 3.需有3年以上相關設計經驗。 4.需與客戶配合聯繫事項,不定時出差至客戶端了解現場規劃情況。 5.完成主管交辦事項。 6.需使用鼎新ERP系統。

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4/20 軟韌體工程師

  • 新北市汐止區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1. 嵌入式系統開發: 熟悉Cortex-M應用平台,能夠進行嵌入式系統軟韌體程式設計。 2. 微控制器 (MCU) 開發專家: 具有豐富的MCU及週邊介面韌體開發與除錯經驗,能夠迅速解決問題並優化性能。 3. 程式架構與模組設計: 能夠規劃並設計複雜的程式架構,並創建可擴展的軟韌體模組。 4. 專案管理: 能夠積極控制開發進度,保證品質,同時有效管理成本。 5. 產品維護與客製化: 能夠對客戶量產產品進行除錯維護,並根據客戶需求進行客製化修改。 6. 創新研發: 參與其他相關研發工作,不斷追求創新與技術突破。

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4/20 機電設計工程師(北桃)

  • 台北市松山區
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

~公司提供免費宿舍 + 免費午餐~ 1.大專以上機電、機械工程相關科系畢業。 2.具大樓水電/機電圖面規劃設計、審圖、各系統施工圖整合能力。 3.可與技師檢討圖面,針對圖面規劃清圖、澄清。 4.繪製機電設計工程圖(單線圖、拼聯審查圖及竣工圖)。 5.具相關證照尤佳。

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4/20 機構工程師

  • 新竹市
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

1. 設備之機構/管路設計、改善、結構評估 2. 繪製設備之3D/2D工程圖面與BOM表產出 3. 設備組裝及確認,專案文件匯整與報告製作 4. 設備備料請購、組裝、組裝現場監工、外包商管理 5. 具溝通與協調能力,可順暢的與各部門相互銜接工作,完成各式設備之設計 6. 具閱讀P&ID圖之能力以及熟Solidworks、Solid Edge之操作 7. 具規劃、風險評估、設計、發包、裝配、除錯與具備獨立作業能力

待遇面議 員工170人
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4/20 電控工程師

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1.設備電盤電路的設計規劃與繪製 2.設備電控元件選用及BOM表建立 3.電控元件評估選用 4.PLC和HMI的規劃撰寫、修改與維護 5.設備安裝試俥、異常排除 6.主管交辦事項執行

待遇面議 員工170人
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4/20 熱流/質傳工程師

  • 新竹市
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

1. 設備之質傳/熱流計算分析 2. 專案文件匯整與報告製作 3. 具溝通與協調能力,可順暢的與各部門相互銜接工作,完成各式設備之設計 4. 具閱讀P&ID圖之能力 5. 具規劃、設計獨立作業能力

待遇面議 員工170人
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4/20 現場製程生產技師

  • 彰化縣員林市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

1.負責生產模具、治具之架模、校模及簡易維修、維護與故障排除。 2.桌上車床、沖床、攻牙機、鉚合機、鑽孔機等等生產設備之維護,保養與改善。 3.具傳產工廠機台生產操作、維修或基層領導經驗者佳。 4.具3年以上經驗對傳產設備具獨立修繕能力.懂空油壓。 5.其它主管交辦事項。

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4/20 機械助理工程師

  • 新北市五股區
  • 3年以上
  • 高中

1.參與機械設計討論及制定之會議 2.進行機械設計並輸出設計文件( 機器圖紙、外購件清單、機器操作說明書等) 3.學習市場新技術並適時將新技術引進企業 4.協助工程師收尋資料,如:材料找尋重點整理等 5.完成主管交付事項 歡迎 所有求職者

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4/20 Software Engineer, Storage Systems

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, a related technical field, or equivalent practical experience. • 5 years of experience in system software development (e.g., firmware, BIOS, BSP, Linux kernel, BMC, device drivers, and system libraries). • Experience in Unix/Linux environments. • Experience coding in C/C++. Preferred qualifications: • Master's degree or PhD in Computer Science, or a related technical field. • Experience in Solid-State Drive (SSD)/NAND or Hard Disk Drive (HDD) based storage technologies, interfaces (e.g., NVMe, SATA/SAS), and security standards (TCG). • Experience in developer operations, release management, integration testing, and open source development. • Experience in storage software stack with Linux or firmware in storage controllers (e.g., RAID/AFA/NAS). • Experience in large-scale and secure fleet management of servers and components. • Experience in Python and scripting languages (e.g. shell). About the job Google's software engineers develop the next-generation technologies that change how billions of users connect, explore, and interact with information and one another. Our products need to handle information at massive scale, and extend well beyond web search. We're looking for engineers who bring fresh ideas from all areas, including information retrieval, distributed computing, large-scale system design, networking and data storage, security, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, UI design and mobile; the list goes on and is growing every day. As a software engineer, you will work on a specific project critical to Google’s needs with opportunities to switch teams and projects as you and our fast-paced business grow and evolve. We need our engineers to be versatile, display leadership qualities and be enthusiastic to take on new problems across the full-stack as we continue to push technology forward. Platforms Storage teams design and build storage solutions for all of Google's services. Everything from Gmail messages to YouTube videos, Web Search indexes, and Google Cloud customers' data, all ultimately reside securely on storage devices built by Platforms Storage teams. In this role, you will innovate storage solutions that are disruptive and impactful across Google's services. Behind everything our users see online is the architecture built by the Technical Infrastructure team to keep it running. From developing and maintaining our data centers to building the next generation of Google platforms, we make Google's product portfolio possible. We're proud to be our engineers' engineers and love voiding warranties by taking things apart so we can rebuild them. We keep our networks up and running, ensuring our users have the best and fastest experience possible. Responsibilities • Design and implement the system software for storage systems to maximize the performance, reliability, security, and capacity. • Create and implement tools for automating diagnostics, performance evaluation, and reliability assurance for storage components and systems. • Develop and implement solutions for collecting and analyzing metrics for storage products in the cloud infrastructure to derive actionable insights. • Collaborate with internal and external partners to plan and execute the engineering programs, including product development and productivity improvements. • Contribute innovative ideas and skills to the team.

