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4/25 雲端基礎設施系統與平台事業部-Server/Shelf Layout工程師(新莊-PA)

  • 新北市新莊區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

我們是全球知名的AI伺服器電源領域的專家,在雲端運算電源憑藉著先進的電源管理實力,並以Green Data Centers為成長引擎,立基全球。 現在,我們正在尋找一位Layout工程師,加入我們的精英團隊。你將會從事下列工作: 【工作職責】 1.熟悉軟體操作 2.連板板材計算 & 設計連板圖 3.Gerber Out後能完成歸檔及回覆基板廠商工程問題 4.需要了解DFA/DFM/DFx/Safety guide line並執行 5.執行電性專案 【職務要求】 1. 具有基本電學觀念 2. 可以操作office文件處理 3. 具備學習能力與抗壓性 【我們提供】 •充足的升遷、學習及成長機會,和光寶一同成長。 •具有競爭力的薪酬、獎金及福利待遇。 •充滿活力的工作環境、開放的企業文化和豐富的員工活動。 加入我們,你將與頂尖技術人才合作,扎實提升自己的技能,為業務做出實際貢獻並展開充滿激情的事業之旅。如果你對此職缺感興趣並符合以上要求,請立即投遞簡歷,我們期待你的加入!

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4/25 電子電路工程師

  • 新北市中和區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. 市場電子商品需求及趨勢資料收集分析,設計新品 2. 設計符合市場需求,及國家政策規劃或國際情勢 如: 安全認證規章等之電子商品 3. 依公司討論之結果決定日後舊有設計改善或提升方向,如:提升現有設計、設計降低生產成本、提升產品可靠性等方向 4. 撰寫設計報告,紀錄可行與不可行方法 5. 與試產人員溝通,協助順利產出設計之電子產品,並於生產中指導確保零件組裝過程與設計相同 6.電路板開發、 產品電路設計、產品測試除錯 7.樣品製作實驗、樣品承認、製作作業指導書、建BOM 8.規劃PCB線路與測試、繪製PCB電路圖、電磁干擾檢驗、解決電路障礙

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4/24 ECAD Manager (Server/ Storage)

  • 新北市三重區
  • 10年以上
  • 專科

JOB SUMMARY Plans, organizes, and directs Layout/ECAD department to meet company objectives. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES · Recruitment and Retention: · Recruit, interview, and hire team members for ECAD Department. · Communicate criteria to recruiters for Design Engineering position candidates. · Monitor team member turnover; identify key factors that can be improved; make improvements. · Employee and Team Development: · Identify individual and team strengths and development needs on an ongoing basis. · Create and/or validate training curriculum in area of responsibility. · Coach and mentor layout staff to deliver excellence to every internal and external customer. · Create and manage succession plans for layout functions. Performance Management: · Establish clear measurable goals and objectives by which to determine individual and team results (i.e. operational metrics, results against project timelines, training documentation, attendance records, knowledge of operational roles and responsibilities, personal development goals). · Solicit ongoing feedback from peers and team member on team member’s contribution to the Design Services team. Provide ongoing coaching and counseling to team member based on feedback. · Express pride in staff and encourage them to feel good about their accomplishments. · Perform team member evaluations professionally and on time. · Drive individuals and the team to continuously improve in key operational metrics and the achievement of the organizational goals. · Coordinate activities of large teams and keep them focused in times of crises. · Ensure recognition and rewards are managed fairly and consistently in area of responsibility. · Provide communication forum for the exchange of ideas and information with the department. · Ask questions; encourage input from team members. · Assess communication style of individual team members and adapt own communication style accordingly. FUNCTIONAL MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES · Business Strategy and Direction: · Develop an understanding of the Workcell business strategy as it pertains to Design Services. · Provide regular updates to BUM and WW Director of Design Services on the execution of the strategy. · Provide feedback to peers, BUMs and WW Director of Design Services on cost and cost trends. · Manage creation and submission of project proposals and quotations. · Forecast Development and Accuracy: · Prepare timely forecasts for the department. · Compare forward forecast results to historical actual results for trend assessment and analysis. TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES · Provides direction on design and development activities to improve, modify or design new equipment products and processes. · Oversees key projects, processes and performance reports, data and analysis. · Selects, develops, trains and supervises staff. Establish individual goals and training plans. · Develops, determines and implements policies, procedures and programs. · Analyze new components and development tools and provide guidance on their use. · Analyzes technology trends, human resources needs and market demand to plan projects. · Confers with management and production staff to determine engineering feasibility and cost effectiveness. · Ensures proper documentation. · Selects correct design concept and fundamental technology used for new products or improvement of existing ones. · Design and develop new components or redesign existing components to improve company products. · Determines and establishes specifications through engineering calculations and layouts.

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4/24 電子工程師

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

1.LED車燈電路設計及PCB LAYOUT。 2.與專案工程師合作,了解需求、確認方案,並解決研發過程相關問題。 3.熟悉DC/DC電路設計與分析能力。 4.能獨立設計電子迴路並製作樣板與測試。

待遇面議 員工200人
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4/24 電子產品開發工程師

  • 新北市新店區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

1. 負責Cable 相關產品電子硬體設計開發。 2. PCB Layout、 電子元件規格選定、 建立BOM。 3. EMI、ESD solution、 安規測試, 樣品驗證、除錯。 4. 產品開發進度掌控, 技轉產線製程。 5. 支援工廠生產及不良品分析,以確保產品可以順利產出。

待遇面議 員工3000人
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4/24 電控工程師(三芝)

  • 新北市三芝區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1. 負責馬達電機控制電路相關設計。 2. 電路圖繪製、電路板佈局繪圖, BOM表製作。 3. 電路板功能測試、異常查修。 4. 專案計畫撰寫、報告及參與執行。 5. 其他工程相關作業執行協助。 6. 其他主管交辦事項。

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4/24 PCB Library Engineer

  • 新北市汐止區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1. CIS/HDL logical symbol and Allegro physical symbol建立、管理 2. 各式零件SPEC 的判讀與零件庫資料系統的維護 3. 零件設計的SOP建立與維護 4. CAD/CAM檢查與Gerber輸出 5. 協助解決PCB設計、製造及組裝的各類問題

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