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4/22 雲端伺服器硬體設計(美國) - J2219

  • 美國華盛頓州
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. 依所負責之功能或專案,進行系統硬體設計、功能驗證、測試製具開發、系統及主板開發文件撰寫、問題解決(x86系統為主)。 2. 跨單位合作解決產品各階段如試產、展示、量產之軟硬體問題以利產品量產及銷售。 3. 現有技術之最佳化與功能模組化、新技術及零件之可行性分析與導入。 4. 可接觸全球頂級客戶與產品,了解資料中心的雲端硬體架構及市場趨勢。 5. 工作地點:美國聖荷西、西雅圖或依公司安排

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4/22 【派駐北美】資深產品設計工程師 -車頂系統

  • 美國密西根州
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

【車頂系統】與日本愛信集團技術合作,亞洲最佳 Tier1 天窗供應商 信昌明芳集團的車頂系統業務始於1997年,為臺灣日產汽車 Nissan Sentra 提供了第一台天窗,提供全系天窗產品的設計和製造經驗,產品包含下裝式全景天窗、上裝式全景天窗、捲簾及固定玻璃系統、內藏單片天窗等。 工作內容說明: 負責車頂系統的產品設計、開發及技術管理工作,包括: 1)根據客戶需求,負責產品機構設計與結構評估。 2)繪製機構設計圖面。 3)負責機構材料的測試與選用。 4)負責模具設計、開模、試模並檢討、修改模具。 5)負責機構模型製作、測試分析與改善。 6)負責生產製程的規劃與安排。 7)負責試產檢討及設計修正。 8)協助解決量產製造及製程中的機構相關問題。 9)負責產品工程技術文件之製作。 在汽車產業燃油車與電動車交替轉換的新變革時代,信昌明芳集團提供充分的資源與 職涯發展機會,並透過不同的歷練機會,提供適性的發展舞台。 本職務將在桃園大溪廠實習一年後,長期出差或派駐底特律。

待遇面議 員工9000人
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4/22 【海外】電子設計資深工程師 Electrical Engineer_Server Power(America)

  • 美國德克薩斯州
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

--Job Description-- 1. Provide direct technical support to analyze and understand problems of Delta products in customer's applications. Collect accurate information of usage and failure mode and work with Delta teams on effective closure of the issue. 2. Provide accurate technical information and general commercial data to customers to address their inquiries about existing and new Delta products. 3. Collaborate with Delta design, factory and quality teams to facilitate communication between those teams and customers to drive closure on customer deliverables.

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4/15 Field Application Engineers servicing the North America Market

  • 美國加利佛尼亞州
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

Senior Field Application Engineer Evaluate company’s proprietary CPU IP (Central Processing Unit Intellectual Property) products; coordinate with research and development activities; manage projects to ensure product delivered according to the spec and schedule; provide technical support in the areas of Linux driver porting, embedded system designs, and RTOS (Real Time Operating System)/Linux for the applications in areas such as Ethernet, WiFi, Bluetooth, IoT and Artificial Intelligence. Coordinate with RD to define pre-sales product specifications defining, and resolve post-sales integration issues. Require: Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering; 18 months’ years of experience in job offered or as Technical Manager. Experience in Linux driver porting, RTOS, CPU IP technical support management, and pre and post-sales support including product specification defining and integration issues resolving. Will accept any suitable combination of education, training, or experience. Work Site/send resume to: Andes Technology USA Corp., 2860 Zanker Rd, #104, San Jose, CA 95134.

待遇面議 員工370人
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4/22 ★美國波特蘭地區★ 客戶技術服務工程師 FSE / FAE ※擴大徵才※

  • 美國俄勒岡州
  • 1年以上
  • 專科

★應徵此工作需具備美國公民或是具備美國工作身分★ ★美國波特蘭地區★ 1.專案設備組裝/協助試車/出機/調機/樣品處理。 2.專案設備組裝相關技術層面訊息提供處理 3.確實掌握進度及訊息回饋,並與客戶做溝通橋梁。 4.協助海外客戶機台維護,並提供客戶專業諮詢。 5.點檢系統之各項功能,維持設備之正常運作。 6.協助海外客戶training機台操作。 7.配合客戶需求機台樣品測試。 8.負責半導體等級雷射機台為主。設備維修和組裝,樣品製程。 [完整培訓計畫] 1. 提供新進同仁完整機台培訓,實際參與機台組裝從無到有,詳細了解整部機台的各部元件和做動邏輯。 2. 完整設備文件影片資料庫,前輩細心指導快速上手。

待遇面議 員工300人

4/22 Field Application Engineering PM (USA)

  • 美國加利佛尼亞州
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

ob Description The US FAE is acting as a main contact between customers and internal engineering teams. This role is to ensure seamless communication between both sides. The deliverables is collected, reviewed and managed by this role in a professional way. Also work with US sales, mechanical team to provide excellent service for customers on a daily basis. Responsibility - Act as major engineering liaison and provide professional service for customer engineering teams, including Acoustics, Audio, Mechanical/PD and so on. - Identify customer engineering requirement, review it and draft 1st evaluation before sending to internal engineering team for further study. - Co-manage the transducer/speaker development process and review as well as improve the deliverables to ensure their superior, professional quality - Represent internal engineering team to discuss with customers regarding DFM in product and tooling level. - Work with sales and mechanical team to develop new accounts and win key RFQ bids. - Regularly work with sales team to promote technology and install professional corporate image among customers

待遇面議 員工3000人

4/24 RD Center_Senior Technical Service Engineer(US)(202310)

  • 美國德克薩斯州
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

1. This position will be expatriate for Innodisk US Branch Office. 2. Provide technical support and services to US customers - Troubleshoot and resolve technical requests via phone, email or on-site support. 3. Set up test environment to align with customer’s behavior and coordinate with HW, FW and SW RD engineers to solve the problem. 4. Present the product roadmap and provide technical training to customers or distributors. 5. Update the FAQs & SOP from time to time based on the requests received from customers. 6. Create the lesson learn case to share with Global TSE. 7. Collect customers' feedback and suggestions for US PM/HQ member to enhance the product quality. 8. TOEIC score requirement is 800 or above.

待遇面議 員工800人

4/22 筆記型電腦/AIO硬體研發 - J2042

  • 桃園市龜山區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

AIO/NB hardware,主要工作內容: 1.負責新零件料號、ROHS申請和承認 2.負責BOM表的建立和修改 3.線路圖檢查與修正 4.協助客戶PCB設計和Board file的檢查與修正 5.信號量測及異常分析 6.試產階段產品的問題分析及解決方案 7.協助工廠提升量產良率


4/22 自動駕駛感測融合(Sensor Fusion)演算法工程師(北美)

  • 美加地區
  • 2年以上
  • 碩士

針對不同類型自動駕駛車輛感測器原始資訊融合處理以及後續決策控制進行相關演算法開發。 1.針對車輛常用的不同經度之測距感測器原始資料(RAW Data)建立3D地圖 2.感測器誤差/雜訊消除處理 3.利用地圖邊界資訊設立車輛運行軌跡 4.車身資訊偏差補償演算法開發

待遇面議 員工2500人




