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Researcher/Scientist_Lab-Large Molecule

  • 台北市南港區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

The Researcher is responsible for the conduct of analysis related works according to GCP, GLP, CAP, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), applicable Study Specific Procedures (SSP), and local regulatory requirements. Manage the operation of MT and aid physicians in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases by testing patient specimens, correlating data, and reporting results in a timely manner to effect quality patient care. Responsibilities: Perform analysis work according to SOPs and guidance. Prepare, review, and approve various documents, including SOPs, protocols, reports, and analytical methods. Manage lab logistics, including purchasing, inventory control, and payment processing. Maintain instruments and ensure cleanliness and maintenance of the workspace. Take on the role of system owner for computerized systems, performing tasks such as validation tests, periodic reviews, and reporting. Attend training courses related to CAP/GCP/GLP/regulatory requirements. Study Based Responsibility (if needed) Analytical Study Director in Study Work as the Study Director, responsible for the overall conduct and final report of the study. Approve the study plan and any amendments by signature, and ensure Quality Assurance personnel receive timely copies. Make study plans, amendments, and SOPs available to study personnel. Ensure procedures in the study plan are followed and document deviations and take corrective action if necessary. Document and record all generated raw data. Validate computerized systems used in the study, sign and date the final report to indicate acceptance of responsibility for data validity, and ensure study materials are archived after completion. Study Personnel in Study Ensure personnel are knowledgeable in relevant Principles of Good Laboratory Practice. Provide study personnel with access to study plans and SOPs applicable to their involvement, with a responsibility to follow instructions and document any deviations. Emphasize the responsibility of all study personnel to promptly and accurately record raw data, comply with Good Laboratory Practice principles, and exercise health precautions to safeguard the integrity of the study.


4/19 汐止總公司-製造技術處/製造科學部-研究員

  • 新北市汐止區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

1. 執行內外部專案的技術轉移(Technology transfer),製程放大設計和規劃 2. 新產品導入風險評估 3. GMP 生產相關支援,如異常調查、變更管制、矯正及預防(CAPA)、試驗計畫/報告等文件撰寫與執行 4. 協作執行製程確效(PPQ)和持績製程確認(CPV) 5. 分析並統整跨專案之製程效能和產品品質數據 6. 製造廠之製造技術開發專案的主導與執行

待遇面議 員工400人
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4/19 工研院產科國際所_實證醫學與臨床試驗組研究員(A0100衛福部團隊)

  • 台北市南港區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

工業技術研究院 國際級的應用研究機構,擁有六千位研發尖兵,以科技研發,帶動產業發展,創造經濟價值,增進社會福祉為任務。 工研院產業科技國際策略發展所(簡稱:產科國際所) 是政府與產業均仰賴的智庫,結合產業研究與國際業務推動能量,以協助台灣產業布局全球市場為己任,以『促進台灣產業科技創新與價值提升』為願景。 旗下經營的IEK產業情報網已超過15年歷史,是國內產業情報資料庫的領導品牌。 IEK產業情報網:http://ieknet.iek.org.tw/ 工作內容: 因應醫療AI產業發展之產品驗證與保險給付之所需,負責擬定臨床實證醫學AI相關指南,協助建立台灣醫療AI發展基礎。 工作地點:台北生技園區(115台北市南港區忠孝東路七段508號) 歡迎您加入團隊,成為未來智慧醫療產業儲備領袖人才!

待遇面議 員工6000人 遠端工作 距捷運南港站約270公尺
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4/19 學術專員/產品專員/Product specialist

  • 台北市中正區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

**試用期考核通過後之薪資4萬以上** (1) 產品推廣 (2) 產品客戶服務支援,教育訓練 (3) 產品評估與諮詢,疑難解決 (4) 儀器連線溝通測試 (5) 協助新產品之資料蒐集整理 (6) 主管或客戶之其他交辦事項

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4/18 碩士級或學士級研究助理

  • 台北市中正區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

【工作內容】 1.細胞分子生物相關實驗 2.簡易小鼠實驗 3.訂購實驗耗材及管理實驗室帳務 4.協助執行科技部及院內研究計畫 5.協助完成成果報告整理及撰寫 6.協助行政業務及主管臨時交辦事項