待遇面議 外商公司
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4/20 Technical Program Manager, Camera System Software, Pixel (English)

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in a technical, engineering field, or equivalent practical experience with consumer electronics. • 3 years of experience in program or project management. • Ability to communicate in English fluently to collaborate with stakeholders globally. Preferred qualifications: • Experience with program management involving cross-team collaboration. • Experience with camera or imaging. • Excellent communication skills. About the job A problem isn’t truly solved until it’s solved for all. That’s why Googlers build products that help create opportunities for everyone, whether down the street or across the globe. As a Technical Program Manager at Google, you’ll use your technical expertise to lead complex, multi-disciplinary projects from start to finish. You’ll work with stakeholders to plan requirements, identify risks, manage project schedules, and communicate clearly with cross-functional partners across the company. You're equally comfortable explaining your team's analyses and recommendations to executives as you are discussing the technical tradeoffs in product development with engineers. Our goal is to build a Google that looks like the world around us — and we want Googlers to stay and grow when they join us. As part of our efforts to build a Google for everyone, we build diversity, equity, and inclusion into our work and we aim to cultivate a sense of belonging throughout the company. The Google Pixel team focuses on designing and delivering the world's most helpful mobile experience. The team works on shaping the future of Pixel devices and services through some of the most advanced designs, techniques, products, and experiences in consumer electronics. This includes bringing together the best of Google’s artificial intelligence, software, and hardware to build global smartphones and create transformative experiences for users across the world. Responsibilities • Drive Pixel in-house camera system software stack planning and execution by working closely with our functional team (e.g., core software, ISP software and product software). • Manage Pixel's camera system software milestones/deliverables for the overall team. • Drive the cross-team engagement with the Camera APP team, Algorithm team, etc. • Monitor and communicate progress, risks, and mitigations. Work closely with partner teams to manage program changes.

待遇面議 外商公司
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4/20 ASIC Performance and Power Architect, Silicon

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, a related field, or equivalent practical experience. • 3 years of experience in ASIC performance or power modeling, management, optimizations, and post-silicon characterization. • Experience with SoC architecture and use case datapath with performance and power management concepts. Preferred qualifications: • Master's degree or PhD in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or Computer Science, with an emphasis on computer architecture. • Experience with performance for memory system and multimedia IPs in mobile SoCs (e.g., ISP, codecs, display processor). • Knowledge of the impact of software and architectural design decisions on system power and thermal behavior. • Experience in software power optimizations (e.g., Android, Linux) and post-si power productization work. • Experience in programming (e.g. Python) and database analysis (e.g. SQL). About the job Our computational challenges are so big, complex and unique we can't just purchase off-the-shelf hardware, we've got to make it ourselves. Your team designs and builds the hardware, software and networking technologies that power all of Google's services. As a Hardware Engineer, you design and build the systems that are the heart of the world's largest and most powerful computing infrastructure. You develop from the lowest levels of circuit design to large system design and see those systems all the way through to high volume manufacturing. Your work has the potential to shape the machinery that goes into our cutting-edge data centers affecting millions of Google users. With your technical expertise, you lead projects in multiple areas of expertise (i.e., engineering domains or systems) within a data center facility, including construction and equipment installation/troubleshooting/debugging with vendors. Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Our team combines the best of Google AI, Software, and Hardware to create radically helpful experiences. We research, design, and develop new technologies and hardware to make computing faster, seamless, and more powerful. We aim to make people's lives better through technology. Responsibilities • Create use case workload and data flow models for DoU (day of use) power evaluation. • Drive power and performance optimizations through SoC generations. • Perform post-silicon profiling for power and performance model correlation. • Collaborate with architecture team on power-performance trade-off analysis for engineering reviews and product roadmap decisions.

待遇面議 外商公司
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4/20 研發人員

  • 台中市霧峰區
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

因應公司業務成長需求擴編招募機構工程師 1. 負責產品機構設計與結構評估。 2. 繪製機構設計圖面。 3. 負責機構模型製作、測試分析與改善。 4. 負責試產檢討及設計修正。 5. 協助解決量產製造及製程中的機構相關問題。 6. 負責各產品工程技術文件之製作。 7. 建立及改善各項產品製程技術。 8. 跨部門溝通協調能力 9. 主管交辦事項

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