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4/23 法規事務行政專員 Regulatory Affairs Coordinator

  • 南投縣南投市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. Project tracking and monitoring of the submission based on the budget and maintaining the budget list. 2. Track all RA trackers that are up to date. 3. Dept. budget control. 4. Sample request, arrangement, and shipment. 5. Import Permit/Export Permit/CPP/GMP/Export MA application. 6. As support to communicate with plant and coordinate the RA requirement with other departments and outsource agency, including document request, legalization, translation, sample and finance etc.. 7. Complete tasks assigned by director and manager.

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4/22 分析技術(高級)研究員 Analytical Technical (Advanced) Researcher

  • 南投縣南投市
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

1. 制定/維護/更新使用於研發專案之臨床批及查登批的所有原、物料之規格及化驗方法。 2. 向原料及物料廠商索取相關文件,如:規格與檢驗方法、原料主檔案、技術文件等;審閱3. 廠商提供之技術文件,如有需要,進一步向廠商索取其他文件進行評估,做適當的整理與歸檔。 4. 協助CMC文件準備,提供主成分、賦形劑、包材之檢驗規格予法規部門,使其可進行NDA和ANDA查驗登記的文件整建作業。 5. 審閱B2B差異清單,並準備成本估算、工作計畫,並依據時程制定時間表,並及時協助B2B專案相關的客戶問題的完整回應。 6. 根據B2B需求準備和審核文件,例如檢驗規格、分析方法、標準操作程序等。 7. 按客戶要求準備CMC文件,使其可進行NDA和ANDA查登的文件整建作業。 8. 協助查廠時與實驗室相關之PIC/S GMP文件。 9. 查廠期間支援QA文件調閱與查核。 10. 主導變更管制之撰寫、偏差事件調查、矯正預防措施之評估與執行。定期更新、審閱及維護部門之標準操作程序。 11. 定期更新/採購各主要國家之藥典公定書。 12. 確保所有活動和分析均符合GMP、正確的程序、法規指南以及健康安全法規。

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4/22 (資深)分析研究員 (Sr.) Analytical Researcher

  • 南投縣南投市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. Develop analytical methods, perform analytical tests, and assist the RD team in screening formulations for the NDA and ANDA drug development. 制定分析方法,進行分析測試,並協助RD團隊篩選用於NDA和ANDA藥物開發的製劑。 2. Follow laboratory SOPs and ensure GMP compliance. 遵循實驗室SOPs並確保符合GMP規範 3. Prepare technical documents and review data for the R&D projects and drug submission. 為研發專案和藥物開發準備技術文件並審查數據 4. Responsible for performing the R&D tasks and projects, such as analytical method development, method validation, formulation screening, raw material tests, finished product release, stability study, and dissolution testing.負責執行研發任務及專案,例如分析方法開發、方法確效、配方篩選,原料測試、成品放行、安定性研究和溶出度測試。 5. Use and maintain analytical instruments, GC, HPLC, UPLC,LC-MS Dissolution Tester, Titrator, Particle size analyzer, etc. Research, diagnose, troubleshoot, and identify solutions to resolve analytical instrument issues. 使用和維護分析儀器,GC,HPLC,UPLC,LC-MS溶出度測試儀,滴定儀,粒徑分析儀等。研究,診斷,故障排除和識別解決方案以解決分析儀器問題。 6. Train, lead, and supervise junior analysts in day-to-day laboratory operations. Support relevant departments and vendors to complete projects on time, ensure the work and analysis comply with GMP and SOPs. 訓練、領導並監督日常實驗室操作中的初級分析師。協助相關部門和供應商按時完成專案,確保工作和分析符合GMP和SOPs。 7. Review documents, prepare the analytical study report and CMC documents 審查文件,準備分析研究報和CMC文件 8. Responsible for establishing, maintaining, and updating the specifications and test methods for in-process and finished products in the pre-approval phase. 負責核准前半成品和成品試驗相關之檢驗方法與規格之制定、維護與更新。 9. Support assigned responsibilities to maintain GMP compliance of the chemical laboratory, as applicable. 依據分配責任,維持化學實驗室運作皆符合GMP規範 10. Promptly complete work and tasks assigned by superior 及時完成上級下達的工作和任務。 11. Support for analytical method transfer to analytical control, QP sites, and other receiving laboratories. 協助將分析方法轉移到分析控制,QP所在地和其他接收實驗室。 12. Cooperating with PD & RA, complete and all lab tests. 配合PD及RA完成各項化驗項目。 13. Ensure analysis can be conducted with efficiency and completed on time 確保分析工作得以高效率及迅速之進行。 14. Managing and maintaining instrument calibrations, laboratory instrument logbooks, and SOPs. 各儀器設備SOP之制訂、管理、定期維護、校正如期完成。 15. Ensure lab work is conducted according to SOP and complies with EU, US, JP, and global cGMP regulations. 確保其實驗操作皆依照SOP進行,並符合歐美日地區及全球cGMP之規定。