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4/18 Sr. Clinical Research Specialist 資深臨床研究專員_2400055I

  • 台北市松山區
  • 4年以上
  • 大學

- Perform study start-up activities, including site IRB submission and budget/contract negotiation. - Prepare and support IRB submission activities, including initial, amendment, interim report and safety reporting, throughout study period. - Conduct site qualification visit, initiation visit, monitoring visit and closeout visit. - Oversees, designs, plans, and execute clinical trials to ensure timely completion of the investigation - Develops or provides input into the required clinical documents (such as clinical strategy, the Clinical Investigational Plan, study objectives, study budget and project schedule, study training materials, and study reports) in collaboration with investigators and the cross-functional study team to meet business needs.. - Collaborates with study leadership team to assure high quality and successful project delivery. - Interfaces with key functional areas in order to align the clinical study with needs for other business areas (Marketing, research, regulatory, development, patient management, reimbursement.) - Facilitates project meetings including external health care professionals and internal. - Cultivates strong relationship with clinical investigators and site staff. - Develops therapeutic and device operation knowledge and applies this knowledge to clinical study processes. - Evaluates clinical data/ evidence and may determine application of study results. May provide input and support for planning post-clinical activities, educational activities, and market launch of products - Critically evaluates study progress and metrics. May collaborate with cross functional team to identify risks and mitigation plans. - Supports other projects and duties, and participates in process improvement initiatives as requested by the Clinical Research Manager. - Travels to field sites to supervise and coordinate clinical study activities, and attend oversea meetings. - Expects to have some out of hours and on-call work when required.

待遇面議 外商公司 員工280人
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4/18 臨床研究資深專員 Senior Clinical Research Specialist

  • 新北市土城區
  • 5年以上
  • 碩士

在Wellell,身為臨床研究員,您將負責協助公司執行產品臨床評估、臨床試驗、上市後追蹤…等研究計劃,並確保產品遵循醫療法規要求與標準,達到臨床效益並符合公司期待 [工作內容] 1.撰寫公司產品的臨床評估計劃及報告 2.設計臨床試驗計劃,申請IRB臨床許可,與醫院合作執行臨床試驗,完成研究報告的撰寫 3.規劃及執行上市後臨床追蹤活動 4.協同品牌行銷部門規劃及執行臨床行銷活動(如:醫學年會發表) 5.建立及經營醫療院所之專家顧問的關係,並與其合作評估產品的臨床性能 或執行臨床試驗 6.內部分享及教育訓練相關臨床知識 7.定期執行臨床文獻探索,找尋特定適應症相關未滿足需求

待遇面議 上市上櫃 員工650人
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4/18 新藥研究員【TGH007 大江基因_新藥實驗室】

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 2年以上
  • 碩士

【工作說明】 1. 細胞製程開發與執行 2. 分析方法開發 3. 實驗數據分析、中/英文報告彙整、專利與期刊說明協助回覆 4. 研發提案與執行 5. 品質系統文件撰寫

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4/18 嗅覺醫療香氛精油研發人員

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 5年以上
  • 大學

敝司是台灣嗅覺行銷服務市占率最高的公司 目前在發展嗅覺醫療的相關品 此職務主要的工作內容為: 1. 針對市場需求,調配與萃取精油等相關新產品。 2. 協助主管研發精油預防疾病等相關產品。 3. 瞭解和掌握相關市場動向及發展趨勢,為銷售人員提供有效的技術支援。 4. 主管交辦事項。

待遇面議 員工18人
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4/18 實證醫學組(動物 )-研究助理員

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

職務內容如下: 1.執行產品安全性,有效性等動物實驗(含動物照護與設施管理) ,細胞實驗,到人體實驗。 2.協助建立動物疾病模式(大鼠、豬、兔子、有基本動物解剖、生理、病理常識)。 3.有意被培訓「法規」及[實証醫學]為主,及CRA ,medical writer 至Coordinator CRO 等、全方位的支援。 4.英文能力需有一定程度,能獨立翻查文獻資料,及獨立每週的seminar 準備。 5.具備分子技術及PCR、染色、切片技術 。 6.動物房管理與儀器設備維護 7.願意學習protocol 撰寫,執行,及monitor 實驗計劃。 8.其他交辦事項

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4/17 醫藥學術專員

  • 台北市大同區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

1.學術支持: 提供公司產品的學術支持,協助醫學專業人士更深入地了解產品的應用、效果和安全性。這可能包括提供文獻資料、培訓、以及回答醫學專業人士的相關問題。 2.醫學教育: 負責開發和提供醫學教育材料,以向醫學專業人士、病患和其他相關方提供相關資訊。這可以包括研討會、培訓課程、線上資源等。 3.學術合作: 與學術機構、醫學中心和其他相關實體建立合作關係。這可能包括共同研究、臨床試驗、學術會議等,以推動科學研究和知識的進展。 4.科學溝通: 負責將科學知識轉化成易於理解的形式,以便向不同的受眾(如醫學專業人士、病患、媒體)傳達。這可能包括撰寫學術文章、發表演講、製作宣傳材料等。 5.產品策略支持: 與其他部門合作,將學術和科學知識納入公司的產品策略中。這可以幫助公司更好地理解市場需求,並確保產品的發展和推廣符合科學標準和法規。 6.文書作業處理。

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4/17 資深臨床試驗專員 (Senior Clinical Research Associate)

  • 台北市南港區
  • 4年以上
  • 碩士

1. 臨床試驗法規審查資料準備與送件 2. 與試驗團隊聯絡及問題之溝通協調 3. 臨床試驗執行與收案進度追蹤 4. 臨床試驗監測與試驗品質控管 5. 臨床試驗相關資料整理歸檔 6. 其它交辦事項

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4/17 (Senior) Clinical Research Associate (CRA)

  • 台北市松山區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

Job Overview: Perform monitoring and site management work to ensure that sites are conducting the study(ies) and reporting study data as required by the study protocol, applicable regulations and guidelines, and sponsor requirements. Essential Functions: • Perform site monitoring visits (selection, initiation, monitoring and close-out visits) in accordance with contracted scope of work and regulatory requirements, i.e., Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) guidelines. • Work with sites to adapt, drive, and track subject recruitment plan in line with project needs to enhance predictability. • Administer protocol and related study training to assigned sites and establish regular lines of communication with sites to manage ongoing project expectations and issues. • Evaluate the quality and integrity of study site practices related to the proper conduct of the protocol and adherence to applicable regulations. Escalate quality issues as appropriate. • Manage the progress of assigned studies by tracking regulatory submissions and approvals, recruitment and enrollment, case report form (CRF) completion and submission, and data query generation and resolution. May support start-up phase. • Ensure copies/originals (as required) site documents are available for filing in the Trial Master File (TMF) and verify that the Investigator's Site File (ISF) is maintained in accordance with GCP and local regulatory requirements. • Create and maintain appropriate documentation regarding site management, monitoring visit findings and action plans by submitting regular visit reports, generating follow-up letters and other required study documentation. • Collaborate and liaise with study team members for project execution support as appropriate. • If applicable, may be accountable for supporting development of project subject recruitment plan on a per site basis. • If applicable, may be accountable for site financial management according to executed clinical trial agreement and retrieve invoices according to local requirement.

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4/17 農業計畫管理與推廣研究人員(碩士)

  • 台北市大同區
  • 1年以上
  • 碩士

1. 協助專案計畫執行管理與推動。 2. 研究報告書撰寫與書目資料排版,具相關經歷一年以上。 3. 具備公會、協會等相關工作經驗者佳。 4. 協助資料建檔與資料分析工作。 5. 協助辦理專家會議與整備相關推廣活動。 6. 協助輔導訓練聯繫與策劃活動。 7. 對政府公部門文化熟悉瞭解者為優先。 8. 耐心、溝通能力佳,具良好理解與執行力。 ※須支援活動辦理,會開車尤佳。 ※大學畢後三年或碩士畢後一年相關經驗尤佳。

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4/17 Medical Science Liaison