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4/22 (資深)研發品保專員 (Sr.) DQA Specialist

  • 南投縣南投市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

1. Responsible for ensuring “Good Laboratory Practices” required for analytical research and development , working knowledge of good development/manufacturing practices of formulation development will be added advantage. 2.Compliance review of API, Raw materials, Packaging materials documentation. 3.Compliance review of Stability data for submission batches documentation at regular intervals. 4.Ensure Document management archival procedure followed in place and support for compliance. 5.Active participate in Internal audit on all functional area pertaining to quality system and compliance and support regulatory audits readiness. 6.Ensure compliance of issuance/document control towards internal/external stake-holders. 7.Compliance review of raw data of Regulatory submission and Audit focused documents ensure error free documentation. 8.Conduct training-based training need identification, co-ordinate internal and external training programs and maintain training records of the team members. 9.Support document review for CTA documents. 10.Review and approve of New Equipment qualifications within R&D 11.Ensure Equipment/Instrument calibration and Qualification/Requalification programs adequacy as per the schedule. 12.Ensure Document compliance review at respective stages of Product development at kick off stage, Pilot Bio, Submission batches and filing stage. 13.Regular inspections on laboratories of development labs of both analytical and formulation 14.Any other responsibilities given Head of the Department /Management

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4/16 化妝品研發人員

  • 南投縣南投市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1.化粧品新產品創新創意、開發、文案撰寫、打樣,專案執行。 2.紀錄所有實驗過程,撰寫研發紀錄簿。 3.化粧品配方改良,分析及試製。 4.產品測試確保品質、打樣生產及產品和問題解決。 5.協助製程評估改善、分析。 6.輔助量產確認製程,需熟悉化妝品優良製造規範(GMP)。 7.協助產品登錄及建立產品資訊檔案(PIF)。 8.產品功能性評估與規畫、執行。 9.法規更新諮詢與研讀。 10.主管交辦事項及其他文書作業。 11.具溝通能力、能獨立作業、負責盡職。

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4/22 法規(資深)專員 Regulatory Affairs (Sr.) Specialist

  • 台中市西屯區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. Review and provide the technical recommendations for CMC documentation and Common Technical Document(CTD) dossier from a regulatory perspective. 2. Interpretation and Handling the regulatory technical query’s responses that were asked by Client and Authority during the due diligence or submission deficiency phase and provide the action plan or solution and scientific justification. 3. Responsible for evaluating the registration feasibility and mapping the global registration strategy for assigned new R&D products. 4. Cooperate and teamwork with R&D, technical, and RA PM on new R&D project technical challenges and complete the dossier till product approval. 5. Responsible for regulatory registration for export products and make sure all the documents are meet the authority's requirements. 6. Responsible for deficiency response preparation to ensure our response meets the authority’s requirements. 7. Accurately follow the update of the registration regulation, and provide the regulation update to the team and training. 8. Lacated in Nantou Operation Center for training for 6months to a year.


4/24 法規策略計畫(資深)專員 Regulatory Affairs (Sr.) Specialist

  • 台北市信義區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

1. 協調法規相關部門與供應商評價授權產品 2. 評估產品於亞太地區註冊之可行性,準備註冊所需相關技術文件與試驗 3. 在產品開發及送件準備期間提供法規要求的指引,協助其符合國際法規 4. 即時提供註冊用產品主檔案 5. 協助提供法規更新計畫 6. 即時支援產品維護用技術文件 7. 協助擬定合理且經濟可行之註冊計畫 8. 協助執行註冊計畫


4/22 製程品質保證(資深)專員 OQ (Sr.)Specialist

  • 南投縣南投市
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1. Facilitate Lot disposition process, reviewing GMP docs and managing timelines. 2. Support day-to-day Quality Assurance - Operations. 3. Perform batch disposition activities within specified timelines. 4. Ensure timely review of batch records, SOPs, investigations, and adherence to quality agreements. 5. Set meaningful goals, metrics for groups, and manage performance. 6. Ensure safe, quality, and timely work. 7. Participate in continuous improvement projects, including QA systems and shopfloor processes. 8. Manage non-conformances investigation and compliance. 9. Ensure quality production and operation in accordance with schedule. 10. Quality Assurance management, covering documentation control, batch record review, investigations, production support, training, and compliance initiatives.


4/22 法規專員/資深專員

  • 新北市汐止區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

※面試後,依學、經歷核定任用職務與薪資※ ※具備撰寫英文能力、閱讀佳※ 1. 協助準備各國產品註冊資料:美國FDA 510(k)、歐盟EU IVDR、英國MHRA/CDTA、加拿大、台灣...等。 2. 協助撰寫法規技術文件:Risk management report、Software validation report、Cybersecurity report、Performance evaluation report、Post market surveillance report、Periodic safety update report、PMPF...etc. 3. 對美國、歐盟及各國最新法規不定期的追蹤更新、彙整並評估執行事項。 4.完成主管交辦及臨時任務。