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 2年以上
  • 碩士

1. Conduct presentations to clinicians, academia and other potential collaborators about the scientific principles and clinical applications of ACT Genomics’tests 2. KOL identification, prioritization and engagement 3. Identify and provide unbiased medical and scientific information to clinicians 4. Collect insights from the field, feedback to internal stakeholders and implement them into company’s medical affairs strategies 5. Conduct ongoing training for distribution partners, customers, and corporate colleagues including TW, HK, and SEA. 6. Understanding, comprehension and compliance to genetic testing guidelines in the region 7. Collaborate with the marketing and sales teams to develop and update supporting materials. 8. Address inquiries and requests related to clinical applications, leveraging in-depth knowledge of clinical data from conference, publications, and clinical trials. 9. Support organizing scientific and educational events 10. Able to travel 30-50% of time 11. The position may require the flexibility to work on evenings and weekends (field activities)

待遇面議 員工200人
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4/17 (Senior) Clinical Project Manager

  • 台北市松山區
  • 6年以上
  • 大學

Join us on our exciting journey! IQVIA™ is The Human Data Science Company™, focused on using data and science to help healthcare clients find better solutions for their patients. Formed through the merger of IMS Health and Quintiles, IQVIA offers a broad range of solutions that harness advances in healthcare information, technology, analytics and human ingenuity to drive healthcare forward. One of FORTUNE’s ‘Most Admired Companies’, we offer unparalleled scope for a career in world-leading clinical research. Global projects, innovative tools and industry leading customers combine with outstanding support and clear career management which allows you to make a difference and to connect with great opportunities. While projects vary, your typical responsibilities might include: Manage and co-ordinate efforts of cross-functional project teams to support milestone achievement and to manage study issues and obstacles and ensure consistent use of study tools and training materials and compliance with standard processes, policies and procedures. - Develop study management plans, together with team assignments and accountabilities and oversight of database maintenance. - Serve as primary project contact with Sponsor to ensure communication is maintained and reporting schedules are adhered to. - Collect information on team performance against contract, customer expectations, and project baselines. - Lead problem solving and resolution efforts to include management of risk, contingencies and issues. - Identify quality issues within the study to implement appropriate corrective action plans. Escalate findings and action plans to appropriate parties. - Provide input for the development of proposals for new work and manage project budgets. - Provide input to line managers of their project team members’ performance relative to project tasks. - Prepare and present project information at internal and external meetings. - Participate in proposal development and in the bid-defense process with guidance and supervision. - Ensure high performance and efficiency of the clinical team through the scheduling of co-monitoring/accompanied site/visits and ongoing mentoring of CRA team. You will need to be comfortable collaborating and communicating with a variety of colleagues and customers. Ideally you will also have some global experience, and a pharmaceutical or CRO background.

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4/17 技術專員(技術組)

  • 新北市汐止區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

1、GLP動物試驗:一般毒性試驗、毒理動力學、安全藥理學、生殖毒理等操作經驗。 2、GLP試驗數據計算及紀錄文件整理。 3、實驗室儀器設備操作與維護。 4、主管交辦事項。 5、須配合例假日值班。

待遇面議 上市上櫃 員工130人
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4/16 醫學編輯(Medical Writer)

  • 台北市大安區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

【工作內容】 1. Medical Writing: 撰寫醫藥行銷、病人衛教、醫學研究相關文件或製作物,包括醫學會議紀錄、醫學簡報、醫藥行銷文案、衛教資訊、診治指引等 2. Medical Editing: 醫學文件/製作物的編輯和校對,包括作品的呈現方式、內容的正確性、表達的一致性等 3. Medical Communication: 對外與客戶溝通醫學文件或製作物內容,理解客戶需求並適時提供建議;對內與設計部門合作,討論醫學製作物的最佳呈現方式 4. Others: 出席醫學會議 【其他需求】 1. 履歷能檢附醫藥相關文字作品尤佳 2. 中文文筆精準、柔順 3. 樂意與團隊一同鑽研提升醫學編輯技巧 我們可以提供給您: ※彈性之出勤制度 ※加班誤餐費補貼 ※穩定調整的薪資待遇 ※舒適、輕鬆的工作環境,充足的咖啡(研磨及膠囊)、飲料、零食、泡麵 ※寵物友善的空間,歡迎家中寵物來玩

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